Arma Reforger Script API
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Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
SCR_WorkshopItem Interface Reference

Public Member Functions

WorkshopItem GetWorkshopItem ()
 Use these only if absoulutely necessary to intarract with game API.
Dependency GetDependency ()
bool GetItemDataLoaded ()
 Getters for loading state.
bool GetDetailsLoaded ()
bool GetScenariosLoaded ()
bool GetRevisionsLoaded ()
bool GetDependenciesLoaded ()
bool GetRequestFailed ()
bool IsDownloadRunning ()
void LogState ()
 Logs all properties of the object into console.
void LoadDetails ()
 Loads details from backend, or if they are already loaded, calls the callbacks immediately.
void GetScenarios (array< MissionWorkshopItem > scenarios)
 Returns array of scenarios.
array< ref SCR_WorkshopItemGetLatestDependencies ()
 Returns array of dependencies.
array< ref SCR_WorkshopItemGetDependentAddons ()
 Returns array of dependendent addons.
string GetLatestVersion ()
array< string > GetVersions ()
 Returns array of versions.
bool IsDownloadedVersionCompatible ()
 Returns true if downloaded revision was uploded after 1.0.
void SetMyRating (bool newRating)
void ResetMyRating ()
void GetMyRating (out bool ratingSet, out bool rating)
void SetFavourite (bool favourite)
bool GetFavourite ()
void SetSubscribed (bool subscribe)
bool GetSubscribed ()
void SetEnabled (bool enable)
void SetDependenciesEnabled (bool enable)
 Enables/disables all downloaded dependencies.
bool GetEnabled ()
bool GetLoaded ()
 True when addon is loaded by engine. It means that the game is already running with this mod.
bool GetBlocked ()
bool GetReportedByMe ()
bool GetModAuthorReportedByMe ()
bool GetRestricted ()
 Returns true when item is restricted for any reason (blocked or reported)
bool DeleteLocally ()
void DeleteDownloadProgress ()
string GetName ()
string GetId ()
string GetAuthorName ()
bool GetOnline ()
 True when the item is stored in the backend.
bool GetOffline ()
 True when we have the item on our local storage.
Revision GetCurrentLocalRevision ()
 Returns the revision which we currently have on the local storage.
bool GetCurrentLocalVersionMatchDependency ()
 Returns true if current local version matches version of dependency.
bool GetCorrupted ()
BackendImage GetThumbnail ()
array< BackendImage > GetGallery ()
string GetDescription ()
string GetSummary ()
int GetRatingCount ()
float GetSizeBytes ()
float GetAverageRating ()
void GetDownloadState (out bool inProgress, out bool paused, out float progress, out Revision targetRevision)
 Returns state of the download process.
SCR_WorkshopItemActionDownload GetDownloadAction ()
 Returns current download action.
SCR_WorkshopItemActionComposite GetDependencyCompositeAction ()
 Returns the current composite action performed for dependencies of this addon.
bool GetUpdateAvailable ()
 Returns true when we have an old version offline, and the new version.
array< ref SCR_WorkshopItemGetMissingDependencies ()
 Returns dependencies which are missing.
bool GetAnyDependencyMissing ()
bool GetAnyDependencyUpdateAvailable ()
bool GetEnabledAndAnyDependencyDisabled ()
 Returns true if any dependency is offline and disabled.
EWorkshopItemProblem GetHighestPriorityProblem ()
 Returns highest priority issue of this addon if it's downloaded, Addon might have all issue types at once, but this method returns only the most important issue In the order most suitable for UI.
array< ref SCR_WorkshopItemGetOutdatedDependencies ()
 Returns dependencies which can be updated.
int GetTimeSinceLastPlay ()
int GetTimeSinceFirstDownload ()
SCR_WorkshopItemActionDownload Download (notnull Revision targetRevision)
 Starts download of a specific version.
SCR_WorkshopItemActionDownload DownloadLatestVersion ()
void RetryDownload (Revision targetRevision)
SCR_WorkshopItemActionDownloadDependenciesLatest DownloadDependenciesLatest (array< ref SCR_WorkshopItem > dependencies)
 Starts downloading latest version of dependencies which are offline !!! If a previous same action is running, it doesn't create a new action but !!! Returns a previous action instead.
bool PauseDownload ()
 Pauses current download, if possible.
bool CancelDownload ()
 Cancels current download, if possible.
bool ResumeDownload ()
 Resumes current download, if it's already started.
SCR_WorkshopItemActionReport Report (EWorkshopReportType eReport, string sMessage)
 Sends a report about this workshop item.
void LoadReport ()
 Loads report of current user from backend. Subscribe to m_OnMyReportLoaded to get result.
void GetReport (out EWorkshopReportType reportType, out string reportDescription)
 Returns our own report.
SCR_WorkshopItemActionCancelReport CancelReport ()
 Sends a cancel report about this workshop item.
SCR_WorkshopItemActionAddAuthorBlock AddAuthorBlock ()
 Add block for workshop author and all author mods.
SCR_WorkshopItemActionRemoveAuthorBlock RemoveAuthorBlock ()
 Add block for workshop author and all author mods.
Revision FindRevision (string version)
 Finds revision object by string version.
Revision GetLatestRevision ()
array< ref SCR_WorkshopItemGetLoadedDependencies ()
bool Internal_StartDownload (notnull Revision targetRevision, BackendCallback callback)
bool Internal_CancelDownload ()
bool Internal_Report (EWorkshopReportType eReport, string sMessage, BackendCallback callback)
bool Internal_CancelReport (BackendCallback callback)
bool Internal_AddAuthorBlock (BackendCallback callback)
bool Internal_RemoveAuthorBlock (BackendCallback callback)
void Internal_Update (float timeSlice)
 Called each frame by Addon Manager.
void Internal_OnChanged ()
 Called by actions when some change happens.
bool Internal_GetCanBeUnregistered ()
 Returns true when it can be unregistered bu addon manager We don't unregister items if they are offline or have any actions in progress, or if we have reported them (to avoid flushing item cache)
WorkshopItem Internal_GetWorkshopItem ()
 Returns true when it can be unregistered bu addon manager.
float Internal_GetDownloadProgress ()
bool Internal_GetIsProcessing ()
float Internal_GetProcessingProgress ()
void Internal_LoadDetails ()
 Creates a callback object, requests workshop API to load details.
void SetItemTargetRevision (Revision revision)
Revision GetItemTargetRevision ()
void SetTargetRevisionPatchSize (float size)
float GetTargetRevisionPatchSize ()
 Get dependency target revision patch size Dependency has to be define and patch has to be computed.
void ~SCR_WorkshopItem ()
void Internal_UpdateObjects (WorkshopItem item, Dependency dependency)
void Internal_OnAddonsChecked ()
 Called by SCR_AddonManager when the game checks addons after game start.
void UpdateStateFromWorkshopItem ()
void _print (string str, LogLevel logLevel=LogLevel.DEBUG)

Static Public Member Functions

static SCR_WorkshopItem Internal_CreateFromWorkshopItem (WorkshopItem item)
static SCR_WorkshopItem Internal_CreateFromDependency (Dependency dependency)
static void _sprint (string str, LogLevel logLevel=LogLevel.DEBUG)

Public Attributes

ref ScriptInvoker m_OnChanged = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnGetAsset = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnDependenciesLoaded = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnScenariosLoaded = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnError = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnTimeout = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnDownloadComplete = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnOfflineStateChanged = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnReportStateChanged = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnMyReportLoaded = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnMyReportLoadError = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnRedownload = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnCanceled = new ScriptInvoker()

Protected Member Functions

SCR_WorkshopItemActionDownload DownloadRevision (Revision targetRevision, bool isDownloadRunning)
 Unified download to target revision There can be different revisions and reasons to setup new download No target revision = latest.
void Callback_AskDetails_OnGetAsset ()
void Callback_AskDetails_OnTimeout ()
void Callback_AskDetails_OnError (SCR_WorkshopCallbackBase callback, EBackendError code, int restCode, int apiCode)
void Callback_LoadDependencies_OnSuccess ()
void Callback_LoadDependencies_OnError ()
void Callback_LoadDependencies_OnTimeout ()
void Callback_LoadScenarios_OnSuccess ()
void Callback_LoadScenarios_OnError ()
void Callback_LoadScenarios_OnTimeout ()
void Callback_LoadMyReport_OnSuccess ()
void Callback_LoadMyReport_OnError ()
void Callback_LoadMyReport_OnTimeout ()
void TryLoadItemFromDependency ()
void TryLoadRevisions (bool log=true)
void TryLoadDependencies (bool log=true)
void TryLoadScenarios (bool log=true)
void RegisterDependency (SCR_WorkshopItem item)
void UnregisterDependency (SCR_WorkshopItem item)
void RegisterDependent (SCR_WorkshopItem item)
void UnregisterDependent (SCR_WorkshopItem item)
void OnCancelDownloadResponse (SCR_BackendCallback callback)
void UpdateAuthorBlock ()
 Check state of action to add and remove author block in update.
void SetChanged ()
bool Internal_GetUpdateAvailable ()
void CustomDebugError (string message)

Protected Attributes

ref WorkshopItem m_Item
ref Dependency m_Dependency
ref Revision m_ItemTargetRevision
float m_fTargetRevisionPatchSize
ref array< MissionWorkshopItem > m_aMissions
ref array< ref SCR_WorkshopItemm_aDependencies
ref array< SCR_WorkshopItemm_aDependent = new array<SCR_WorkshopItem>
ref array< Revision > m_aRevisions
bool m_bDetailsLoaded
ref SCR_WorkshopItemCallback_AskDetails m_CallbackAskDetails
ref SCR_WorkshopCallbackBase m_CallbackLoadGallery
ref SCR_WorkshopItemCallback_LoadDependencies m_CallbackLoadDependencies
ref SCR_WorkshopItemCallback_LoadScenarios m_CallbackLoadScenarios
ref SCR_WorkshopItemCallback_LoadMyReport m_CallbackLoadMyReport
ref SCR_BackendCallback m_CancelDownloadCallback = new SCR_BackendCallback()
bool m_bMyRating
bool m_bMyRatingSet
bool m_bFavourite
bool m_bSubscribed
bool m_bChanged
bool m_bRequestFailed
bool m_bOffline
int m_iAccessState
bool m_bWaitingLoadDetails
float m_fPrevDownloadProgress
ref SCR_WorkshopItemActionDownload m_ActionDownload
ref SCR_WorkshopItemActionReport m_ActionReport
ref SCR_WorkshopItemActionCancelReport m_ActionCancelReport
ref SCR_WorkshopItemActionComposite m_ActionDependency
ref SCR_WorkshopItemActionAddAuthorBlock m_ActionAddAuthorBlock
ref SCR_WorkshopItemActionRemoveAuthorBlock m_ActionRemoveAuthorBlock

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~SCR_WorkshopItem()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.~SCR_WorkshopItem ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _print()

void SCR_WorkshopItem._print ( string  str,
LogLevel  logLevel = LogLevel::DEBUG 

◆ _sprint()

static void SCR_WorkshopItem._sprint ( string  str,
LogLevel  logLevel = LogLevel::DEBUG 

◆ AddAuthorBlock()

SCR_WorkshopItemActionAddAuthorBlock SCR_WorkshopItem.AddAuthorBlock ( )

Add block for workshop author and all author mods.

◆ Callback_AskDetails_OnError()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.Callback_AskDetails_OnError ( SCR_WorkshopCallbackBase  callback,
EBackendError  code,
int  restCode,
int  apiCode 

◆ Callback_AskDetails_OnGetAsset()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.Callback_AskDetails_OnGetAsset ( )

◆ Callback_AskDetails_OnTimeout()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.Callback_AskDetails_OnTimeout ( )

◆ Callback_LoadDependencies_OnError()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.Callback_LoadDependencies_OnError ( )

◆ Callback_LoadDependencies_OnSuccess()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.Callback_LoadDependencies_OnSuccess ( )

◆ Callback_LoadDependencies_OnTimeout()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.Callback_LoadDependencies_OnTimeout ( )

◆ Callback_LoadMyReport_OnError()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.Callback_LoadMyReport_OnError ( )

◆ Callback_LoadMyReport_OnSuccess()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.Callback_LoadMyReport_OnSuccess ( )

◆ Callback_LoadMyReport_OnTimeout()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.Callback_LoadMyReport_OnTimeout ( )

◆ Callback_LoadScenarios_OnError()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.Callback_LoadScenarios_OnError ( )

◆ Callback_LoadScenarios_OnSuccess()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.Callback_LoadScenarios_OnSuccess ( )

◆ Callback_LoadScenarios_OnTimeout()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.Callback_LoadScenarios_OnTimeout ( )

◆ CancelDownload()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.CancelDownload ( )

Cancels current download, if possible.

◆ CancelReport()

SCR_WorkshopItemActionCancelReport SCR_WorkshopItem.CancelReport ( )

Sends a cancel report about this workshop item.

◆ CustomDebugError()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.CustomDebugError ( string  message)

◆ DeleteDownloadProgress()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.DeleteDownloadProgress ( )

◆ DeleteLocally()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.DeleteLocally ( )

◆ Download()

SCR_WorkshopItemActionDownload SCR_WorkshopItem.Download ( notnull Revision  targetRevision)

Starts download of a specific version.

Returns an action object, use it to control the download process or To get notified about its events.

!!! If a download of same version is already running, it doesn't create a new action !!! But returns a previous one instead.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
! You must call Activate() of the returned action yourself. ! This is done this way so that you can subscribe to events before the action is started. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

◆ DownloadDependenciesLatest()

SCR_WorkshopItemActionDownloadDependenciesLatest SCR_WorkshopItem.DownloadDependenciesLatest ( array< ref SCR_WorkshopItem dependencies)

Starts downloading latest version of dependencies which are offline !!! If a previous same action is running, it doesn't create a new action but !!! Returns a previous action instead.

◆ DownloadLatestVersion()

SCR_WorkshopItemActionDownload SCR_WorkshopItem.DownloadLatestVersion ( )

◆ DownloadRevision()

SCR_WorkshopItemActionDownload SCR_WorkshopItem.DownloadRevision ( Revision  targetRevision,
bool  isDownloadRunning 

Unified download to target revision There can be different revisions and reasons to setup new download No target revision = latest.

◆ FindRevision()

Revision SCR_WorkshopItem.FindRevision ( string  version)

Finds revision object by string version.

◆ GetAnyDependencyMissing()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.GetAnyDependencyMissing ( )

◆ GetAnyDependencyUpdateAvailable()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.GetAnyDependencyUpdateAvailable ( )

◆ GetAuthorName()

string SCR_WorkshopItem.GetAuthorName ( )

◆ GetAverageRating()

float SCR_WorkshopItem.GetAverageRating ( )

◆ GetBlocked()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.GetBlocked ( )

◆ GetCorrupted()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.GetCorrupted ( )

◆ GetCurrentLocalRevision()

Revision SCR_WorkshopItem.GetCurrentLocalRevision ( )

Returns the revision which we currently have on the local storage.

◆ GetCurrentLocalVersionMatchDependency()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.GetCurrentLocalVersionMatchDependency ( )

Returns true if current local version matches version of dependency.

◆ GetDependenciesLoaded()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.GetDependenciesLoaded ( )

◆ GetDependency()

Dependency SCR_WorkshopItem.GetDependency ( )

◆ GetDependencyCompositeAction()

SCR_WorkshopItemActionComposite SCR_WorkshopItem.GetDependencyCompositeAction ( )

Returns the current composite action performed for dependencies of this addon.

◆ GetDependentAddons()

array< ref SCR_WorkshopItem > SCR_WorkshopItem.GetDependentAddons ( )

Returns array of dependendent addons.

◆ GetDescription()

string SCR_WorkshopItem.GetDescription ( )

◆ GetDetailsLoaded()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.GetDetailsLoaded ( )

◆ GetDownloadAction()

SCR_WorkshopItemActionDownload SCR_WorkshopItem.GetDownloadAction ( )

Returns current download action.

◆ GetDownloadState()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.GetDownloadState ( out bool  inProgress,
out bool  paused,
out float  progress,
out Revision  targetRevision 

Returns state of the download process.

◆ GetEnabled()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.GetEnabled ( )

◆ GetEnabledAndAnyDependencyDisabled()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.GetEnabledAndAnyDependencyDisabled ( )

Returns true if any dependency is offline and disabled.

◆ GetFavourite()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.GetFavourite ( )

◆ GetGallery()

array< BackendImage > SCR_WorkshopItem.GetGallery ( )

◆ GetHighestPriorityProblem()

EWorkshopItemProblem SCR_WorkshopItem.GetHighestPriorityProblem ( )

Returns highest priority issue of this addon if it's downloaded, Addon might have all issue types at once, but this method returns only the most important issue In the order most suitable for UI.

◆ GetId()

string SCR_WorkshopItem.GetId ( )

◆ GetItemDataLoaded()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.GetItemDataLoaded ( )

Getters for loading state.

◆ GetItemTargetRevision()

Revision SCR_WorkshopItem.GetItemTargetRevision ( )

◆ GetLatestDependencies()

array< ref SCR_WorkshopItem > SCR_WorkshopItem.GetLatestDependencies ( )

Returns array of dependencies.

◆ GetLatestRevision()

Revision SCR_WorkshopItem.GetLatestRevision ( )

◆ GetLatestVersion()

string SCR_WorkshopItem.GetLatestVersion ( )

◆ GetLoaded()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.GetLoaded ( )

True when addon is loaded by engine. It means that the game is already running with this mod.

◆ GetLoadedDependencies()

array< ref SCR_WorkshopItem > SCR_WorkshopItem.GetLoadedDependencies ( )

◆ GetMissingDependencies()

array< ref SCR_WorkshopItem > SCR_WorkshopItem.GetMissingDependencies ( )

Returns dependencies which are missing.

◆ GetModAuthorReportedByMe()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.GetModAuthorReportedByMe ( )

◆ GetMyRating()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.GetMyRating ( out bool  ratingSet,
out bool  rating 

◆ GetName()

string SCR_WorkshopItem.GetName ( )

◆ GetOffline()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.GetOffline ( )

True when we have the item on our local storage.

◆ GetOnline()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.GetOnline ( )

True when the item is stored in the backend.

◆ GetOutdatedDependencies()

array< ref SCR_WorkshopItem > SCR_WorkshopItem.GetOutdatedDependencies ( )

Returns dependencies which can be updated.

◆ GetRatingCount()

int SCR_WorkshopItem.GetRatingCount ( )

◆ GetReport()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.GetReport ( out EWorkshopReportType  reportType,
out string  reportDescription 

Returns our own report.

We must load it first with LoadMyReport. How the function behaves immediately relative to data passed through Report() is undefined.

◆ GetReportedByMe()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.GetReportedByMe ( )

◆ GetRequestFailed()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.GetRequestFailed ( )

◆ GetRestricted()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.GetRestricted ( )

Returns true when item is restricted for any reason (blocked or reported)

◆ GetRevisionsLoaded()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.GetRevisionsLoaded ( )

◆ GetScenarios()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.GetScenarios ( array< MissionWorkshopItem >  scenarios)

Returns array of scenarios.

◆ GetScenariosLoaded()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.GetScenariosLoaded ( )

◆ GetSizeBytes()

float SCR_WorkshopItem.GetSizeBytes ( )

◆ GetSubscribed()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.GetSubscribed ( )

◆ GetSummary()

string SCR_WorkshopItem.GetSummary ( )

◆ GetTargetRevisionPatchSize()

float SCR_WorkshopItem.GetTargetRevisionPatchSize ( )

Get dependency target revision patch size Dependency has to be define and patch has to be computed.

◆ GetThumbnail()

BackendImage SCR_WorkshopItem.GetThumbnail ( )

◆ GetTimeSinceFirstDownload()

int SCR_WorkshopItem.GetTimeSinceFirstDownload ( )

◆ GetTimeSinceLastPlay()

int SCR_WorkshopItem.GetTimeSinceLastPlay ( )

◆ GetUpdateAvailable()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.GetUpdateAvailable ( )

Returns true when we have an old version offline, and the new version.

◆ GetVersions()

array< string > SCR_WorkshopItem.GetVersions ( )

Returns array of versions.

◆ GetWorkshopItem()

WorkshopItem SCR_WorkshopItem.GetWorkshopItem ( )

Use these only if absoulutely necessary to intarract with game API.

◆ Internal_AddAuthorBlock()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.Internal_AddAuthorBlock ( BackendCallback  callback)

◆ Internal_CancelDownload()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.Internal_CancelDownload ( )

◆ Internal_CancelReport()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.Internal_CancelReport ( BackendCallback  callback)

◆ Internal_CreateFromDependency()

static SCR_WorkshopItem SCR_WorkshopItem.Internal_CreateFromDependency ( Dependency  dependency)

◆ Internal_CreateFromWorkshopItem()

static SCR_WorkshopItem SCR_WorkshopItem.Internal_CreateFromWorkshopItem ( WorkshopItem  item)

◆ Internal_GetCanBeUnregistered()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.Internal_GetCanBeUnregistered ( )

Returns true when it can be unregistered bu addon manager We don't unregister items if they are offline or have any actions in progress, or if we have reported them (to avoid flushing item cache)

◆ Internal_GetDownloadProgress()

float SCR_WorkshopItem.Internal_GetDownloadProgress ( )

◆ Internal_GetIsProcessing()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.Internal_GetIsProcessing ( )

◆ Internal_GetProcessingProgress()

float SCR_WorkshopItem.Internal_GetProcessingProgress ( )

◆ Internal_GetUpdateAvailable()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.Internal_GetUpdateAvailable ( )

◆ Internal_GetWorkshopItem()

WorkshopItem SCR_WorkshopItem.Internal_GetWorkshopItem ( )

Returns true when it can be unregistered bu addon manager.

◆ Internal_LoadDetails()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.Internal_LoadDetails ( )

Creates a callback object, requests workshop API to load details.

◆ Internal_OnAddonsChecked()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.Internal_OnAddonsChecked ( )

Called by SCR_AddonManager when the game checks addons after game start.

◆ Internal_OnChanged()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.Internal_OnChanged ( )

Called by actions when some change happens.

◆ Internal_RemoveAuthorBlock()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.Internal_RemoveAuthorBlock ( BackendCallback  callback)

◆ Internal_Report()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.Internal_Report ( EWorkshopReportType  eReport,
string  sMessage,
BackendCallback  callback 

◆ Internal_StartDownload()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.Internal_StartDownload ( notnull Revision  targetRevision,
BackendCallback  callback 

◆ Internal_Update()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.Internal_Update ( float  timeSlice)

Called each frame by Addon Manager.

◆ Internal_UpdateObjects()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.Internal_UpdateObjects ( WorkshopItem  item,
Dependency  dependency 

◆ IsDownloadedVersionCompatible()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.IsDownloadedVersionCompatible ( )

Returns true if downloaded revision was uploded after 1.0.

◆ IsDownloadRunning()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.IsDownloadRunning ( )

◆ LoadDetails()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.LoadDetails ( )

Loads details from backend, or if they are already loaded, calls the callbacks immediately.

◆ LoadReport()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.LoadReport ( )

Loads report of current user from backend. Subscribe to m_OnMyReportLoaded to get result.

◆ LogState()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.LogState ( )

Logs all properties of the object into console.

◆ OnCancelDownloadResponse()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.OnCancelDownloadResponse ( SCR_BackendCallback  callback)

◆ PauseDownload()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.PauseDownload ( )

Pauses current download, if possible.

◆ RegisterDependency()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.RegisterDependency ( SCR_WorkshopItem  item)

◆ RegisterDependent()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.RegisterDependent ( SCR_WorkshopItem  item)

◆ RemoveAuthorBlock()

SCR_WorkshopItemActionRemoveAuthorBlock SCR_WorkshopItem.RemoveAuthorBlock ( )

Add block for workshop author and all author mods.

◆ Report()

SCR_WorkshopItemActionReport SCR_WorkshopItem.Report ( EWorkshopReportType  eReport,
string  sMessage 

Sends a report about this workshop item.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
! You must call Activate() of the returned action yourself. ! This is done this way so that you can subscribe to events before the action is started. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

◆ ResetMyRating()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.ResetMyRating ( )

◆ ResumeDownload()

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.ResumeDownload ( )

Resumes current download, if it's already started.

◆ RetryDownload()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.RetryDownload ( Revision  targetRevision)

◆ SetChanged()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.SetChanged ( )

◆ SetDependenciesEnabled()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.SetDependenciesEnabled ( bool  enable)

Enables/disables all downloaded dependencies.

◆ SetEnabled()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.SetEnabled ( bool  enable)

◆ SetFavourite()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.SetFavourite ( bool  favourite)

◆ SetItemTargetRevision()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.SetItemTargetRevision ( Revision  revision)

◆ SetMyRating()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.SetMyRating ( bool  newRating)

◆ SetSubscribed()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.SetSubscribed ( bool  subscribe)

◆ SetTargetRevisionPatchSize()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.SetTargetRevisionPatchSize ( float  size)

◆ TryLoadDependencies()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.TryLoadDependencies ( bool  log = true)

◆ TryLoadItemFromDependency()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.TryLoadItemFromDependency ( )

◆ TryLoadRevisions()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.TryLoadRevisions ( bool  log = true)

◆ TryLoadScenarios()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.TryLoadScenarios ( bool  log = true)

◆ UnregisterDependency()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.UnregisterDependency ( SCR_WorkshopItem  item)

◆ UnregisterDependent()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.UnregisterDependent ( SCR_WorkshopItem  item)

◆ UpdateAuthorBlock()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.UpdateAuthorBlock ( )

Check state of action to add and remove author block in update.

◆ UpdateStateFromWorkshopItem()

void SCR_WorkshopItem.UpdateStateFromWorkshopItem ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_ActionAddAuthorBlock

ref SCR_WorkshopItemActionAddAuthorBlock SCR_WorkshopItem.m_ActionAddAuthorBlock

◆ m_ActionCancelReport

ref SCR_WorkshopItemActionCancelReport SCR_WorkshopItem.m_ActionCancelReport

◆ m_ActionDependency

ref SCR_WorkshopItemActionComposite SCR_WorkshopItem.m_ActionDependency

◆ m_ActionDownload

ref SCR_WorkshopItemActionDownload SCR_WorkshopItem.m_ActionDownload

◆ m_ActionRemoveAuthorBlock

ref SCR_WorkshopItemActionRemoveAuthorBlock SCR_WorkshopItem.m_ActionRemoveAuthorBlock

◆ m_ActionReport

ref SCR_WorkshopItemActionReport SCR_WorkshopItem.m_ActionReport

◆ m_aDependencies

ref array<ref SCR_WorkshopItem> SCR_WorkshopItem.m_aDependencies

◆ m_aDependent

ref array<SCR_WorkshopItem> SCR_WorkshopItem.m_aDependent = new array<SCR_WorkshopItem>

◆ m_aMissions

ref array<MissionWorkshopItem> SCR_WorkshopItem.m_aMissions

◆ m_aRevisions

ref array<Revision> SCR_WorkshopItem.m_aRevisions

◆ m_bChanged

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.m_bChanged

◆ m_bDetailsLoaded

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.m_bDetailsLoaded

◆ m_bFavourite

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.m_bFavourite

◆ m_bMyRating

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.m_bMyRating

◆ m_bMyRatingSet

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.m_bMyRatingSet

◆ m_bOffline

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.m_bOffline

◆ m_bRequestFailed

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.m_bRequestFailed

◆ m_bSubscribed

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.m_bSubscribed

◆ m_bWaitingLoadDetails

bool SCR_WorkshopItem.m_bWaitingLoadDetails

◆ m_CallbackAskDetails

ref SCR_WorkshopItemCallback_AskDetails SCR_WorkshopItem.m_CallbackAskDetails

◆ m_CallbackLoadDependencies

ref SCR_WorkshopItemCallback_LoadDependencies SCR_WorkshopItem.m_CallbackLoadDependencies

◆ m_CallbackLoadGallery

ref SCR_WorkshopCallbackBase SCR_WorkshopItem.m_CallbackLoadGallery

◆ m_CallbackLoadMyReport

ref SCR_WorkshopItemCallback_LoadMyReport SCR_WorkshopItem.m_CallbackLoadMyReport

◆ m_CallbackLoadScenarios

ref SCR_WorkshopItemCallback_LoadScenarios SCR_WorkshopItem.m_CallbackLoadScenarios

◆ m_CancelDownloadCallback

ref SCR_BackendCallback SCR_WorkshopItem.m_CancelDownloadCallback = new SCR_BackendCallback()

◆ m_Dependency

ref Dependency SCR_WorkshopItem.m_Dependency

◆ m_fPrevDownloadProgress

float SCR_WorkshopItem.m_fPrevDownloadProgress

◆ m_fTargetRevisionPatchSize

float SCR_WorkshopItem.m_fTargetRevisionPatchSize

◆ m_iAccessState

int SCR_WorkshopItem.m_iAccessState

◆ m_Item

ref WorkshopItem SCR_WorkshopItem.m_Item

◆ m_ItemTargetRevision

ref Revision SCR_WorkshopItem.m_ItemTargetRevision

◆ m_OnCanceled

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_WorkshopItem.m_OnCanceled = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ m_OnChanged

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_WorkshopItem.m_OnChanged = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ m_OnDependenciesLoaded

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_WorkshopItem.m_OnDependenciesLoaded = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ m_OnDownloadComplete

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_WorkshopItem.m_OnDownloadComplete = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ m_OnError

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_WorkshopItem.m_OnError = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ m_OnGetAsset

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_WorkshopItem.m_OnGetAsset = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ m_OnMyReportLoaded

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_WorkshopItem.m_OnMyReportLoaded = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ m_OnMyReportLoadError

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_WorkshopItem.m_OnMyReportLoadError = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ m_OnOfflineStateChanged

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_WorkshopItem.m_OnOfflineStateChanged = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ m_OnRedownload

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_WorkshopItem.m_OnRedownload = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ m_OnReportStateChanged

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_WorkshopItem.m_OnReportStateChanged = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ m_OnScenariosLoaded

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_WorkshopItem.m_OnScenariosLoaded = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ m_OnTimeout

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_WorkshopItem.m_OnTimeout = new ScriptInvoker()

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: