Scripting: Values – Arma Reforger
A value describes a data holder; a value is either a variable (that can be changed) or a constant (that cannot be changed).
Values are declared in Enfusion with a type, in format type identifier = value (the = value part being optional). Enforce Script uses strong types, which means a value's type cannot be changed along its lifetime.
An identifier is the actual name of a value; it identifies the value. The naming rules are:
- an identifier can be composed of ASCII letters, numbers and underscores
- an identifier must start with an underscore or a letter (cannot start with a number)
- an identifier is case-sensitive
- an identifier cannot be identical to a keyword
The regular expression to be respected is: ^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$
It is recommended to write variable identifiers in camelCase, (e.g aNewVariable) and constants' in UPPER_CASE (e.g A_NEW_CONSTANT). See Scripting: Conventions - Variable for Arma Reforger naming conventions.
Value Declaration
Declaring a value is done by using a type and an identifier:
It can also be directly created with a value:
A value can be made constant, meaning that it will remain the same along its lifetime.
An object (array, set, map, other class instance) can be const yet still have its values changed - const here only keeps the reference and does not "freeze" the object in place.
Passing a Value
By Content
By Reference
// root prefixes
bool m_bValue;
int m_iValue;
float m_fValue;
string m_sValue;
SCR_EEnum m_eValue;
vector m_vValue;
array<x> m_aValue;
map<x, y> m_mValue;
// children use parent's prefix
ResourceName m_sResourceName;
LocalizedString m_sLocalisedString;
Curve m_aCurve;
// no prefix
SCR_Class m_ClassInstance;
typename m_ClassTypename;
set<x> m_Set;
Color m_Color; |
Values can be of various types, listed below.
- Passed by: content or reference - see above
- Naming prefix: used in Object's value convention (See conventions): m_ or s_ + prefix + VariableName (e.g: m_bPlayerIsAlive = true)
- Default value: the default value given when a value is declared without content (e.g: int value - the variable here is 0, integer's default value)
Incorrect | Correct |
bool variable = true;
if (variable)
variable = "it works!"; // not - variable is and remains a bool
} |
Primitive Types
Type name | C++ equivalent | Range | Default value | Size (Bytes) |
int | int32 | -2,147,483,648 through +2,147,483,647 | 0 | 4 |
float | float | ±1.18E-38 through ±3.402823E+38 | 0.0 | 4 |
bool | bool | true or false | false | 4 |
string | char* | - | "" (empty string) | 8 (pointer) + (length × 1 byte) |
vector | float[3] | like float | { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 } | 8 (pointer) + (3 × float) 12* |
void | void | - | - | - |
class | Instance* | pointer to any script object | null | 8 |
typename | VarType* | pointer to type structure | null | 8 |
*the asterisk in C++ means a pointer.
Passed by: value
Naming prefix: b
Default value: false
A bool is a value that can be either true or false . For example, bool result = 10 > 5; result can either be true or false (here is true, as 10 is greater than 5).
Passed by: value
Naming prefix: i
Default value: 0
Range: -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Description: An integer (or int) is a whole number, meaning a value without decimals. It can be positive or negative.
Passed by: value
Naming prefix: f
Default value: 0.0
Range: 1.18 E-38 to 3.40 E+38
A float, or its full name floating-point number is a number that can have decimals.
Precision is a matter at hand when working with floats; do not expect exact calculations: 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 != 0.3 - rounding would be needed to have the result one can expect.
Passed by: value
Naming prefix: s
Default value: "" (empty string)
Maximum length: 2,147,483,647 characters
Description: a string is a sequence of characters; it supports the following escape characters:
Passed by: value
Naming prefix: e
Default value: 0 (which may not exist in the enum)
An enum is a value that offers a choice between defined options.
"Behind the curtains" it is also an integer that can be assigned to an int variable.
By default, the first value is equal to 0 and the next values are incremented by 1.
Passed by: value
Naming prefix: v
Default value: { 0, 0, 0 }
A vector is a type that holds three float values. Two vectors can be compared with == for value comparison.
Passed by: reference (dynamic array) or value (static array)
Naming prefix: a for both
Default value: null (not an empty array) or static array filled with default item type value (e.g 0 for int, null for object, etc)
Maximum size: int.MAX
An array is a list of values. In Enforce Script, an array can only hold one type of data (defined in its declaration).
There are two types of array in Enfusion:
- dynamic array: "list" that will extend the more items are added
- static array: fixed-size list of items - items can be changed, but the array size cannot
Passed by: reference
Naming prefix: none
Default value: null (not an empty set)
A set is a list that ensures uniqueness of values. Due to this uniqueness check, item insertion is slower than for an Array; however, checking if an item is contained is faster.
Passed by: reference
Naming prefix: m
Default value: null (not an empty map)
A map is a list of key-value pairs, also known as a dictionary. Two keys cannot be identical as they are used to index the values.
A float cannot be a map key.
Passed by: reference
Naming prefix: none
Default value: null
A class is what defines an object's structure - said from the other end, an object is an instance of a class.
Passed by: reference
Naming prefix: none
Default value: typename.Empty
A typename is a "class information" type allowing to obtain values and other instance details through reflection.
A value has a lifetime, whether it is the game instance, mission or script duration; but it also has a scope that defines its existence and its accessibility.
Incorrect | Correct | Shorter but more expensive |
string message;
if (soldiersHealth > 75)
message = "I'm doing well";
message = "I don't feel so good";
Print(message); // OK |
string message = "I don't feel so good";
if (soldiersHealth > 75)
message = "I'm doing well";
Print(message); // OK |
A value can sometimes be returned as one of its inherited classes or interfaced type - it can be casted ("forced" into a type) if the underlying type is known.