From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
- Sorts given multi-column ListNBox in the given column by either lnbText, lnbValue or lnbData in normal or reversed order, using case-sensitive or case-insensitive comparison. Unlike the older lnbSortXXX commands, this command supports UNICODE characters out of the box.
When sorting by "VALUE", the rows with the same lnbValue will additionally be sorted by lnbText in the order specified by the reversedOrder flag, text specified by `useTextRight` flag and case-sensitivity specified by `caseSensitive` flag. - Groups:
- GUI Control - ListNBox
- Syntax:
- [controlOrIDC, column] lnbSortBy [sortByType, reversedOrder, caseSensitive, useTextRight, unicodeOff]
- Parameters:
- controlOrIDC: Control or Number - the ListNBox control or its IDC
- column: Number - column to sort (starts with 0)
- sortByType: String - (Optional, default "TEXT") one of:
- "TEXT"
- "DATA"
- reversedOrder: Boolean - (Optional, default false) true for sorting in reversed order
- caseSensitive: Boolean - (Optional, default false) true for using case-sensitive comparison
- useTextRight: Boolean - (Optional, default false) true to sort by text right
- unicodeOff: Boolean - (Optional, default false) true to switch off UNICODE conversion for faster sorting
- Return Value:
- Nothing
- Example 1:
- Copywith uiNamespace do { private _column = 1; private _lnb = findDisplay 46 createDisplay "RscDisplayEmpty" ctrlCreate ["RscListNBox", -1]; _lnb ctrlSetPosition [0,0,1,1]; _lnb ctrlCommit 0; lnbClear _lnb; { _lnb lnbAddRow [format ["Row %1", _forEachIndex], _x select 0]; _lnb lnbSetValue [[_forEachIndex, _column], _x select 1]; } forEach [["В",1], ["Я",0], ["Б",1], ["Ю",0], ["А",1]]; [_lnb, _column] lnbSortBy ["VALUE", true, false]; };
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