World Editor API allows for plugin/tool world operations like obtaining terrain resolution, but mostly for Prefab operations such as editing and saving a Prefab (called Entity Template in the API for historical reason – hence the .et extension) using BaseContainer references.
General Usage
Game classes such as WorldEditorAPI, ScriptEditor etc must not be a strong ref script-side; on scripts reload, these references are not nulled and could point to anything.
Get WorldEditorAPI as a method variable where needed:
- or one-lined (no nullcheck)
Copym_API; // in WorldEditorTool children
Store WorldEditorAPI as a class pointer:
Prefab Actions
Prefab actions allow editing Prefabs automatically, with or without user input.
Editing a
BaseContainer using
.Set* methods does
not modify the Prefab itself; it only modifies the current instance in memory.
Proper Prefab editing always happens in WorldEditorAPI methods, such as:
Get Prefab
Set Value
values are set as string through WorldEditorAPI in .et files.
For example, a true bool value will be represented as 1 in a .et file, therefore "1" must be provided (see bool.ToString(true) for more information).
Prefab actions
must be wrapped between
EntityAction begin/end methods below – the Workbench will remind you of that anyway with a VME.
// actions here
Direct Value
The SetVariableValue method is used:
CopyworldEditorAPI.SetVariableValue(myEntitySource, null, "m_bVariable", bValue.ToString(true)); // .ToString(true) to write it as "1"
worldEditorAPI.SetVariableValue(myEntitySource, null, "m_fVariable", fValue.ToString());
worldEditorAPI.SetVariableValue(myEntitySource, null, "m_iVariable", iValue.ToString());
worldEditorAPI.SetVariableValue(myEntitySource, null, "m_sVariable", sValue); // no .ToString() for string
worldEditorAPI.SetVariableValue(myEntitySource, null, "m_vVariable", vValue.ToString(false)); // .ToString(false) to write it as "0 1 2" and not "<0, 1, 2>"
Native Type Array
The SetVariableValue method is used, setting values with separating commas:
CopyworldEditorAPI.SetVariableValue(myEntitySource, null, "m_aBoolArray", "0,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1");
worldEditorAPI.SetVariableValue(myEntitySource, null, "m_aFloatArray", "1.1,2,3.14159");
worldEditorAPI.SetVariableValue(myEntitySource, null, "m_aIntArray", "1,2,3,4,5,6,-10");
worldEditorAPI.SetVariableValue(myEntitySource, null, "m_aStringArray", "value1,value2,value3"); // note: commas cannot be escaped, making string with commas NOT supported
worldEditorAPI.SetVariableValue(myEntitySource, null, "m_aVectorArray", "0 1 0,0 0 1,1 0 0");
Object Creation
Two cases are identified: the object can either be a direct object property or an array item.
In the first case (direct object property), the CreateObjectVariableMember method must be used:
Copy// assuming an object is myEntitySource.m_SubObject
// public, protected or private, WorldEditorAPI can write any Attribute
worldEditorAPI.CreateObjectVariableMember(myEntitySource, null, "m_SubObject", "SubObjectClassName"); // returns true if type is valid and the object was created
In the second case (array element), the CreateObjectArrayVariableMember method is used:
Object Value
To set an object's value, the path parameter, an array of ContainerIdPathEntry must be used:
Copy// let's reuse the myEntitySource.m_SubObject situation
// m_SubObject has a "m_sMessage" property we want to set
// m_SubObject cannot be set as SetVariableValue's first argument, as it is not the root container (myEntitySource being its parent)
worldEditorAPI.SetVariableValue(myEntitySource, { new ContainerIdPathEntry("m_SubObject") }, "m_sMessage", "Hello there");
An array item is accessed using the ContainerIdPathEntry's index parameter, to determine which item is targeted
Copy// let's reuse the myEntitySource.m_aSubObjects array situation
worldEditorAPI.SetVariableValue(myEntitySource, { new ContainerIdPathEntry("m_aSubObjects", 3) }, "m_sMessage", "Hello there"); // changes the fourth array item
A component is accessed the same way - using the "components" path:
CopyworldEditorAPI.SetVariableValue(myEntitySource, { new ContainerIdPathEntry("components", 0) }, "m_sMessage", "Hello there"); // if the first component must be edited
Delete Value
CopyworldEditorAPI.ClearVariableValue(myEntitySource, null, "m_sName"); // erases "m_sName" from this Prefab's definition (not from parents or children)
An array cannot be deleted this way. All its items should be removed through RemoveObjectArrayVariableMember usage instead:
Save Changes
Simply use the following:
See also: