Loading Screens – Arma 3
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Arma 3 loading screens composes of two main sections:
- Map - based on currently loaded world; full screen. Configured in world config, cannot be changed in mission.
- Mission - previews currently loaded mission; fixed size. Configured in mission.
Mission Configuration
author = "John Doe"; // Author
onLoadName = "Epic Invasion"; // Mission name (temporary solution; actual name set in editor will be used later in the alpha)
onLoadMission = "Fate of the world is in your hands. Good luck and Godspeed."; // Description
loadScreen = "loadScreen_ca.paa"; // Preview picture
class Header
gameType = Coop; // MP mission type
- must be in paa or jpg file format
- 2:1 aspect ratio (different aspect are rendered correctly as well, but won't cover the whole area)
- Ideally 1024x512 pixels
World Configuration
class CfgWorlds
class Stratis : CAWorld
author = "Bohemia Interactive"; // Author
description = "Stratis"; // World name
pictureMap = "A3\map_Stratis\data\pictureMap_ca.paa"; // Background map
pictureShot = "A3\map_Stratis\data\ui_Stratis_ca.paa"; // Default overview picture
// Loading texts displayed on the bottom of the loading screen (picked randomly)
loadingTexts[] =
"Area of Stratis is 19.3 square kilometers.",
"Stratis is of volcanic origin, with many rocks and crevices.",
"Kamino Firing Range uses remnants of the nearby old Kamino village as a target area."
- Preferably paa, but jpg file format works too
- 2048x2048 version of actual satellite map used on terrain. Should be exact copy, will be used by other game systems in the future