Diag Menu – Arma Reforger

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General Use

The Diag Menu is a menu listing many options used to debug game scripting and assets. It is available in Workbench in any 3D viewport (e.g world or model preview).

armareforger debugmenu-main.png
  • To open the Diag Menu, press ⊞ Win + Alt in any 3D viewport
    • The Ctrl + ⊞ Win shortcut conflicts with Windows 11's shortcut
  • To enter a sub-menu, press
  • To leave a sub-menu, press
  • To change a value, use and .
  • Home - jump to root menu
  • Insert - reset to default just for options in actual menu
  • Del - reset to default for all options
  • ⇧ Shift + / - faster movement through the menu
  • F1 - save current options to user profile
  • F2 - load options from user profile

It is possible to read & save Diagnostic Menu options from different location via diagMenu startup parameter.

Hotkeys List

List of all diag hotkeys
Header Hotkey
Disable player damage Ctrl + Alt + F1
Teleport Ctrl + Alt + F2
Infinite ammo Ctrl + Alt + F3
Infinite bullets Ctrl + Alt + F4
Commit suicide Ctrl + Alt + F5
Execute characters in front Ctrl + Alt + F6
Debug manual camera Ctrl + Alt + C
Reset vehicle Ctrl + Alt + R
Teleport up Ctrl + Alt + T
FPS Ctrl + NUM 1
General Ctrl + NUM 2
Counters Ctrl + NUM 3
Reload shaders Ctrl + F12
Postprocess Ctrl + Alt + P
Layers diag mode Ctrl + Alt + L
Detail texture Ctrl + Alt + S
Render debug mode RCtrl + AltGr + W
Show AABB Alt + NUM 5
Show wind emitters Ctrl + NUM 8
Disable wind Ctrl + NUM 9
Show bodies Alt + NUM 6
Simulation Ctrl + NUM 7
Superscreenshot to file Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + F7
Screenshot to clipboard ⇧ Shift + F7
Screenshot to file Ctrl + F7
Copy view link Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + L
Make a step of AStar Ctrl + Alt + V
Road network Ctrl + Alt + N
Show Road Width Ctrl + Alt + W
Road Id Ctrl + Alt + I
Previous agent RCtrl + RShift ⇧ + 9
Next agent RCtrl + RShift ⇧ + 0
Set start position Ctrl + Alt + NUM 0
Set end position Ctrl + Alt + NUM 1
Run pathfinder Ctrl + Alt + NUM 3
Generate Graph Ctrl + Alt + NUM 2
Disable AI actions Ctrl + Alt + F9
Paste view link ⇧ Shift + Alt + L


See DiagMenu.c for DiagMenu API information.

enum TAG_EMyModDiagMenu { ModMenu = 0, ModMenu_DEBUG, ModMenu_SHOW, ModMenu_LOG, }
// init script, needs to run only once // DiagMenu.RegisterMenu(int id, string name, string parent) DiagMenu.RegisterMenu(TAG_EMyModDiagMenu.ModMenu, "CategoryName", ""); { // RegisterBool(int id, string shortcut, string name, string parent, bool reverse = false) DiagMenu.RegisterBool(TAG_EMyModDiagMenu.ModMenu_DEBUG, "", "Do debug", "CategoryName"); DiagMenu.RegisterBool(TAG_EMyModDiagMenu.ModMenu_SHOW, "", "Show stuff", "CategoryName"); DiagMenu.RegisterBool(TAG_EMyModDiagMenu.ModMenu_LOG, "", "Log stuff", "CategoryName"); }
// somewhere needed if (DiagMenu.GetBool(TAG_EMyModDiagMenu.ModMenu_DEBUG)) { Print("Debug entered through Diag menu"); /* ... */ }



Hit Zones

Show hit zone memory

Enable/disable showing of hit zone memory.

Available Options: false, true

Show hit zones

Enable/disable showing of hit zones.


When a zone is damaged, underlying fire geometry is also drawn


Available Options: false, true

Log damage on hit zones

Enable/disable logging of damage on hit zones.

Available Options: false, true

Log Rpl registration

Enable/disable logging of Rpl registration.

Available Options: false, true


Damage all on init

Enable/disable damage all on init.

Available Options: false, true

Enable Logging

Enable/disable logging of destruction.

Available Options: false, true

Enable layout logging

Enable/disable logging of destruction layout.

Available Options: false, true

Rotate permanent debris 90deg

Enable/disable rotating permanent debris.

Available Options: false, true

Snap to ground (debris)

Enable/disable snapping of debris to ground.

Available Options: false, true

Allow broken prefabs spawning

Enable/disable spawning of broken prefabs.

Available Options: false, true

Enable destruction diag

Enable/disable destruction diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

Type of damage info

Set type of damage info. When activated, small windows appears showing HP (current and maximum) of all individual HitZones

  • off - debug is disabled
  • trace - displays info for what are you looking at
  • self - displays info for controlled character
  • both - acts as trace if looking at something, otherwise acts as self

Available Options: off, trace, self, both

DamageEffect info

Set damage effect info type. Information about states like Bleeding, Tourniquets, Saline bags, Morphine, and Health/Resilience/Blood is listed in this diag

Available Options: off, Persistent, Damage History, both

Visualize weapon blast

Set weapon blast visualization mode.

Available Options: disabled, hit, all, posDebug, onlyMainBlast, onlyRicochet


Achievements display

Enable/disable achievements display.

Available Options: false, true

Dump achievement memory data

Enable/disable dumping of achievement memory data.

Available Options: false, true

Request achievement platform data

Enable/disable request for platform achievement data.

Available Options: false, true



Available Options: false, true



Available Options: false, true


Particles manager

Enable/disable particles manager debug.

Available Options: false, true

Distance particle effect

Enable/disable distance particle effect.

Available Options: enabled, disabled


Show current SignalsManagerComponent

Show or hide current SignalsManagerComponent.

Available Options: false, true

Log received

Enable/disable logging of received signals.

Available Options: false, true

Log sent

Enable/disable logging of sent signals.

Available Options: false, true

Log signal changes

Set logging mode for signal changes.

Available Options: off, all, 0.5, 1, 10, 100

Signals to dump

Set signals to dump.

Available Options: SP, MP, all

Dump signals

Enable/disable dumping of signals.

Available Options: false, true

Game materials


Shows information about materials being used on collider which is under the cursor. It shows also thickness of the collider. By default it using all Collision Layers.

Available Options: false, true


Restricts game materials check to Projectile layer. Can be used to check fire geometry

Available Options: false, true



Debug deploying

Enable/disable debugging of weapon deployment.

Available Options: false, true

IK diag

Enable/disable IK diagnostics for weapon deployment.

Available Options: false, true

Aim speed diag

Enable/disable aim speed diagnostics for weapon deployment.

Available Options: false, true

Animation diag

Enable/disable animation diagnostics for weapon deployment.

Available Options: false, true

Weapon collision diag

Enable/disable weapon collision diagnostics for deployment.

Available Options: false, true

Disable Prone deployment

Enable/disable prone deployment for weapons.

Available Options: false, true

Disable post-phys hand pose

Enable/disable post physics hand pose for weapon.

Available Options: false, true

ADS limits diag

Enable/disable ADS limits debug.

Available Options: false, true

Deploying height

Set deploying height.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1
  • Current Value: 0.3
  • Step: 0.01

Max dist wpn-shoulder

Set max distance between weapon and shoulder.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 90
  • Current Value: 15
  • Step: 0.05

Disable prone movement

Enable/disable movement while prone deployment.

Available Options: true, false

Prone deployment heigh limit

Set prone deployment height limit.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1
  • Current Value: 0.15
  • Step: 0.01

Show sights points

Enable/disable showing of weapon sight points.

Available Options: false, true

Disable aim modifiers

Enable/disable aim modifiers for weapons.

Available Options: false, true

Disable character aim modifiers

Enable/disable character aim modifiers for weapons.

Available Options: false, true

Disable weapon offset

Enable/disable weapon offset.

Available Options: false, true

Enable sway diagnostics

Enable/disable sway diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

Disable movement based sway

Enable/disable movement based sway.

Available Options: false, true

Weapon obstruction

Enable/disable weapon obstruction debug. Diag shows various data related to obstruction like i.e. current obstruction status of controlled character.

It is also possible to change Weapon Move back offset with this diag.

When debug is activated additional spheres will be rendered with following color coding:

• Green → Starting or unobstructed points.

• Red → Obstructed or fully blocked locations

• Orange → Static reference points for offset calculations.


When character is moving, either pink or red orbs are visible - those are obstruction predictions orbs. When no obstruction is predicted their color is pink.


To prevent flashing behavior of debug windows it is necessary to Limit FPS below 20 frames

Available Options: false, true

Weapon handling

Enable/disable weapon handling debug.

Available Options: false, true

Weapon IK

Enable/disable weapon IK debug.

Available Options: false, true

Enable casing endpoints

Enable/disable casing endpoints debug.

Available Options: false, true

Disable partial lower

Enable/disable partial lower disable.

Available Options: false, true

Force zeroing anim value

Set force zeroing animation value.

Range Settings:

  • Min: -0.001
  • Max: 1
  • Current Value: -0.001
  • Step: 0.001

Force Recoil Type

Set force recoil type.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 3
  • Current Value: 0
  • Step: 1

Roll comp. weight

Set roll compensation weight.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1
  • Current Value: 0
  • Step: 0.01

Roll comp. gizmo diag

Enable/disable roll compensation gizmo debug.

Available Options: false, true

Correct zeroing data by ZeroGenerator

Enable/disable zeroing data correction.

Available Options: false, true

Adjustable magnification input scaling info

Enable/disable adjustable magnification scaling info.

Available Options: false, true

Adjustable magnification input scaling value

Set adjustable magnification input scaling value.

Range Settings:

  • Min: -1.0
  • Max: 1.0
  • Current Value: 0.0
  • Step: 0.01

Show Collimator Debug

Enable/disable collimator debug.

Available Options: false, true

Show Attachment Debug

Enable/disable attachment debug.

Available Options: false, true


Reset aim mod

Reset aim modifier.

Available Options: false, true

Toggle 2D optics

Toggle 2D optics usage.

Available Options: false, true

Show optics diag

Show or hide optics diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

Show PIP settings diag

Show or hide PIP settings diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

User Actions

Log actions

Enable/disable logging of user actions.

Available Options: false, true

Context position

Enable/disable context position debug.

Available Options: false, true

Context visibility angle

Enable/disable context visibility angle debug.

Available Options: false, true

Draw diags for select ent only

Enable/disable drawing of diags for selected entity only.

Available Options: false, true

Context gizmo scale

Set context gizmo scale.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 5
  • Current Value: 0.3
  • Step: 0.05

Context name scale

Set context name scale.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 50
  • Current Value: 10
  • Step: 1

Show context radius gizmo

Enable/disable showing of context radius gizmo.

Available Options: false, true

Enable handler diag

Enable/disable user action handler diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

Forcedisable Interactions

Enable/disable forcing of interactions.

Available Options: false, true

Enable adv. handler diag

Enable/disable advanced user action handler diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

Use distance to line

Enable/disable using distance to line for interaction.

Available Options: false, true

Fix square distance

Enable/disable fixing of square distance.

Available Options: false, true

Use predicate cache

Enable/disable predicate cache usage.

Available Options: true, false

Script listeners

Enable/disable script listeners.

Available Options: true, false

SetActionEnabled_S ON

Enable/disable setting of action enable on client.

Available Options: true, false

New interaction method

Enable/disable new interaction method.

Available Options: true, false

Skip action duration

Enable/disable skipping of interaction duration.

Available Options: false, true


Show active effects

Enable/disable showing of active gamepad effects.

Available Options: false, true

Gyro Speed Sensitivity Yaw

Set gyro speed sensitivity yaw.

Range Settings:

  • Min: -100.0
  • Max: 100.0
  • Current Value: 0.0
  • Step: 0.01

Gyro Speed Sensitivity Pitch

Set gyro speed sensitivity pitch.

Range Settings:

  • Min: -20.0
  • Max: 20.0
  • Current Value: 0.0
  • Step: 0.01

Gyro Speed Sensitivity Roll

Set gyro speed sensitivity roll.

Range Settings:

  • Min: -20.0
  • Max: 20.0
  • Current Value: 0.0
  • Step: 0.01


Enable TrackIR freelook

Enable/disable TrackIR freelook.

Available Options: true, false

Enable TrackIR leaning

Enable/disable TrackIR leaning.

Available Options: true, false


Transmissions diag

Enable/disable radio transmissions diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

Show radio ranges

Enable/disable showing of radio ranges.

Available Options: false, true

Force transmit

Enable/disable forcing of VON transmission.

Available Options: false, true

Disable audio filters

Enable/disable audio filters for VON.

Available Options: false, true


Log client chat messages

Enable/disable logging of client chat messages.

Available Options: false, true

Show chat diag

Show or hide chat diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

Disable chat

Enable/disable chat.

Available Options: false, true


Pause world time

Enable/disable pausing of world time.

Available Options: false, true


Set state (SP & MP)

Enable/disable setting of electricity state.

Available Options: false, true

Delete nearest pole (SP ONLY)

Enable/disable deleting of nearest electricity pole.

Available Options: false, true

Disable nearest pole edges (SP ONLY)

Enable/disable disabling of nearest electricity pole edges.

Available Options: false, true

Switch connection of nearest poles (SP ONLY)

Enable/disable switching of nearest electricity poles connection.

Available Options: false, true


Dump storages content

Enable/disable dumping of inventory storage content.

Available Options: false, true

Show inventory items

Enable/disable showing of inventory items.

Available Options: false, true

Log inventory changes

Enable/disable logging of inventory changes.

Available Options: false, true

Log visibility changes

Enable/disable logging of inventory visibility changes.

Available Options: false, true

Show volume info

Enable/disable showing of inventory volume info.

Available Options: false, true

Debug vicinity

Enable/disable vicinity debug.

Available Options: false, true

Show attributes debug

Enable/disable showing of inventory attributes debug.

Available Options: false, true

Enable item placement in WB

Enable/disable item placement in workbench.

Available Options: false, true

Enable hand slot

Enable/disable hand slot.

Available Options: false, true


Show clothes

Enable/disable showing of loadout clothes.

Available Options: false, true

Show slots

Enable/disable showing of loadout slots.

Available Options: false, true

Unwear all

Unwear all loadout items.

Available Options: false, true

Show only me

Enable/disable showing of only player loadout.

Available Options: false, true

Show only lines without text

Enable/disable showing of only lines without text.

Available Options: false, true


Light positions

Enable/disable showing of light positions.

Available Options: false, true


Show camera position

Enable/disable showing of camera position.

Available Options: false, true


Show animated items bones

Enable/disable showing of animated items bones.

Available Options: false, true


Network Movement


Set network movement debug mode.

Available Options: none, in, out

Movement simulation

Enable/disable network movement simulation debug.

Available Options: false, true

Display Selection

Enable/disable network movement display selection.

Available Options: false, true

NwkMovement Selection

Set network movement selection.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 512
  • Current Value: 0
  • Step: 1

Display buffer state

Enable/disable network movement display buffer state.

Available Options: false, true

Execution mode

Enable/disable network movement execution mode.

Available Options: false, true

Phys Simulation

Enable/disable network movement physics simulation.

Available Options: false, true

Nwk Updates

Enable/disable network movement network updates.

Available Options: false, true

Network Streaming

Override Distance

Enable/disable overriding of streaming distance.

Available Options: false, true

Stream In Grid Distance [#]

Set stream in grid distance.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 1
  • Max: 10
  • Current Value: 4
  • Step: 1

Vehicle Grid Distance [#]

Set vehicle grid distance.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 1
  • Max: 10
  • Current Value: 2
  • Step: 1

Character Grid Distance [#]

Set character grid distance.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 1
  • Max: 10
  • Current Value: 3
  • Step: 1

RPL scheduler

Server side RPL scheduler


Enable/disable basic RPL scheduler debug.

Available Options: false, true

Item Hierarchy Moves

Enable/disable RPL scheduler item hierarchy moves debug.

Available Options: false, true

Items Streamed In

Enable/disable RPL scheduler streamed in debug.

Available Options: false, true

Items Streamed Out

Enable/disable RPL scheduler streamed out debug.

Available Options: false, true

Items bumpped

Enable/disable RPL scheduler bumpped items debug.

Available Options: false, true

Spatial map

Enable/disable RPL scheduler spatial map debug.

Available Options: false, true

Moving list

Enable/disable RPL scheduler moving list debug.

Available Options: false, true

Disabled ref count

Enable/disable RPL scheduler disabled reference count debug.

Available Options: false, true


Enable/disable RPL scheduler observers debug.

Available Options: false, true


Enable/disable RPL scheduler budgeting debug.

Available Options: false, true


Enable/disable RPL scheduler ownership debug.

Available Options: false, true

Display Observers

Enable/disable display of observers.

Available Options: false, true

Virtual Player Id

Enable/disable virtual player ID debug.

Available Options: false, true

Spatial Map of Player Id

Set spatial map of player ID.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 192
  • Current Value: -1
  • Step: 1

Virtual Player X pos

Set virtual player X position.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 13000
  • Current Value: 0
  • Step: 100

Virtual Player Y pos

Set virtual player Y position.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 13000
  • Current Value: 0
  • Step: 100

Spatial layer

Set spatial layer.

Available Options: statics, dynamics, char+veh

Spatial type

Set spatial type.

Available Options: stationary+moving, stationary, moving

Network range

Set network range.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 1
  • Max: 50
  • Current Value: 2
  • Step: 1

Global streaming budget

Set global streaming budget.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 100
  • Max: 50000
  • Current Value: 500
  • Step: 50

Staggering budget

Set staggering budget.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 1
  • Max: 10201
  • Current Value: 1
  • Step: 1

Open streams delta

Set open streams delta.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 1
  • Max: 1000
  • Current Value: 1
  • Step: 1

Trouble causer

Enable/disable trouble causer debug.

Available Options: false, true

Streaming trouble causer rate

Set streaming trouble causer rate.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 1
  • Max: 60
  • Current Value: 0
  • Step: 1

Server FPS

Enable/disable network server FPS display.

Available Options: false, true

Damage synchronization

Enable/disable network damage synchronization debug.

Available Options: false, true

Lobby diagnostics

Enable/disable network lobby diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

Connection diag

Enable/disable network connection diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

Log ownership changes

Enable/disable logging of network ownership changes.

Available Options: false, true

Validate loaded prefabs

Enable/disable validation of loaded prefabs.

Available Options: false, true

Server admin

Enable/disable server admin mode.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

RPC MT jobs

Enable/disable RPC multithreaded jobs.

Available Options: true, false

Loading prefabs

Enable/disable prefabs loading debug.

Available Options: false, true

Social Component


Enable/disable client social component debug.

Available Options: false, true

Restrictions override

Set restriction override mode for social component.

Available Options: None, Force-Restriction, Force-Unrestricted

Player to restrict

Set player to restrict.

Available Options: First-Found, Last-Found

Send update

Enable/disable sending of social component update.

Available Options: false, true

Block Me

Enable/disable blocking of current player.

Available Options: false, true

Unblock Me

Enable/disable unblocking of current player.

Available Options: false, true

Update block list

Enable/disable updating of block list.

Available Options: false, true


Turret armory

Enable/disable turret armory debug.

Available Options: false, true

Disable turret modifiers

Enable/disable aim modifiers for turrets.

Available Options: false, true


Draw Compensated Shots

Set draw mode for compensated shots.

Available Options: none, missed, all

Drawn Shots

Set amount of drawn shots.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 1
  • Max: 20
  • Current Value: 5
  • Step: 1

Draw Trajectories

Enable/disable drawing of trajectories.

Available Options: false, true

Draw Collider Histories

Set drawing mode for collider histories.

Available Options: none, all, included, excluded

Use RTT (Old Method)

Enable/disable using old RTT method.

Available Options: false, true

Show Graphs

Enable/disable showing of hit registration graphs.

Available Options: false, true


Proj. override


Projectile mass override

Available Options: default, 0.0001, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1

Muzzle velocity

Projectile muzzle velocity override

Available Options: default, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000

Air drag coef

Projectile air drag coefficient override

Available Options: default, 0.001, 0.0005, 0.0001, 0.00005, 0.00001, 0.000005, 0.000001, 0.0000005, 0.0000001, 0.00000005, 0.00000001

Proj. test


Projectile test run

Available Options: disabled, enabled


Projectile test type

Available Options: camera, general, firefight, pen-test


Projectile test repeat mode

Available Options: once, counter, unlimited

Repeat count

Set projectile test repeat count.

Range Settings:

Min: 5

Max: 100

Current Value: 5

Step: 5

Repeat freq.

Projectile test repeat frequency

Available Options: 1, 2, 5, 10, 30, 60

Proj. count

Set projectile test shot count.

Range Settings:

Min: 10

Max: 100

Current Value: 10

Step: 10

Pen. type

Projectile penetration test type

Available Options: disc, sphere, box

Matrix type

Projectile test matrix type

Available Options: actual, saved

Matrix save

Projectile test matrix save

Available Options: disabled, enabled


Projectile test projectile type

Available Options: bullet, rpg

Kill timer

Projectile test kill timer

Available Options: 0, 1, 2, 5


Projectile test kill switch

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Proj. tests

Show plot

Projectile test show plot

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Plot type

Projectile test plot type

Available Options: 1dscatter, 2dscatter, 1dhistogram, 2dhistogram, defl_scatter, defl_hist

Gauss param

Set projectile test gauss parameter.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 5

Current Value: 0

Step: 0.1

Proj. settings

Max concurrent debug lines

Maximum amount of trajectories that are shown at once Defalut value: 16 (can be changed to up 1024 trajectories)

Available Options: 128, 8, 16, 32, 64, 256, 512, 1024


Projectile version

Available Options: default, experimental

Proj. ballistics

Print Hit Info

Projectile print hit info

Available Options: false, true

Show shell trajectory

Show projectile trajectory in 3D space, name of the flying prefab, impact points and also additional projectile data in top left corner (including projectile speed, data from prefab and impact data)

Color of the trace represents speed of the projectile, while green represents 100% of projectile initial speed and red represents speeds close to 0. armareforger-diag-menu-projectile-shell-trajectory.png

Available Options: false, true

Show stats

Shows statistics regarding current, largest & total amount of different type of projectiles: Shells, Missiles & Grenades


Available Options: false, true

Show predicted shell trajectory

Show prediction of projectile trajectory. You can still follow bullet path by observing where textbox with prefab name is located.


Available Options: false, true

Shell name

Controls whether shell name is visible next to projectile prefab.


Available Options: true, false

Player shell only

Controls if projectile diag should be applied to only player fired projectiles

Available Options: false, true


How many projectiles should be visible

Available Options: all, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1


Controls how long trajectory is visible after projectile destruction. By default it is set to 15 seconds

Available Options: 15s, 30s, 60s, 120s, permanent, 0s, 5s

Clear trajectories

Works as a toggle.

When activated, it clears world from all debug trajectories

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Info visible

Controls infobox visibility

Available Options: true, false

Info persistence

Controls how long infobox in top left corner is visible after projectile destruction. By default it is set to 0 seconds

Available Options: 0s, 5s, 15s, permanent

Info segment length

Interval at which speed data in infobox is measured and persisted.

Available Options: 100, 200, 500, 25, 50

Hide info

Projectile hide info box

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Dump data

Doesn't work in retail version of the game

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Special case

Projectile special case

Available Options: none, north, up, down, drop


Controls whether projectiles have a chance to deflect from surface.

Available Options: true, false


Controls whether projectiles is able to penetrate other objects.

Available Options: true, false


Controls whether projectiles randomly deviates after penetration.

Available Options: true, false


Controls whether projectiles is affected by gravity.

Available Options: true, false


Controls whether projectiles are leaving impact decals

Available Options: true, false

Decals advanced

Projectile advanced decals

Available Options: true, false

Decals use diameter

Projectile decals use diameter

Available Options: false, true

Override material

Projectile material override

Available Options: true, false

Bullet time

Reduces speed to 0.01 when projectile is fired. Time doesn't restore to normal speed unless DTime Multiplier in Cheats is turned off manually.

Available Options: false, true

Grenade simulation

Grenade simulation mode

Available Options: true, false

Show actions states

Enable/disable showing of actions states.

Available Options: false, true

Gridmap diags

Enable/disable gridmap diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

Show explosion debug

Enable/disable showing of explosion debug.


When an explosion occurs, "traces" (singular: "trace") are visual lines that represent the paths to each hitzone. These traces provide diagnostic feedback about whether damage was dealt or blocked. Here's how the trace system works

  • Red Sphere :
    • Represents the explosion's current damage radius .
    • The transparency of the sphere changes based on the explosion's size:
      • Less transparent (solid) : Indicates larger, more impactful explosions.
      • More transparent (faded) : Indicates smaller, less significant explosions.
  • Red: Normal explosion
  • Yellow Sphere:
    • Impulse explosion
  • Dark Yellow Sphere
    • Fragmentation explosion
    • Helps distinguish explosions of varying magnitudes and reduces visual clutter in overlapping scenarios.
  • Blue Lines :
    • Represent unblocked traces , indicating successful paths from the explosion’s origin where damage was applied to targets.
  • Red Lines :
    • Not visible in this image but would represent blocked traces , showing paths where damage was obstructed (e.g., by terrain or obstacles).
  • Additionally, each hitzone (a specific area of the target) is represented by a sphere at its location:
    • Blue Sphere : Indicates a hitzone that successfully took damage (unblocked).
    • Red Sphere : Indicates a hitzone where damage was blocked and not applied.

Available Options: false, true

Show player events

Enable/disable showing of player events.

Available Options: false, true

Show target events

Enable/disable showing of target events.

Available Options: false, true

Show aim directions

Enable/disable showing of aim directions.

Available Options: false, true


Enable/disable showing of factions debug.

Available Options: false, true


Enable/disable showing of contacts debug.

Available Options: false, true

Smooth steering in vehicle

Enable/disable smooth steering for vehicles.

Available Options: false, true

Character acceleration in vehicle

Set character acceleration debug in vehicle.

Available Options: acceleration, gforce

FOV override

Set field of view override.

Range Settings:

Min: 0.0

Max: 89.9

Current Value: 0.0

Step: 0.1

Time and Weather Diag

Enable/disable time and weather diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

Enable better interpolation

Enable/disable better interpolation.

Available Options: true, false

Log GameEntity events

Enable/disable logging of GameEntity events.

Available Options: false, true

Log GameEntity events (simple)

Enable/disable logging of GameEntity events (simple).

Available Options: false, true

Log shooting queues

Enable/disable logging of shooting queues.

Available Options: false, true

Log SlotInfo

Set SlotInfo logging mode.

Available Options: off, attached, detached, both

Door ColTest

Enable/disable door collision test.

Available Options: false, true

Use traces for possible volume data

Enable/disable traces for volume data.

Available Options: false, true

Show world volumes collection

Enable/disable showing of world volumes collection.

Available Options: false, true

Enable Decal Slots

Enable/disable decal slots.

Available Options: false, true

Game state diag

Enable/disable game state diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

Force fog at camera

Force fog at camera.

Available Options: false, true

Override fog

Override fog.

Available Options: false, true

Height bias

Set height bias.

Range Settings:

Min: -500

Max: 500

Current Value: 0

Step: 5


Enable groups diag

Enable/disable groups diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

Show input manager

Set input manager debug mode.

Available Options: disabled, active, all

Log player damage

Enable/disable logging of player damage.

Available Options: false, true


Disable player damage

Enables god mod. Has an instant effect on a currently controlled character that persists on that character even after switching to GM or a different character

Hotkey: Ctrl + Alt + F1

Available Options: Cheat disabled, Force invulnerable, Force vulnerable


Teleport player.

Hotkey: Ctrl + Alt + F2

Available Options: false, true

Infinite ammo

Enable/disable infinite ammo (magazines). Doesn't work in 1.2.1

Hotkey: Ctrl + Alt + F3

Available Options: false, true

Infinite bullets

Enable/disable infinite bullets. The bullet in the chamber is never consumed, which means only first bullet in magazine array will be only used (cannot be used for testing mixed mags for instance)

Hotkey: Ctrl + Alt + F4

Available Options: false, true

Commit suicide

Commit suicide.

Hotkey: Ctrl + Alt + F5

Available Options: false, true

Execute characters in front

Execute characters in front.

Hotkey: Ctrl + Alt + F6

Available Options: false, true

DTime multiplier

Toggles time progression multiplication by Dtime multiplier value  (DTime stands for dilatation time, also known as time slice in Enfusion)

Available Options: false, true

DTime multiplier value

Set delta time multiplier value.

Range Settings:

Min: 0.01

Max: 20

Current Value: 1.0

Step: 0.01

Debug manual camera

Enable/disable free manual camera. While the "Debug camera" (aka "Free camera" or "Freecam") is active, you can use the spacebar to teleport your character under the cursor

Hotkey: Ctrl + Alt + C

Available Options: false, true


ECS archetypes

Enable/disable ECS archetypes debug.

Available Options: false, true

ECS registered types

Enable/disable ECS registered types debug.

Available Options: false, true

ECS type matching

Enable/disable ECS type matching debug.

Available Options: false, true

ECS deleted entities

Enable/disable ECS deleted entities debug.

Available Options: false, true


Character physics


Enable/disable character physics prequery.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Use idle character optimization

Enable/disable idle character physics optimization.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Show charcter info

Enable/disable showing of character collision info.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Always apply collision

Enable/disable always applying character collision.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Ground offset diag

Enable/disable showing of ground offset.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Draw character mode

Set draw mode for character physics debug.

Available Options: None, Everything, Collision, Movement Path, Surface, Prequery

Enable desync detection

Enable/disable desync detection.

Available Options: false, true

Show desync detection window

Enable/disable desync detection window.

Available Options: false, true

Interpolation enabled

Enable/disable character interpolation.

Available Options: true, false

Animation LOD

Set animation LOD.

Range Settings:

Min: -1

Max: 3

Current Value: -1

Step: 1

Aiming direction

Enable/disable showing of aiming direction.

Available Options: false, true

Head aiming direction

Enable/disable showing of head aiming direction.

Available Options: false, true

Heading angle

Enable/disable showing of heading angle.

Available Options: false, true

Surface slope

Enable/disable showing of surface slope.

Available Options: false, true

Entity transform

Enable/disable showing of entity transform.

Available Options: false, true

AnimPhysAgent transform

Enable/disable showing of animation physics agent transform.

Available Options: false, true

Foot down anim event

Enable/disable showing of foot down animation event.

Available Options: false, true

Animation events

Enable/disable showing of animation events.

Available Options: false, true

Animation tags

Enable/disable showing of animation tags.

Available Options: false, true

Climb command physics test

Enable/disable climb command physics test.

Available Options: false, true

Show current ladder

Enable/disable showing of current ladder.

Available Options: false, true

Input actions

Enable/disable showing of input actions.

Available Options: false, true

Lock view horizontal

Enable/disable locking of view horizontal.

Available Options: false, true

Lock view vertical

Enable/disable locking of view vertical.

Available Options: false, true

Disable Inertia

Enable/disable character inertia.

Available Options: false, true

Disable Inertia exponential

Enable/disable character exponential inertia.

Available Options: false, true

Show additive handler tasks

Enable/disable showing of active additive tasks.

Available Options: false, true


Enable/disable showing of character stamina.

Available Options: false, true

Disable animation from velocity

Enable/disable animation from velocity.

Available Options: false, true

Enable new passive weapon mode (sling)

Enable/disable new passive weapon mode (sling).

Available Options: false, true

Disable anim driven icremental turns

Enable/disable anim driven incremental turns.

Available Options: false, true

Disable hit reaction

Enable/disable hit reaction.

Available Options: false, true

Enable ragdoll debug (melee attack to toggle)

Enable/disable ragdoll debug (melee attack to toggle).

Available Options: false, true

Enable feet IK

Enable/disable feet IK.

Available Options: false, true

Show player identity

Enable/disable showing of player identity.

Available Options: false, true

Show inspection diag

Enable/disable showing of inspection debug.

Available Options: false, true

Show drowning / water level diag

Enable/disable showing of drowning/water level debug.

Available Options: false, true

Inspection keeps orientation

Enable/disable keeping orientation during inspection.

Available Options: false, true

Prone root motion transl

Enable/disable root motion translation for prone turns.

Available Options: false, true

Toggle unconsciousness

Enable/disable toggling of character unconsciousness.

Available Options: false, true

Forced unconsciousness pose

Set forced unconsciousness pose.

Range Settings:

Min: -1

Max: 5

Current Value: -1

Step: 1

Show Frustum

Enable/disable showing of frustum.

Available Options: false, true

Disable velocity DTime

Enable/disable velocity delta time.

Available Options: false, true

Enable turret overriding logging

Enable/disable turret overriding logging.

Available Options: false, true

Skip simulation points prequery

Enable/disable skip simulation points prequery.

Available Options: false, true

Show simulation points

Enable/disable showing of simulation points.

Available Options: false, true

Cycle Debug View

Set character debug view cycle.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 8

Current Value: 0

Step: 1

Draw Camera Collision Solver

Enable/disable drawing of camera collision solver.

Available Options: false, true

Enable Debug UI

Enable/disable character debug UI.

Available Options: false, true

Disable Banking

Enable/disable character banking.

Available Options: false, true

Enable transform info

Enable/disable character transformation info.

Available Options: false, true

Disable recoil cam shake

Enable/disable recoil camera shake.

Available Options: false, true

Disable additional cam shake

Enable/disable additional camera shake.

Available Options: false, true

Show shake diag

Enable/disable showing of camera shake test window.

Available Options: false, true

Inspection LookAt

Enable/disable inspection look at.

Available Options: false, true

ADS Camera

Set ADS camera mode.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 3

Current Value: 0

Step: 1

Deal damage debug

Enable/disable damage debug for character.

Available Options: false, true

Show Perceived Faction

Enable/disable showing of perceived faction.

Available Options: false, true

AimModifier Debug

Enable/disable aim modifier debug.

Available Options: false, true



Draw trajectory

Enable/disable drawing of helicopter trajectory.

Available Options: false, true

Draw velocity

Set helicopter velocity visualization mode.

Available Options: none, resultant, res+local, res+world

Draw HUD

Enable/disable helicopter HUD debug.

Available Options: false, true

Toggle autohover

Enable/disable helicopter autohover.

Available Options: disabled, enabled


Set helicopter collective debug mode.

Available Options: localYOffset, default, localY, worldY, direct

Flight limits

Enable/disable helicopter flight limits debug.

Available Options: false, true


Set helicopter stick mode.

Available Options: LS/RS, RS/LS



Enable/disable Track simulation.

Available Options: true, false

Draw tracks

Enable/disable drawing of tracks.

Available Options: false, true

Track dynamic

Enable/disable track dynamic.

Available Options: true, false

Track gravity

Enable/disable track gravity.

Available Options: true, false

Reset tracks

Enable/disable resetting of tracks.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Vehicle Networking and Reconciliation

Determinism testing

Record Moves

Enable/disable recording of vehicle moves.

Available Options: false, true

Clear Record

Clear recorded vehicle moves.

Available Options: false, true

(F)Replay Full

Enable/disable full replay of vehicle moves from full state.

Available Options: false, true

(I)Replay Full

Enable/disable full replay of vehicle moves from init state.

Available Options: false, true

(F)Replay Unconstrained

Enable/disable unconstrained replay of vehicle moves from full state.

Available Options: false, true

(I)Replay Unconstrained

Enable/disable unconstrained replay of vehicle moves from init state.

Available Options: false, true

(U)Replay until Move

Set number of unconstrained replays.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 4096

Current Value: 0

Step: 1

Num of Instances

Set number of vehicle instances.

Range Settings:

Min: 1

Max: 100

Current Value: 1

Step: 1

X axis spread

Set X axis spread for vehicle instances.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 100

Current Value: 0

Step: 1

Z axis spread

Set Z axis spread for vehicle instances.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 100

Current Value: 0

Step: 1

Num of Columns(X)

Set number of columns for vehicle instances.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 100

Current Value: 0

Step: 1

Draw recorded paths

Set draw mode for recorded vehicle paths.

Available Options: Off, Client, Server, FullSim(W), FullSim(I), Uncon(W), Uncon(I), All

SimState to CSV

Export simulation state to CSV.

Available Options: false, true

WS of (U) to CSV

Export unconstrained simulation state to CSV.

Available Options: false, true

InitState to CSV

Export initialization state to CSV.

Available Options: false, true

Prediction options

C: Disable Correction

Enable/disable client side vehicle correction.

Available Options: false, true

C: Disable Prediction

Enable/disable client side vehicle prediction.

Available Options: false, true

C: (T)Prediction Allowance

Set client side vehicle prediction distance allowance.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 1000

Current Value: 25

Step: 1

C: (T)Prediction offset

Set client side vehicle prediction offset.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 1000

Current Value: 150

Step: 1

C: Lerping options

C: Debug Lerping

Enable/disable client side vehicle lerping debug.

Available Options: false, true

C: Lerping Allowance

Set client side vehicle lerping allowance.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 1000

Current Value: 1000

Step: 1

C: Lerping Distance Percentage

Set client side vehicle distance lerping percentage.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 100

Current Value: 35

Step: 1

C: Lerping Angle Percentage

Set client side vehicle angle lerping percentage.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 100

Current Value: 50

Step: 1

C: Allowance options

S: Enable allowance

Enable/disable server side vehicle allowance.

Available Options: false, true

S: Speed Scaled Allowance

Enable/disable speed scaling for server side vehicle allowance.

Available Options: true, false

S: Distance Allowance

Set server side vehicle distance allowance.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 1000

Current Value: 300

Step: 1

S: Angle Allowance

Set server side vehicle angle allowance.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 1000

Current Value: 3

Step: 1

S: Angular Velocity Allowance

Set server side vehicle angular velocity allowance.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 1000

Current Value: 25

Step: 1

S: Linear Velocity Allowance

Set server side vehicle linear velocity allowance.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 1000

Current Value: 30

Step: 1

Server Car Overrides

S: Override KMH

Enable/disable server side KMH override.

Available Options: false, true

S: -||- close to 0

Enable/disable server side KMH override close to zero.

Available Options: false, true

S: Override STEERING

Enable/disable server side steering override.

Available Options: false, true

S: Override THROTTLE

Enable/disable server side throttle override.

Available Options: false, true

S: Override BRAKE

Enable/disable server side brake override.

Available Options: false, true

S: Override GEAR

Enable/disable server side gear override.

Available Options: false, true

S: Override CLUTCH

Enable/disable server side clutch override.

Available Options: false, true

Vehicle type

Set vehicle type.

Available Options: Wheeled, Helicopter

Heli prefab selection

Select helicopter prefab.

Available Options: Mi8, UH1

Show vehicle id

Enable/disable showing of vehicle ID.

Available Options: false, true

Vehicle selection

Set vehicle selection.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 512

Current Value: 0

Step: 1

S: Input/Output Diags

Set input/output diagnostic mode.

Available Options: Off, Sim Out, Sim In, Controller, All

Debug path correction

Enable/disable path correction debug.

Available Options: false, true

Debug history

Enable/disable network history debug.

Available Options: false, true

Debug engine flags

Enable/disable engine inputs debug.

Available Options: false, true

Draw Phys Comp Debug

Enable/disable drawing of physics component debug.

Available Options: false, true

C: Resend rate

Set client side vehicle resend rate.

Range Settings:

Min: 1

Max: 5

Current Value: 2

Step: 1

S: Replay delay

Set server side vehicle replay delay.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 300

Current Value: 2

Step: 1

S: Max Rtt allowed

Set server side vehicle max RTT allowed.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 300

Current Value: 60

Step: 1


Compartment positions

Enable/disable showing of compartment positions.

Available Options: false, true

Show entry points

Enable/disable showing of compartment entry points.

Available Options: false, true

Show accessibility

Enable/disable showing of compartment accessibility.

Available Options: false, true

Show get out prediction

Enable/disable showing of get out prediction.

Available Options: false, true

Show character obstruction trace during get out

Enable/disable showing of character obstruction trace during get out.

Available Options: false, true

MT simulation

Enable/disable multithreaded vehicle simulation.

Available Options: true, false

Show Controller Diags

Enable/disable showing of vehicle controller diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

Show Compartment Events Diags

Enable/disable showing of vehicle compartment events diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

Show stats

Enable/disable showing of vehicle statistics.

Available Options: false, true

Show vehicle debug

Enable/disable showing of vehicle debug.

Available Options: false, true

Player vehicle only

Enable/disable showing of player vehicle only.

Available Options: true, false

Show CoM

Enable/disable showing of vehicle center of mass.

Available Options: false, true

Show inertia

Enable/disable showing of vehicle inertia.

Available Options: false, true

Show forces

Enable/disable showing of vehicle forces.

Available Options: false, true

Show engine

Enable/disable showing of vehicle engine.

Available Options: false, true

Show contacts

Enable/disable showing of vehicle contacts.

Available Options: false, true

Show raycast

Enable/disable showing of vehicle raycast.

Available Options: false, true

Show suspension

Enable/disable showing of vehicle suspension.

Available Options: false, true

Show swaybar

Enable/disable showing of vehicle swaybar.

Available Options: false, true

Show wheels

Enable/disable showing of vehicle wheels.

Available Options: false, true

Show bones

Enable/disable showing of vehicle bones.

Available Options: false, true

Show slope

Enable/disable showing of vehicle slope.

Available Options: false, true

Test raycast

Enable/disable testing of raycast.

Available Options: false, true

Reset vehicle

Reset vehicle.

Hotkey: Ctrl + Alt + R

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Teleport up

Teleport vehicle up.

Hotkey: Ctrl + Alt + T

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Wheel drag set

Enable/disable overriding of wheel drag.

Available Options: false, true

Wheel drag value

Set wheel drag value.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 1

Current Value: 0

Step: 0.05

Disable freelook

Enable/disable freelook for vehicles.

Available Options: false, true

Enable debugger trace

Enable/disable debugger trace for vehicles.

Available Options: false, true

wheel drag set

Enable/disable overriding of wheel drag (duplicate).

Available Options: false, true

Fuel consumption

Enable/disable fuel consumption debug.

Available Options: false, true

Visualize push force

Enable/disable visualization of push force.

Available Options: false, true

Show dust materials

Enable/disable showing of vehicle dust materials.

Available Options: false, true



Display FPS statistics.

Hotkey: Ctrl + NUM 1

Available Options: none, basic, detailed, average


Display general statistics.

Hotkey: Ctrl + NUM 2

Available Options: disable, basic, detailed, all

Shape stats

Enable/disable shape statistics.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

MeshObject stats

Display mesh object statistics.

Available Options: none, count, mesh, faces, verts

Decal stats

Display decal statistics.

Available Options: none, all

Resource memory stats

Display resource memory statistics.

Available Options: none, memory, age

Texture memory stats

Display texture memory statistics.

Available Options: none, memory, age

Slow script

Set threshold for slow scripts log.

Available Options: off, 1ms, 2ms, 5ms, 10ms

Verbose script Print

Enable/disable verbose script prints.

Available Options: false, true

Script profiler

Enable/disable script profiler.

Available Options: off, frame, average

Script prof. external

Enable/disable external script profiler.

Available Options: false, true

Test mem-stress

Enable/disable memory stress testing.

Available Options: off, once, periodic

Flush memory

Enable/disable memory flushing.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Flush audio

Enable/disable audio flushing.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Memory validation

Enable/disable memory validation.

Available Options: none, on, off

Dump render resources

Enable/disable dumping of render resources.

Available Options: disabled, enabled


Enable/disable performance counters.

Hotkey: Ctrl + NUM 3

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Slow down

Slow down the game.

Available Options: off, 1ms, 5ms, 10ms, 20ms, 50ms, 100ms

Limit FPS

Limit the game's FPS.

Available Options: off, 120, 60, 40, 30, 20, 10, 5, 2

Widget statistics

Enable/disable widget statistics.

Available Options: false, true

Widget hierarchy to log

Log widget hierarchy.

Available Options: off, once

Widget update to log

Log widget updates.

Available Options: none, hierarchy, time

Loaded particle FX

Enable/disable loaded particle FX statistics.

Available Options: false, true

Resource category stats

Enable/disable resource category statistics.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Dump resources

Toggle. Dumps all resources.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Log prefab spawn

Log prefab spawning.

Available Options: off, non-instant, all

Data Collection

Enable debug menu

Enable/disable data collection debug menu.

Available Options: false, true



Main RT format

Override main render target format.

Available Options: no override, R8G8B8A8_SRGB, R8G8B8A8, R10G10B10A2, R11G11B10F, R16G16B16A16F


Override main render target MSAA settings.

Available Options: no override, none, 2x, 4x, 8x

Force custom resolve

Force custom resolve for render target.

Available Options: false, true

Use resolved RT for PPs

Control post-processing RT usage.

Available Options: default, disabled, enabled


Reload shaders

Enable/disable shader reloading.

Hotkey: Ctrl + F12

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Offline shaders

Enable/disable offline shaders.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Scene prep. mode

Set scene preparation mode.

Available Options: Multithreaded, Singlethreaded

Cmd list mode

Set command list mode.

Available Options: Multithreaded, Singlethreaded

Log GPU perf diags

Log GPU performance diagnostics.

Available Options: off, once, permanent

Log CMD lists

Log command lists.

Available Options: off, once, permament

Over-sync barriers (PS5)

Set over-sync barriers.

Available Options: none, all, RenderTarget, DepthSurface, StencilSurface, RoTexture, RoBuffer, RwTexture, RwBuffer

Clear RT with

Clear render target with color.

Available Options: none, black, white, red, green, blue

Clear temporal RTs to

Clear temporal render targets.

Available Options: none, black, NaN


Set G-Buffer mode.

Available Options: default, AmbientDepthNear, AmbientNear, AmbientDepthFull, AmbientFull

GBuffer decals

Enable/disable G-Buffer decals.

Available Options: false, true


Enable/disable decals.

Available Options: true, false

Disable HTILE (PS4&PS5)

Enable/disable HTILE.

Available Options: false, true

Check GPU commands (PS5)

Enable/disable checking of GPU commands.

Available Options: false, true

VSync imm.treshold

Set VSync immediate threshold.

Available Options: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50

VSync limit

Set VSync limit.

Available Options: default, 20, 30, 40, 60

DX12: log trans. barriers

Enable/disable logging of DX12 transition barriers.

Available Options: false, true

DX12: log state commit

Enable/disable logging of DX12 state commits.

Available Options: false, true

CopyHWDepth use depth

Control if CopyHWDepth should use depth.

Available Options: true, false

CopyHWDepth filter

Set filter mode for CopyHWDepth.

Available Options: default, firstSample, min, max

CB draw calls min limit

Enable/disable command buffer draw calls minimum limit.

Available Options: true, false

Validate Input (DP)

Enable/disable validation of input.

Available Options: false, true

System textures


log messages

Enable/disable IBL logging.

Available Options: false, true

Env map num

Select which environment map to display.

Available Options: none, GlobalSky, GlobalPlaced, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16


Set refresh mode for IBL.

Available Options: no, yes, always, disable

Apply HDRmul

Apply or disable HDR multiplier for IBL.

Available Options: true, false

DFG specular

Enable/disable DFG specular for IBL.

Available Options: false, true

DFG diffuse

Enable/disable DFG diffuse for IBL.

Available Options: false, true


Enable/disable environment for IBL.

Available Options: false, true

LD specular

Enable/disable LD specular for IBL.

Available Options: true, false

LD diffuse

Enable/disable LD diffuse for IBL.

Available Options: false, true

Maximize size

Enable/disable Dynamic Texture size maximization.

Available Options: false, true

Show shadowmap

Display shadowmap.

Available Options: disable, full smask, R-smask NdotL, G-smask, B-AO, A-wetAdd

Show combined rainmask

Display combined rainmask.

Available Options: disable, full smask, R-wetness, G-c.wetness, B-rain, A-underwate

Show light shadowmap

Set light shadowmap to show.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 36
  • Current Value: 0
  • Step: 1

Show cascades

Show shadow cascades.

Available Options: disable, cascade 1, cascade 2, cascade 3, cascade 4

Show rain mask

Show rain mask.

Available Options: disable, cascade 1, cascade 2, cascade 3, cascade 4

Show wetness mask

Show wetness mask.

Available Options: disable, cascade 1, cascade 2, cascade 3, cascade 4

Show custom wetness mask

Show custom wetness mask.

Available Options: disable, cascade 1, cascade 2, cascade 3, cascade 4

Show wetness add mask

Show wetness add mask.

Available Options: disable, cascade 1, cascade 2, cascade 3, cascade 4

Show depthmap

Enable/disable depthmap visualization.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Show HW depthmap

Enable/disable HW depthmap visualization.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Terrain shadow map

Show terrain shadow maps.

Available Options: none, terrain shadow, shadow raw, shadow volume high, shadow volume low

Disable SPD

Disable Screen-Space Particle Depth.

Available Options: false, true

Show GBuffer

Show G-Buffer channels (normals, roughness, metalness, albedo, AO).

Available Options: none, normals, roughness, metalness, albedo, AO

Show GBuffer

Show G-Buffer channels (normals, roughness, metalness).

Available Options: none, normals, roughness, metalness

Show volumetric light rays

Enable/disable volumetric light ray visualization.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Show reflections

Enable/disable reflection visualization.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Show user textures

Enable/disable user texture visualization.

Available Options: disabled

Show virtual lights RT

Enable/disable virtual lights RT visualization.

Available Options: disabled, enabled


Mipmap bias

Set mipmap bias.

Available Options: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, -1, -0.75, 0.5, -0.25

Max mipmap

Set maximum mipmap level.

Available Options: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12


Enable/disable defragmentation of texture resources.

Available Options: true, false


Set mode of defrag.

Available Options: auto, once, continuous

Defrag heap

Set heap for defrag.

Available Options: MA heaps, manTextures, manBuffers

Defrag alg

Set algorithm of defrag.

Available Options: fast, balanced, full

Scene lighting

Force PBR light

Force or disable PBR light.

Available Options: false, true

Ambient lighting

Enable/disable ambient lighting.

Available Options: true, false

Directional lighting

Enable/disable directional lighting.

Available Options: true, false

Diffuse lighting

Enable/disable diffuse lighting.

Available Options: true, false

Specular lighting

Enable/disable specular lighting.

Available Options: true, false

Emission lighting

Enable/disable emission lighting.

Available Options: true, false

Desaturate Atmosphere (cubemap)

Set desaturation of atmosphere (cubemap).

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1
  • Current Value: 0
  • Step: 0.01

Remove interiors fog

Remove fog in interiors.

Available Options: true, false

Capture with glob.probe

Enable/disable capturing with global probe.

Available Options: false, true

Negative probe ambient

Enable/disable negative probe ambient.

Available Options: false, true

IBL reflection/roughness

Set IBL reflection/roughness power.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1
  • Current Value: 0
  • Step: 0.01

IBL multiscattering

Enable/disable IBL multiscattering.

Available Options: true, false

Probe lighting mode

Enable/disable probe lighting mode.

Available Options: false, true

Object probe LV

Set object probe luminance value.

Range Settings:

Min: -4

Max: 4

Current Value: 0

Step: 0.01

Show scene LV

Show scene luminance.

Available Options: none, pure, NaN, luminance, max.lum, perc.lum, luminanceHM, maxHM, log2HM

LV auto

Enable/disable automatic adjustment of scene LV.

Available Options: true, false

manual LV middle

Set manual luminance value. Options: -10 20 5 0.01

LV +-Range

Set luminance range.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 1
  • Max: 20
  • Current Value: 5
  • Step: 0.01

LV watcher

Set luminance watcher.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1
  • Current Value: 0.5
  • Step: 0.001

LV watcher size

Set luminance watcher size.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 0.2
  • Current Value: 0.025
  • Step: 0.001



Enable/disable shadows.

Available Options: true, false

Shadows OOF

Enable/disable out of frustum shadows.

Available Options: true, false

Shadows multileaf

Enable/disable multileaf shadows.

Available Options: true, false

Particle shadows

Set particle shadows.

Available Options: default, per pixel, per vertex, disabled

Particle cascades

Set particle shadow cascades.

Available Options: default, 1, 2, 3, 4

PP effects

DOF Advanced


Enable/disable advanced depth of field.

Available Options: true, false


Set the format for advanced depth of field.

Available Options: default, R11G11B10F, R16G16B16A16F


Set the quality level for advanced depth of field.

Available Options: default, 0, 1, 2, 3


Set the number of rings for advanced depth of field.

Available Options: default, 3, 4, 5

Combine FS Blur

Set mode to combine full screen blur for advanced depth of field.

Available Options: default, enabled, disabled

Gather quality

Set gather quality for advanced depth of field.

Available Options: default, low, high

Force dilate rad.

Set force dilate radius for advanced depth of field.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 16
  • Current Value: 0
  • Step: 1

Debug vis

Set debug visualization mode for advanced depth of field.

Available Options: disabled, fields, gather, combine, bg col, bg alpha, fg col, fg alpha, fill col, fill alpha

Override near blur

Enable/disable overriding the near blur value for advanced depth of field.

Available Options: false, true

near blur

Set near blur value for advanced depth of field. Options: -0.0001 0.04 0.02 0.001

Override far blur

Enable/disable overriding the far blur value for advanced depth of field.

Available Options: false, true

far blur

Set far blur value for advanced depth of field. Options: -0.0001 0.04 0.02 0.001

Override FStop

Enable/disable overriding the FStop value for advanced depth of field.

Available Options: false, true


Set FStop value for advanced depth of field.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.1
  • Max: 32
  • Current Value: 2.0
  • Step: 0.1

Override focus dist

Enable/disable overriding the focus distance for advanced depth of field.

Available Options: false, true

focus dist

Set focus distance for advanced depth of field.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.0
  • Max: 100
  • Current Value: 2.0
  • Step: 0.1

Override focal length

Enable/disable overriding the focal length for advanced depth of field.

Available Options: false, true

focal length

Set focal length for advanced depth of field.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.01
  • Max: 1
  • Current Value: 0.05
  • Step: 0.01


Enable/disable all postprocessing effects.

Hotkey: Ctrl + Alt + P

Available Options: enabled, disabled


Enable/disable rain postprocessing effect.

Available Options: enabled, disabled


Enable/disable snow postprocessing effect.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Chrom aber

Enable/disable chromatic aberration postprocessing effect.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Color grading

Enable/disable color grading postprocessing effect.

Available Options: disabled, enabled


Enable/disable color correction postprocessing effect.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Depth of field

Enable/disable standard depth of field postprocessing effect.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Physical Depth of field

Enable/disable physical bokeh depth of field postprocessing effect.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Force Quality

Set the quality for physical bokeh depth of field.

Available Options: default, low, middle, high

Physical fast Depth of field

Enable/disable fast physical bokeh depth of field postprocessing effect.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Force Quality

Set the quality for fast physical bokeh depth of field.

Available Options: default, low, middle, high

Dynamic blur

Enable/disable dynamic blur postprocessing effect.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Film grain

Enable/disable film grain postprocessing effect.

Available Options: enabled, disabled


Enable/disable FXAA postprocessing effect.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

God rays

Enable/disable god rays postprocessing effect.

Available Options: enabled, disabled


Enable/disable HBAO postprocessing effect.

Available Options: enabled, disabled


Enable/disable HBAO debugging visualization.

Available Options: disabled, enabled


Enable/disable HBAO fullscreen debugging visualization.

Available Options: disabled, enabled


Set the number of HBAO steps.

Available Options: default, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


Set the number of HBAO directions.

Available Options: default, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


Enable/disable HDR postprocessing effect.

Available Options: enabled, disabled


Set HDR debug visualization.

Available Options: none, mask, LVBlend


Enable/disable bloom effect for HDR.

Available Options: enabled, blured, disabled

Bloom CS

Enable/disable bloom compute shader for HDR.

Available Options: false, true

Bloom Upsample

Select bloom upsample method for HDR.

Available Options: before tonemap, in tonemap


Set HDR exposure value.

Range Settings:

Min: -10.0

Max: 10.0

Current Value: 0.0

Step: 0.1

Show curves

Show HDR curves.

Available Options: disabled, histogram, <0..2>lin filmic, <-6..0>LV filmic, <0.01..10>log filmic

Disable autoExp

Disable auto exposure for HDR.

Available Options: false, true

New LV adaptation

Enable/disable new luminance adaptation for HDR.

Available Options: false, true


Enable/disable heightmap based AO postprocessing effect.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Gauss filter

Enable/disable gaussian blur postprocessing effect.

Available Options: enabled, disabled


Enable/disable outline postprocessing effect.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Radial blur

Enable/disable radial blur postprocessing effect.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Rot blur

Enable/disable rotation blur postprocessing effect.

Available Options: enabled, disabled


Enable/disable SMAA postprocessing effect.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Edge detection method override

Set the edge detection method override for SMAA.

Available Options: Disabled, Color, Depth, Luma

Show debug textures

Display SMAA debug textures.

Available Options: Disabled, SMAAEdgeDetection, SMAABlendingWeightCalculation


Enable/disable SSAO postprocessing effect.

Available Options: enabled, disabled


Set SSAO method.

Available Options: non-linear, linear, mask non-linear, mask linear


Set blur steps for SSAO.

Available Options: default, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


Enable/disable SSDO postprocessing effect.

Available Options: enabled, disabled


Enable/disable SSDO debugging visualization.

Available Options: disabled, enabled


Enable/disable SSDO fullscreen debugging visualization.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

SSR (global)

Enable/disable global SSR postprocessing effect.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

SSR (objects only)

Enable/disable object only SSR postprocessing effect.

Available Options: enabled, disabled


Enable/disable FFX Screen Space Reflection.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Temporal filtering

Enable/disable temporal filtering for SSR.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Min fade distance

Set minimum fade distance for SSR.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 100
  • Current Value: 0.5
  • Step: 0.01

Max fade distance

Set maximum fade distance for SSR.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 100
  • Current Value: 2
  • Step: 0.01

Behind ambient

Correct reflection with ambient.

Available Options: disabled, enabled


Enable/disable underwater postprocessing effect.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Wet distort

Enable/disable wet distortion postprocessing effect.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Terrain menu


Enable/disable terrain rendering.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

LOD mode

Set terrain LOD mode.

Available Options: auto, exact lod, frac only

Force exact LOD

Set force exact LOD.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 1
  • Max: 5
  • Current Value: 5
  • Step: 0.01

Layers diag mode

Set terrain layers diagnostic mode.

Hotkey: Ctrl + Alt + L

Available Options: disabled, layers, projection

Show tiles error

Enable/disable showing of terrain tile errors.

Available Options: false, true

Tile error modif

Set terrain tile error modification. Options: -10 10 0 0.01

Blocks' bounding boxes

Enable/disable bounding boxes for terrain blocks.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

MaxLOD blocks' AABB

Enable/disable AABBs for max LOD terrain blocks.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Biased blocks' AABB

Enable/disable AABBs for biased terrain blocks.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Tiles' bounding boxes

Enable/disable bounding boxes for terrain tiles.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Detail texture

Enable/disable terrain detail texture.

Hotkey: Ctrl + Alt + S

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Water LOD bias

Set water LOD bias.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1
  • Current Value: 0
  • Step: 0.001

Detail texture detail

Set terrain detail texture level.

Available Options: normal, -10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Reload only curr. shaders

Enable/disable reloading of only current terrain shaders.

Available Options: false, true

Use layer cache

Enable/disable terrain layer cache.

Available Options: true, false

Terrain render info

Enable/disable terrain render information.

Available Options: false, true

Holes debug vis

Enable/disable terrain holes debug visualization.

Available Options: false, true

Disabled block debug vis

Enable/disable visualization of disabled terrain blocks.

Available Options: false, true


Render clutter

Set clutter render mode.

Available Options: full, prepare only, disabled

Show clutter stats

Set clutter statistics.

Available Options: none, general, detailed

Reload clutter configs

Enable/disable reloading of clutter configurations.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

3D clutter AABB

Enable/disable 3D AABBs for clutter.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Clutter LOD debug

Enable/disable clutter LOD debugging.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Clutter LOD blend size

Set clutter LOD blend size.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.0
  • Max: 5.0
  • Current Value: 1.5
  • Step: 0.1

Thinning slope

Set clutter thinning slope.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.01
  • Max: 1.0
  • Current Value: 0.25
  • Step: 0.01

Clutter fadeout size

Set clutter fadeout size.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 30
  • Current Value: 15
  • Step: 0.1

Shadow casting

Enable/disable shadow casting for clutter.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Clutter position jitter

Set clutter position jitter.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.0
  • Max: 1.0
  • Current Value: 0.5
  • Step: 0.01

Enable obstacles

Enable/disable obstacles on terrain.

Available Options: true, false

Enable clutter mask

Enable/disable clutter masking.

Available Options: true, false

Show clutter occldrs

Enable/disable showing of clutter occluders.

Available Options: false, true

Show obst.map

Set obstacle map visualization.

Available Options: none, runtime, perm. depth, perm. mask

Force params:

Enable/disable forcing of obstacle parameters.

Available Options: false, true


Set obstacle radius X.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.5
  • Max: 5
  • Current Value: 1
  • Step: 0.1


Set obstacle radius Z.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.5
  • Max: 5
  • Current Value: 1
  • Step: 0.1


Set obstacle offset. Options: -1.0 1.0 0 0.01

Render grass

Enable/disable grass rendering.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Grass log

Enable/disable grass logging.

Available Options: false, true

Basic cluster size (10) mul

Set grass cluster size multiplier.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 1.5
  • Max: 10
  • Current Value: 10
  • Step: 0.01

Grass distance <50..150>

Set grass detail distance. Options: -1 1 0 0.1

Freeze grass pos

Enable/disable freezing of grass positions.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Grass clusters' boxes

Enable/disable visualization of grass cluster boxes.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Force grass lod

Set grass LOD level.

Available Options: default, 0, 1, 2, 3

Force grass blend

Set grass blend mode.

Available Options: default, alphatest, edges, ATOC(if msaa)

Grass sort

Enable/disable sorting of grass.

Available Options: true, false

MT rendering

Enable/disable multi-threaded grass rendering.

Available Options: true, false

MT caching

Enable/disable multi-threaded grass caching.

Available Options: true, false

Grass terrain blend

Enable/disable grass terrain blending.

Available Options: false, true

start dist

Set grass terrain blend start distance.

Range Settings:

Min: -100

Max: 150

Current Value: 0

Step: 0.1

end dist

Set grass terrain blend end distance.

Range Settings:

Min: -100

Max: 150

Current Value: 0

Step: 0.1

Roads menu

Enable roads

Enable/disable road rendering.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Materials settings

Grass/Tree wind

Wind override

Enable/disable wind override for grass and trees.

Available Options: false, true

Grass/tree par override

Enable/disable override of parameters for grass and trees.

Available Options: false, true

Enable MultiMat det.mask

Enable/disable use of multi-material detection mask.

Available Options: false, true

Tree colorization

Set tree colorization mode.

Available Options: full, color only, disable

Tree volume fake

Set tree volume fake mode.

Available Options: both, geomOcclElipsoid, elipsoidAO, none

Tree volume shadow

Set tree volume shadow mode.

Available Options: none, geomOcclElipsoid, geomOccl, elipsoidAO

Override geomOccl distance

Enable/disable overriding of geometric occlusion distance.

Available Options: false, true

Max distance

Set max distance for geometric occlusion.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 250
  • Current Value: 100
  • Step: 1



Enable/disable sky rendering.

Available Options: enabled, disabled


Enable/disable fog rendering.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Fog in env. map

Enable/disable fog in environment map.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Lens Flares

Enable/disable lens flares.

Available Options: enabled, disabled


Enable/disable god rays.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Show planets

Enable/disable rendering of planets.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Show stars

Enable/disable rendering of stars.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Show real stars constellations

Enable/disable rendering of real star constellations.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Show far layer

Enable/disable rendering of far sky layer.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Show dynamic layer

Enable/disable rendering of dynamic sky layer.

Available Options: enabled, disabled


Central flow func

Set the central flow function for rivers.

Available Options: sine, polynomial

Debug output

Display debug information of river flow.

Available Options: no debug, flow map, flow map x, flow map y, flow noise, flow noise - LF part, flow noise - HF part, phase noise, flow mod map



Set blend mode for light sources.

Available Options: default, additive, alphablend, max

Subsurface Scattering

SSSSS override params

Enable/disable overriding of SSSSS parameters.

Available Options: false, true


Enable/disable subsurface scattering.

Available Options: false, true


Set subsurface scattering scale.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 4
  • Current Value: 1
  • Step: 0.01

Random rotation

Enable/disable random rotation for subsurface scattering.

Available Options: false, true

Log kernel

Enable/disable logging of subsurface scattering kernel.

Available Options: false, true

Use stencil

Enable/disable stencil buffer for subsurface scattering.

Available Options: true, false

Profile resolve

Set profile resolve mode for subsurface scattering.

Available Options: default, first, min, max, avg

SSSSS quality

Set quality for subsurface scattering.

Available Options: default, low, medium, high

Analytic lights

Disable far lights

Disable or enable far analytic lights.

Available Options: false, true

Show far lights

Show or hide far analytic lights.

Available Options: disabled, show, no clip

Invert geometry

Enable/disable inverting of geometry.

Available Options: false, true

Enable vol lights

Enable/disable volumetric lights.

Available Options: enabled, no blend, disabled

Show log

Enable/disable logging of far lights.

Available Options: false, true

Farlight intensity

Set far light intensity. Options: -3 20 0 0.1

Analytic lights

Enable/disable analytic lights.

Available Options: true, false

Lights shadows

Enable/disable analytic lights shadows.

Available Options: true, false

Override limits

Enable/disable overriding of light shadow limits.

Available Options: false, true

Memory budget

Set memory budget for light shadows.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 10
  • Max: 100
  • Current Value: 40
  • Step: 2

Max shadows count

Set max shadow count for lights.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 4
  • Max: 64
  • Current Value: 16
  • Step: 1

Basic tex size

Set basic texture size for lights shadows.

Available Options: 64, 256, 512, 768, 1024, 1536, 2048, 2560, 3072, 3584, 4096

Aggr. particle lights

Enable/disable aggregation of particle lights.

Available Options: true, false

Autoshrink part. lights

Enable/disable auto shrinking of particle lights.

Available Options: true, false

Occlusion Queries


Enable/disable occlusion queries benchmark.

Available Options: false, true


Enable/disable occlusion queries test sun.

Available Options: false, true


Quantize speed

Enable/disable quantization of snow speed.

Available Options: true, false

Quantize dir

Enable/disable quantization of snow direction.

Available Options: true, false

Fix dir

Enable/disable fixing of snow wind direction.

Available Options: false, true

Enable logs

Enable/disable snow logs.

Available Options: false, true

Use underwater mask

Enable/disable underwater mask for snow.

Available Options: true, false

Macro mask debug

Show macro mask debug for snow.

Available Options: disabled, layer 1, layer 2, layer 3

Override snow

Enable/disable overriding snow.

Available Options: false, true


Set snow density.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.0
  • Max: 1.0
  • Current Value: 1.0
  • Step: 0.01

Time coef

Set snow time coefficient.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.0
  • Max: 10.0
  • Current Value: 1.0
  • Step: 0.01

Deferred Decals


Enable/disable rendering of deferred decals.

Available Options: true, false

HW depth

Enable/disable HW depth usage for deferred decals.

Available Options: true, false

Debug visualization

Enable/disable debugging visualization of deferred decals.

Available Options: true, false

Light portals

Enable light portals

Enable/disable light portals.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Probe blending mode

Set probe blending mode for light portals.

Available Options: directional, diffuse, disabled

Specular proj. tex.

Enable/disable specular projection texture.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Proj. tex. offset fix

Enable/disable projection texture offset fix.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Portal light mode

Set light mode for light portals.

Available Options: none, diffuse+specular, diffuse, specular

Normalize L by area

Enable/disable normalization of light by area.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Direct light contrib.

Enable/disable direct light contribution.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Light volume lerp (m)

Set light volume lerp.

Available Options: 0.00001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0

Disable light volumes

Disable light volumes.

Available Options: false, true

Show active subscene

Show or hide active subscene.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Show area rectangles

Show or hide area rectangles.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Show portal rectangles

Show or hide portal rectangles.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Show light rectangles

Show or hide light rectangles.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Show debug info

Show light portals debug info.

Available Options: none, portals, areas, all

Virtual light range

Set virtual light range.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 5
  • Max: 50
  • Current Value: 25
  • Step: 0.1

BSP diag

Enable/disable BSP diagnostics.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Hide mesh

Hide light portal mesh.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Show src. geometry

Show source geometry for light portals.

Available Options: disabled, opaque, transparent

Show occupancy grid

Show occupancy grid for light portals.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Freeze camera

Enable/disable freezing of camera for light portals.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Show BSP tree

Show BSP tree for light portals.

Available Options: none, AABB, planes, convex

Leaf mode

Set leaf mode for BSP tree debug.

Available Options: all, opaque, non-opaque

BSP disp. mode

Set display mode for BSP debug.

Available Options: normal, at depth, active, connectivity

Wanted depth

Set wanted depth for BSP debug.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 64
  • Current Value: 0
  • Step: 1

Show leaf split plane

Show leaf split plane.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Show areas

Show light portal areas.

Available Options: none, AABB, convex

Area disp. mode

Set display mode for light portal areas.

Available Options: all (excl. out), all, single, active

Area ID

Set area ID for light portals.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 128
  • Current Value: 0
  • Step: 1

Show portals

Show light portals.

Available Options: none, all, single, per area, active

Portal ID

Set portal ID for light portals.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 512
  • Current Value: 0
  • Step: 1

Portal disp. mode

Set display mode for light portals.

Available Options: rect, AABB, rect no clip, AABB no clip

Show portal volumes

Show light portal volumes.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Show virtual lights

Show virtual lights.

Available Options: disabled, active all, active single

Light disp. mode

Set display mode for virtual lights.

Available Options: rect, rect+cone, rect no clip, rect+cone no clip

Terrain shadows

Shadow cascades

Terrain num cascades

Set number of terrain shadow cascades.

Available Options: default, 0, 1, 2

Terrain near type

Set near cascade type for terrain.

Available Options: default, movable, static

Terrain near m/px

Set near cascade meters per pixel for terrain.

Available Options: default, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Terrain far type

Set far cascade type for terrain.

Available Options: default, movable, static

Terrain far m/px

Set far cascade meters per pixel for terrain.

Available Options: default, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Objects num cascades

Set number of object shadow cascades.

Available Options: default, 0, 1, 2

Objects near type

Set near cascade type for objects.

Available Options: default, movable, static

Objects near m/px

Set near cascade meters per pixel for objects.

Available Options: default, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Objects far type

Set far cascade type for objects.

Available Options: default, movable, static

Objects far m/px

Set far cascade meters per pixel for objects.

Available Options: default, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

AO num cascades

Set number of AO shadow cascades.

Available Options: default, 0, 1, 2

AO near type

Set near cascade type for AO.

Available Options: default, movable, static

AO near m/px

Set near cascade meters per pixel for AO.

Available Options: default, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

AO far type

Set far cascade type for AO.

Available Options: default, movable, static

AO far m/px

Set far cascade meters per pixel for AO.

Available Options: default, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Objects heightmap

Obj. heightmap movable

Set object heightmap movability.

Available Options: movable, static

Draw volumetric info

Draw volumetric debug info.

Available Options: false, true

Draw object heightmap

Draw object heightmap.

Available Options: disabled, set regions, set bits, all bits

Obj.height.full upd

Enable/disable full object heightmap update.

Available Options: false, true

Obj.height. dbg region

Enable/disable object heightmap region debug.

Available Options: false, true


Reset object heightmap.

Available Options: false, true

Obj.height.reset stats

Reset object heightmap statistics.

Available Options: false, true

Obj.height.print stats

Print object heightmap statistics.

Available Options: false, true

Obj.height.use prepare

Enable/disable prepare for object heightmap.

Available Options: true, false

Obj.height.use CB

Enable/disable command buffer for object heightmap.

Available Options: false, true

Obj.height.max merge

Set maximum merge for object heightmap.

Available Options: unlimited, 1, 4, 8, 16

Obj.height. subdiv

Enable/disable object heightmap subdivision.

Available Options: false, true

Obj.height. sync draw

Set object heightmap draw call synchronization.

Available Options: default, sync, no sync

Obj. heightmap tex size

Set object heightmap texture size.

Available Options: no override, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192

Obj. heightmap m/pixel

Set object heightmap meters per pixel.

Available Options: default, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Min entities per frame

Set min entities per frame for heightmap.

Available Options: default, 512, 1K, 2K, 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K, 64K, 128K, unlimited

Max entities per frame

Set max entities per frame for heightmap.

Available Options: default, 512, 1K, 2K, 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K, 64K, 128K, unlimited

Terrain shadows

Set terrain shadows mode.

Available Options: default, on (slice), on (full), no update, disabled

Freeze update

Freeze terrain shadow update.

Available Options: false, true

Quality profile override

Override terrain shadow quality profile.

Available Options: no override, disabled, low, medium, high

Diag messages

Enable/disable terrain shadows debug messages.

Available Options: false, true

Texture size

Override terrain shadow texture size.

Available Options: no override, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192

Blur override

Override terrain shadow blur.

Available Options: no override, 0, 3, 5, 7, 9

Hierarchical raytrace

Enable/disable hierarchical raytrace for terrain shadows.

Available Options: true, false

Force mipmap rebuild

Enable/disable forcing of mipmap rebuild for terrain shadows.

Available Options: false, true

Herarchical mip1

Set hierarchical mip 1 level.

Available Options: default, none, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Herarchical mip2

Set hierarchical mip 2 level.

Available Options: default, none, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Herarchical mip3

Set hierarchical mip 3 level.

Available Options: default, none, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Herarchical mip4

Set hierarchical mip 4 level.

Available Options: default, none, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Override Angle bias

Enable/disable overriding of angle bias.

Available Options: false, true

Angle bias (deg)

Set angle bias for terrain shadows.

Range Settings:

Min: -10

Max: 10

Current Value: -0.5

Step: 0.1

Override Height bias

Enable/disable overriding of height bias.

Available Options: false, true

Height bias (m)

Set height bias for terrain shadows.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 10

Current Value: 0.5

Step: 0.1

Override Trace bias

Enable/disable overriding of trace bias.

Available Options: false, true

Trace bias

Set trace bias for terrain shadows.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 10

Current Value: 0.0

Step: 0.1

Override Trace bias obj

Enable/disable overriding of object trace bias.

Available Options: false, true

Trace bias obj min

Set object trace bias minimum.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 10

Current Value: 0.1

Step: 0.1

Trace bias obj max

Set object trace bias maximum.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 10

Current Value: 1.5

Step: 0.1

Object shadows

Set object shadows mode.

Available Options: default, force off, force on

Object shadow type

Set object shadow type.

Available Options: no override, Physics, Physics+AAB, AAB, AABScaled, Volume

Occ grid runtime

Enable/disable runtime creation of occupation grid.

Available Options: false, true

Blend mode

Set blend mode for terrain shadows.

Available Options: blend, min

Border size

Set border size for terrain shadows.

Available Options: default, 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5

Sun move test

Set sun move test mode.

Available Options: off, fwd slow, fwd medium, bwd fast, bwd slow, bwd medium, bwd fast

Min pixels per frame

Set min pixels per frame for terrain shadows.

Available Options: default, 16K, 32K, 64K, 128K, 256K, 512K, unlimited

Max pixels per frame

Set max pixels per frame for terrain shadows.

Available Options: default, 16K, 32K, 64K, 128K, 256K, 512K, unlimited

Obj shadow blend dist(m)

Set object shadow blend distance.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 20

Current Value: 10.0

Step: 0.1

Terrain shadow blend dist(m)

Set terrain shadow blend distance.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 20

Current Value: 3.0

Step: 0.1

AO mode override

Set AO mode override for terrain shadows.

Available Options: no override, disabled, PP half, PP mixed, PP full, force precomputed, presomputed+runtime, force runtime

Override AO coef

Enable/disable overriding of AO coefficient.

Available Options: false, true

AO coef

Set AO coefficient.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1.0
  • Current Value: 0.3
  • Step: 0.02

AO radius

Set AO radius.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 10.0
  • Current Value: 3.0
  • Step: 0.2

AO blend distance

Set AO blend distance.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 10.0
  • Current Value: 5.0
  • Step: 0.2

AO PP mode

Set AO post-processing mode.

Available Options: default, full res, half res, half res + reconst

Terr. light angle limit

Set light angle limit for terrain shadows.

Available Options: default, user

Limit angle

Set light limit angle.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 1
  • Max: 60
  • Current Value: 15
  • Step: 0.1


Resolution scale

Set resolution scale for FSR.

Available Options: default, manual, 100%, FSR Ultra (77%), FSR Quality (67%), FSR Balanced (59%), FSR Perf (50%)

Manual scale

Set manual scale for FSR.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.1
  • Max: 2.0
  • Current Value: 1.0
  • Step: 0.01

Use pixel shader

Enable/disable pixel shader for FSR.

Available Options: false, true

Override FSR settings

Enable/disable overriding of FSR settings.

Available Options: false, true

FSR enabled

Enable/disable FSR.

Available Options: false, true

FSR sharpen

Enable/disable FSR sharpening.

Available Options: true, false

FSR sharpen att.

Set FSR sharpen amount.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.0
  • Max: 2.0
  • Current Value: 0.5
  • Step: 0.01

FSR dither

Set FSR dither amount.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.0
  • Max: 1.0
  • Current Value: 1.0
  • Step: 0.01

FSR RT format

Set render target format for FSR.

Available Options: default, R8G8B8A8, R10G10B10A2, R11G11B10F, R16G16B16A16F

FSR mip bias

Set mip bias for FSR.

Available Options: disabled, automatic, manual

manual mip bias

Set manual mip bias for FSR. Options: -4.0 0.0 0.0 0.01



Set shader type for CAS.

Available Options: default, force PS, force CS

Override CAS settings

Enable/disable overriding of CAS settings.

Available Options: false, true


Available Options: false, true


Set CAS sharpness.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.0
  • Max: 1.0
  • Current Value: 0.8
  • Step: 0.01



Override wetness

Enable/disable overriding of rain wetness.

Available Options: false, true


Set rain wetness.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.0
  • Max: 1.0
  • Current Value: 0.0
  • Step: 0.01

Flood cracks

Set rain flood level for cracks.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.0
  • Max: 1.0
  • Current Value: 0.0
  • Step: 0.01

Flood puddles

Set rain flood level for puddles.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.0
  • Max: 1.0
  • Current Value: 0.0
  • Step: 0.01

Tree scale

Set rain tree scale.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.0
  • Max: 1.0
  • Current Value: 0.0
  • Step: 0.01

Wetness simulation

Enable/disable wetness simulation.

Available Options: false, true

Simulation value

Set wetness simulation value.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.0
  • Max: 1.0
  • Current Value: 0.0
  • Step: 0.002

Override wetness render params

Enable/disable overriding of wetness render params.

Available Options: false, true


Override rain wind

Enable/disable overriding of rain wind.

Available Options: false, true

Mask operator

Set mask operator for rain wind.

Available Options: add, mul

Override splash wind

Enable/disable overriding of splash wind.

Available Options: false, true

Mask operator

Set mask operator for splash wind.

Available Options: add, mul


Set rain color downsample method.

Available Options: default, simple, blur, none

Blend method

Set rain blend method.

Available Options: default, standard, noRefraction

Diag refr. tex

Enable/disable rain refraction texture diagnostic.

Available Options: false, true

Stop time

Enable/disable stopping of rain simulation time.

Available Options: false, true

Use underwater mask

Enable/disable underwater mask for rain.

Available Options: true, false

Override rain density

Enable/disable overriding of rain density.

Available Options: false, true

Rain density

Set rain density.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.0
  • Max: 1.0
  • Current Value: 0.0
  • Step: 0.02

Override direction

Enable/disable overriding of rain direction.

Available Options: false, true

Override dirX

Set rain direction X. Options: -1.0 1.0 0.0 0.05

Override dirY

Set rain direction Y. Options: -1.0 1.0 -1.0 0.05

Override dirZ

Set rain direction Z. Options: -1.0 1.0 0.0 0.05

Distant noise mask debug

Enable/disable rain distant noise mask debug.

Available Options: false, true

Override ripple tex size

Override rain ripple texture size.

Available Options: default, 128, 256, 512, 1024

Sliding drops obj space

Enable/disable sliding drops object space.

Available Options: false, true

Override ripples

Enable/disable overriding of rain ripples.

Available Options: false, true

Ripples count min

Set rain ripples count minimum.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 1.0
  • Max: 100.0
  • Current Value: 10.0
  • Step: 1.0

Ripples count max

Set rain ripples count maximum.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 1.0
  • Max: 100.0
  • Current Value: 50.0
  • Step: 1.0

Ripples size min

Set rain ripples size minimum.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 1.0
  • Max: 20.0
  • Current Value: 1.0
  • Step: 1.0

Ripples size max

Set rain ripples size maximum.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 1.0
  • Max: 20.0
  • Current Value: 5.0
  • Step: 1.0

Ripples height min

Set rain ripples height minimum.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.0
  • Max: 1.0
  • Current Value: 0.5
  • Step: 0.01

Ripples height max

Set rain ripples height maximum.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.0
  • Max: 1.0
  • Current Value: 1.0
  • Step: 0.01

Ripples speed

Set rain ripples speed.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 1.0
  • Max: 2000.0
  • Current Value: 500.0
  • Step: 10.0

Ripples damping

Set rain ripples damping.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.01
  • Max: 1.0
  • Current Value: 0.04
  • Step: 0.01

Ripples normal strength

Set rain ripples normal strength.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.1
  • Max: 20.0
  • Current Value: 8.0
  • Step: 0.1

Ripples reset

Enable/disable resetting of rain ripples.

Available Options: false, true

Shore Wetness

Shore wetness enabled

Enable/disable shore wetness.

Available Options: default, enable, disable

Shore wetness override

Enable/disable overriding of shore wetness.

Available Options: false, true

Shore wet height above

Set shore wet height above.

Range Settings:

Min: 0.0

Max: 10.0

Current Value: 0.5

Step: 0.01

Shore wet fade above

Set shore wet fade above.

Range Settings:

Min: 0.0

Max: 10.0

Current Value: 0.5

Step: 0.01

Shore wet height below

Set shore wet height below.

Range Settings:

Min: 0.0

Max: 10.0

Current Value: 0.5

Step: 0.01

Shore wet fade below

Set shore wet fade below.

Range Settings:

Min: 0.0

Max: 10.0

Current Value: 0.5

Step: 0.01

Shore wet fade coef

Set shore wet fade coefficient.

Range Settings:

Min: 0.001

Max: 10.0

Current Value: 1.0

Step: 0.01

Shore wet rough fade start

Set shore wet rough fade start.

Range Settings:

Min: 0.0

Max: 10.0

Current Value: 0.0

Step: 0.01

Shore wet rough fade size

Set shore wet rough fade size.

Range Settings:

Min: 0.001

Max: 10.0

Current Value: 1.0

Step: 0.01

Shore wet rough coef

Set shore wet rough coefficient.

Range Settings:

Min: 0.001

Max: 10.0

Current Value: 1.0

Step: 0.01

River wetness enabled

Enable/disable river wetness.

Available Options: default, enable, disable

River wetness override

Enable/disable overriding of river wetness.

Available Options: false, true

River wet height above

Set river wet height above.

Range Settings:

Min: 0.0

Max: 10.0

Current Value: 0.5

Step: 0.01

River wet fade above

Set river wet fade above.

Range Settings:

Min: 0.0

Max: 10.0

Current Value: 0.5

Step: 0.01

River wet height below

Set river wet height below.

Range Settings:

Min: 0.0

Max: 10.0

Current Value: 0.5

Step: 0.01

River wet fade below

Set river wet fade below.

Range Settings:

Min: 0.0

Max: 10.0

Current Value: 0.5

Step: 0.01

River wet fade coef

Set river wet fade coefficient.

Range Settings:

Min: 0.001

Max: 10.0

Current Value: 1.0

Step: 0.01

River wet rough coef

Set river wet rough coefficient.

Range Settings:

Min: 0.001

Max: 10.0

Current Value: 1.0

Step: 0.01


Debug render

Enable/disable lens flare debug rendering.

Available Options: false, true

HalfRes render

Set half resolution render for lens flares.

Available Options: no override, false, true

Force flare dirlight

Set force flare dirlight. Options: -1 100 -1 1

Force flare pointlight

Set force flare pointlight. Options: -1 100 -1 1

Force flare spotlight

Set force flare spotlight. Options: -1 100 -1 1

Override flare set

Override lens flare set.

Available Options: no override, none, 1st person, 3rd person

Override offset spot

Enable/disable overriding of offset spot for lens flares.

Available Options: false, true

Offset spot

Set offset spot for lens flares. Options: -2 2 0 0.01

Override offset point

Enable/disable overriding of offset point for lens flares.

Available Options: false, true

Offset point

Set offset point for lens flares. Options: -2 2 0 0.01

Use new occl.system

Set new occlusion system for lens flares.

Available Options: no override, false, true

Use intens.occ.for all

Enable/disable intensity occlusion for all lens flares.

Available Options: no override, false, true

Ocean & Water


Shore enabled

Enable/disable shore rendering.

Available Options: true, false

Debug visualize

Show debug visualization of shore.

Available Options: disabled, waves, DF distance, DF direction, DF near, peaks tex, noise onShore, noise foam start, noise foam, damp wave, damp peak, damp depth, on shore coef, custom foam, mask

Debug displacement

Enable/disable shore displacement debugging.

Available Options: false, true

Debug height

Show shore height debug.

Available Options: none, final, shore, final+shore

Use height lerp

Enable/disable height lerp for shore.

Available Options: false, true

Force live preview each frame

Enable/disable forcing live preview for shore.

Available Options: false, true


Water erase enabled

Enable/disable water erase.

Available Options: true, false

Debug visualize

Show water erase debug visualization.

Available Options: disabled, front faces, back faces, front & back

Ocean render

Set ocean render mode.

Available Options: enabled, disable simulation, disabled

Show ocean tex

Display ocean texture.

Available Options: disable, height, displaceX, displaceZ, normal, foam, UW topdown, UW topdown depth, UW geom depth

Tex size

Set ocean debug texture size.

Available Options: 1, 2, 3, 4, 0.25, 0.33, 0.5

Water bodies

Show water bodies.

Available Options: invisible, camera, all

Ocean foam

Set ocean foam mode.

Available Options: enabled, mask, foam


Show Sky LUTs

Enable/disable showing of sky LUTs.

Available Options: false, true

Show CameraVolume

Enable/disable showing of CameraVolume.

Available Options: false, true


Enable/disable fullscreen view for CameraVolume.

Available Options: false, true

Haze source

Set haze source for atmosphere.

Available Options: User(CloudsCycle), Atmosphere, GlobalProbe

Enable a.fog shadows

Enable/disable analytical fog shadows.

Available Options: false, true

Use SkyAmbient tex.

Enable/disable use of sky ambient texture.

Available Options: true, false

Probe fake

Set probe ambient for atmosphere.

Available Options: probe lut, sky lut, original

Overcast fix.

Set overcast fix mode for atmosphere.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Original lighting

Set original lighting mode for atmosphere.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Final output brightness mod.

Enable/disable final brightness modification for atmosphere.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Show Fog Debug.

Enable/disable fog debugging visualization.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Show constellations

Enable/disable rendering of constellations.

Available Options: false, true

Volumetric Clouds

Use New

Use the new volumetric cloud system.

Available Options: false, true

Render clouds

Enable/disable volumetric cloud rendering.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Render Mode

Set volumetric cloud render mode.

Available Options: Quarter, Full, Experimental

Output Optimization

Set volumetric cloud output optimization.

Available Options: default, none, vertexShader, CPU

Show Output Optim Diag

Show output optimization diagnostic for clouds.

Available Options: false, true

Apply cycle values

Apply cycle values for clouds.

Available Options: true, false

Sky light mode

Set sky light mode for clouds.

Available Options: Default(Artistic), New(Probe+Atmo), Gray, PBR(OriginalTechnique)

Disable direct light

Disable direct light for clouds.

Available Options: false, true

Enable occlusion map

Enable/disable occlusion map for clouds.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Disable wind

Enable/disable wind for clouds.

Available Options: false, true

Stop wind

Stop wind for clouds.

Available Options: false, true

Show cloud lighting

Show or hide cloud lighting visualization.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Force noise recompute

Force recomputation of cloud noise.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Show detail noise

Enable/disable detail noise visualization for clouds.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Show noise tiling

Set noise tiling visualization for clouds.

Available Options: disabled, base, middle, detail, newBase_R, newBase_G, newBase_B, newBase_A, newDetail_R, newDetail_G, newDetail_B, newDetail_A

Show noise tiling

Set noise tiling visualization for clouds (base, middle, detail).

Available Options: disabled, base, middle, detail

Show height detail noise

Enable/disable height detail noise texture visualization.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Detail noise resolution

Set resolution of detail noise for clouds.

Available Options: default, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512

Weather map resolution

Set weather map resolution for clouds.

Available Options: default, 256, 512, 1024, 2048

Temporal multiplier

Set temporal multiplier for clouds.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 5

Current Value: 0.0

Step: 0.01

Max. Num. samples

Set max number of samples for clouds.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 256

Current Value: 0.0

Step: 1.0


Set minimum height for clouds.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 20000

Current Value: 0.0

Step: 10.0

Show shadowmap

Enable/disable showing of shadow map for clouds.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Shadowmap resolution

Set shadow map resolution for clouds.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 256

Current Value: 0

Step: 1

Shadowmap dispatches p. frame

Set shadow map dispatches per frame for clouds.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 4

Current Value: 0

Step: 1

Debug shape

Set debug shape visualization for clouds.

Available Options: none, cylinders, spheres

haze value

Set haze value for clouds.

Range Settings:

Min: 0.0001

Max: 0.1

Current Value: 0.018

Step: 0.001

Enable dist. fog

Enable/disable distance fog for clouds.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

dist. fog range

Set distance fog range for clouds.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 400000

Current Value: 65000

Step: 1000

debug detail noise weights

Enable/disable main shape noise weights debug.

Available Options: false, true

disable noise(middle,micro)

Enable/disable noise (middle, micro) for clouds.

Available Options: false, true

offet X

Set offset X for clouds.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 1000000

Current Value: 0

Step: 10

offet Z

Set offset Z for clouds.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 1000000

Current Value: 0

Step: 10

No render

Disable rendering.

Available Options: false, true

Shape instancing

Enable/disable shape instancing.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Render debug mode

Set render debug mode.

Hotkey: RCtrl + AltGr + W

Available Options: none, wire, wire only, ovedraw, overdrawZ, albedo, world norm, roughness, rough.scene, metalness, mask, ao, vert.color, sss, detail light, diffuse, iblDiffuse, reflection, iblReflection, full diffuse, full reflection, emissive, albedo lin, wetness, porosity, vertex norms, vfx, global layer


Set widget rendering mode.

Available Options: on, onlyRT, off

Active GPU wait

Enable/disable active GPU wait.

Available Options: false, true

Allocator stats

Set allocator statistics display.

Available Options: none, show, dump

Show VRAM resources

Enable/disable showing of VRAM resources.

Available Options: false, true




Enable/disable MeshObject filter.

Available Options: enabled, disabled


Enable/disable Particle filter.

Available Options: enabled, disabled



Enable/disable occluders.

Available Options: true, false

Occlude entities

Enable/disable occluding of entities.

Available Options: true, false

Show active occluders

Show or hide active occluders.

Available Options: false, true

Show occluded

Show or hide occluded objects.

Available Options: false, true

Show occluder volumes

Show or hide occluder volumes.

Available Options: false, true

Terrain Occlusion

Terrain occlusion culling

Enable/disable terrain occlusion culling.

Available Options: true, false

Occlusion mode

Set terrain occlusion mode.

Available Options: Voxelization, Hybridvoxel

Cull dynamic objects

Enable/disable culling of dynamic objects.

Available Options: true, false

Cull individual objects

Enable/disable culling of individual objects.

Available Options: true, false

Cull entity lists

Enable/disable culling of entity lists.

Available Options: true, false

Cull kd-tree leafs

Enable/disable culling of kd-tree leafs.

Available Options: false, true

Cull terrain

Enable/disable culling of terrain.

Available Options: false, true

Cull kd-tree nodes

Enable/disable culling of kd-tree nodes.

Available Options: true, false

# voxel render jobs

Set number of voxel render jobs.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 1
  • Max: 8
  • Current Value: 8
  • Step: 1

Show depth texture

Enable/disable depth texture visualization.

Available Options: false, true

Show FOV deb shapes

Enable/disable showing of FOV debug shapes.

Available Options: false, true

Voxel height scale

Set voxel height scale.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.25
  • Max: 32
  • Current Value: 1
  • Step: 0.01

Voxel depth LOD step

Set voxel depth LOD step.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.01
  • Max: 10
  • Current Value: 0.25
  • Step: 0.01

Depth buffer fraction

Set depth buffer fraction.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 1
  • Max: 100
  • Current Value: 16
  • Step: 1

Voxel near plane

Set voxel near plane.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 1
  • Max: 100
  • Current Value: 20
  • Step: 1

Override far plane

Enable/disable overriding of far plane.

Available Options: false, true

Voxel far plane

Set voxel far plane.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 1
  • Max: 5000
  • Current Value: 2000
  • Step: 50

Show AAB of occluded

Show AAB of occluded objects.

Available Options: None, Occluded, Visible, All

Voxel occlusion check

Set voxel occlusion check method.

Available Options: Hi-Z, Full-Z raster

Rasterize AABB

Enable/disable rasterization of AABBs.

Available Options: false, true

Show rasterized AABB

Enable/disable showing of rasterized AABBs.

Available Options: false, true

Draw silhouette edges

Enable/disable drawing of silhouette edges.

Available Options: false, true

Cull beyond frustum edges

Enable/disable culling beyond frustum edges.

Available Options: false, true

# frames reuse voxel buffer

Set number of frames to reuse voxel buffer.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 60
  • Current Value: 0
  • Step: 1

Raster size threshold

Set raster size threshold.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1024
  • Current Value: 64
  • Step: 2

Render world

Enable/disable world rendering.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Force vertical FOV

Force vertical field of view.

Available Options: default, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 120, 2.5f, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55

Render world env

Enable/disable rendering of world environment.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Show clips

Show or hide scene clips.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

LOD multiplier

Set LOD multiplier.

Available Options: 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5

Size multiplier

Set size multiplier.

Available Options: 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5

Override object far plane

Set object far plane override.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 50000
  • Current Value: 0
  • Step: 100

Force clear visent

Force clear of visible entities.

Available Options: false, true

Render world ents

Enable/disable rendering of world entities.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Render world leafs

Enable/disable rendering of world leafs.

Available Options: enabled, disabled


Enable/disable entities rendering.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Fast way

Enable/disable fast rendering path.

Available Options: false, true

Show light

Set global light to show. Options: -1 32 -1 1

Show active PPs

Show or hide active post processes.

Available Options: false, true

Cube map size

Set cubemap size.

Available Options: 32, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024

Capture cube map

Capture cube map.

Available Options: no, capture, capture&insert

Override far plane

Set far plane override.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 50000
  • Current Value: 0
  • Step: 100

Force linear depth

Enable/disable forcing of linear depth.

Available Options: false, true

Linear depth

Set linear depth.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 50
  • Max: 5000
  • Current Value: 250
  • Step: 10

Visualize groups

Enable/disable group visualization.

Available Options: false, true

Colorize objects LODs

Colorize objects by LOD.

Available Options: disabled, colorize, LOD0 only, +LOD1, +LOD2, +LOD3, +LOD4, +LOD5, +LOD6, +LOD7



Enable/disable apply pose in animation.

Available Options: true, false


Enable/disable world streaming.

Available Options: true, false

Trace stresstest

Set trace stress test mode.

Available Options: none, nearest, any, all, nearestVis, anyVis, allVis

Query stresstest

Enable/disable query stress test.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Update stresstest

Enable/disable update stress test.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Update MT stresstest

Enable/disable multithreaded update stress test.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Show scene tree

Show scene tree.

Available Options: None, KDTree, QuadTree

Show entity bounds

Show or hide entity bounds.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Async traces

Enable/disable asynchronous traces.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Async queries

Enable/disable asynchronous queries.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Use quadtree

Enable/disable quadtree usage.

Available Options: enabled, disabled


Show AABB.

Hotkey: Alt + NUM 5

Available Options: disabled, real, quantized, rendered

Show multileaf ents.

Show or hide multileaf entities.

Available Options: disabled, all, single, multi

Show active

Show or hide active entities.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Show bones

Show or hide bones.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Show wind emitters

Show or hide wind emitters.

Hotkey: Ctrl + NUM 8

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Disable wind

Disable wind.

Hotkey: Ctrl + NUM 9

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Game update

Enable/disable game update.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

MT entity sim

Enable/disable multithreaded entity simulation.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

MT entity update

Enable/disable multithreaded entity update.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Entity diag

Enable/disable entity diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

Entity hierarchy changes

Enable/disable entity hierarchy change diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

Debug prefabs

Enable/disable debug prefabs.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

New skeleton

Enable/disable new skeleton.

Available Options: false, true

JobManager Callstack

Set JobManager callstack logging mode.

Available Options: off, ext, all

JobManager Print CS

Set JobManager print callstack mode.

Available Options: off, once, always

Ambient Life

Enable/disable ambient life.

Available Options: false, true


Enable debugger

Enable/disable animation debugger.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Root motion always enabled

Enable/disable root motion always enabled.

Available Options: false, true

Force animation LOD

Set force animation LOD. Options: -1 4 -1 1

Show transforms before IK

Enable/disable showing of transforms before IK.

Available Options: false, true

Show transforms after IK

Enable/disable showing of transforms after IK.

Available Options: false, true

Show IK offsets

Enable/disable showing of IK offsets.

Available Options: false, true

Show IK solver details

Enable/disable showing of IK solver details.

Available Options: false, true

Show procedural solver details

Enable/disable showing of procedural solver details.

Available Options: false, true

Show cached MS transforms

Enable/disable showing of model space cache.

Available Options: false, true

Show RBF details

Enable/disable showing of RBF details.

Available Options: false, true

Record animations

Enable/disable animation recording.

Available Options: false, true

Record local player

Set animation recording entities mode.

Available Options: Only characters, All entities

Animation traffic

Enable/disable animation traffic logging.

Available Options: false, true

Min IK blend time

Set minimum IK blend time.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0.01
  • Max: 1
  • Current Value: 0.01
  • Step: 0.01



Update rate

Set physics update rate.

Range Settings:

Min: 20

Max: 1000

Current Value: 60

Step: 10

Max fixed steps

Set maximum fixed steps for physics.

Range Settings:

Min: 1

Max: 60

Current Value: 10

Step: 1


Enable/disable physics settings apply.

Available Options: disabled, enabled


Max. Collider Distance

Set maximum distance for Bullet collider.

Available Options: 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500

Draw Bullet shape

Enable/disable drawing of Bullet shape.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Draw Bullet wireframe

Enable/disable drawing of Bullet shape wireframe.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Draw Bullet shape AABB

Enable/disable drawing of Bullet shape AABB.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Draw obj center of mass

Enable/disable drawing of object center of mass.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Draw Bullet contacts

Enable/disable drawing of Bullet contacts.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Force sleep Bullet

Enable/disable forcing of Bullet to sleep.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Profile Bullet

Set threshold for Bullet profiling.

Available Options: disabled, >1ms, >5ms, >10ms, >20ms, >50ms

Bullet MT

Enable/disable multithreaded Bullet simulation.

Available Options: true, false

Dump contacts on server

Enable/disable server side physics contacts dump.

Available Options: false, true

Show bodies

Show or hide physics bodies. Visible colliders can be controlled with Show layer

Hotkey: Alt + NUM 6

Available Options: disabled, flat-mesh, transp-mesh, flat+mesh, transp+mesh

Show layer

Show physics bodies by layer. Example layers available:

  • Filtered - default mode, shows all the most important layers, most of the time there is no need to switch away from it
  • Fire geometry - "realistic" resolution colliders used for hit detection


  • View geometry - used by AIs, acts as solid wall


  • Foliage - used by AIs, slows down detection time (tree crowns, bushes)


  • Interaction layer - used by UserAction together with fire geometry, when fire geometry is not enough for pleasant user action experience (used on stuff like wire fence doors)


  • Mine layer - mines and objects that are meant to collide with mines, such as wheels of vehicles


  • Char collider - used for collision between character and terrain


  • Vehicle simple - used for collision between body of the car and non-characters


Available Options: See Collision Layer page for all options

Show collider type

Show physics bodies by collider type. See collider shape pargraph on FBX Import page

Available Options: all, sphere, box, capsule, cylinder, convex, trimesh

Show simulation state

Show physics bodies by simulation state.

Available Options: col+sim, none, collision, simulation, all

Show body type

Show physics bodies by body type.

Available Options: all, static, dynamic, kinematic

Color by

Set physics bodies color mode.

Available Options: collider type, activation state, body type, by entity

Show COM

Show or hide physics center of mass.

Available Options: false, true


Enable/disable physics simulation.

Hotkey: Ctrl + NUM 7

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Dump non-static bodies

Enable/disable dumping of non-static physics bodies.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Dump contacts

Enable/disable dumping of physics contacts.

Available Options: false, true

Show stats

Set physics statistics display mode.

Available Options: disabled, basic, detailed, all

Show Bullet

Enable/disable showing of Bullet physics debug.

Available Options: disabled, enabled


Show interior bounding box

Show or hide interior bounding box.

Available Options: false, true

Show helper trace

Show or hide physics helper trace.

Available Options: false, true



Force weather update (WB edit mode)

Enable/disable forcing of weather update.

Available Options: false, true

Debug time

Enable/disable weather debug time.

Available Options: disabled, enabled


Set weather debug time.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 1

Current Value: 0.0

Step: 0.0001

Show diag.

Show or hide weather diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

Show diag. values

Show or hide weather diagnostic values.

Available Options: false, true

Override wet speeds

Enable/disable overriding wetness speeds.

Available Options: false, true

- Wetting speed

Set current wetting speed.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 100
  • Current Value: 1.0
  • Step: 0.1

- Drying speed

Set current drying speed.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 100
  • Current Value: 1.0
  • Step: 0.1

Override states

Enable/disable overriding weather states.

Available Options: false, true

- State source

Set current weather state source.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 10
  • Current Value: 0
  • Step: 1

- State destination

Set current weather state destination.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 10
  • Current Value: 0
  • Step: 1

Override variants

Enable/disable overriding weather variants.

Available Options: false, true

- Variant source

Set current weather variant source.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 10
  • Current Value: 0
  • Step: 1

- Variant destination

Set current weather variant destination.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 10
  • Current Value: 0
  • Step: 1



Enable/disable dialogue demo mode.

Available Options: false, true

Superscreenshot to file

Save super screenshot to file.

Hotkey: Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + F7

Available Options: false, true

Screenshot to clipboard

Save screenshot to clipboard.

Hotkey: ⇧ Shift + F7

Available Options: false, true

Screenshot to file

Save screenshot to file.

Hotkey: Ctrl + F7

Available Options: false, true

Deployable SpawnPoints

Show Exclusion Zones

Show or hide deployable spawn points exclusion zones.

Available Options: false, true


Enable All Vote Types

Enable/disable all vote types.

Available Options: false, true

Show bounds overlap target info

Show or hide bounds overlap target info.

Available Options: false, true

Show cursor target info

Show or hide cursor target info containing information about prefab you are looking at and its full path to find it in the Workbench


Available Options: false, true

Copy view link

Create World Editor view link using hotkey (lctrl+lshift+l).

Hotkey: Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + L

Available Options: false, true


Audio Debug Context

Template Debug Context

Select audio debug context.

Available Options:

Signal info

Enable/disable showing of signal info.

Available Options: false, true


Enable/disable showing of audio samples.

Available Options: false, true


Play recorder VON

Enable/disable playing of recorded VON.

Available Options: false, true

Replace VON with 440Hz

Enable/disable replacement of VON with 440Hz tone.

Available Options: false, true

Bypass loudness

Enable/disable loudness bypass for VON.

Available Options: false, true

Log starving

Enable/disable logging of VON starving.

Available Options: false, true

Sound World

Sound map

Set sound map type.

Available Options: none, terrain, water

Sound map range

Set sound map range.

Range Settings:

Min: 25

Max: 250

Current Value: 50

Step: 25

Sound map create

Set sound map creation mode.

Available Options: none, create, create+save

Sound Geometry

Sound Geometry Map


Enable/disable showing of shadowed areas.

Available Options: false, true


Enable/disable showing of visible areas.

Available Options: false, true


Enable/disable showing of obstacles.

Available Options: false, true


Enable/disable showing of edges.

Available Options: false, true


Enable/disable showing of diffraction.

Available Options: false, true

Tile Type

Set tile type display for sound geometry.

Available Options: Square, Value

Sample Visibility

Enable/disable showing of sound sample visibility.

Available Options: false, true

Set Sample Pos

Enable/disable setting of sound sample position.

Available Options: false, true

Enable Diag

Enable/disable sound geometry diagnostics.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

System Info

Enable/disable showing of sound geometry system info.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Interior Cache Info

Enable/disable showing of sound geometry interior cache info.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Show Update Range

Enable/disable showing of sound geometry update range.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Object Info

Enable/disable showing of sound geometry object info.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Show Building Portals

Show building portals.

Available Options: none, all, single, per area, active

Show Buildings Rect

Show or hide buildings rectangles.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Hide Building Mesh

Hide building mesh.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Obstruction Pos

Enable/disable obstruction position debug.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Freeze Positions

Enable/disable freezing of positions for sound geometry.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Interior Handler


Select interior handler debug.

Available Options:

Old interior detection

Enable/disable old interior detection.

Available Options: false, true

Enable Debug

Enable/disable interior handler debug.

Available Options: false, true


Enable/disable interior queries debug.

Available Options: false, true



Select sound map debug.

Available Options:

Show values

Enable/disable showing of sound map values.

Available Options: false, true

Draw Regions

Enable/disable drawing of sound map regions.

Available Options: false, true

Layer to draw

Select sound map layer to draw.

Available Options: Terrain, Coast, Freshwater

Show memory allocated

Enable/disable showing of sound map memory allocated.

Available Options: false, true

Force generation

Enable/disable forcing of sound map generation.

Available Options: false, true

Force default SoundMap

Enable/disable forcing of default sound map.

Available Options: false, true

Chimera Sounds

Signals Debug

Enable/disable chimera sound signals debug.

Available Options: false, true

Signals Debug by Entity

Enable/disable chimera sound signals debug by entity.

Available Options: false, true


Set ambients debug mode.

Available Options: None, River, Coast, Lake

Freeze cam position

Enable/disable freezing of camera position for ambients debug.

Available Options: false, true

Debug Com.Sound

Enable/disable communication sound debug.

Available Options: false, true

MM - debug info

Enable/disable music manager debug info.

Available Options: false, true

Debug RadioBroadcast

Enable/disable radio broadcast debug.

Available Options: false, true

Show invalid event

Enable/disable showing of invalid sound events.

Available Options: false, true

Show system info

Set sound system info display.

Available Options: none, generic, cmds, alloc


Set sound resources display.

Available Options: none, all, events

Show categories

Enable/disable showing of sound categories.

Available Options: false, true

Show sounds

Enable/disable showing of playing sounds.

Available Options: false, true

Show sounds 3D

Set 3D sound visualization.

Available Options: none, all, waiting, playing, fading

Log source info

Enable/disable logging of sound source info.

Available Options: false, true

Com debug

Enable/disable communication debug.

Available Options: false, true

Enable ITD

Enable/disable ITD.

Available Options: true, false

Play recorded VON

Enable/disable playing of recorded VON.

Available Options: false, true

Print Melee Surface

Enable/disable printing of melee surface.

Available Options: false, true

Reload AmbientSounds Conf

Enable/disable reloading of ambient sound configurations.

Available Options: false, true

Random Ambient Sounds

Enable/disable random positional ambient sounds.

Available Options: false, true

Show MPD Impulse Values

Enable/disable showing of MPD impulse values.

Available Options: false, true

Sound Manager

Enable/disable sound manager debug.

Available Options: false, true

Global Variables

Enable/disable sound global variables debug.

Available Options: false, true


Disable particle render

Enable/disable particle rendering.

Available Options: false, true

Disable particle update

Enable/disable particle update.

Available Options: false, true

Show particle FX LOD

Enable/disable showing of particle FX LOD.

Available Options: disabled, enabled

Show 3D rotation spaces

Set scale for showing of particle rotation spaces.

Available Options: off, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0

Overdraw optimization

Set overdraw optimization mode.

Available Options: off, overhead (prerender), overhead (complete), on


Set particle render mode.

Available Options: full, background only, no background

Depth write mode

Set particle depth write mode.

Available Options: full-screen tri, particle draw

Prerender mask

Set particle prerender mask mode.

Available Options: on, off, overhead

Copy from main RT

Enable/disable copying frommain render target.

Available Options: enabled, disabled

Show internal texture

Show particle internal texture.

Available Options: none, depth ranges, alpha pre, alpha full

Show Particle Contacts

Enable/disable showing of particle contacts.

Available Options: false, true


Sink Input

Enable/disable sink input.

Available Options: false, true

Debug Contexts

Set input context debug mode.

Available Options: disabled, active, all

Show Cursor

Enable/disable showing of input cursor.

Available Options: false, true


Disable Loc

Enable/disable localization.

Available Options: false, true

Show UI Diag

Enable/disable UI diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

Log Construction

Enable/disable logging of UI construction.

Available Options: false, true


Override config

Override radial menu config.

Available Options: true")", false, true

Close on open

Close radial menu on open.

Available Options: true")", false, true

Perform on close

Perform action on radial menu close.

Available Options: true")", false, true

Close on perform

Close radial menu on perform.

Available Options: true")", false, true

Delect in center

Deselect radial menu in center.

Available Options: true")", false, true

Large size

Use large size for radial menu.

Available Options: true")", false, true

Override size

Override radial menu custom size.

Available Options: true")", false, true

Sustom size

Set custom radial menu size.

Range Settings:

Min: 100

Max: 1000

Current Value: 100

Step: 1

Entries setup

Enable/disable custom entry count for radial menu.

Available Options: true")", false, true


Set custom entry count for radial menu.

Range Settings:

Min: 2

Max: 32

Current Value: 2

Step: 1

Close All Menus

Close all menus.

Available Options: false, true

Open Main Menu

Open main menu.

Available Options: false, true

Log widgets under cursor

Enable/disable logging of widgets under cursor.

Available Options: false, true

Ignore hint persistency

Enable/disable ignoring of hint persistency.

Available Options: false, true

Enable map debug menu

Enable/disable map debug menu.

Available Options: false, true

Show all settings

Enable/disable showing of all UI settings.

Available Options: false, true



Show IsAIActivated

Enable/disable showing of IsAIActivated flag.

Available Options: false, true

AILib counters

Enable/disable AI library counters.

Available Options: false, true

Load balancing

Enable/disable AI load balancing.

Available Options: true, false

Forced AI simulation LOD

Set forced AI simulation LOD.

Range Settings:

Min: -1

Max: 10

Current Value: -1

Step: 1

BT holder

Enable/disable BT holder debug.

Available Options: false, true

AI Limits

Enable/disable AI limits debug.

Available Options: false, true


Show NavMesh

Enable/disable showing of NavMesh.

Available Options: false, true

Generate without navlinks

Enable/disable generation of NavMesh without navlinks.

Available Options: true, false

Show links between polygons

Enable/disable showing of links between polygons.

Available Options: false, true

Navlinks Validation

Enable/disable Navlinks validation.

Available Options: false, true

Navlink Active Direction

Enable/disable showing of Navlink active direction.

Available Options: false, true

Show Navmesh Project Index

Set Navmesh project index to show.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1000
  • Current Value: 0
  • Step: 1

Ignore area costs

Enable/disable ignoring of area costs for pathfinding.

Available Options: false, true

Path smoothing (on/off)

Set path smoothing mode.

Available Options: default, on, off



Enable/disable path debug.

Available Options: false, true

Path index

Enable/disable showing of current path index.

Available Options: false, true

Obstacle Avoidance diag

Enable/disable obstacle avoidance debug.

Available Options: false, true

Current Navlink

Enable/disable showing of current Navlink.

Available Options: false, true

Request parameters

Enable/disable showing of request parameters.

Available Options: false, true

Movement parameters

Enable/disable showing of movement parameters.

Available Options: false, true

Request Target

Enable/disable showing of request target.

Available Options: false, true

Movement Target

Enable/disable showing of movement target.

Available Options: false, true

Orientation Target

Enable/disable showing of orientation target.

Available Options: false, true

Formation offsets

Set formation offsets debug mode.

Available Options: off, projected, default, both

Formation Center

Enable/disable showing of formation center.

Available Options: false, true

Move Handlers

Enable/disable showing of move handlers.

Available Options: false, true

Stuck Teleport

Enable/disable teleport if stuck.

Available Options: false, true

Out of Navmesh Teleport

Enable/disable teleport if out of NavMesh.

Available Options: false, true


Enable/disable showing of movement memory.

Available Options: false, true


Debug of AStar

Enable/disable AStar debug.

Available Options: false, true

Make a step of AStar

Step AStar pathfinding.

Hotkey: Ctrl + Alt + V

Available Options: false, true

Pathfinding component

Enable/disable pathfinding component debug.

Available Options: false, true

Road network

Set road network debug mode.

Hotkey: Ctrl + Alt + N

Available Options: off, active, roads, children, bridges, offRoad, links, all

Show Road Width

Enable/disable showing of road widths.

Hotkey: Ctrl + Alt + W

Available Options: false, true

Road network component

Set road network component debug.

Range Settings:

Min: -1

Max: 300

Current Value: -1

Step: 1

Road Id

Enable/disable showing of road IDs.

Hotkey: Ctrl + Alt + I

Available Options: false, true

RoadPart Min Max Id

Enable/disable showing of road part min max ids.

Available Options: false, true

Pathfinding errors

Enable/disable reporting of pathfinding errors.

Available Options: false, true

Link on bridge Id

Set link on bridge ID.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 1000

Current Value: 0

Step: 1


Aiming component

Enable/disable aiming component debug.

Available Options: false, true

Aiming component PID

Enable/disable aiming component PID debug.

Available Options: false, true

Head aiming component

Enable/disable head aiming component debug.

Available Options: false, true

Use aim at version of ai aiming

Enable/disable usage of aim at version of AI aiming.

Available Options: false, true

Show target aimpoint

Show or hide target aimpoint.

Available Options: false, true

Show target projected size

Show or hide projected target size.

Available Options: false, true

AI Navigator


Enable/disable AI navigator debug.

Available Options: false, true

Previous agent

Select previous AI navigator agent.

Hotkey: RCtrl + RShift ⇧ + 9

Available Options: false, true

Next agent

Select next AI navigator agent.

Hotkey: RCtrl + RShift ⇧ + 0

Available Options: false, true


Show character detection

Enable/disable character detection debug.

Available Options: false, true

Vehicle driving diag

Enable/disable vehicle driving diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

AI Forbid Reversing

Enable/disable AI reversing.

Available Options: false, true

AI No Steer Adjustments

Enable/disable AI steering adjustments.

Available Options: false, true

Curve Circumference

Enable/disable curve circumference debug.

Available Options: false, true

PID Display

Enable/disable PID debug.

Available Options: false, true

Show avoidance

Enable/disable vehicle avoidance debug.

Available Options: false, true


Perception targets

Enable/disable perception targets debug.

Available Options: false, true

Perception sensors eyes

Enable/disable perception sensors eyes debug.

Available Options: false, true

Perception sensors ears

Enable/disable perception sensors ears debug.

Available Options: false, true

Perception recognition

Enable/disable perception recognition factors debug.

Available Options: false, true

Cached perceiveble positions

Enable/disable showing of cached perceived positions.

Available Options: false, true


Show animals debug info

Enable/disable animals debug.

Available Options: false, true

Manager to debug

Select animal manager to debug.

Available Options: None, Birds

Show current Animal positions

Enable/disable showing of current animal positions.

Available Options: false, true

Draw tile boundaries

Enable/disable drawing of animal tile boundaries.

Available Options: false, true

Draw Animal despawn range

Enable/disable drawing of animal despawn range.

Available Options: false, true

Draw Animal to Animal minimum spawn range

Enable/disable drawing of animal to animal minimum spawn range.

Available Options: false, true

Turn correction debug

Enable/disable turn correction debug.

Available Options: false, true

POV Pathfinder

Extend of querry box

Set extend of query box.

Range Settings:

Min: 1

Max: 20

Current Value: 10

Step: 1

Number of iterations

Set number of iterations.

Range Settings:

Min: 1

Max: 10

Current Value: 5

Step: 1

Fail on hitting origin

Enable/disable pathfinding failure on hitting origin.

Available Options: false, true

Set start position

Set pathfinder start position.

Hotkey: Ctrl + Alt + NUM 0

Available Options: false, true

Set end position

Set pathfinder end position.

Hotkey: Ctrl + Alt + NUM 1

Available Options: false, true

Run pathfinder

Run pathfinder.

Hotkey: Ctrl + Alt + NUM 3

Available Options: false, true

Generate Graph

Generate pathfinder graph.

Hotkey: Ctrl + Alt + NUM 2

Available Options: false, true

Show Cover Query

Enable/disable showing of cover query.

Available Options: false, true

Disable AI damage

Set AI damage mode.

Available Options: Cheat disabled, Force invulnerable, Force vulnerable

Disable AI actions

Enable/disable AI action processing.

Hotkey: Ctrl + Alt + F9

Available Options: false, true

Smart actions usage

Enable/disable smart actions debug.

Available Options: false, true

Group members

Enable/disable showing of AI group members.

Available Options: false, true


Set waypoint visualization.

Available Options: off, cylinder, sphere

AI Units

Enable/disable AI units debug.

Available Options: false, true


Enable/disable AI messages debug.

Available Options: false, true

Show target AI context

Enable/disable showing of target AI context.

Available Options: false, true


AI Debug Category

Set AI debug category.

Available Options: MISSING CATALOGS!

Set BT Breakpoint

Enable/disable BT breakpoint.

Available Options: false, true

Print debug from BTs

Enable/disable printing of debug from BTs.

Available Options: false, true

Print init of groups

Enable/disable printing of group init info.

Available Options: false, true

Show fireteams

Enable/disable showing of fireteams.

Available Options: false, true

Show subgroups

Enable/disable showing of subgroups.

Available Options: false, true

Show target clusters

Enable/disable showing of target clusters.

Available Options: false, true

Print stats for aiming

Enable/disable printing of aiming statistics.

Available Options: false, true

Print new activity

Enable/disable printing of new AI activity.

Available Options: false, true

Show debug shapes from BTs

Enable/disable showing of debug shapes from BTs.

Available Options: false, true

Show fiendly in aim

Enable/disable showing of friendly units in aim.

Available Options: false, true

Show target last seen

Enable/disable showing of target last seen position.

Available Options: false, true

Select fixed AIAgent

Enable/disable selection of fixed AI agent.

Available Options: false, true

Debug cover search

Enable/disable cover search debug.

Available Options: false, true

Show Comms Handlers

Enable/disable showing of comms handlers.

Available Options: false, true

Show perception panel

Enable/disable showing of perception panel.

Available Options: false, true

Show grenade positions

Enable/disable showing of grenade positions.

Available Options: false, true

Show suppression debug

Enable/disable showing of suppression debug.

Available Options: false, true

Show illum flares positions

Enable/disable showing of illum flares positions.

Available Options: false, true

Show aim leading debug

Enable/disable showing of aim leading debug.

Available Options: false, true

Show sector threat filter

Enable/disable showing of sector threat filter.

Available Options: false, true

Show search and destroy points of interest

Enable/disable showing of search and destroy points of interest.

Available Options: false, true

Show Send Message Menu

Enable/disable showing of send message menu.

Available Options: false, true

Open Debug Panel

Enable/disable opening of AI debug panel.

Available Options: false, true

Show Grenade Trace

Enable/disable showing of grenade trace.

Available Options: false, true


DynSim Distance Diag

Enable/disable Dynamic Simulation distance diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

DynSim Visibility Diag

Enable/disable Dynamic Simulation visibility diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

ProcAnim Registration Diag

Enable/disable procedural animation registration diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

HandleControls Registration Diag

Enable/disable handle controls registration diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

NwkMovement Registration Diag

Enable/disable network movement registration diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

Sound Registration Diag

Enable/disable sound registration diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

Backend Diag

Enable/disable backend diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

AnimKeyFrame Fake Time

Set animation keyframe fake time.

Range Settings:

Min: 0

Max: 1.0

Current Value: 0.0

Step: 0.05

Systems diag

Set systems diagnostics display.

Available Options: none, basic, full

Show diag system stats

Enable/disable showing of system statistics.

Available Options: false, true


PlayStation Network matches

Show match status

Enable/disable showing of match status.

Available Options: false, true

Create dummy match

Enable/disable creation of dummy match.

Available Options: false, true

Start match

Enable/disable start of match.

Available Options: false, true

Cancel match

Enable/disable cancelation of match.

Available Options: false, true

Finish match (submit result)

Enable/disable finishing of match (submit result).

Available Options: false, true

*Join match (dummy player)

Enable/disable joining of match (dummy player).

Available Options: false, true

*Leave match (dummy player)

Enable/disable leaving of match (dummy player).

Available Options: false, true

Add player via update (dummy player)

Enable/disable adding of player via update (dummy player).

Available Options: false, true

Pick user

Enable/disable picking of user.

Available Options: false, true

Simulate Sign-out

Simulate user sign out.

Available Options: false, true

Obtain save data

Obtain save data.

Available Options: false, true

Commit save data

Commit save data.

Available Options: false, true

Open URL

Open URL in browser.

Available Options: false, true

Change user name

Change user name.

Available Options: false, true

Show local player profile

Show local player profile.

Available Options: false, true

Request & log privileges

Request and log privileges.

Available Options: false, true

Revoke privilege: Text comm

Revoke text communication privilege.

Available Options: false, true

Revoke privilege: Voice comm

Revoke voice communication privilege.

Available Options: false, true

Revoke privilege: Multiplayer

Revoke multiplayer privilege.

Available Options: false, true

Revoke privilege: Lobby

Revoke lobby privilege.

Available Options: false, true

Revoke privilege: UGC

Revoke UGC privilege.

Available Options: false, true

Revoke privilege: Shared sessions

Revoke shared sessions privilege.

Available Options: false, true

Revoke privilege: Social network sharing

Revoke social network sharing privilege.

Available Options: false, true

Accept dummy invitation

Accept dummy invitation.

Available Options: false, true

Invite using platform GUI

Invite using platform GUI.

Available Options: false, true

Log list of achievements

Log list of achievements.

Available Options: false, true


Enable log reports

Enable/disable serialization log reports.

Available Options: none, errors, all

Manual Camera

Show debug menu

Enable/disable manual camera debug menu.

Available Options: false, true

Control player

Enable/disable control player using manual camera. Option is only available when Debug Manual Camera is enabled

Available Options: false, true

Speed boost up debug

Enable/disable manual camera speed boost debug.

Available Options: false, true

Paste view link

Paste view link using hotkey (lshift+lalt+l).

Hotkey: ⇧ Shift + Alt + L

Available Options: false, true

Unlimited Movement

Enable/disable unlimited manual camera movement.

Available Options: false, true


Is Opened

Enable/disable editor opened flag debug.

Available Options: false, true

Can Open

Enable/disable editor can open flag debug.

Available Options: false, true

Can Close

Enable/disable editor can close flag debug.

Available Options: false, true

Show Debug

Enable/disable editor debug.

Available Options: false, true

Force Limited

Enable/disable forcing of limited editor.

Available Options: false, true

Log Async Load

Enable/disable logging of async loading for editor.

Available Options: false, true

Show Screenshot

Enable/disable showing of screenshot for editor.

Available Options: false, true

Simulated Network Delay

Set simulated network delay.

Range Settings:

  • Min: 0
  • Max: 1000
  • Current Value: 0
  • Step: 100


Game Mode

Enable/disable showing of game mode debug.

Available Options: false, true

Show kill log

Enable/disable showing of kill log.

Available Options: false, true

Respawn Component

Enable/disable respawn component debug.

Available Options: false, true

Respawn Time Measures

Enable/disable respawn time measurement debug.

Available Options: false, true

Respawn Timer

Enable/disable respawn timer component debug.

Available Options: false, true

Scoring System

Enable/disable showing of scoring system debug.

Available Options: false, true

Player Factions

Enable/disable showing of player factions debug.

Available Options: false, true

Player Loadouts

Enable/disable showing of player loadouts debug.

Available Options: false, true


Instant composition spawning

Enable/disable instant composition spawning.

Available Options: false, true


Promotes player to higher rank.

Available Options: false, true


Demotes player to higher rank.

Available Options: false, true


Disable Game Over

Enable/disable game over.

Available Options: false, true


Course locations


Enable obstacle course location.

Available Options: false, true


Enable firing range location.

Available Options: false, true


Enable combat engineering location.

Available Options: false, true


Enable seizing location.

Available Options: false, true


Enable first aid location.

Available Options: false, true


Enable driving location.

Available Options: false, true


Enable navigation location.

Available Options: false, true


Enable helicopter piloting location.

Available Options: false, true


Enable special weapons location.

Available Options: false, true


Enable long range shooting location.

Available Options: false, true


Enable fire support course location.

Available Options: false, true


Enable squad leadership location.

Available Options: false, true


Enable vehicle maintenance location.

Available Options: false, true

Disable course reqs

Enable/disable tutorial course requirements.

Available Options: false, true

Skip intro sequence

Enable/disable skip intro sequence.

Available Options: false, true

Regenerate course tasks

Enable/disable regeneration of course tasks.

Available Options: false, true

Skip AI Driving

Enable/disable skipping AI driving.

Available Options: false, true

Finish current stage

Enable/disable finishing of current stage.

Available Options: false, true

Move to waypoint

Enable/disable moving to waypoint.

Available Options: false, true

Set evening time

Enable/disable setting evening time.

Available Options: false, true

Dump stages into log

Enable/disable dumping of stages into log.

Available Options: false, true

Finish all courses

Enable/disable finishing of all courses.

Available Options: false, true

Draw Area Restrictions

Enable/disable drawing of area restrictions.

Available Options: false, true



Enable/disable scenario framework tasks debug.

Available Options: false, true

Registered Areas

Enable/disable scenario framework registered areas debug.

Available Options: false, true

Debug Areas

Enable/disable scenario framework debug areas.

Available Options: false, true

Layer Inspector

Enable/disable scenario framework layer inspector.

Available Options: false, true

Action Inspector

Enable/disable scenario framework action inspector.

Available Options: false, true

Logic Inspector

Enable/disable scenario framework logic inspector.

Available Options: false, true

Plugin Inspector

Enable/disable scenario framework plugin inspector.

Available Options: false, true

Condition Inspector

Enable/disable scenario framework condition inspector.

Available Options: false, true


Execute tasks

Enable/disable execution of tasks.

Available Options: true, false

Print all tasks

Enable/disable printing of all tasks.

Available Options: false, true

Radial Menu

Enable diagnostics

Enable/disable radial menu diagnostics.

Available Options: false, true

Enable logging

Enable/disable radial menu logging.

Available Options: false, true

Full TOC
Mini TOC