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SCR_TabViewComponent Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for SCR_TabViewComponent:

Public Member Functions

override void HandlerAttached (Widget w)
void Init ()
override void HandlerDeattached (Widget w)
void CreateTab (SCR_TabViewContent content)
void FocusFirstWidget (Widget w)
void ShowIcon (int entry, bool show)
bool IsIconShown (int entry)
Widget GetEntryIcon (int entry)
SCR_TabViewContent GetEntryContent (int index)
array< ref SCR_TabViewContentGetContents ()
SCR_TabViewContent GetContent (int index)
Widget GetContentWidget (int index)
void ShowTab (int i, bool callAction=true, bool playSound=true)
void ShowTabByIdentifier (string identifier, bool callAction=true, bool playSound=true)
int GetShownTab ()
int GetTabCount ()
void AddTab (ResourceName layout, string content, bool enabled=true, ResourceName tabImage=string.Empty, ResourceName iconLayout=string.Empty, float width=32, float height=32, string contentParam1=string.Empty, string contentParam2=string.Empty, string identifier=string.Empty)
void RemoveTab (int index)
void RemoveTabByIdentifier (string identifier)
void AddContentElement (SCR_TabViewContent content)
void ShowTabText (int index, bool show, int buttonWidth=-1)
void ShowAllTabsText (bool show, int buttonWidth=-1, bool ignoreSelected=true)
void SetTabText (int index, string text, string textParam1=string.Empty, string textParam2=string.Empty)
void SetTabImage (int index, ResourceName tabImage)
void ShowImage (int index, bool show)
int GetNextValidItem (bool toLeft)
void EnableTab (int tabIndex, bool enable, bool animate=true)
void EnableAllTabs (bool enable, bool ignoreCurrentActive=true, bool animate=true)
void SetTabVisible (int tabIndex, bool visible, bool animate=true)
void Enable (bool enable)
bool IsTabEnabled (int tabIndex)
void SetCanNavigate (bool isAllowed)
bool GetCanNavigate ()
void SetListenToActions (bool isAllowed)
bool GetListenToActions ()
SCR_TabViewContent GetShownTabComponent ()
void SetEntryIconSize (int index, float width=-1, float height=-1)
void SetPagingButtonsVisible (bool visible, bool animate=true)
ScriptInvokerTabViewIndex GetOnChanged ()
ScriptInvokerTabViewIndex GetOnContentCreate ()
ScriptInvokerTabView GetOnContentShow ()
ScriptInvokerTabView GetOnContentHide ()
ScriptInvokerTabView GetOnContentRemove ()
ScriptInvokerTabView GetOnTabChange ()
ScriptInvokerTabViewContentIndex GetOnContentSelect ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_ScriptedWidgetComponent
override void HandlerAttached (Widget w)
override bool OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
Widget GetRootWidget ()
bool IsVisible ()

Public Attributes

int m_iSelectedTab
ref Color m_ColorBackground
bool m_bKeepHiddenTabs
bool m_bCreateAllTabsAtStart
bool m_bManualInit
bool m_bCycleMode
ResourceName m_TabLayout
string m_sActionLeft
string m_sActionRight
float m_fTabWidth
float m_fTabWidthTextHidden
- Public Attributes inherited from SCR_ScriptedWidgetComponent
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnClick = new ScriptInvoker

Protected Member Functions

void CreateIcon (SCR_TabViewContent content)
void CreateTabContent (SCR_TabViewContent content, int index)
void SelectIndex (bool select, int i)
void OnSelection (SCR_ButtonBaseComponent button)
void OnTabButtonToggle (SCR_ButtonBaseComponent button, bool isToggled)
 React to button toggle and propagete state to modular button This is simplest way in current state but should be changed to not really on tab view forcing the state.
void OnTabLeft ()
void OnTabRight ()
void UpdatePagingButtons (bool animate=true)
 Enable or disable paging buttons, if it's possible to page to the right or left.
void AddActionListeners ()
void RemoveActionListeners ()

Protected Attributes

ref array< ref SCR_TabViewContentm_aElements
bool m_ListenToActions
string m_sSwitchSound
bool m_bShowTextOnlyWhenSelectedTab
Widget m_wButtons
Widget m_wButtonBar
Widget m_wContentOverlay
SCR_PagingButtonComponent m_PagingLeft
SCR_PagingButtonComponent m_PagingRight
ref ScriptInvokerTabViewIndex m_OnChanged
ref ScriptInvokerTabViewIndex m_OnContentCreate
ref ScriptInvokerTabView m_OnContentShow
ref ScriptInvokerTabView m_OnContentHide
ref ScriptInvokerTabView m_OnContentRemove
ref ScriptInvokerTabView m_OnTabChange
ref ScriptInvokerTabViewContentIndex m_OnContentSelect
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_ScriptedWidgetComponent
Widget m_wRoot

Static Protected Attributes

const float BUTTON_PADDING_RIGHT = 4

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_ScriptedWidgetComponent
static SCR_ScriptedWidgetComponent GetComponent (TypeName componentType, string name, Widget parent, bool searchAllChildren=true)
 Base method for component lookup through the widget library.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddActionListeners()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.AddActionListeners ( )

◆ AddContentElement()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.AddContentElement ( SCR_TabViewContent  content)

◆ AddTab()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.AddTab ( ResourceName  layout,
string  content,
bool  enabled = true,
ResourceName  tabImage = string::Empty,
ResourceName  iconLayout = string::Empty,
float  width = 32,
float  height = 32,
string  contentParam1 = string::Empty,
string  contentParam2 = string::Empty,
string  identifier = string::Empty 

◆ CreateIcon()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.CreateIcon ( SCR_TabViewContent  content)

◆ CreateTab()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.CreateTab ( SCR_TabViewContent  content)

◆ CreateTabContent()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.CreateTabContent ( SCR_TabViewContent  content,
int  index 

◆ Enable()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.Enable ( bool  enable)

◆ EnableAllTabs()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.EnableAllTabs ( bool  enable,
bool  ignoreCurrentActive = true,
bool  animate = true 

◆ EnableTab()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.EnableTab ( int  tabIndex,
bool  enable,
bool  animate = true 

◆ FocusFirstWidget()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.FocusFirstWidget ( Widget  w)

◆ GetCanNavigate()

bool SCR_TabViewComponent.GetCanNavigate ( )

◆ GetContent()

SCR_TabViewContent SCR_TabViewComponent.GetContent ( int  index)

◆ GetContents()

array< ref SCR_TabViewContent > SCR_TabViewComponent.GetContents ( )

◆ GetContentWidget()

Widget SCR_TabViewComponent.GetContentWidget ( int  index)

◆ GetEntryContent()

SCR_TabViewContent SCR_TabViewComponent.GetEntryContent ( int  index)

◆ GetEntryIcon()

Widget SCR_TabViewComponent.GetEntryIcon ( int  entry)

◆ GetListenToActions()

bool SCR_TabViewComponent.GetListenToActions ( )

◆ GetNextValidItem()

int SCR_TabViewComponent.GetNextValidItem ( bool  toLeft)

◆ GetOnChanged()

ScriptInvokerTabViewIndex SCR_TabViewComponent.GetOnChanged ( )

◆ GetOnContentCreate()

ScriptInvokerTabViewIndex SCR_TabViewComponent.GetOnContentCreate ( )

◆ GetOnContentHide()

ScriptInvokerTabView SCR_TabViewComponent.GetOnContentHide ( )

◆ GetOnContentRemove()

ScriptInvokerTabView SCR_TabViewComponent.GetOnContentRemove ( )

◆ GetOnContentSelect()

ScriptInvokerTabViewContentIndex SCR_TabViewComponent.GetOnContentSelect ( )

◆ GetOnContentShow()

ScriptInvokerTabView SCR_TabViewComponent.GetOnContentShow ( )

◆ GetOnTabChange()

ScriptInvokerTabView SCR_TabViewComponent.GetOnTabChange ( )

◆ GetShownTab()

int SCR_TabViewComponent.GetShownTab ( )

◆ GetShownTabComponent()

SCR_TabViewContent SCR_TabViewComponent.GetShownTabComponent ( )

◆ GetTabCount()

int SCR_TabViewComponent.GetTabCount ( )

◆ HandlerAttached()

override void SCR_TabViewComponent.HandlerAttached ( Widget  w)

◆ HandlerDeattached()

override void SCR_TabViewComponent.HandlerDeattached ( Widget  w)

◆ Init()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.Init ( )

◆ IsIconShown()

bool SCR_TabViewComponent.IsIconShown ( int  entry)

◆ IsTabEnabled()

bool SCR_TabViewComponent.IsTabEnabled ( int  tabIndex)

◆ OnSelection()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.OnSelection ( SCR_ButtonBaseComponent  button)

◆ OnTabButtonToggle()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.OnTabButtonToggle ( SCR_ButtonBaseComponent  button,
bool  isToggled 

React to button toggle and propagete state to modular button This is simplest way in current state but should be changed to not really on tab view forcing the state.

◆ OnTabLeft()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.OnTabLeft ( )

◆ OnTabRight()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.OnTabRight ( )

◆ RemoveActionListeners()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.RemoveActionListeners ( )

◆ RemoveTab()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.RemoveTab ( int  index)

◆ RemoveTabByIdentifier()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.RemoveTabByIdentifier ( string  identifier)

◆ SelectIndex()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.SelectIndex ( bool  select,
int  i 

◆ SetCanNavigate()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.SetCanNavigate ( bool  isAllowed)

◆ SetEntryIconSize()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.SetEntryIconSize ( int  index,
float  width = -1,
float  height = -1 

◆ SetListenToActions()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.SetListenToActions ( bool  isAllowed)

◆ SetPagingButtonsVisible()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.SetPagingButtonsVisible ( bool  visible,
bool  animate = true 

◆ SetTabImage()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.SetTabImage ( int  index,
ResourceName  tabImage 

◆ SetTabText()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.SetTabText ( int  index,
string  text,
string  textParam1 = string::Empty,
string  textParam2 = string::Empty 

◆ SetTabVisible()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.SetTabVisible ( int  tabIndex,
bool  visible,
bool  animate = true 

◆ ShowAllTabsText()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.ShowAllTabsText ( bool  show,
int  buttonWidth = -1,
bool  ignoreSelected = true 

◆ ShowIcon()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.ShowIcon ( int  entry,
bool  show 

◆ ShowImage()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.ShowImage ( int  index,
bool  show 

◆ ShowTab()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.ShowTab ( int  i,
bool  callAction = true,
bool  playSound = true 

◆ ShowTabByIdentifier()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.ShowTabByIdentifier ( string  identifier,
bool  callAction = true,
bool  playSound = true 

◆ ShowTabText()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.ShowTabText ( int  index,
bool  show,
int  buttonWidth = -1 

◆ UpdatePagingButtons()

void SCR_TabViewComponent.UpdatePagingButtons ( bool  animate = true)

Enable or disable paging buttons, if it's possible to page to the right or left.

Member Data Documentation


const float SCR_TabViewComponent.BUTTON_PADDING_RIGHT = 4

◆ m_aElements

ref array<ref SCR_TabViewContent> SCR_TabViewComponent.m_aElements

◆ m_bCreateAllTabsAtStart

bool SCR_TabViewComponent.m_bCreateAllTabsAtStart

◆ m_bCycleMode

bool SCR_TabViewComponent.m_bCycleMode

◆ m_bKeepHiddenTabs

bool SCR_TabViewComponent.m_bKeepHiddenTabs

◆ m_bManualInit

bool SCR_TabViewComponent.m_bManualInit

◆ m_bShowTextOnlyWhenSelectedTab

bool SCR_TabViewComponent.m_bShowTextOnlyWhenSelectedTab

◆ m_ColorBackground

ref Color SCR_TabViewComponent.m_ColorBackground

◆ m_fTabWidth

float SCR_TabViewComponent.m_fTabWidth

◆ m_fTabWidthTextHidden

float SCR_TabViewComponent.m_fTabWidthTextHidden

◆ m_iSelectedTab

int SCR_TabViewComponent.m_iSelectedTab

◆ m_ListenToActions

bool SCR_TabViewComponent.m_ListenToActions

◆ m_OnChanged

ref ScriptInvokerTabViewIndex SCR_TabViewComponent.m_OnChanged

◆ m_OnContentCreate

ref ScriptInvokerTabViewIndex SCR_TabViewComponent.m_OnContentCreate

◆ m_OnContentHide

ref ScriptInvokerTabView SCR_TabViewComponent.m_OnContentHide

◆ m_OnContentRemove

ref ScriptInvokerTabView SCR_TabViewComponent.m_OnContentRemove

◆ m_OnContentSelect

ref ScriptInvokerTabViewContentIndex SCR_TabViewComponent.m_OnContentSelect

◆ m_OnContentShow

ref ScriptInvokerTabView SCR_TabViewComponent.m_OnContentShow

◆ m_OnTabChange

ref ScriptInvokerTabView SCR_TabViewComponent.m_OnTabChange

◆ m_PagingLeft

SCR_PagingButtonComponent SCR_TabViewComponent.m_PagingLeft

◆ m_PagingRight

SCR_PagingButtonComponent SCR_TabViewComponent.m_PagingRight

◆ m_sActionLeft

string SCR_TabViewComponent.m_sActionLeft

◆ m_sActionRight

string SCR_TabViewComponent.m_sActionRight

◆ m_sSwitchSound

string SCR_TabViewComponent.m_sSwitchSound

◆ m_TabLayout

ResourceName SCR_TabViewComponent.m_TabLayout

◆ m_wButtonBar

Widget SCR_TabViewComponent.m_wButtonBar

◆ m_wButtons

Widget SCR_TabViewComponent.m_wButtons

◆ m_wContentOverlay

Widget SCR_TabViewComponent.m_wContentOverlay

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: