CfgFaces – Arma 2

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Radical surgery occurred between Armed Assault and Arma 2. These notes apply to Arma 2.

Used in conjunction with setFace

person setFace "cfgFaces.ClassName";// quotes required

this SetFace "Marylin"
soldier1 SetFace "Face33" 

"Face01" to "Face107".

A subset of 6 Camo faces are available for each of above.

The full set of class names for "face77" would be:

Face77, Face77_camo1, Face77_camo2, Face77_camo3, Face77_camo4, Face77_camo5 and Face77_camo6

Config Structure

class CfgFaces 
 class Default; // held in engine's ca_bin
 class Man: Default
  class Default; // held in ca_chars
  class FaceWhatever: Default
      name = "$STR_Whatever"; // every class, different string name
      texture=\some\texture\somewhere.paa; // THE face for this 
      head=defaultHead;//classname in cfgHeads
      disabled = false;// always TRUE for inherited camo faces
 class OneOfSixCamos:FaceWhatever
      /* uses the same face texture (obviously) */
     disabled=true; // always
     head="alwaysOneOf6Classes";// changes wounds
     material = "\AlwaysOneOfSix\Different\FacePaints.rvmat";
  • One, single, head model is used for ALL faces. On which, a different base texture is applied for EVERY 'face'
  • Separately, each of these faces have different face paint, and they, require a separate head class to reflect the different wound appearances.
    • ALL of the cammo derivates use one of six common facepaints
  • specifiying \root and .paa extension are essential. This is part of the bi inconsistency and inability to use relative paths
  • head= inevetibly leads to one, single, defaultp3d held in \ca\characters\man\defaulthead\defaulthead.p3d;

Subset Themes

The above 107 faces are duplicated, classwise in black and green masks also a perfunctory sop to women models, and, a few unimaginative face models for some special us soldiers. whatever happened to guba, angelina, and the real game? How these face classes are accessed, i don't know yet.

Adding a Face

Camouflage subclasses are not required.

class CfgFaces 
 class Default;
 class Man: Default
  class Default;
  class FaceWhatever: Default
      disabled = false; // Should be part of default, but was overlooked
      name = "$STR_Whatever"; 
      texture=\some\texture\somewhere.paa; // Face texture 
      identityTypes[] = {"Default","Head_USMC","Head_USMC_CO","","","Head_CDF","Head_CDF_CO","","Head_GUE","Head_CIV",""}; // Unknown
