Arma Reforger Script API
This is the complete list of members for SCR_VoiceoverSystem, including all inherited members.
AddActorUnconsciousCheck(notnull IEntity actor) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
ClearActorNames() | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | |
FailsafeSubtitleToggle(string eventName) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
GetDefaultActor() | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
GetInstance() | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | static |
GetOnFinished() | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | |
GetOnFinishedEvent() | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | |
IsPlaying() | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | |
m_aActors | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
m_aHandledComponents | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
m_aQueue | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
m_Data | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
m_fTimer | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
m_iAudioHandle | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
m_mActorNames | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
m_OnFinished | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
m_OnFinishedEvent | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
m_PlayingSoundComponent | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
m_sDataResourceName | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
m_sSubtitleEvent | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
m_SubtitlesDisplay | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
OnActorLifeStateChanged() | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
OnControllableDeleted(IEntity entity) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
OnControllableDestroyed(notnull SCR_InstigatorContextData instigatorContextData) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
OnFinished(string eventName=string.Empty, bool hideSubtitles=true) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
OnSoundEventFinished(SCR_CommunicationSoundComponent component, string eventName, AudioHandle handle, int priority, bool terminated) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
OnSoundEventStarted(SCR_CommunicationSoundComponent component, string eventName, AudioHandle handle, int priority) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
OnStarted() | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
OnStopped() | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
OnUpdate(ESystemPoint point) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
PAUSE_BETWEEN_LINES | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protectedstatic |
PlayCustomLine(string soundEventName, string subtitle, IEntity actor=null, string actorName=string.Empty, bool playImmediately=true) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | |
PlayFromQueue() | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
PlayLine(string lineName, IEntity actor=null, bool playImmediately=true) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | |
PlayLineActual(string eventName, string subtitle, IEntity actor=null, string actorName=string.Empty) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
PlayLineFor(string lineName, notnull IEntity actor, notnull array< int > targetPlayerIds, bool playImmediately=true) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | |
PlayLineGlobal(string lineName, notnull IEntity actor, bool playImmediately=true) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | |
PlaySequence(string sequenceName, IEntity actor1=null, IEntity actor2=null, IEntity actor3=null, IEntity actor4=null, IEntity actor5=null, bool playImmediately=true) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | |
PlaySequenceActorsArray(string sequenceName, notnull array< IEntity > actors, bool playImmediately=true) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | |
PlaySequenceFor(string sequenceName, notnull array< IEntity > actors, notnull array< int > targetPlayerIds, bool playImmediately=true) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | |
PlaySequenceGlobal(string sequenceName, notnull array< IEntity > actors, bool playImmediately=true) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | |
RegisterActor(notnull IEntity entity) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | |
RemoveActorUnconsciousCheck(notnull IEntity actor) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
RpcDo_PlayLine(string dataName, string lineName, RplId actorId, bool playImmediately) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
RpcDo_PlayLineFor(string dataName, string lineName, RplId actorId, array< int > targetPlayerIds, bool playImmediately) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
RpcDo_PlaySequence(string dataName, string sequenceName, array< RplId > actorIds, bool playImmediately) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
RpcDo_PlaySequenceFor(string dataName, string sequenceName, array< RplId > actorIds, array< int > targetPlayerIds, bool playImmediately) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
SetActorName(SCR_EVoiceoverActor actor, string name) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | |
SetData(ResourceName config) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | |
ShouldBeEnabledInEditMode() | GameSystem | |
ShouldBePaused() | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | |
ShowSubtitle(string subtitle, string actorName, string eventName) | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protected |
Stop() | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | |
SUBTITLE_FAILSAFE_TOGGLE_DELAY_MS | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protectedstatic |
SUBTITLE_VISIBILITY_DISTANCE_SQ | SCR_VoiceoverSystem | protectedstatic |
~SCR_VoiceoverSystem() | SCR_VoiceoverSystem |