Spearhead 1944 CfgMissions MPMissions MissionParameters
[SPE] Operation Cobra
- Campaign name: [SPE] Operation Cobra
- Type: opcobra
- Min players: 1
- Max players: 24
Mission class name | Mission name | World class name | World name |
SPE_M00_Operation_Cobra_Prologue | [SPE] OpCobra - M0: Prologue | SPE_Normandy | Normandy |
SPE_M01_Liberation_of_Saint_Gilles | [SPE] OpCobra - M1: Liberation of Saint-Gilles | SPE_Normandy | Normandy |
SPE_M02_Liberation_of_Canisy | [SPE] OpCobra - M2: Liberation of Canisy | SPE_Normandy | Normandy |
SPE_M03_Quibou_Dangy_March | [SPE] OpCobra - M3: Quibou Dangy March | SPE_Normandy | Normandy |
SPE_M04_Defense_of_Pont_Brocard | [SPE] OpCobra - M4: Defense of Pont-Brocard | SPE_Normandy | Normandy |
SPE_M05_Villebaudon_March | [SPE] OpCobra - M5: Villebaudon March | SPE_Normandy | Normandy |
SPE_M07_Liberation_of_Saint_Denis_le_Gast | [SPE] OpCobra - M6: Liberation of Saint Denis-le-Gast | SPE_Normandy | Normandy |
SPE_M08_Defense_of_Saint_Denis_le_Gast | [SPE] OpCobra - M7: Defense of Saint Denis-le-Gast | SPE_Normandy | Normandy |
SPE_M09_Operation_Cobra_Epilogue | [SPE] OpCobra - M8: Epilogue | SPE_Normandy | Normandy |
Number of parameters: 56
Staging Phase Before Combat Phase - Timeout Duration
- Class name: SPE_CDA_StagingPhaseTimeout
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Disabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
1e+07 | No Timeout |
0 | Disabled |
10 | 10 seconds |
30 | 30 seconds |
60 | 60 seconds |
90 | 90 seconds |
120 | Two minutes |
180 | Three minutes |
300 | Five minutes |
600 | Ten minutes |
Skip Videos
- Class name: SPE_CDA_SkipVideos
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Disabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | SITREP [Intro] |
2 | Newsreel [Outro] |
3 | All Videos |
Default Voice Acting Volume
- Class name: SPE_CDA_DefaultVoiceActingVolume
- Default value: 100
- Default text: 100%
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Mute |
25 | 25% |
50 | 50% |
75 | 75% |
100 | 100% |
Default Narrator Volume
- Class name: SPE_CDA_DefaultNarratorVolume
- Default value: 100
- Default text: 100%
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Mute |
25 | 25% |
50 | 50% |
75 | 75% |
100 | 100% |
Skip Animated Briefing
- Class name: SPE_briefing_skip
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Disabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Briefing Vote Duration
- Class name: SPE_briefing_vote_timer
- Default value: 60
- Default text: 1 Minute
Possible values:
Value | Text |
30 | 30 Seconds |
60 | 1 Minute |
120 | 2 Minutes |
300 | 5 Minutes |
-1 | Unlimited |
If custom difficulty is selected, what difficulty level should the Custom Difficulty Adjustment system use
- Class name: SPE_CDA_Difficulty_Adjustment_Custom_Equivalent
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Recruit
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Read from Profile |
0 | Recruit |
1 | Regular |
2 | Veteran |
3 | Hardcore |
- Class name: SPE_CDA_Difficulty_Adjustment_Nametags
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Extended Unit Map Markers (Friendlies)
- Class name: SPE_CDA_Difficulty_Adjustment_ExtendedUnitMapMarkersFriendlies
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Extended Unit Map Markers (Enemies)
- Class name: SPE_CDA_Difficulty_Adjustment_ExtendedUnitMapMarkersEnemies
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Issue radios to all soldiers
- Class name: SPE_CDA_Difficulty_Adjustment_IssueRadios
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Disabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Disabled, Disabled) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Only Group Leaders and Radio Operators |
2 | Enabled |
Respawn tickets
- Class name: SPE_Respawn_Tickets_Param
- Default value: 999999
- Default text: Unlimited
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Disabled |
0 | Difficulty Based (30, 20, 10, 0) |
5 | 5 |
10 | 10 |
15 | 15 |
20 | 20 |
25 | 25 |
30 | 30 |
35 | 35 |
40 | 40 |
999999 | Unlimited |
Respawn time
- Class name: SPE_Respawn_Delay_Param
- Default value: 30
- Default text: 30 Seconds
Possible values:
Value | Text |
10 | 10 Seconds |
30 | 30 Seconds |
60 | 1 Minute |
120 | 2 Minutes |
300 | 5 Minutes |
Playable AI has respawn
- Class name: SPE_CDA_PlayableAIHasRespawn
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Use Mission Default
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Use Mission Default |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Playable respawn with former equipment
- Class name: SPE_CDA_PlayableRespawnWithFormerEquipment
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Use Mission Default
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Use Mission Default |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Revive available to players
- Class name: SPE_ReviveEnabled
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Enabled |
1 | Disabled |
Revive mode
- Class name: SPE_ReviveMode
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Basic, Basic, Advanced, Realistic)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Basic, Basic, Advanced, Realistic) |
1 | Basic |
2 | Advanced |
3 | Realistic |
Requirement to revive
- Class name: SPE_ReviveRequiredTrait
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (FAK, FAK, FAK, Medic)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (FAK, FAK, FAK, Medic) |
1 | First Aid Kit |
2 | Require Medic Trait |
3 | None |
Hold action medic multiplier
- Class name: SPE_ReviveMedicSpeedMultiplier
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (4x, 4x, 2x, 2x)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (4x, 4x, 2x, 2x) |
1 | 1x |
2 | 2x |
3 | 3x |
5 | 5x |
10 | 10x |
Hold action delay
- Class name: SPE_ReviveDelay
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (5s, 5s, 10s, 15s)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (5s, 5s, 10s, 15s) |
5 | 5 |
7 | 7 |
8 | 8 |
12 | 12 |
15 | 15 |
17 | 17 |
Force respawn delay
- Class name: SPE_ReviveForceRespawnDelay
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (3s, 5s, 10s, 15s)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (3s, 5s, 10s, 15s) |
5 | 5 |
10 | 10 |
15 | 15 |
20 | 20 |
25 | 25 |
30 | 30 |
Bleedout time
- Class name: SPE_ReviveBleedOutDelay
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Never, 300s, 120s, 60s)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Never, 300s, 120s, 60s) |
99999 | Never |
30 | 30 |
60 | 60 |
120 | 120 |
180 | 180 |
240 | 240 |
300 | 300 |
Required First Aid Kits
- Class name: SPE_ReviveFakAmount
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (1x, 1x, 2x, 3x)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (1x, 1x, 2x, 3x) |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
Stop bleeding with FAK
- Class name: SPE_ReviveStabilize
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Unconscious unit 3D icons
- Class name: SPE_ReviveIcons
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled) |
1 | Enabled |
2 | Medic Only |
3 | Disabled |
Automatically call for help
- Class name: SPE_ReviveAutoCall
- Default value: 2
- Default text: Cadet Only
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
2 | Cadet Only |
AI Automatically withstand
- Class name: SPE_ReviveAutoWithstand
- Default value: 2
- Default text: Cadet Only
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
2 | Cadet Only |
Extra FAK required for self-revive
- Class name: SPE_WithstandExtraFAK
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled) |
1 | Disabled |
2 | Enabled |
- Class name: SPE_WithstandEnabled
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
1 | Disabled |
2 | Enabled |
Self-Revive (AI)
- Class name: SPE_WithstandEnabledAI
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
1 | Disabled |
2 | Enabled |
Units Affected
- Class name: SPE_ReviveUnits
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Playable Units
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Playable Units |
1 | Player Units |
2 | AI Units |
Aggressive Behavior - Player Group
- Class name: SPE_CDA_AggressiveBehaviourPlayerGroup
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Cadet Mode off)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Cadet Mode off) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Aggressive Behavior - Player Side
- Class name: SPE_CDA_AggressiveBehaviourPlayerSide
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Cadet Mode off)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Cadet Mode off) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Aggressive Behavior - Enemy Side
- Class name: SPE_CDA_AggressiveBehaviourEnemySide
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Cadet Mode off)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Cadet Mode off) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Mute Radio - Player Group
- Class name: SPE_CDA_MuteRadioPlayerGroup
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Client-side setting)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Client-side setting) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Mute Radio - Player Side
- Class name: SPE_CDA_MuteRadioPlayerSide
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Client-side setting)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Client-side setting) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Mute Radio - Enemy Side
- Class name: SPE_CDA_MuteRadioEnemySide
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Client-side setting)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Client-side setting) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
COOP Missions
[SPE] Der Zahnarzt
- Mission name: [SPE] Der Zahnarzt
- World name: Normandy
- Mission class name: SPE_CO4_Der_Zahnarzt
- World class name: SPE_Normandy
- Type: COOP
- Min players: 1
- Max players: 4
Number of parameters: 24
Respawn tickets
- Class name: SPE_Respawn_Tickets_Param
- Default value: 999999
- Default text: Unlimited
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Disabled |
0 | Difficulty Based (30, 20, 10, 0) |
5 | 5 |
10 | 10 |
15 | 15 |
20 | 20 |
25 | 25 |
30 | 30 |
35 | 35 |
40 | 40 |
999999 | Unlimited |
Respawn time
- Class name: SPE_Respawn_Delay_Param
- Default value: 30
- Default text: 30 Seconds
Possible values:
Value | Text |
10 | 10 Seconds |
30 | 30 Seconds |
60 | 1 Minute |
120 | 2 Minutes |
300 | 5 Minutes |
Revive available to players
- Class name: SPE_ReviveEnabled
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Enabled |
1 | Disabled |
Revive mode
- Class name: SPE_ReviveMode
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Basic, Basic, Advanced, Realistic)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Basic, Basic, Advanced, Realistic) |
1 | Basic |
2 | Advanced |
3 | Realistic |
Requirement to revive
- Class name: SPE_ReviveRequiredTrait
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (FAK, FAK, FAK, Medic)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (FAK, FAK, FAK, Medic) |
1 | First Aid Kit |
2 | Require Medic Trait |
3 | None |
Hold action medic multiplier
- Class name: SPE_ReviveMedicSpeedMultiplier
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (4x, 4x, 2x, 2x)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (4x, 4x, 2x, 2x) |
1 | 1x |
2 | 2x |
3 | 3x |
5 | 5x |
10 | 10x |
Hold action delay
- Class name: SPE_ReviveDelay
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (5s, 5s, 10s, 15s)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (5s, 5s, 10s, 15s) |
5 | 5 |
7 | 7 |
8 | 8 |
12 | 12 |
15 | 15 |
17 | 17 |
Force respawn delay
- Class name: SPE_ReviveForceRespawnDelay
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (3s, 5s, 10s, 15s)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (3s, 5s, 10s, 15s) |
5 | 5 |
10 | 10 |
15 | 15 |
20 | 20 |
25 | 25 |
30 | 30 |
Bleedout time
- Class name: SPE_ReviveBleedOutDelay
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Never, 300s, 120s, 60s)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Never, 300s, 120s, 60s) |
99999 | Never |
30 | 30 |
60 | 60 |
120 | 120 |
180 | 180 |
240 | 240 |
300 | 300 |
Required First Aid Kits
- Class name: SPE_ReviveFakAmount
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (1x, 1x, 2x, 3x)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (1x, 1x, 2x, 3x) |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
Stop bleeding with FAK
- Class name: SPE_ReviveStabilize
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Unconscious unit 3D icons
- Class name: SPE_ReviveIcons
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled) |
1 | Enabled |
2 | Medic Only |
3 | Disabled |
Automatically call for help
- Class name: SPE_ReviveAutoCall
- Default value: 2
- Default text: Cadet Only
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
2 | Cadet Only |
AI Automatically withstand
- Class name: SPE_ReviveAutoWithstand
- Default value: 2
- Default text: Cadet Only
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
2 | Cadet Only |
Extra FAK required for self-revive
- Class name: SPE_WithstandExtraFAK
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled) |
1 | Disabled |
2 | Enabled |
- Class name: SPE_WithstandEnabled
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
1 | Disabled |
2 | Enabled |
Self-Revive (AI)
- Class name: SPE_WithstandEnabledAI
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
1 | Disabled |
2 | Enabled |
Units Affected
- Class name: SPE_ReviveUnits
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Playable Units
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Playable Units |
1 | Player Units |
2 | AI Units |
[SPE] Attack on Mortain
- Mission name: [SPE] Attack on Mortain
- World name: Mortain
- Mission class name: SPE_CO6_Attack_on_Mortain
- World class name: SPE_Mortain
- Type: COOP
- Min players: 1
- Max players: 6
Number of parameters: 27
Time of Day
- Class name: SPE_Mission_TimeAcc_param
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Accelerate daylight transition
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Accelerate daylight transition |
1 | Assault through the night |
Respawn tickets
- Class name: SPE_Respawn_Tickets_Param
- Default value: 999999
- Default text: Unlimited
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Disabled |
0 | Difficulty Based (30, 20, 10, 0) |
5 | 5 |
10 | 10 |
15 | 15 |
20 | 20 |
25 | 25 |
30 | 30 |
35 | 35 |
40 | 40 |
999999 | Unlimited |
Respawn time
- Class name: SPE_Respawn_Delay_Param
- Default value: 30
- Default text: 30 Seconds
Possible values:
Value | Text |
10 | 10 Seconds |
30 | 30 Seconds |
60 | 1 Minute |
120 | 2 Minutes |
300 | 5 Minutes |
Revive available to players
- Class name: SPE_ReviveEnabled
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Enabled |
1 | Disabled |
Revive mode
- Class name: SPE_ReviveMode
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Basic, Basic, Advanced, Realistic)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Basic, Basic, Advanced, Realistic) |
1 | Basic |
2 | Advanced |
3 | Realistic |
Requirement to revive
- Class name: SPE_ReviveRequiredTrait
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (FAK, FAK, FAK, Medic)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (FAK, FAK, FAK, Medic) |
1 | First Aid Kit |
2 | Require Medic Trait |
3 | None |
Hold action medic multiplier
- Class name: SPE_ReviveMedicSpeedMultiplier
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (4x, 4x, 2x, 2x)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (4x, 4x, 2x, 2x) |
1 | 1x |
2 | 2x |
3 | 3x |
5 | 5x |
10 | 10x |
Hold action delay
- Class name: SPE_ReviveDelay
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (5s, 5s, 10s, 15s)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (5s, 5s, 10s, 15s) |
5 | 5 |
7 | 7 |
8 | 8 |
12 | 12 |
15 | 15 |
17 | 17 |
Force respawn delay
- Class name: SPE_ReviveForceRespawnDelay
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (3s, 5s, 10s, 15s)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (3s, 5s, 10s, 15s) |
5 | 5 |
10 | 10 |
15 | 15 |
20 | 20 |
25 | 25 |
30 | 30 |
Bleedout time
- Class name: SPE_ReviveBleedOutDelay
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Never, 300s, 120s, 60s)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Never, 300s, 120s, 60s) |
99999 | Never |
30 | 30 |
60 | 60 |
120 | 120 |
180 | 180 |
240 | 240 |
300 | 300 |
Required First Aid Kits
- Class name: SPE_ReviveFakAmount
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (1x, 1x, 2x, 3x)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (1x, 1x, 2x, 3x) |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
Stop bleeding with FAK
- Class name: SPE_ReviveStabilize
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Unconscious unit 3D icons
- Class name: SPE_ReviveIcons
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled) |
1 | Enabled |
2 | Medic Only |
3 | Disabled |
Automatically call for help
- Class name: SPE_ReviveAutoCall
- Default value: 2
- Default text: Cadet Only
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
2 | Cadet Only |
AI Automatically withstand
- Class name: SPE_ReviveAutoWithstand
- Default value: 2
- Default text: Cadet Only
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
2 | Cadet Only |
Extra FAK required for self-revive
- Class name: SPE_WithstandExtraFAK
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled) |
1 | Disabled |
2 | Enabled |
- Class name: SPE_WithstandEnabled
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
1 | Disabled |
2 | Enabled |
Self-Revive (AI)
- Class name: SPE_WithstandEnabledAI
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
1 | Disabled |
2 | Enabled |
Units Affected
- Class name: SPE_ReviveUnits
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Playable Units
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Playable Units |
1 | Player Units |
2 | AI Units |
[SPE] Panzerkampfwagen
- Mission name: [SPE] Panzerkampfwagen
- World name: Mortain
- Mission class name: SPE_CO6_Panzerkampfwagen
- World class name: SPE_Mortain
- Type: COOP
- Min players: 1
- Max players: 6
Number of parameters: 23
- Class name: Daytime
- Default value: 5
- Default text: 05:00
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | 00:00 |
1 | 01:00 |
2 | 02:00 |
3 | 03:00 |
4 | 04:00 |
5 | 05:00 |
6 | 06:00 |
7 | 07:00 |
8 | 08:00 |
9 | 09:00 |
10 | 10:00 |
11 | 11:00 |
12 | 12:00 |
13 | 13:00 |
14 | 14:00 |
15 | 15:00 |
16 | 16:00 |
17 | 17:00 |
18 | 18:00 |
19 | 19:00 |
20 | 20:00 |
21 | 21:00 |
22 | 22:00 |
23 | 23:00 |
- Class name: Weather
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Clear
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Clear |
25 | Cloudy |
50 | Overcast |
75 | Rainy |
100 | Stormy |
- Class name: Fog
- Default value: 0
- Default text: None
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | None |
1 | Light |
2 | Medium |
3 | Heavy |
4 | Infantry only |
Time Acceleration
- Class name: TimeAcceleration
- Default value: 1
- Default text: x1
Possible values:
Value | Text |
1 | x1 |
2 | x2 |
5 | x5 |
10 | x10 |
20 | x20 |
View distance
- Class name: ViewDistance
- Default value: 1000
- Default text: 1000m
Possible values:
Value | Text |
500 | 500m |
1000 | 1000m |
1500 | 1500m |
2000 | 2000m |
2500 | 2500m |
3000 | 3000m |
3500 | 3500m |
4000 | 4000m |
Remove Trees
- Class name: RemoveTrees
- Default value: 4
- Default text: 40%
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | 10% |
2 | 20% |
3 | 30% |
4 | 40% |
5 | 50% |
6 | 60% |
7 | 70% |
Remove Boulders
- Class name: RemoveBoulders
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Remove Walls
- Class name: RemoveWalls
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Remove Bocage
- Class name: RemoveBocage
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Number of Hunter Squads
- Class name: HunterGroupCount
- Default value: 1
- Default text: 1
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
4 | 4 |
Respawn tickets
- Class name: RespawnTickets
- Default value: 3
- Default text: undefined
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
6 | 6 |
12 | 12 |
18 | 18 |
24 | 24 |
30 | 30 |
36 | 36 |
Show Group Icons
- Class name: GroupIcons
- Default value: 1
- Default text: 2D
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | 2D |
2 | 2D + 3D |
3D-Vehicle Visualization
- Class name: VehicleVisualization
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Autosaving (Singleplayer)
- Class name: Autosaving
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Enable Subtasks for Main Objectives
- Class name: HelperTasks
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Enable Field Repair
- Class name: RepairActionEnable
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Field Repair Duration
- Class name: RepairActionBaseDuration
- Default value: 20
- Default text: 20s
Possible values:
Value | Text |
5 | 5s |
10 | 10s |
20 | 20s |
30 | 30s |
40 | 40s |
Field Repair Interval
- Class name: RepairActionInterval
- Default value: 30
- Default text: 30s
Possible values:
Value | Text |
30 | 30s |
40 | 40s |
50 | 50s |
60 | 60s |
Default Voice Acting Volume
- Class name: VoiceActingVolume
- Default value: 100
- Default text: 100%
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Mute |
25 | 25% |
50 | 50% |
75 | 75% |
100 | 100% |
Game Modes
[SPE] COOP 10 Combat Patrol
- Mission name: [SPE] COOP 10 Combat Patrol [Normandy/Mortain]
- World name: Normandy / Mortain
- Mission class name: CO_10_SPE_Combat_Patrol_SPE_Normandy / CO_10_SPE_Combat_Patrol_SPE_Mortain
- World class name: SPE_Normandy / SPE_Mortain
- Type: Patrol
- Min players: 1
- Max players: 10
Number of parameters: 71
Enemy garrison
- Class name: BIS_CP_garrison
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Low, Low, Standard, Reinforced)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Low, Low, Standard, Reinforced) |
0 | Low |
1 | Standard |
2 | Reinforced |
Enemy reinforcements
- Class name: BIS_CP_reinforcements
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Low, Low, Standard, Advanced)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Low, Low, Standard, Advanced) |
0 | Low |
1 | Standard |
2 | Advanced |
Reinforcement type
- Class name: BIS_CP_reinforcementType
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Mixed
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Mixed |
1 | Infantry Only |
2 | Tank Only |
3 | Plane Only |
Mark insertion position
- Class name: BIS_CP_showInsertion
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Yes
Possible values:
Value | Text |
1 | Yes |
0 | No |
Location selection
- Class name: BIS_CP_locationSelection
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Manual, Manual, Random, Random)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Manual, Manual, Random, Random) |
0 | Manual |
1 | Random |
2 | Server Admin |
Location types
- Class name: BIS_CP_locationTypes
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Village+City+Capital+Airport
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Village+City+Capital+Airport |
0 | Also Local |
1 | Also Strongpoint |
2 | Also Hill |
3 | Also Vegetation |
4 | Only Local |
5 | Only Strongpoint |
6 | Only Hill |
7 | Only Vegetation |
- Class name: BIS_CP_objective
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Random
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Random |
1 | Sabotage vehicles |
3 | Eliminate HVT |
4 | Escape |
5 | Tank Hunt |
6 | POW Rescue |
7 | Defend |
Location distance
- Class name: BIS_CP_locationDistance
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Standard
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Standard |
0.5 | 0.5 |
1 | 1 |
1.5 | 1.5 |
3 | 3 |
5 | 5 |
10 | 10 |
Respawn loadouts
- Class name: BIS_CP_loadouts
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Standard (100% ammo, full equipment)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Standard (100% ammo, full equipment) |
1 | Limited (50% ammo, limited equipment) |
2 | Survivor (25% ammo, no optics) |
Vehicle support
- Class name: BIS_CP_vehicleSupportType
- Default value: -1
- Default text: None
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | None |
1 | Wheeled |
2 | APC |
3 | Tank |
Vehicle support
- Class name: BIS_CP_vehicleSupportAmount
- Default value: 1
- Default text: 1
Possible values:
Value | Text |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
- Class name: Fog
- Default value: 0
- Default text: None
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | None |
1 | Light |
2 | Medium |
- Class name: Daytime
- Default value: 17
- Default text: 17:00
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | 00:00 |
1 | 01:00 |
2 | 02:00 |
3 | 03:00 |
4 | 04:00 |
5 | 05:00 |
6 | 06:00 |
7 | 07:00 |
8 | 08:00 |
9 | 09:00 |
10 | 10:00 |
11 | 11:00 |
12 | 12:00 |
13 | 13:00 |
14 | 14:00 |
15 | 15:00 |
16 | 16:00 |
17 | 17:00 |
18 | 18:00 |
19 | 19:00 |
20 | 20:00 |
21 | 21:00 |
22 | 22:00 |
23 | 23:00 |
- Class name: Weather
- Default value: 50
- Default text: Overcast
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Clear |
25 | Cloudy |
50 | Overcast |
75 | Rainy |
100 | Stormy |
Time Acceleration
- Class name: TimeAcceleration
- Default value: 1
- Default text: x1
Possible values:
Value | Text |
1 | x1 |
2 | x2 |
5 | x5 |
10 | x10 |
20 | x20 |
View distance
- Class name: viewDistance
- Default value: 900
- Default text: 900
Possible values:
Value | Text |
500 | 500 |
750 | 750 |
900 | 900 |
1200 | 1200 |
1500 | 1500 |
2000 | 2000 |
2500 | 2500 |
3000 | 3000 |
4000 | 4000 |
5000 | 5000 |
7500 | 7500 |
10000 | 10000 |
Admin debug console
- Class name: DebugConsole
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
If custom difficulty is selected, what difficulty level should the Custom Difficulty Adjustment system use
- Class name: SPE_CDA_Difficulty_Adjustment_Custom_Equivalent
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Recruit
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Read from Profile |
0 | Recruit |
1 | Regular |
2 | Veteran |
3 | Hardcore |
- Class name: SPE_CDA_Difficulty_Adjustment_Nametags
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Extended Unit Map Markers (Friendlies)
- Class name: SPE_CDA_Difficulty_Adjustment_ExtendedUnitMapMarkersFriendlies
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Extended Unit Map Markers (Enemies)
- Class name: SPE_CDA_Difficulty_Adjustment_ExtendedUnitMapMarkersEnemies
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Issue radios to all soldiers
- Class name: SPE_CDA_Difficulty_Adjustment_IssueRadios
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Disabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Disabled, Disabled) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Only Group Leaders and Radio Operators |
2 | Enabled |
Respawn tickets
- Class name: SPE_Respawn_Tickets_Param
- Default value: 999999
- Default text: Unlimited
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Disabled |
0 | Difficulty Based (30, 20, 10, 0) |
5 | 5 |
10 | 10 |
15 | 15 |
20 | 20 |
25 | 25 |
30 | 30 |
35 | 35 |
40 | 40 |
999999 | Unlimited |
Respawn time
- Class name: SPE_Respawn_Delay_Param
- Default value: 30
- Default text: 30 Seconds
Possible values:
Value | Text |
10 | 10 Seconds |
30 | 30 Seconds |
60 | 1 Minute |
120 | 2 Minutes |
300 | 5 Minutes |
Playable AI has respawn
- Class name: SPE_CDA_PlayableAIHasRespawn
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Use Mission Default
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Use Mission Default |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Playable respawn with former equipment
- Class name: SPE_CDA_PlayableRespawnWithFormerEquipment
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Use Mission Default
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Use Mission Default |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Revive available to players
- Class name: SPE_ReviveEnabled
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Enabled |
1 | Disabled |
Revive mode
- Class name: SPE_ReviveMode
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Basic, Basic, Advanced, Realistic)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Basic, Basic, Advanced, Realistic) |
1 | Basic |
2 | Advanced |
3 | Realistic |
Requirement to revive
- Class name: SPE_ReviveRequiredTrait
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (FAK, FAK, FAK, Medic)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (FAK, FAK, FAK, Medic) |
1 | First Aid Kit |
2 | Require Medic Trait |
3 | None |
Hold action medic multiplier
- Class name: SPE_ReviveMedicSpeedMultiplier
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (4x, 4x, 2x, 2x)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (4x, 4x, 2x, 2x) |
1 | 1x |
2 | 2x |
3 | 3x |
5 | 5x |
10 | 10x |
Hold action delay
- Class name: SPE_ReviveDelay
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (5s, 5s, 10s, 15s)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (5s, 5s, 10s, 15s) |
5 | 5 |
7 | 7 |
8 | 8 |
12 | 12 |
15 | 15 |
17 | 17 |
Force respawn delay
- Class name: SPE_ReviveForceRespawnDelay
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (3s, 5s, 10s, 15s)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (3s, 5s, 10s, 15s) |
5 | 5 |
10 | 10 |
15 | 15 |
20 | 20 |
25 | 25 |
30 | 30 |
Bleedout time
- Class name: SPE_ReviveBleedOutDelay
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Never, 300s, 120s, 60s)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Never, 300s, 120s, 60s) |
99999 | Never |
30 | 30 |
60 | 60 |
120 | 120 |
180 | 180 |
240 | 240 |
300 | 300 |
Required First Aid Kits
- Class name: SPE_ReviveFakAmount
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (1x, 1x, 2x, 3x)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (1x, 1x, 2x, 3x) |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
Stop bleeding with FAK
- Class name: SPE_ReviveStabilize
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Unconscious unit 3D icons
- Class name: SPE_ReviveIcons
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled) |
1 | Enabled |
2 | Medic Only |
3 | Disabled |
Automatically call for help
- Class name: SPE_ReviveAutoCall
- Default value: 2
- Default text: Cadet Only
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
2 | Cadet Only |
AI Automatically withstand
- Class name: SPE_ReviveAutoWithstand
- Default value: 2
- Default text: Cadet Only
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
2 | Cadet Only |
Extra FAK required for self-revive
- Class name: SPE_WithstandExtraFAK
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled) |
1 | Disabled |
2 | Enabled |
- Class name: SPE_WithstandEnabled
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
1 | Disabled |
2 | Enabled |
Self-Revive (AI)
- Class name: SPE_WithstandEnabledAI
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
1 | Disabled |
2 | Enabled |
Units Affected
- Class name: SPE_ReviveUnits
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Playable Units
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Playable Units |
1 | Player Units |
2 | AI Units |
Aggressive Behavior - Player Group
- Class name: SPE_CDA_AggressiveBehaviourPlayerGroup
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Cadet Mode off)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Cadet Mode off) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Aggressive Behavior - Player Side
- Class name: SPE_CDA_AggressiveBehaviourPlayerSide
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Cadet Mode off)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Cadet Mode off) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Aggressive Behavior - Enemy Side
- Class name: SPE_CDA_AggressiveBehaviourEnemySide
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Cadet Mode off)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Cadet Mode off) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Mute Radio - Player Group
- Class name: SPE_CDA_MuteRadioPlayerGroup
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Client-side setting)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Client-side setting) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Mute Radio - Player Side
- Class name: SPE_CDA_MuteRadioPlayerSide
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Client-side setting)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Client-side setting) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Mute Radio - Enemy Side
- Class name: SPE_CDA_MuteRadioEnemySide
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Client-side setting)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Client-side setting) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
[SPE] COOP 10 Escape
- Mission name: [SPE] COOP 10 Escape [Normandy/Mortain]
- World name: Normandy / Mortain
- Mission class name: CO_10_SPE_Escape_SPE_Normandy / CO_10_SPE_Escape_SPE_Mortain
- World class name: SPE_Normandy / SPE_Mortain
- Type: Escape
- Min players: 1
- Max players: 10
Number of parameters: 66
Respawn loadouts
- Class name: Loadouts
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Limited (50% ammo, limited equipment)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Standard (100% ammo, full equipment) |
1 | Limited (50% ammo, limited equipment) |
2 | Survivor (25% ammo, no optics) |
Minimum distance to escape positions
- Class name: MinimumEscapeDistance
- Default value: 1000
- Default text: 1000
Possible values:
Value | Text |
500 | 500 |
750 | 750 |
1000 | 1000 |
1500 | 1500 |
2000 | 2000 |
2500 | 2500 |
5000 | 5000 |
Maximum distance to escape positions
- Class name: MaxmiumEscapeDistance
- Default value: 2500
- Default text: 2500
Possible values:
Value | Text |
750 | 750 |
1000 | 1000 |
1500 | 1500 |
2000 | 2000 |
2500 | 2500 |
5000 | 5000 |
10000 | 10000 |
Enemy equipment
- Class name: EnemyEquipment
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Limited (limited ammo and equipment)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Standard (full ammo and equipment) |
1 | Limited (limited ammo and equipment) |
Limit Join In Progress Players to Spectator View
- Class name: limiJIP
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Disabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Enemy supports
- Class name: SpecialEvents
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled (artillery and air support)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled (artillery and air support) |
- Class name: Fog
- Default value: 0
- Default text: None
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | None |
1 | Light |
2 | Medium |
- Class name: Daytime
- Default value: 17
- Default text: 17:00
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | 00:00 |
1 | 01:00 |
2 | 02:00 |
3 | 03:00 |
4 | 04:00 |
5 | 05:00 |
6 | 06:00 |
7 | 07:00 |
8 | 08:00 |
9 | 09:00 |
10 | 10:00 |
11 | 11:00 |
12 | 12:00 |
13 | 13:00 |
14 | 14:00 |
15 | 15:00 |
16 | 16:00 |
17 | 17:00 |
18 | 18:00 |
19 | 19:00 |
20 | 20:00 |
21 | 21:00 |
22 | 22:00 |
23 | 23:00 |
- Class name: Weather
- Default value: 50
- Default text: Overcast
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Clear |
25 | Cloudy |
50 | Overcast |
75 | Rainy |
100 | Stormy |
Time Acceleration
- Class name: TimeAcceleration
- Default value: 1
- Default text: x1
Possible values:
Value | Text |
1 | x1 |
2 | x2 |
5 | x5 |
10 | x10 |
20 | x20 |
View distance
- Class name: viewDistance
- Default value: 900
- Default text: 900
Possible values:
Value | Text |
500 | 500 |
750 | 750 |
900 | 900 |
1200 | 1200 |
1500 | 1500 |
2000 | 2000 |
2500 | 2500 |
3000 | 3000 |
4000 | 4000 |
5000 | 5000 |
7500 | 7500 |
10000 | 10000 |
Admin debug console
- Class name: DebugConsole
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
If custom difficulty is selected, what difficulty level should the Custom Difficulty Adjustment system use
- Class name: SPE_CDA_Difficulty_Adjustment_Custom_Equivalent
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Recruit
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Read from Profile |
0 | Recruit |
1 | Regular |
2 | Veteran |
3 | Hardcore |
- Class name: SPE_CDA_Difficulty_Adjustment_Nametags
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Extended Unit Map Markers (Friendlies)
- Class name: SPE_CDA_Difficulty_Adjustment_ExtendedUnitMapMarkersFriendlies
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Extended Unit Map Markers (Enemies)
- Class name: SPE_CDA_Difficulty_Adjustment_ExtendedUnitMapMarkersEnemies
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Issue radios to all soldiers
- Class name: SPE_CDA_Difficulty_Adjustment_IssueRadios
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Disabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Disabled, Disabled) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Only Group Leaders and Radio Operators |
2 | Enabled |
Respawn tickets
- Class name: SPE_Respawn_Tickets_Param
- Default value: 999999
- Default text: Unlimited
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Disabled |
0 | Difficulty Based (30, 20, 10, 0) |
5 | 5 |
10 | 10 |
15 | 15 |
20 | 20 |
25 | 25 |
30 | 30 |
35 | 35 |
40 | 40 |
999999 | Unlimited |
Respawn time
- Class name: SPE_Respawn_Delay_Param
- Default value: 30
- Default text: 30 Seconds
Possible values:
Value | Text |
10 | 10 Seconds |
30 | 30 Seconds |
60 | 1 Minute |
120 | 2 Minutes |
300 | 5 Minutes |
Playable AI has respawn
- Class name: SPE_CDA_PlayableAIHasRespawn
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Use Mission Default
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Use Mission Default |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Playable respawn with former equipment
- Class name: SPE_CDA_PlayableRespawnWithFormerEquipment
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Use Mission Default
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Use Mission Default |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Revive available to players
- Class name: SPE_ReviveEnabled
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Enabled |
1 | Disabled |
Revive mode
- Class name: SPE_ReviveMode
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Basic, Basic, Advanced, Realistic)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Basic, Basic, Advanced, Realistic) |
1 | Basic |
2 | Advanced |
3 | Realistic |
Requirement to revive
- Class name: SPE_ReviveRequiredTrait
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (FAK, FAK, FAK, Medic)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (FAK, FAK, FAK, Medic) |
1 | First Aid Kit |
2 | Require Medic Trait |
3 | None |
Hold action medic multiplier
- Class name: SPE_ReviveMedicSpeedMultiplier
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (4x, 4x, 2x, 2x)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (4x, 4x, 2x, 2x) |
1 | 1x |
2 | 2x |
3 | 3x |
5 | 5x |
10 | 10x |
Hold action delay
- Class name: SPE_ReviveDelay
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (5s, 5s, 10s, 15s)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (5s, 5s, 10s, 15s) |
5 | 5 |
7 | 7 |
8 | 8 |
12 | 12 |
15 | 15 |
17 | 17 |
Force respawn delay
- Class name: SPE_ReviveForceRespawnDelay
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (3s, 5s, 10s, 15s)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (3s, 5s, 10s, 15s) |
5 | 5 |
10 | 10 |
15 | 15 |
20 | 20 |
25 | 25 |
30 | 30 |
Bleedout time
- Class name: SPE_ReviveBleedOutDelay
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Never, 300s, 120s, 60s)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Never, 300s, 120s, 60s) |
99999 | Never |
30 | 30 |
60 | 60 |
120 | 120 |
180 | 180 |
240 | 240 |
300 | 300 |
Required First Aid Kits
- Class name: SPE_ReviveFakAmount
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (1x, 1x, 2x, 3x)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (1x, 1x, 2x, 3x) |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
Stop bleeding with FAK
- Class name: SPE_ReviveStabilize
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Unconscious unit 3D icons
- Class name: SPE_ReviveIcons
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled) |
1 | Enabled |
2 | Medic Only |
3 | Disabled |
Automatically call for help
- Class name: SPE_ReviveAutoCall
- Default value: 2
- Default text: Cadet Only
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
2 | Cadet Only |
AI Automatically withstand
- Class name: SPE_ReviveAutoWithstand
- Default value: 2
- Default text: Cadet Only
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
2 | Cadet Only |
Extra FAK required for self-revive
- Class name: SPE_WithstandExtraFAK
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled) |
1 | Disabled |
2 | Enabled |
- Class name: SPE_WithstandEnabled
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
1 | Disabled |
2 | Enabled |
Self-Revive (AI)
- Class name: SPE_WithstandEnabledAI
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
1 | Disabled |
2 | Enabled |
Units Affected
- Class name: SPE_ReviveUnits
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Playable Units
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Playable Units |
1 | Player Units |
2 | AI Units |
Aggressive Behavior - Player Group
- Class name: SPE_CDA_AggressiveBehaviourPlayerGroup
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Cadet Mode off)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Cadet Mode off) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Aggressive Behavior - Player Side
- Class name: SPE_CDA_AggressiveBehaviourPlayerSide
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Cadet Mode off)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Cadet Mode off) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Aggressive Behavior - Enemy Side
- Class name: SPE_CDA_AggressiveBehaviourEnemySide
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Cadet Mode off)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Cadet Mode off) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Mute Radio - Player Group
- Class name: SPE_CDA_MuteRadioPlayerGroup
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Client-side setting)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Client-side setting) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Mute Radio - Player Side
- Class name: SPE_CDA_MuteRadioPlayerSide
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Client-side setting)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Client-side setting) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Mute Radio - Enemy Side
- Class name: SPE_CDA_MuteRadioEnemySide
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Client-side setting)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Client-side setting) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
[SPE] WL 16 Warlords [MEDIUM]
- Mission name: [SPE] WL 16 Warlords [MEDIUM] [Normandy/Mortain]
- World name: Normandy / Mortain
- Mission class name: WL_16_SPE_Warlords_SPE_Normandy / WL_16_SPE_Warlords_SPE_Mortain
- World class name: SPE_Normandy / SPE_Mortain
- Type: Warlords
- Min players: 1
- Max players: 16
Number of parameters: 81
Faction Selection
- Class name: SPE_WL_FactionSelection
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Disabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Guerilla Faction
- Class name: SPE_WL_GuerillaFaction
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Sector Defense Multiplier
- Class name: SPE_WL_SectorDefenseMultiplier
- Default value: 100
- Default text: 100%
Possible values:
Value | Text |
25 | 25% |
50 | 50% |
75 | 75% |
100 | 100% |
150 | 150% |
200 | 200% |
300 | 300% |
500 | 500% |
Sector Kill Timeout
- Class name: SPE_WL_SectorKillTimeout
- Default value: 30
- Default text: 30s
Possible values:
Value | Text |
1 | 1s |
5 | 5s |
10 | 10s |
15 | 15s |
20 | 20s |
30 | 30s |
60 | 60s |
90 | 90s |
120 | 120s |
180 | 180s |
Para Drop
- Class name: SPE_WL_ParaDrop
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Mobile Artillery
- Class name: SPE_WL_MobileArtillery
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Disabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Non Mobile Artillery
- Class name: SPE_WL_NonMobileArtillery
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Disabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
2d Map Artillery Computer
- Class name: SPE_WL_2dMapArtilleryComputer
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Rearm Truck
- Class name: SPE_WL_RearmTruck
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
- Class name: SPE_WL_Nametags
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Extended Unit Map Markers (Friendlies)
- Class name: SPE_WL_ExtendedUnitMapMarkersFriendlies
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Extended Unit Map Markers (Enemies)
- Class name: SPE_WL_ExtendedUnitMapMarkersEnemies
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Team balancing
- Class name: BIS_WLTeamBalanceEnabled
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Disabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
1 | Enabled |
0 | Disabled |
Subordinates limit
- Class name: BIS_WLMaxSubordinates
- Default value: 5
- Default text: 5
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1111 | Scenario default |
0 | 0 |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
6 | 6 |
7 | 7 |
8 | 8 |
9 | 9 |
10 | 10 |
11 | 11 |
12 | 12 |
13 | 13 |
Forced Progress
- Class name: BIS_WLProgress
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Disabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
1 | Disabled |
2 | BLUFOR 25%, OPFOR 25% |
3 | BLUFOR 50%, OPFOR 50% |
4 | BLUFOR 25%, OPFOR 0% |
5 | BLUFOR 0%, OPFOR 25% |
6 | BLUFOR 50%, OPFOR 25% |
7 | BLUFOR 25%, OPFOR 50% |
8 | BLUFOR 75%, OPFOR 25% |
9 | BLUFOR 25%, OPFOR 75% |
10 | BLUFOR 50%, OPFOR 0% |
11 | BLUFOR 0%, OPFOR 50% |
12 | BLUFOR 75%, OPFOR 0% |
13 | BLUFOR 0%, OPFOR 75% |
Fast Travel
- Class name: BIS_WLFTEnabled
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled for everyone
Possible values:
Value | Text |
1 | Enabled for everyone |
0 | Disabled for everyone |
2 | Disabled for AI |
3 | Disabled for players |
4 | Enabled only to owned sectors |
Sector Scan
- Class name: BIS_WLScanEnabled
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
1 | Enabled |
0 | Disabled |
Voting Timeout (seconds)
- Class name: BIS_WLVotingTimeout
- Default value: 15
- Default text: 15
Possible values:
Value | Text |
5 | 5 |
10 | 10 |
15 | 15 |
20 | 20 |
25 | 25 |
30 | 30 |
Reset sector voting
- Class name: BIS_WLVotingResetEnabled
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Disabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
1 | Enabled |
0 | Disabled |
AI Sector Voting
- Class name: BIS_WLAIVoting
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Disabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
1 | Enabled |
0 | Disabled |
- Class name: BIS_WLArsenalEnabled
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
1 | Enabled |
0 | Disabled |
- Class name: BIS_WLFatigueEnabled
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Disabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
1 | Enabled |
0 | Disabled |
Starting Command Points
- Class name: BIS_WLStartCP
- Default value: 2500
- Default text: 2500
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | 0 |
100 | 100 |
250 | 250 |
500 | 500 |
1000 | 1000 |
2500 | 2500 |
5000 | 5000 |
CP Income Multiplier
- Class name: BIS_WLCPMultiplier
- Default value: 1
- Default text: 1x
Possible values:
Value | Text |
1 | 1x |
2 | 2x |
3 | 3x |
4 | 4x |
5 | 5x |
10 | 10x |
15 | 15x |
20 | 20x |
25 | 25x |
30 | 30x |
40 | 40x |
50 | 50x |
75 | 75x |
100 | 100x |
Main Base CP Income [BLUFOR]
- Class name: BIS_WLMainBaseCPIncomeBLUFOR
- Default value: 100
- Default text: 100%
Possible values:
Value | Text |
25 | 25% |
50 | 50% |
75 | 75% |
100 | 100% |
150 | 150% |
200 | 200% |
300 | 300% |
500 | 500% |
Main Base CP Income [OPFOR]
- Class name: BIS_WLMainBaseCPIncomeOPFOR
- Default value: 100
- Default text: 100%
Possible values:
Value | Text |
25 | 25% |
50 | 50% |
75 | 75% |
100 | 100% |
150 | 150% |
200 | 200% |
300 | 300% |
500 | 500% |
Asset Costs Factor Infantry [BLUFOR]
- Class name: BIS_WLAssetCostsFactorInfantry_BLUFOR
- Default value: 100
- Default text: 100%
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Disabled |
25 | 25% |
50 | 50% |
75 | 75% |
100 | 100% |
150 | 150% |
200 | 200% |
300 | 300% |
500 | 500% |
Asset Costs Factor Cars [BLUFOR]
- Class name: BIS_WLAssetCostsFactorCars_BLUFOR
- Default value: 100
- Default text: 100%
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Disabled |
25 | 25% |
50 | 50% |
75 | 75% |
100 | 100% |
150 | 150% |
200 | 200% |
300 | 300% |
500 | 500% |
Asset Costs Factor APCs [BLUFOR]
- Class name: BIS_WLAssetCostsFactorAPCs_BLUFOR
- Default value: 100
- Default text: 100%
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Disabled |
25 | 25% |
50 | 50% |
75 | 75% |
100 | 100% |
150 | 150% |
200 | 200% |
300 | 300% |
500 | 500% |
Asset Costs Factor Tanks [BLUFOR]
- Class name: BIS_WLAssetCostsFactorTanks_BLUFOR
- Default value: 100
- Default text: 100%
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Disabled |
25 | 25% |
50 | 50% |
75 | 75% |
100 | 100% |
150 | 150% |
200 | 200% |
300 | 300% |
500 | 500% |
Asset Costs Factor Mobile Artillery [BLUFOR]
- Class name: BIS_WLAssetCostsFactorMobileArtillery_BLUFOR
- Default value: 100
- Default text: 100%
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Disabled |
25 | 25% |
50 | 50% |
75 | 75% |
100 | 100% |
150 | 150% |
200 | 200% |
300 | 300% |
500 | 500% |
Asset Costs Factor Planes [BLUFOR]
- Class name: BIS_WLAssetCostsFactorPlanes_BLUFOR
- Default value: 100
- Default text: 100%
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Disabled |
25 | 25% |
50 | 50% |
75 | 75% |
100 | 100% |
150 | 150% |
200 | 200% |
300 | 300% |
500 | 500% |
Asset Costs Factor Static Weapons [BLUFOR]
- Class name: BIS_WLAssetCostsFactorStaticWeapons_BLUFOR
- Default value: 100
- Default text: 100%
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Disabled |
25 | 25% |
50 | 50% |
75 | 75% |
100 | 100% |
150 | 150% |
200 | 200% |
300 | 300% |
500 | 500% |
Asset Costs Factor Non Mobile Artillery [BLUFOR]
- Class name: BIS_WLAssetCostsFactorNonMobileArtillery_BLUFOR
- Default value: 100
- Default text: 100%
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Disabled |
25 | 25% |
50 | 50% |
75 | 75% |
100 | 100% |
150 | 150% |
200 | 200% |
300 | 300% |
500 | 500% |
Asset Costs Factor Infantry [OPFOR]
- Class name: BIS_WLAssetCostsFactorInfantry_OPFOR
- Default value: 100
- Default text: 100%
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Disabled |
25 | 25% |
50 | 50% |
75 | 75% |
100 | 100% |
150 | 150% |
200 | 200% |
300 | 300% |
500 | 500% |
Asset Costs Factor Cars [OPFOR]
- Class name: BIS_WLAssetCostsFactorCars_OPFOR
- Default value: 100
- Default text: 100%
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Disabled |
25 | 25% |
50 | 50% |
75 | 75% |
100 | 100% |
150 | 150% |
200 | 200% |
300 | 300% |
500 | 500% |
Asset Costs Factor APCs [OPFOR]
- Class name: BIS_WLAssetCostsFactorAPCs_OPFOR
- Default value: 100
- Default text: 100%
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Disabled |
25 | 25% |
50 | 50% |
75 | 75% |
100 | 100% |
150 | 150% |
200 | 200% |
300 | 300% |
500 | 500% |
Asset Costs Factor Tanks [OPFOR]
- Class name: BIS_WLAssetCostsFactorTanks_OPFOR
- Default value: 100
- Default text: 100%
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Disabled |
25 | 25% |
50 | 50% |
75 | 75% |
100 | 100% |
150 | 150% |
200 | 200% |
300 | 300% |
500 | 500% |
Asset Costs Factor Mobile Artillery [OPFOR]
- Class name: BIS_WLAssetCostsFactorMobileArtillery_OPFOR
- Default value: 100
- Default text: 100%
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Disabled |
25 | 25% |
50 | 50% |
75 | 75% |
100 | 100% |
150 | 150% |
200 | 200% |
300 | 300% |
500 | 500% |
Asset Costs Factor Planes [OPFOR]
- Class name: BIS_WLAssetCostsFactorPlanes_OPFOR
- Default value: 100
- Default text: 100%
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Disabled |
25 | 25% |
50 | 50% |
75 | 75% |
100 | 100% |
150 | 150% |
200 | 200% |
300 | 300% |
500 | 500% |
Asset Costs Factor Static Weapons [OPFOR]
- Class name: BIS_WLAssetCostsFactorStaticWeapons_OPFOR
- Default value: 100
- Default text: 100%
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Disabled |
25 | 25% |
50 | 50% |
75 | 75% |
100 | 100% |
150 | 150% |
200 | 200% |
300 | 300% |
500 | 500% |
Asset Costs Factor Non Mobile Artillery [OPFOR]
- Class name: BIS_WLAssetCostsFactorNonMobileArtillery_OPFOR
- Default value: 100
- Default text: 100%
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Disabled |
25 | 25% |
50 | 50% |
75 | 75% |
100 | 100% |
150 | 150% |
200 | 200% |
300 | 300% |
500 | 500% |
Command Points limit
- Class name: BIS_WLMaxCP
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Unlimited
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Unlimited |
0 | 0 |
500 | 500 |
1000 | 1000 |
2500 | 2500 |
5000 | 5000 |
10000 | 10000 |
20000 | 20000 |
35000 | 35000 |
50000 | 50000 |
75000 | 75000 |
100000 | 100000 |
Sector scan cooldown
- Class name: BIS_WLScanCooldown
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Disabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
10 | 10 |
20 | 20 |
30 | 30 |
45 | 45 |
60 | 60 |
90 | 90 |
120 | 120 |
180 | 180 |
300 | 300 |
Vehicle Removal Timeout (minutes)
- Class name: BIS_WLVehicleSpan
- Default value: 1800
- Default text: 30
Possible values:
Value | Text |
900 | 15 |
1800 | 30 |
3600 | 60 |
5400 | 90 |
7200 | 120 |
1e+06 | Never |
Starting time of day
- Class name: BIS_WLStartingDaytime
- Default value: 100
- Default text: Keep default scenario setting
Possible values:
Value | Text |
100 | Keep default scenario setting |
-6 | Morning |
0 | Noon |
6 | Evening |
-12 | Night |
Daytime Acceleration
- Class name: BIS_WLTimeAcceleration
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Disabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
1 | Disabled |
2 | x2 |
4 | x4 |
6 | x6 |
8 | x8 |
10 | x10 |
12 | x12 |
14 | x14 |
16 | x16 |
18 | x18 |
20 | x20 |
22 | x22 |
24 | x24 |
View distance
- Class name: viewDistance
- Default value: 1200
- Default text: 1200
Possible values:
Value | Text |
500 | 500 |
750 | 750 |
900 | 900 |
1200 | 1200 |
1500 | 1500 |
2000 | 2000 |
2500 | 2500 |
3000 | 3000 |
4000 | 4000 |
5000 | 5000 |
7500 | 7500 |
10000 | 10000 |
HUD Sector Icons Transparency
- Class name: BIS_WLMarkersTransparency
- Default value: 2
- Default text: 50%
Possible values:
Value | Text |
4 | 0% (fully visible) |
3 | 25% |
2 | 50% |
1 | 75% |
0 | 100% (invisible) |
HUD Player Icons Transparency
- Class name: BIS_WLPlayersTransparency
- Default value: 2
- Default text: 50%
Possible values:
Value | Text |
4 | 0% (fully visible) |
3 | 25% |
2 | 50% |
1 | 75% |
0 | 100% (invisible) |
- Class name: BIS_WLMusic
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
1 | Enabled |
0 | Disabled |
- Class name: BIS_WLVoice
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
1 | Enabled |
0 | Disabled |
Revive Mode
- Class name: ReviveMode
- Default value: -100
- Default text: Mission default
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-100 | Mission default |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled for all players |
Revive Duration
- Class name: ReviveDuration
- Default value: -100
- Default text: Mission default
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-100 | Mission default |
6 | 6 |
8 | 8 |
10 | 10 |
12 | 12 |
15 | 15 |
20 | 20 |
25 | 25 |
30 | 30 |
Required Trait
- Class name: ReviveRequiredTrait
- Default value: -100
- Default text: Mission default
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-100 | Mission default |
0 | None |
1 | Medic |
Required Trait: Medic Speed Multiplier
- Class name: ReviveMedicSpeedMultiplier
- Default value: -100
- Default text: Mission default
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-100 | Mission default |
1 | 1x |
1.5 | 1.5x |
2 | 2x |
2.5 | 2.5x |
3 | 3x |
Required Items
- Class name: ReviveRequiredItems
- Default value: -100
- Default text: Mission default
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-100 | Mission default |
0 | None |
1 | Medikit |
2 | First Aid Kit / Medikit |
Incapacitation Mode
- Class name: UnconsciousStateMode
- Default value: -100
- Default text: Mission default
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-100 | Mission default |
0 | Basic |
1 | Advanced |
Bleed Out Duration
- Class name: ReviveBleedOutDuration
- Default value: -100
- Default text: Mission default
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-100 | Mission default |
10 | 10 |
15 | 15 |
20 | 20 |
30 | 30 |
45 | 45 |
60 | 60 |
90 | 90 |
180 | 180 |
Force Respawn Duration
- Class name: ReviveForceRespawnDuration
- Default value: -100
- Default text: Mission default
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-100 | Mission default |
3 | 3 |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
6 | 6 |
7 | 7 |
8 | 8 |
9 | 9 |
10 | 10 |
[SPE] ZGM 18 Zeus GameMaster
- Mission name: [SPE] ZGM 18 Zeus GameMaster [Normandy/Mortain]
- World name: Normandy / Mortain
- Mission class name:
- ZGM_18_SPE_Zeus_GameMaster_1_GER_Wehrmacht_SPE_Normandy / ZGM_18_SPE_Zeus_GameMaster_1_GER_Wehrmacht_SPE_Mortain
- ZGM_18_SPE_Zeus_GameMaster_1_US_Army_SPE_Normandy / ZGM_18_SPE_Zeus_GameMaster_1_US_Army_SPE_Mortain
- World class name: SPE_Normandy / SPE_Mortain
- Type: Zeus
- Min players: 1
- Max players: 18
Number of parameters: 62
God mode (Zeus starts with everything unlocked)
- Class name: CuratorGodMode
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Disabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Game Moderator rights
- Class name: CuratorModeratorRights
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Cannot create objects (editing allowed)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Cannot create and edit anything (spectating only) |
0 | Cannot create objects (editing allowed) |
1 | Can create all objects |
2 | Can create only modules |
Distance in meters from players where Zeus cannot edit
- Class name: PlayerEditingAreaSize
- Default value: 100
- Default text: 100
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | 0 |
100 | 100 |
200 | 200 |
500 | 500 |
1000 | 1000 |
Independents are friendly to:
- Class name: GuerFriendly
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Nobody
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Nobody |
1 | BLUFOR |
0 | OPFOR |
2 | Everybody |
- Class name: Fog
- Default value: 0
- Default text: None
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | None |
1 | Light |
2 | Medium |
- Class name: Daytime
- Default value: 17
- Default text: 17:00
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | 00:00 |
1 | 01:00 |
2 | 02:00 |
3 | 03:00 |
4 | 04:00 |
5 | 05:00 |
6 | 06:00 |
7 | 07:00 |
8 | 08:00 |
9 | 09:00 |
10 | 10:00 |
11 | 11:00 |
12 | 12:00 |
13 | 13:00 |
14 | 14:00 |
15 | 15:00 |
16 | 16:00 |
17 | 17:00 |
18 | 18:00 |
19 | 19:00 |
20 | 20:00 |
21 | 21:00 |
22 | 22:00 |
23 | 23:00 |
- Class name: Weather
- Default value: 50
- Default text: Overcast
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Clear |
25 | Cloudy |
50 | Overcast |
75 | Rainy |
100 | Stormy |
Time Acceleration
- Class name: TimeAcceleration
- Default value: 1
- Default text: x1
Possible values:
Value | Text |
1 | x1 |
2 | x2 |
5 | x5 |
10 | x10 |
20 | x20 |
View distance
- Class name: viewDistance
- Default value: 900
- Default text: 900
Possible values:
Value | Text |
500 | 500 |
750 | 750 |
900 | 900 |
1200 | 1200 |
1500 | 1500 |
2000 | 2000 |
2500 | 2500 |
3000 | 3000 |
4000 | 4000 |
5000 | 5000 |
7500 | 7500 |
10000 | 10000 |
Admin debug console
- Class name: DebugConsole
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
If custom difficulty is selected, what difficulty level should the Custom Difficulty Adjustment system use
- Class name: SPE_CDA_Difficulty_Adjustment_Custom_Equivalent
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Recruit
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Read from Profile |
0 | Recruit |
1 | Regular |
2 | Veteran |
3 | Hardcore |
- Class name: SPE_CDA_Difficulty_Adjustment_Nametags
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Extended Unit Map Markers (Friendlies)
- Class name: SPE_CDA_Difficulty_Adjustment_ExtendedUnitMapMarkersFriendlies
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Extended Unit Map Markers (Enemies)
- Class name: SPE_CDA_Difficulty_Adjustment_ExtendedUnitMapMarkersEnemies
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Issue radios to all soldiers
- Class name: SPE_CDA_Difficulty_Adjustment_IssueRadios
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Disabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Disabled, Disabled) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Only Group Leaders and Radio Operators |
2 | Enabled |
Respawn tickets
- Class name: SPE_Respawn_Tickets_Param
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (30, 20, 10, 0)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Disabled |
0 | Difficulty Based (30, 20, 10, 0) |
5 | 5 |
10 | 10 |
15 | 15 |
20 | 20 |
25 | 25 |
30 | 30 |
35 | 35 |
40 | 40 |
999999 | Unlimited |
Respawn time
- Class name: SPE_Respawn_Delay_Param
- Default value: 30
- Default text: 30 Seconds
Possible values:
Value | Text |
10 | 10 Seconds |
30 | 30 Seconds |
60 | 1 Minute |
120 | 2 Minutes |
300 | 5 Minutes |
Playable AI has respawn
- Class name: SPE_CDA_PlayableAIHasRespawn
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Use Mission Default
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Use Mission Default |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Playable respawn with former equipment
- Class name: SPE_CDA_PlayableRespawnWithFormerEquipment
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Use Mission Default
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Use Mission Default |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Revive available to players
- Class name: SPE_ReviveEnabled
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Enabled |
1 | Disabled |
Revive mode
- Class name: SPE_ReviveMode
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Basic, Basic, Advanced, Realistic)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Basic, Basic, Advanced, Realistic) |
1 | Basic |
2 | Advanced |
3 | Realistic |
Requirement to revive
- Class name: SPE_ReviveRequiredTrait
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (FAK, FAK, FAK, Medic)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (FAK, FAK, FAK, Medic) |
1 | First Aid Kit |
2 | Require Medic Trait |
3 | None |
Hold action medic multiplier
- Class name: SPE_ReviveMedicSpeedMultiplier
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (4x, 4x, 2x, 2x)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (4x, 4x, 2x, 2x) |
1 | 1x |
2 | 2x |
3 | 3x |
5 | 5x |
10 | 10x |
Hold action delay
- Class name: SPE_ReviveDelay
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (5s, 5s, 10s, 15s)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (5s, 5s, 10s, 15s) |
5 | 5 |
7 | 7 |
8 | 8 |
12 | 12 |
15 | 15 |
17 | 17 |
Force respawn delay
- Class name: SPE_ReviveForceRespawnDelay
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (3s, 5s, 10s, 15s)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (3s, 5s, 10s, 15s) |
5 | 5 |
10 | 10 |
15 | 15 |
20 | 20 |
25 | 25 |
30 | 30 |
Bleedout time
- Class name: SPE_ReviveBleedOutDelay
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Never, 300s, 120s, 60s)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Never, 300s, 120s, 60s) |
99999 | Never |
30 | 30 |
60 | 60 |
120 | 120 |
180 | 180 |
240 | 240 |
300 | 300 |
Required First Aid Kits
- Class name: SPE_ReviveFakAmount
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (1x, 1x, 2x, 3x)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (1x, 1x, 2x, 3x) |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
Stop bleeding with FAK
- Class name: SPE_ReviveStabilize
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Unconscious unit 3D icons
- Class name: SPE_ReviveIcons
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled) |
1 | Enabled |
2 | Medic Only |
3 | Disabled |
Automatically call for help
- Class name: SPE_ReviveAutoCall
- Default value: 2
- Default text: Cadet Only
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
2 | Cadet Only |
AI Automatically withstand
- Class name: SPE_ReviveAutoWithstand
- Default value: 2
- Default text: Cadet Only
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
2 | Cadet Only |
Extra FAK required for self-revive
- Class name: SPE_WithstandExtraFAK
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled) |
1 | Disabled |
2 | Enabled |
- Class name: SPE_WithstandEnabled
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
1 | Disabled |
2 | Enabled |
Self-Revive (AI)
- Class name: SPE_WithstandEnabledAI
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
1 | Disabled |
2 | Enabled |
Units Affected
- Class name: SPE_ReviveUnits
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Playable Units
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Playable Units |
1 | Player Units |
2 | AI Units |
Aggressive Behavior - Player Group
- Class name: SPE_CDA_AggressiveBehaviourPlayerGroup
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Cadet Mode off)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Cadet Mode off) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Aggressive Behavior - Player Side
- Class name: SPE_CDA_AggressiveBehaviourPlayerSide
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Cadet Mode off)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Cadet Mode off) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Aggressive Behavior - Enemy Side
- Class name: SPE_CDA_AggressiveBehaviourEnemySide
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Cadet Mode off)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Cadet Mode off) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Mute Radio - Player Group
- Class name: SPE_CDA_MuteRadioPlayerGroup
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Client-side setting)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Client-side setting) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Mute Radio - Player Side
- Class name: SPE_CDA_MuteRadioPlayerSide
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Client-side setting)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Client-side setting) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Mute Radio - Enemy Side
- Class name: SPE_CDA_MuteRadioEnemySide
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Client-side setting)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Client-side setting) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
[SPE] ZGM 50 Zeus GameMaster
- Mission name: [SPE] ZGM 50 Zeus GameMaster [Normandy/Mortain]
- World name: Normandy / Mortain
- Mission class name: ZGM_50_SPE_Zeus_GameMaster_1_SPE_Normandy / ZGM_50_SPE_Zeus_GameMaster_1_SPE_Mortain
- World class name: SPE_Normandy / SPE_Mortain
- Type: Zeus
- Min players: 1
- Max players: 50
Number of parameters: 62
God mode (Zeus starts with everything unlocked)
- Class name: CuratorGodMode
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Disabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Game Moderator rights
- Class name: CuratorModeratorRights
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Cannot create objects (editing allowed)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Cannot create and edit anything (spectating only) |
0 | Cannot create objects (editing allowed) |
1 | Can create all objects |
2 | Can create only modules |
Distance in meters from players where Zeus cannot edit
- Class name: PlayerEditingAreaSize
- Default value: 100
- Default text: 100
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | 0 |
100 | 100 |
200 | 200 |
500 | 500 |
1000 | 1000 |
Independents are friendly to:
- Class name: GuerFriendly
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Nobody
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Nobody |
1 | BLUFOR |
0 | OPFOR |
2 | Everybody |
- Class name: Fog
- Default value: 0
- Default text: None
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | None |
1 | Light |
2 | Medium |
- Class name: Daytime
- Default value: 17
- Default text: 17:00
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | 00:00 |
1 | 01:00 |
2 | 02:00 |
3 | 03:00 |
4 | 04:00 |
5 | 05:00 |
6 | 06:00 |
7 | 07:00 |
8 | 08:00 |
9 | 09:00 |
10 | 10:00 |
11 | 11:00 |
12 | 12:00 |
13 | 13:00 |
14 | 14:00 |
15 | 15:00 |
16 | 16:00 |
17 | 17:00 |
18 | 18:00 |
19 | 19:00 |
20 | 20:00 |
21 | 21:00 |
22 | 22:00 |
23 | 23:00 |
- Class name: Weather
- Default value: 50
- Default text: Overcast
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Clear |
25 | Cloudy |
50 | Overcast |
75 | Rainy |
100 | Stormy |
Time Acceleration
- Class name: TimeAcceleration
- Default value: 1
- Default text: x1
Possible values:
Value | Text |
1 | x1 |
2 | x2 |
5 | x5 |
10 | x10 |
20 | x20 |
View distance
- Class name: viewDistance
- Default value: 900
- Default text: 900
Possible values:
Value | Text |
500 | 500 |
750 | 750 |
900 | 900 |
1200 | 1200 |
1500 | 1500 |
2000 | 2000 |
2500 | 2500 |
3000 | 3000 |
4000 | 4000 |
5000 | 5000 |
7500 | 7500 |
10000 | 10000 |
Admin debug console
- Class name: DebugConsole
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
If custom difficulty is selected, what difficulty level should the Custom Difficulty Adjustment system use
- Class name: SPE_CDA_Difficulty_Adjustment_Custom_Equivalent
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Recruit
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Read from Profile |
0 | Recruit |
1 | Regular |
2 | Veteran |
3 | Hardcore |
- Class name: SPE_CDA_Difficulty_Adjustment_Nametags
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Extended Unit Map Markers (Friendlies)
- Class name: SPE_CDA_Difficulty_Adjustment_ExtendedUnitMapMarkersFriendlies
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Extended Unit Map Markers (Enemies)
- Class name: SPE_CDA_Difficulty_Adjustment_ExtendedUnitMapMarkersEnemies
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Issue radios to all soldiers
- Class name: SPE_CDA_Difficulty_Adjustment_IssueRadios
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Disabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Disabled, Disabled) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Only Group Leaders and Radio Operators |
2 | Enabled |
Respawn tickets
- Class name: SPE_Respawn_Tickets_Param
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (30, 20, 10, 0)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Disabled |
0 | Difficulty Based (30, 20, 10, 0) |
5 | 5 |
10 | 10 |
15 | 15 |
20 | 20 |
25 | 25 |
30 | 30 |
35 | 35 |
40 | 40 |
999999 | Unlimited |
Respawn time
- Class name: SPE_Respawn_Delay_Param
- Default value: 30
- Default text: 30 Seconds
Possible values:
Value | Text |
10 | 10 Seconds |
30 | 30 Seconds |
60 | 1 Minute |
120 | 2 Minutes |
300 | 5 Minutes |
Playable AI has respawn
- Class name: SPE_CDA_PlayableAIHasRespawn
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Use Mission Default
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Use Mission Default |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Playable respawn with former equipment
- Class name: SPE_CDA_PlayableRespawnWithFormerEquipment
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Use Mission Default
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Use Mission Default |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Revive available to players
- Class name: SPE_ReviveEnabled
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Enabled |
1 | Disabled |
Revive mode
- Class name: SPE_ReviveMode
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Basic, Basic, Advanced, Realistic)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Basic, Basic, Advanced, Realistic) |
1 | Basic |
2 | Advanced |
3 | Realistic |
Requirement to revive
- Class name: SPE_ReviveRequiredTrait
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (FAK, FAK, FAK, Medic)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (FAK, FAK, FAK, Medic) |
1 | First Aid Kit |
2 | Require Medic Trait |
3 | None |
Hold action medic multiplier
- Class name: SPE_ReviveMedicSpeedMultiplier
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (4x, 4x, 2x, 2x)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (4x, 4x, 2x, 2x) |
1 | 1x |
2 | 2x |
3 | 3x |
5 | 5x |
10 | 10x |
Hold action delay
- Class name: SPE_ReviveDelay
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (5s, 5s, 10s, 15s)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (5s, 5s, 10s, 15s) |
5 | 5 |
7 | 7 |
8 | 8 |
12 | 12 |
15 | 15 |
17 | 17 |
Force respawn delay
- Class name: SPE_ReviveForceRespawnDelay
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (3s, 5s, 10s, 15s)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (3s, 5s, 10s, 15s) |
5 | 5 |
10 | 10 |
15 | 15 |
20 | 20 |
25 | 25 |
30 | 30 |
Bleedout time
- Class name: SPE_ReviveBleedOutDelay
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Never, 300s, 120s, 60s)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Never, 300s, 120s, 60s) |
99999 | Never |
30 | 30 |
60 | 60 |
120 | 120 |
180 | 180 |
240 | 240 |
300 | 300 |
Required First Aid Kits
- Class name: SPE_ReviveFakAmount
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (1x, 1x, 2x, 3x)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (1x, 1x, 2x, 3x) |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
Stop bleeding with FAK
- Class name: SPE_ReviveStabilize
- Default value: 1
- Default text: Enabled
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Unconscious unit 3D icons
- Class name: SPE_ReviveIcons
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled) |
1 | Enabled |
2 | Medic Only |
3 | Disabled |
Automatically call for help
- Class name: SPE_ReviveAutoCall
- Default value: 2
- Default text: Cadet Only
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
2 | Cadet Only |
AI Automatically withstand
- Class name: SPE_ReviveAutoWithstand
- Default value: 2
- Default text: Cadet Only
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
2 | Cadet Only |
Extra FAK required for self-revive
- Class name: SPE_WithstandExtraFAK
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Medic Only, Disabled) |
1 | Disabled |
2 | Enabled |
- Class name: SPE_WithstandEnabled
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
1 | Disabled |
2 | Enabled |
Self-Revive (AI)
- Class name: SPE_WithstandEnabledAI
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Difficulty Based (Enabled, Enabled, Enabled, Disabled) |
1 | Disabled |
2 | Enabled |
Units Affected
- Class name: SPE_ReviveUnits
- Default value: 0
- Default text: Playable Units
Possible values:
Value | Text |
0 | Playable Units |
1 | Player Units |
2 | AI Units |
Aggressive Behavior - Player Group
- Class name: SPE_CDA_AggressiveBehaviourPlayerGroup
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Cadet Mode off)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Cadet Mode off) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Aggressive Behavior - Player Side
- Class name: SPE_CDA_AggressiveBehaviourPlayerSide
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Cadet Mode off)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Cadet Mode off) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Aggressive Behavior - Enemy Side
- Class name: SPE_CDA_AggressiveBehaviourEnemySide
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Cadet Mode off)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Cadet Mode off) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Mute Radio - Player Group
- Class name: SPE_CDA_MuteRadioPlayerGroup
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Client-side setting)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Client-side setting) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Mute Radio - Player Side
- Class name: SPE_CDA_MuteRadioPlayerSide
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Client-side setting)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Client-side setting) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |
Mute Radio - Enemy Side
- Class name: SPE_CDA_MuteRadioEnemySide
- Default value: -1
- Default text: Default (Client-side setting)
Possible values:
Value | Text |
-1 | Default (Client-side setting) |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Enabled |