Enfusion Script API
This is the complete list of members for WorkspaceWidget, including all inherited members.
AddCallback(int eventId, WidgetEventCallback fn) | Widget | |
AddChild(notnull Widget child) | Widget | |
AddHandler(ScriptedWidgetEventHandler eventHandler) | Widget | |
AddModal(Widget modalRoot, Widget newFocus) | WorkspaceWidget | |
ClearFlags(int flags) | Widget | |
Clone() | Managed | |
CreateWidget(WidgetType type, WidgetFlags flags, Color color, int sort, Widget parentWidget=NULL) | WorkspaceWidget | |
CreateWidgetInWorkspace(WidgetType type, int left, int top, int width, int height, WidgetFlags flags, Color color, int sort) | WorkspaceWidget | |
CreateWidgets(ResourceName layoutResourceName, Widget parentWidget=NULL) | WorkspaceWidget | |
DPIScale(float valueInReferenceResolution) | WorkspaceWidget | |
DPIUnscale(float valueInScaledResolution) | WorkspaceWidget | |
EmitCallback(int eventId) | Widget | |
FindAnyWidget(string pathname) | Widget | |
FindAnyWidgetById(int user_id) | Widget | |
FindHandler(TypeName type) | Widget | |
FindWidget(string pathname) | Widget | |
GetChildren() | Widget | |
GetColor() | Widget | |
GetColorInt() | Widget | |
GetFlags() | Widget | |
GetFocusedWidget() | WorkspaceWidget | |
GetHandler(int index) | Widget | |
GetHeight() | WorkspaceWidget | |
GetIsColorInherited() | Widget | |
GetModal() | WorkspaceWidget | |
GetName() | Widget | |
GetNavigation(WidgetNavigationDirection direction, out WidgetNavigationRuleType rule) | Widget | |
GetNumHandlers() | Widget | |
GetOpacity() | Widget | |
GetParent() | Widget | |
GetScreenPos(out float x, out float y) | Widget | |
GetScreenSize(out float width, out float height) | Widget | |
GetSibling() | Widget | |
GetStyleName() | Widget | |
GetTypeID() | Widget | |
GetTypeName() | Widget | |
GetUserID() | Widget | |
GetWidth() | WorkspaceWidget | |
GetWorkspace() | Widget | |
GetZOrder() | Widget | |
IsClippingChildren() | Widget | |
IsEnabled() | Widget | |
IsEnabledInHierarchy() | Widget | |
IsFocusable() | Widget | |
IsVisible() | Widget | |
IsVisibleInHierarchy() | Widget | |
ProjScreenToWorld(float x, float y, out vector outDir, BaseWorld world, int cam=-1) | WorkspaceWidget | |
ProjScreenToWorldNative(float x, float y, out vector outDir, BaseWorld world, int cam=-1) | WorkspaceWidget | |
ProjWorldToScreen(vector pos, BaseWorld world, int cam=-1) | WorkspaceWidget | |
ProjWorldToScreenNative(vector pos, BaseWorld world, int cam=-1) | WorkspaceWidget | |
RemoveCallback(int eventId, int callbackId) | Widget | |
RemoveCallbackByOwner(int eventId, Class owner) | Widget | |
RemoveChild(notnull Widget child) | Widget | |
RemoveFromHierarchy() | Widget | |
RemoveHandler(ScriptedWidgetEventHandler eventHandler) | Widget | |
RemoveModal(Widget modalRoot) | WorkspaceWidget | |
SetColor(notnull Color color) | Widget | |
SetColorInt(int color) | Widget | |
SetEnabled(bool enable) | Widget | |
SetFlags(int flags) | Widget | |
SetFocusedWidget(Widget newFocus, bool noCrossFase=false) | WorkspaceWidget | |
SetGUIWidget(IEntity ent, int index) | RTTextureWidget | |
SetIsColorInherited(bool isColorInherited) | Widget | |
SetName(string name) | Widget | |
SetNavigation(WidgetNavigationDirection direction, WidgetNavigationRuleType rule, string explicitTarget=string.Empty) | Widget | |
SetOpacity(float alpha) | Widget | |
SetUserID(int id) | Widget | |
SetVisible(bool show) | Widget | |
SetZOrder(int zOrder) | Widget | |
Update() | Widget |