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What is goArmA

goarma banner.jpg

"goArmA - launching all the gear",

based on customisable startprofiles, is a one-click solution that fulfils almost every desire. A startprofile consists of six modules, which can be combined freely and customised apart as well. Use such profiles for your own, or share them with your clanmates!


Known Issues:

   * Activation of all single player missions deletes user defined key mappings (April 12, 2007)

Known Issues:

   * [fixed in 1.0.42] Problems with special characters in usernames.
   * [fixed in 1.0.42] Some mods wont get selectable, as the directory structures differs from the standard.
   * [fixed in 1.0.42] Changes within mod directories were not detected.
   * [fixed in 1.0.42] Selected mods were not reset when loading a new profile
   * [fixed in 1.0.42] goArma crashed on selecting a teamspeak server which doesn't have a "ServerWelcomeMessage" set
   * [fixed in 1.0.42] Modfolders containing a "." were not listed correctly
   * [fixed in 1.0.42] ArmA server query problems with newer server versions
   * [fixed in 1.0.42] Mod selection is reset when changing the arma executable.
   * [fixed in 1.0.42] Unable to start beta versions.
   * [added to 1.0.42] New language: Chinese(simple)
   * [added to 1.0.42] New feature: Plugin-Api (more intel soon)


This featurelist reflects version 1.0.40

  • ArmA-Settings...
  • select almost any known parameter the game can start with, or assign new ones
  • select, delete, add, or open custom-faces in external editors or rather programs
  • select, add, copy to clipboard, delete, or validate squad-xmls with your favourite browser

  • Gameserver-Settings...
  • create, save, load settings from a generated serverlist
  • fully featured serverquery , disclosing many details

  • Custom-Sound-Settings...
  • create, save and load sound profiles
  • validate the sounds with external amp or rather mediaplayer

  • Mod-Settings...
  • show all mods available in the ArmA rootdirectory, that are marked with the well known mod-delimiter @
  • alter files or names by double clicking a single mod (opens explorer for further actions)

  • TeamSpeak-Settings...
  • create, save, or load profiles
  • copy serverdata (adresses, port and stuff) to clipboard
  • serverquery, disclosing many details
  • support for superadmins (send messages, kick or ban users)

  • TeamSpeakOverlay-Settings...
  • customise startparameters
  • show TSO username (further settings available in the global settings menu)

  • More Features...
  • VIeSTA support (not fully tested yet)
  • create your own goArmA skins (almost rudimental, as it is in alpha state)
  • install routine
  • multilingual support (currently DE and EN available)
  • goArmA updates at ease
  • logfilesystem for errorreports
  • readable xml structures to ensure exchange with other tools
  • parameter support:
  • nosplash (start goArmA in editmode)
  • noculture (start goArmA in english)
  • nostyle (support for windowed OS 2000)
  • autoupdate (force autoupdate check on start)

Tutorial videos

16mb WMV9 medium quality

Official goArma Homepage
goarma mail.png
goArmA - Created By The Storied Veterans
The Storied Veterans