Resource Manager: Data To Spreadsheet – Arma Reforger
Data To Spreadsheet plugin |
Resource Manager plugin |
Import/export of data to spreadsheets |
Data to spreadsheet is a Resource Manager plugin which allows to export selected parameters to clipboard, which then can be pasted into various spreadsheets software like Excel, Libre Calc or Google Docs.
Prefab Config
Link to config file containing spreadsheet parser data. Required field
Print To Console
When this option is enabled, some debug output will be printed to the Log Console.
Comma As Delimiter
When enabled, importer & exporter will use comma instead of dot as delimiter. Depending on locale of PC, Excel might use one or another.
Use Selection From Config
When enabled, Data To Spreadsheet parser will use Prefabs Array list defined in the config, instead of currently selected assets in Resource Browser
Initializes data import from clipboard to Workbench
Initializes data export from Workbench to clipboard
Spreadsheet Parser
Prefabs Array
List of prefabs or configs which should be parsed by the plugin. Only used if Use Selection From Config option is enabled
Attributes Array
List of attributes which should be extracted. This array supports nested entries, where elements can also define sub-arrays, enabling you to reach a specified depth
List of attributes
Extracts attribute of given name. This entry cannot have sub-entries
Finds Component of given name.
Example: WeaponComponent
Finds Object of given name
Finds Object by given index. In some cases you might encounter array where objects don't have name
Finds & retrieves ObjectArray
Example: components
Working with Spreadsheet Parser
New spreadsheet parser config can be created by creating new config file and selecting SCR_DataToSpreadsheetTemplates config. Once its created, open it in Resource Manager config viewer. After that, it is possible to start filling config with data
Parameters visible in Workbench are beautified in the interface so what you see in the Workbench is not how its stored or referenced by engine
Use Copy property path to get name of property useable by Data To Spreadsheet plugin
Example: Getting Ammo data
In case you would like to grab some basic data from ammo prefabs, first you need to decide what you want to grab. In our case, parameters like Init Speed, Mass, Air Drag or Diameter are located in ShellMoveComponent.
Then follow below steps
- Add new SCR_DataToSpreadsheetTemplatesComponent element to root Attributes Array
- Type in Component Name field name of the component - in this case it is ShellMoveComponent
- Add new SCR_DataToSpreadsheetTemplatesAttribute element to Attributes Array inside ShellMoveComponent
- In Attribute Name field fill in engine name of variable (see tool tip above about property path)
- Repeat those steps until list is filled with all attributes that should be parsed
In most cases default Float attribute type is good enough - even if value is int - this is due how excel might treat it afterwards.
Example: Getting Ammo data from Object Array
In scenario where you would wish to extract i.e. Damage Value from ProjectileDamage object inside Projectile Effects of bullet prefab, some extra steps are necessary.
- Add new SCR_DataToSpreadsheetTemplatesComponent element to root Attributes Array
- Fill in Component Name as before (ShellMoveComponent in this case)
- Add SCR_DataToSpreadsheetTemplatesObjectArray element to ShellMoveComponent Attributes Array
- Type in Object Name name of array - in this case it is ProjectileEffects
- Add SCR_DataToSpreadsheetTemplatesObjectIndex to Attributes Array of ProjectileEffects
- Find the index of element in array you want to retrive - you can do it by for instance hovering mouse over the property. In particular case index of that class is 4
- Add SCR_DataToSpreadsheetTemplatesAttribute for all relevant parameters that are supposed to be retrieved to Object Index: 4 element added in previous step
As a result, you should get something like this
Example: Getting Ammo data from Object Array
Getting data from child components - like on picture below - is again bit different than other methods.
SCR_DataToSpreadsheetTemplatesComponent doesn't support finding child components so it is necessary to use different method in this case. Instead of it, it is possible to use SCR_DataToSpreadsheetTemplatesObjectArray & SCR_DataToSpreadsheetTemplatesObject classes to retrieve desired data.
- Add SCR_DataToSpreadsheetTemplatesObjectArray to root Attributes Array
- Type in Object Name "components" - that's the object array containing components under the hood. You can check the structure by opening prefab in text editor of your choice
- Add SCR_DataToSpreadsheetTemplatesObject to Attributes Array of components
- Write inside WeaponComponent - this way you will get reference to WeaponComponent
- Add SCR_DataToSpreadsheetTemplatesObjectArray to WeaponComponent
- Type in "components" again
- Add once again SCR_DataToSpreadsheetTemplatesObject - this time to components class under WeaponComponent
- Write name of component you were looking for - MuzzleComponent
- Add as many SCR_DataToSpreadsheetTemplatesAttribute to Attributes Array of MuzzleComponent as you wish in order to extract desired parameters
End result below