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BanServiceApi Interface Reference

Ban Service API. More...

Public Member Functions

proto external bool CreateBanPlayerId (BackendCallback pCallback, int iPlayerId, string sReason, int iBanDuration)
 Create ban for player in current session on the server.
proto external bool CreateBanIdentityId (BackendCallback pCallback, string sPlayerIdentityId, string sReason, int iBanDuration)
 Create ban for player based on his Identity Id.
proto external bool RemoveBans (BackendCallback pCallback, notnull array< string > identityIds)
 Remove bans for list of player by their Identity Ids.
proto external bool RemoveBanByName (BackendCallback pCallback, string sName, EStringMatchType nameMatchType)
 Remove ban by name of player.
proto external bool RequestServerBanList (BackendCallback pCallback, notnull BanListPageParams params)
 Request List of active bans for players banned on local server.
proto external int GetTotalItemCount ()
 Get total item count on all pages.
proto external int GetPageCount ()
 Get page count.
proto external void SetPageItems (int iCount)
 Set number of items per page.
proto external int GetPage ()
 Get current page number.
proto external int GetPageItemCount ()
 Get item count on current page.
proto external int GetPageItems (notnull array< OnlineBanListData > bans)
 Get list of items on current page.

Detailed Description

Ban Service API.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CreateBanIdentityId()

proto external bool BanServiceApi.CreateBanIdentityId ( BackendCallback  pCallback,
string  sPlayerIdentityId,
string  sReason,
int  iBanDuration 

Create ban for player based on his Identity Id.

Can be created for players not connected in session

For detailed explanation please consult documentation (wiki)
pCallbackIs script callback where you will receive result/error when request finishes
sPlayerIdentityIdIs Game Identity Id of player
sReasonIs Reason of ban
iBanDurationIs Ban Duration value - how long will ban exist in seconds (0 for permanent)

◆ CreateBanPlayerId()

proto external bool BanServiceApi.CreateBanPlayerId ( BackendCallback  pCallback,
int  iPlayerId,
string  sReason,
int  iBanDuration 

Create ban for player in current session on the server.

For detailed explanation please consult documentation (wiki)
pCallbackIs script callback where you will receive result/error when request finishes
iPlayerIdIs Player Id of player in current session on the server
sReasonIs Reason of ban
iBanDurationIs Ban Duration value - how long will ban exist in seconds (0 for permanent)

◆ GetPage()

proto external int BanServiceApi.GetPage ( )

Get current page number.

◆ GetPageCount()

proto external int BanServiceApi.GetPageCount ( )

Get page count.

◆ GetPageItemCount()

proto external int BanServiceApi.GetPageItemCount ( )

Get item count on current page.

◆ GetPageItems()

proto external int BanServiceApi.GetPageItems ( notnull array< OnlineBanListData bans)

Get list of items on current page.

◆ GetTotalItemCount()

proto external int BanServiceApi.GetTotalItemCount ( )

Get total item count on all pages.

◆ RemoveBanByName()

proto external bool BanServiceApi.RemoveBanByName ( BackendCallback  pCallback,
string  sName,
EStringMatchType  nameMatchType 

Remove ban by name of player.

For detailed explanation please consult documentation (wiki)
pCallbackIs script callback where you will receive result/error when request finishes
sNameIs name of player to be unbanned
nameMatchTypeIs how should player name be searched/matched in database

◆ RemoveBans()

proto external bool BanServiceApi.RemoveBans ( BackendCallback  pCallback,
notnull array< string identityIds 

Remove bans for list of player by their Identity Ids.

For detailed explanation please consult documentation (wiki)
pCallbackIs script callback where you will receive result/error when request finishes
identityIdsIs list of identityIds of players to remove ban - unban

◆ RequestServerBanList()

proto external bool BanServiceApi.RequestServerBanList ( BackendCallback  pCallback,
notnull BanListPageParams  params 

Request List of active bans for players banned on local server.

For detailed explanation please consult documentation (wiki)
pCallbackIs script callback where you will receive result/error when request finishes
pParamsIs PageParams object used to specify size and offset for pages of ban list

◆ SetPageItems()

proto external void BanServiceApi.SetPageItems ( int  iCount)

Set number of items per page.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: