Arma Reforger Script API
This is the complete list of members for EntitySlotInfo, including all inherited members.
AttachEntity(IEntity entity) | EntitySlotInfo | |
DetachEntity(bool physicalChange=true) | EntitySlotInfo | |
GetAttachedEntity() | EntitySlotInfo | |
GetAttachedEntityInvoker() | EntitySlotInfo | |
GetDetachedEntityInvoker() | EntitySlotInfo | |
GetSlotInfo(notnull IEntity entity) | EntitySlotInfo | static |
GetSlotInfos(notnull IEntity entity, inout notnull array< EntitySlotInfo > slotInfos) | EntitySlotInfo | static |
GetSourceName() | EntitySlotInfo | |
IsEnabled() | EntitySlotInfo | |
OnAttachedEntity(IEntity entity) | EntitySlotInfo | |
OnDetachedEntity(IEntity entity) | EntitySlotInfo | |
OverrideTransformLS(vector matLS[4]) | EntitySlotInfo | |
SetAdditiveTransformLS(vector matLS[4]) | EntitySlotInfo |