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TriMeshDrawCommand Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for TriMeshDrawCommand:

Public Attributes

int m_iColor = 0xff000000
ref array< floatm_Vertices
 2D vertices such as [x0, y0, x1, y1, ... xn, yn]
ref array< intm_Indices
 Indices to the m_Vertices array forming triangles.
float m_fUVScale
SharedItemRef m_pTexture
 If null, only filled mesh is drawn.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Managed
proto external ref Managed Clone ()
 Return shallow copy of object, or null if it is not allowed (not public constructor)

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_fUVScale

float TriMeshDrawCommand.m_fUVScale

◆ m_iColor

int TriMeshDrawCommand.m_iColor = 0xff000000

◆ m_Indices

ref array<int> TriMeshDrawCommand.m_Indices

Indices to the m_Vertices array forming triangles.

◆ m_pTexture

SharedItemRef TriMeshDrawCommand.m_pTexture

If null, only filled mesh is drawn.

◆ m_Vertices

ref array<float> TriMeshDrawCommand.m_Vertices

2D vertices such as [x0, y0, x1, y1, ... xn, yn]

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: