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| Play a fake UAV observational sequence which serves as an establishing shot. |DESCRIPTION=
| Play a fake UAV observational sequence which serves as an establishing shot. [[File:BIS fnc establishingShot.gif|left|400px]] |DESCRIPTION=

Revision as of 02:08, 21 July 2019

Hover & click on the images for description


Play a fake UAV observational sequence which serves as an establishing shot.
BIS fnc establishingShot.gif


[target, text, altitude, radius, angle, rotation, iconOptions, mode, fadeIn,waitTime] spawn BIS_fnc_establishingShot
target: Object or Array - Target or target's position
text: String - Text to display
altitude: Number - (optional) Altitude (in meters)
radius: Number - (optional) Radius of the circular movement (in meters)
angle: Number - Viewing angle (in degrees)
rotation: Number - Direction of camera movement (0: anti-clockwise, 1: clockwise, default: random)
iconOptions: Array - Objects/positions/groups to display icons over
Syntax: [[icon, color, target, size X, size Y, angle, text, shadow], (...)]
mode: Number - 0: normal (default), 1: world scenes
fadeIn: Boolean - Fade in after completion (default: true)
waitTime: Number - Wait time in seconds after the shot has been completed (Since Arma 3 1.81)
Return Value:
Boolean - true when done


Example 1:
[player, "I can see my house from here", 500, 250, 75, 1, [], 0, true] spawn BIS_fnc_establishingShot

Additional Information

See also:
BIS_fnc_dynamicTextGUI functions


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Posted on January 28, 2018 - 02:01 (UTC)
Lou Montana
Be aware that spawning this function will set enableSaving to true. Quick workaround: _savingEnabled = savingEnabled; _handle = [player, "myText"] spawn BIS_fnc_establishingShot; waitUntil { scriptDone _handle }; enableSaving [_savingEnabled, false]; Or, if you can't wait the end of the establishing shot: _savingEnabled = savingEnabled; _handle = [player, "myText"] spawn BIS_fnc_establishingShot; _handle spawn { waitUntil { scriptDone _this }; enableSaving [_savingEnabled, false]; };