Scripting: Keywords – Arma Reforger

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m (Text replacement - "\{\{GameCategory\|armaR\|Modding\|(Guidelines|Tutorials)\|([^=↵]*)\}\}" to "{{GameCategory|armaR|Modding|$2|$1}}")
(12 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
* 1 {{Link|#Class Keywords}}
* 2 {{Link|#Method Keywords}}
* 3 {{Link|#Values Keywords}}
* 4 {{Link|#Code Keywords}}
* 5 {{Link|#Code Flow Keywords}}
== Class Keywords ==
== Class Keywords ==

{| class="wikitable valign-top"
{| class="wikitable valign-top"
! Keyword
! Description
Line 70: Line 79:

{| class="wikitable valign-top"
{| class="wikitable valign-top"
! Keyword
! Description
=== proto ===
=== proto ===
| Prototyping of internal function (Engine side).
| Disclose an engine-side method to script (Engine side).
=== external ===
| Compiler hint to link API methods - only applies to {{hl|proto}} methods (Engine side).
=== native ===
=== native ===
| Native call convention of internal function (Engine side).
| Native call convention of internal method (Engine side).
=== volatile ===
=== volatile ===
| Internal function that may call back to script (hint for compiler that context need to be saved on stack).
| Internal method that may call back to script (hint for compiler that context need to be saved on stack).
Line 153: Line 168:
=== event ===
=== event ===
| Hint for tools that the function should be exposed as Entity script event.
| Hint for tools that the method should be exposed as Entity script event.
Line 208: Line 223:

{| class="wikitable valign-top"
{| class="wikitable valign-top"
! Keyword
! Description
=== owned ===
=== owned ===
| Modifier for returning internal functions. Tells the script-VM that the returning variable (string or array) must not be released.
| Modifier for returning internal methods. Tells the script VM that the returning variable (string or array) must not be released.
=== out ===
=== out ===
| Modifier for function parameters. It tells that variable will be changed by function call.
| Modifier for method parameters. It means that the argument may be changed by the method call.
void Method(out array<string> parameter)
void Method(out array<string> parameter)
parameter = new array<string>();
parameter = {};
Line 227: Line 244:

array<string> myArray = null;
array<string> myArray = null;
Method(array); // myArray is now { "Hello", "there" }
Method(myArray); // myArray is now { "Hello", "there" }
=== inout ===
=== inout ===
| Modifier for function parameters. It tells that variable will be used and then changed by function call.
| Modifier for method parameters. It means that the argument will be used and may be changed by the method call.
class ExampleClass
class ExampleClass
private ref array<string> m_aList;
private ref array<string> m_aOldParameter;

void Method(inout array<string> parameter)
void Method(inout array<string> parameter)
parameter = new array<string>();
m_aOldParameter = parameter;
parameter = {};
m_aList = parameter;
Line 251: Line 268:

array<string> myArray = null;
array<string> myArray = null;
classInstance.Method(array); // myArray is now { "Hello", "there" } and classInstance.m_aList is referencing myArray
classInstance.Method(myArray); // myArray is now { "Hello", "there" } and classInstance.m_aList is referencing myArray's old value
Line 260: Line 277:
const string MY_TEXT = "Hello there";
const string MY_TEXT = "Hello there";

void Method()
void Method1()
Print(MY_TEXT); // will print "Hello there"
Print(MY_TEXT); // will print "Hello there"
MY_TEXT = "General Kenobi"; // compilation error - a constant is set in stone and cannot be modified
MY_TEXT = "General Kenobi"; // compilation error - a constant is set in stone and cannot be modified
void Method2()
const string myUnmodifiableString = "Hello there"; // constant valid for method's scope
myUnmodifiableString = "General Kenobi"; // compilation error
Line 273: Line 297:
=== notnull ===
=== notnull ===
| Modifier for function parameter of class pointer type. It tells that function expect the parameter will never be '''null'''. It shows error eventually and function won't be called.
| Modifier for method parameter of class pointer type. It means that the method expect the parameter to never be '''null'''; if a null value is provided, a VM Exception is raised and the method is not called.
void Method(notnull IEntity entity) // no need to check for "if (!entity)" inside the method
void Method(notnull IEntity entity) // no need to check for "if (!entity)" inside the method
Line 348: Line 372:
classInstance.bStaticValue = true; // works
classInstance.bStaticValue = true; // works
{{Feature|warning|Due to the nature of per-scenario mod loading/unloading, {{hl|static}} properties '''are reset game-wide''' on modded scenario start/leave due to game and scripts entire reload.}}
{{Feature|warning|Due to the nature of per-scenario mod loading/unloading, {{hl|static}} properties '''are reset game-wide''' on modded scenario start/leave due to game and scripts' entire reload.}}
Line 364: Line 388:

{| class="wikitable valign-top"
{| class="wikitable valign-top"
! Keyword
! Description
=== auto ===
| Guess the type of the variable. Its usage is '''not''' recommended (see {{Link|Arma Reforger:Scripting: Best Practices|Best Practices}})!
auto myVar = 5; // understood as int myVar = 5
// but it may have been meant as:
float myVar = 5;
Line 419: Line 455:
delete obj; // throws a VM Exception
delete obj; // throws a VM Exception
Line 426: Line 462:
| Creates a script thread from a method.
| Creates a script thread from a method.
* {{hl|thread}} is to be used in Workbench plugins. In game, use the <enforce inline>GetGame().GetCallQueue().CallLater()</enforce> method.
* {{hl|thread}} is to be used in {{GameCategory|armaR|Modding|Official Tools|text= Workbench}} plugins. In game, use the <enforce inline>GetGame().GetCallQueue().CallLater()</enforce> method.
*  A script thread is not a real thread and member variables are therefore "thread-safe".
*  A script thread is not a real thread and member variables are therefore "thread-safe".
Line 450: Line 486:
Print("ThreadMethod end");
Print("ThreadMethod end");
; Thread methods are only possible within a threaded method<nowiki>:</nowiki>
; Thread methods are only possible within a threaded method<nowiki>:</nowiki>
Line 474: Line 510:
Print("It works");
Print("It works");
Since {{GVI|armaR|1.1.0}}, {{hl|this}} is supported in static methods and behaves like the current type.
class Gen1
static void DoSmth() { Print("A"); }
class Gen2 : Gen1
static override void DoSmth(Widget utility)
Print(this); // > Gen2
Line 480: Line 533:
=== super ===
=== super ===
| Refers to the '''parent''' class for the requested variable/function.
| Refers to the '''parent''' class for the requested variable/method.
class Gen1
class Gen1
Line 492: Line 545:
class Gen2 : Gen1
class Gen2 : Gen1
void Method()
override void Method()
Print("Gen2 method");
Print("Gen2 method");
Line 500: Line 553:
class Gen3 : Gen2
class Gen3 : Gen2
void Method()
override void Method()
super.Method(); // prints "Gen2 method"
super.Method(); // prints "Gen2 method"
Since {{GVI|armaR|1.1.0}}, {{hl|super}} is supported in static methods and behaves like a type.
class Gen1
static int a = 33;
int b = 42;
static void ShowMessage() { Print("A"); }
class Gen2 : Gen1
static override void ShowMessage(Widget utility)
Print(super); // > Gen1
Print(super.a); // > a = 33
// Print(super.b); <- error - not a static property
super.ShowMessage(); // > "A"
| Refers to the '''unmodded''' version of the modded variable/method.
class ClassA
static void Hello()
// mod 1 content
modded class ClassA
override static void Hello()
Print("modded 1");
// mod 2 content
modded class ClassA
override static void Hello()
Print("modded 2");
void Test()
ClassA o = new ClassA();
o.Hello(); // prints modded 1, vanilla, modded 2
=== debug ===
| Triggers a breakpoint in {{Link|Arma Reforger:Script Editor}}.
{{Feature|informative|This keyword is currently not highlighted as such in Script Editor.}}
class MyClass
[Attribute(defvalue: "0", desc: "Use breakpoints in Workbench")]
protected bool m_bUseBreakpoints;
static void Hello()
Print("This is debugging");
if (m_bUseBreakpoints)
#endif // WORKBENCH
Line 512: Line 649:

{| class="wikitable valign-top"
{| class="wikitable valign-top"
! Keyword
! Description
Line 520: Line 659:
if (value > 50)
if (value > 50)
Print("value is > 50");
Print("value is > 50");
Line 533: Line 670:
if (value > 50)
if (value > 50)
Print("value is > 50");
Print("value is > 50");
Print("value is <= 50");
Print("value is <= 50");
Line 555: Line 688:
void MethodA(notnull array<string> words)
void MethodA(notnull array<string> words)
for (int i = 0; i < words.Count(); i++)
// for (int i = 0; i < words.Count(); i++) // this if for example's sake; use '''foreach''' instead
for (int i, count = words.Count(); i < count; ++i) // optimised
Line 563: Line 697:
void MethodB(notnull array<string> words)
void MethodB(notnull array<string> words)
int i = 0;
int i; // auto-initialised to zero
for (; i < words.Count(); i++) // initialisation is optional
int count = words.Count();
for (; i < count; i++) // initialisation is optional
Line 572: Line 707:
void MethodC(notnull array<string> words)
void MethodC(notnull array<string> words)
for (int i = 0; i < words.Count();) // so is completionCode
for (int i, count = words.Count(); i < count;) // so is completionCode
i++; // do not forget it!
Line 643: Line 778:
Print("it's not interesting.");
Print("it's not interesting.");
=== continue ===
| Used to skip to the next iteration in {{hl|for}}, {{hl|foreach}}, {{hl|while}} loops
class ExampleClass
// this method will print 0, 1, 2, 4
void Skip3()
for (int i; i < 5; i++)
if (i == 3)
void MethodB()
foreach (IEntity entity : m_aEntities)
if (!entity)
Line 649: Line 815:
=== return ===
=== return ===
| stops the code flow and returns the provided value. No value needs to be provided for void methods.
| Exits the method immediately with the provided value if any.
class ExampleClass
void PrintHelloThere(bool print)
if (!print)
return; // ends here if print is false
Print("Hello there");
float GetDistanceNotZero(vector v1, vector v2)
if (v1 == v2)
return -1;
return vector.Distance(v1, v2);


Latest revision as of 13:32, 26 February 2025

Class Keywords

Keyword Description


Declares a class

class ExampleClass { }


See Object Oriented Programming Advanced Usage - Modding.

class ExampleClass { } modded class ExampleClass // inherits and "takes the place" of the original ExampleClass { }


A class marked with the sealed keyword cannot be inherited from

sealed class Infertile { } class Child : Infertile // compilation error - a class cannot inherit from a sealed class { }


states that the declared class inherits from another

class ChildClass extends ParentClass { } // alias class ChildClass : ParentClass { }


Declares an alias for a type

typedef string Text; class ExampleClass { Text m_sMyText = "This is my text, that is a string"; }

Method Keywords

Keyword Description


Disclose an engine-side method to script (Engine side).


Compiler hint to link API methods - only applies to proto methods (Engine side).


Native call convention of internal method (Engine side).


Internal method that may call back to script (hint for compiler that context need to be saved on stack).


Modifier for class method. The method can be called only from inside of the same class' methods. A modded class will not be able to use it either.

class ExampleClass { private void HelloWorld() { Print("Hello there"); } void PublicHelloWorld() { HelloWorld(); // works from within the object } } ExampleClass classInstance = new ExampleClass(); classInstance.PublicHelloWorld(); // works - calls PublicHelloWorld() that calls HelloWorld() classInstance.HelloWorld(); // compilation error - HelloWorld() is private and cannot be accessed


Modifier for class method. The method can be called only from inside of class' methods or methods of its extended (children) classes, or a modded class.

class ParentClass { protected void HelloWorld() { Print("Hello there"); } } class ChildClass : ParentClass { void PublicHelloWorld() { HelloWorld(); // works from within the object } } ChildClass classInstance = new ChildClass(); classInstance.PublicHelloWorld(); // works - calls PublicHelloWorld() that calls HelloWorld() classInstance.HelloWorld(); // compilation error - HelloWorld() is protected and cannot be accessed ParentClass classInstance = new ParentClass(); classInstance.HelloWorld(); // compilation error - HelloWorld() is protected and cannot be accessed


Modifier for class method. The method can be called without object pointer, just by ClassName.methodName(). Only static values/methods can be accessed from a static method.

class ExampleClass { static void HelloWorld() { Print("Hello there"); } } ExampleClass.HelloWorld(); // works ExampleClass classInstance = new ExampleClass(); classInstance.HelloWorld(); // works


Hint for tools that the method should be exposed as Entity script event.


Modifier for class method indicating overriding of base class method. Compiler checks if is method present in base class and if method signature matches.

class ParentClass { void HelloWorld() { Print("Hello world"); } } class ChildClass : ParentClass { override void HelloWorld() { Print("Hello there"); } } ParentClass parentClassInstance = new ParentClass(); parentClassInstance.HelloWorld(); // prints "Hello world" ChildClass childClassInstance = new ChildClass(); childClassInstance.HelloWorld(); // prints "Hello there"


Modifier for class method. The method cannot be overridden in derived classes.

class ParentClass { sealed void HelloWorld() { Print("Hello there"); } } class ChildClass : ParentClass { override void HelloWorld() // compilation error - cannot override a sealed method { Print("Hello world"); } }

Value Keywords

Keyword Description


Modifier for returning internal methods. Tells the script VM that the returning variable (string or array) must not be released.


Modifier for method parameters. It means that the argument may be changed by the method call.

void Method(out array<string> parameter) { parameter = {}; parameter.Insert("Hello"); parameter.Insert("there"); } // ... array<string> myArray = null; Method(myArray); // myArray is now { "Hello", "there" }


Modifier for method parameters. It means that the argument will be used and may be changed by the method call.

class ExampleClass { private ref array<string> m_aOldParameter; void Method(inout array<string> parameter) { m_aOldParameter = parameter; parameter = {}; parameter.Insert("Hello"); parameter.Insert("there"); } } ExampleClass classInstance = new ExampleClass(); array<string> myArray = null; classInstance.Method(myArray); // myArray is now { "Hello", "there" } and classInstance.m_aList is referencing myArray's old value


Declares a constant, that is a value that cannot be modified later.

const string MY_TEXT = "Hello there"; void Method1() { Print(MY_TEXT); // will print "Hello there" MY_TEXT = "General Kenobi"; // compilation error - a constant is set in stone and cannot be modified } void Method2() { const string myUnmodifiableString = "Hello there"; // constant valid for method's scope Print(myUnmodifiableString); myUnmodifiableString = "General Kenobi"; // compilation error }


Hint for tools (Material editor) that the value may be used as parameter in material.


Modifier for method parameter of class pointer type. It means that the method expect the parameter to never be null; if a null value is provided, a VM Exception is raised and the method is not called.

void Method(notnull IEntity entity) // no need to check for "if (!entity)" inside the method { entity.DoSomething(); // the argument can be accessed safely } if (myEntity) // it is still needed to check for null before calling the method { Method(myEntity); }


Value can only be accessed from the class/instance methods. Mutually exclusive with "protected".

class ExampleClass { private bool m_bIsActive; void SetActive(bool value) { m_bIsActive = value; } } ExampleClass classInstance = new ExampleClass(); Print(classInstance.m_bIsActive); // compilation error - m_bIsActive is private and cannot be accessed


Value can only be accessed from the class/instance methods or its children. Mutually exclusive with "private".

class ParentClass { protected bool m_bProtected; private bool m_bPrivate; void SetPrivate(bool value) { m_bPrivate = value; } } class ChildClass : ParentClass { void SetProtected(bool value) { m_bProtected = value; // works - m_bProtected declaration reaches ChildClass } } ChildClass childClassInstance = new ChildClass(); Print(childClassInstance.m_bProtected); // compilation error - m_bProtected is protected and cannot be accessed


Value belongs to the class and not an instance of it. If public, it can be accessed without object pointer, just by

class ExampleClass { static bool bStaticValue; private static bool m_bPrivate; // it is good practice to make it protected/private and have getters/setters instead } Print(ExampleClass.bStaticValue); // works ExampleClass.bStaticValue = true; // works ExampleClass classInstance = new ExampleClass(); Print(classInstance.bStaticValue); // works classInstance.bStaticValue = true; // works

Due to the nature of per-scenario mod loading/unloading, static properties are reset game-wide on modded scenario start/leave due to game and scripts' entire reload.


Modifier for class/pointer values. Pointed object will be automatically destroyed upon end of variable lifetime (end of scope, or deletion of class, that contain it).
This keyword is useless in scripting as all classes inherit Managed, therefore are managed by ARC.


Strong reference. See Automatic Reference Counting for more information.

Code Keywords

Keyword Description


Guess the type of the variable. Its usage is not recommended (see Best Practices)!

auto myVar = 5; // understood as int myVar = 5 // but it may have been meant as: float myVar = 5;


Creates an instance of the provided class.

class ExampleClass { } ExampleClass classInstance = new ExampleClass();
class ExampleClass { void ExampleClass(int myValue) // a method named from the class is the constructor { Print(myValue); } } ExampleClass classInstance = new ExampleClass(5); // needs Constructor-defined arguments


Deletes an object and sets all its references to null.
It is not possible to delete an object if there is an external reference to it, like an array.

class ExampleClass { void Method() { ReferencedClass obj; if (!obj) Print("obj is null"); obj = new ReferencedClass(); if (obj) Print("obj is not null"); delete obj; if (!obj) Print("obj is null"); // everything was fine obj = new ReferencedClass(); if (obj) Print("obj is not null"); array<ref ReferencedClass> list = {}; list.Insert(obj); delete obj; // throws a VM Exception } }


Creates a script thread from a method.
  • thread is to be used in Workbench plugins. In game, use the GetGame().GetCallQueue().CallLater() method.
  • A script thread is not a real thread and member variables are therefore "thread-safe".

class ExampleClass { // calling this method will print // "MainMethod start" // "ThreadMethod start", // "MainMethod end" // then 500ms later, "ThreadMethod end" void MainMethod() { Print("MainMethod start"); thread ThreadMethod(); Print("MainMethod end"); } protected void ThreadMethod() { Print("ThreadMethod start"); Sleep(500); Print("ThreadMethod end"); } }

Thread methods are only possible within a threaded method:
  • Sleep takes an integer and waits for the provided amount of milliseconds
  • Wait takes a bool condition and holds until the provided condition is true


A null value.


Refers to the method's object itself.

class ExampleClass { void MethodA() { this.MethodB(); } void MethodB() { Print("It works"); } }

Since armareforger-symbol black.png1.1.0, this is supported in static methods and behaves like the current type.

class Gen1 { static void DoSmth() { Print("A"); } } class Gen2 : Gen1 { static override void DoSmth(Widget utility) { Print("B"); Print(this); // > Gen2 } }


Refers to the parent class for the requested variable/method.

class Gen1 { void Method() { Print("Gen1 method"); } } class Gen2 : Gen1 { override void Method() { Print("Gen2 method"); } } class Gen3 : Gen2 { override void Method() { super.Method(); // prints "Gen2 method" } }

Since armareforger-symbol black.png1.1.0, super is supported in static methods and behaves like a type.

class Gen1 { static int a = 33; int b = 42; static void ShowMessage() { Print("A"); } } class Gen2 : Gen1 { static override void ShowMessage(Widget utility) { Print("B"); Print(super); // > Gen1 Print(super.a); // > a = 33 // Print(super.b); <- error - not a static property super.ShowMessage(); // > "A" } }


Refers to the unmodded version of the modded variable/method.

class ClassA { static void Hello() { Print("vanilla"); } } // mod 1 content modded class ClassA { override static void Hello() { Print("modded 1"); } } // mod 2 content modded class ClassA { override static void Hello() { super.Hello(); vanilla.Hello(); Print("modded 2"); } } void Test() { ClassA o = new ClassA(); o.Hello(); // prints modded 1, vanilla, modded 2 }


Triggers a breakpoint in Script Editor.
This keyword is currently not highlighted as such in Script Editor.

class MyClass { [Attribute(defvalue: "0", desc: "Use breakpoints in Workbench")] protected bool m_bUseBreakpoints; static void Hello() { Print("This is debugging"); #ifdef WORKBENCH if (m_bUseBreakpoints) debug; #endif // WORKBENCH } }

Code Flow Keywords

Keyword Description


verifies a boolean condition. If the condition is true then the code is executed.

void Method(int value = 0) { if (value > 50) Print("value is > 50"); }


optional, declares code to be executed if the if condition is not met

void Method(int value = 0) { if (value > 50) Print("value is > 50"); else Print("value is <= 50"); }


processes code while the provided condition is met. The syntax is:

for (initialisation; loopCondition; completionCode) { // code here }
void MethodA(notnull array<string> words) { // for (int i = 0; i < words.Count(); i++) // this if for example's sake; use foreach instead for (int i, count = words.Count(); i < count; ++i) // optimised { Print(words[i]); } } void MethodB(notnull array<string> words) { int i; // auto-initialised to zero int count = words.Count(); for (; i < count; i++) // initialisation is optional { Print(words[i]); } } void MethodC(notnull array<string> words) { for (int i, count = words.Count(); i < count;) // so is completionCode { Print(words[i]); i++; // do not forget it! } }


processes code for each element of an iterable object (e.g an array). Iteration separator is:.

// array example void Method(notnull array<string> words) { foreach (string word : words) { Print(word); } foreach (int index, string word : words) { PrintFormat("word #%1 is %2", index, word); } }
// map example void Method(notnull map<string, int> data) { foreach (string key, int value : data) { PrintFormat("Key %1's value is %2", key, value); } }


processes code while condition is met. Beware, as it can lock the program on wrong conditions!

void Method(array<string> words) { int i = 0; while (i < words.Count()) { Print(words[i]); i++; // do not forget it! } }


switches the code to execute depending on the condition

void Method(string word) { switch (word) { case "Hello": Print("it's Hello"); break; case "there": Print("it's there"); break; default: Print("it's not interesting."); break; } }


Used to skip to the next iteration in for, foreach, while loops

class ExampleClass { // this method will print 0, 1, 2, 4 void Skip3() { for (int i; i < 5; i++) { if (i == 3) continue; Print(i.ToString()); } } void MethodB() { foreach (IEntity entity : m_aEntities) { if (!entity) continue; Print(entity); } } }


Exits the method immediately with the provided value if any.

class ExampleClass { void PrintHelloThere(bool print) { if (!print) return; // ends here if print is false Print("Hello there"); } float GetDistanceNotZero(vector v1, vector v2) { if (v1 == v2) return -1; return vector.Distance(v1, v2); } }