From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
- Advanced hint call, creates hint itself.
This function gets parameters from variable BIS_fnc_advHint_hint in format [class, fullText, shortText, shortDur, shortHideCond, fullDur, fullHideCond, showFull, sound]:- class: String - class of hint
- fullText: String - structured text of full hint
- shortText: String - structured text of short hint
- shortDur: Number - duration of short hint in seconds
- hideCond: String - condition for hiding of short hint (default: "false")
- fullDur: Number - duration of full hint in seconds
- fullHideCond: String - condition for hiding of full hint (default: "false")
- showFull: Boolean - true shows directly full hint (default: false)
- sound: Boolean - true for using of sound (default: true)
- class: String - class of hint
- Execution:
- call
- Groups:
- Syntax:
- fullText call BIS_fnc_advHintCall
- Parameters:
- fullText: Boolean - true to show full text, false to only show small hint notification
- Return Value:
- Nothing
- Example 1:
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