server.armaprofile - Bohemia Interactive Community
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Revision as of 20:33, 29 December 2020 by Lou Montana(talk | contribs)(Text replacement - "\[\[Category: *Arma 2: *([a-zA-Z0-9 :-]+)\]\]" to "{{GameCategory|arma2|$1}}")
This article deals with the server.armaprofile, describing all the visual and difficulty settings in ArmA, like friendly and enemy AI quality, HUD, crosshair, 3rd person view, clock indicator and so on.
Armed Assault
Arma 2
Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead
Arma 3
The file's location is different on each operating system:
The default profile named after the system user can be found at:
XP EN: C:\Documents and Settings\%UserName%\My Files\ArmA
XP DE: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\%UserName%\Eigene Dateien\ArmA
The name depends upon the -name parameter when starting the Arma server.
Having started the server with "./server -name=server" (-profiles seems to be useless on Linux) you'll find it as a subfolder of your arma-server directory, for example "/usr/home/arma-server/server/server.armaprofile".
If you're not using the -name parameter, the default name "player" will be used and you'll find the Arma profile in player/player.armaprofile.
Example Configuration File
The server has less values compared to a client version.
Armed Assault
classDifficulties{classregular// Displayed as "Cadet"{classFlags{// These are the settings. Set a value to 0 to disable the feature, or set it to 1 to enable it.Armor=1;// Gives you improved body armor, tank armor etcFriendlyTag=1;// Displays information on friendly units. ONLY WORKS WITH 'Weaponcursor=0', eg crosshair on.EnemyTag=1;// Displays information on enemy unitsHUD=1;// Shows you leaders location and your position in formationHUDPerm=1;// Shows HUD permanentlyHUDWp=1;// Shows Waypoints right after they're ordered to youHUDWpPerm=1;// Shows Waypoints permanentlyWeaponCursor=1;// Shows the crosshair for your weaponAutoAim=1;// Enables auto aim when you're not looking through your weapon's scope. Also works with crosshair offAutoGuideAT=1;// AT missiles will be automatically guided to their target. If 0, player has to lock onto the target.3rdPersonView=1;// This turns 3rd(third) person view and group leader view on or off. Please never talk of this as "3D view" - ArmA is not an arcade game !ClockIndicator=1;// Displays the clock indicator on the left of your screen when giving/receiving orders like "At 11 o'clock, enemy man at 200 meters"Map=1;// Shows symbols for all objects known to your group on the map. This will NOT disable the map itself !Tracers=1;// Displays tracers even of small arms that in real life would not have tracersAutoSpot=1;// If you're close enough to an enemy, you'll report it without right-clickingUltraAI=0;// Enables some kind of super AI that hears and sees more and has better tactics. This is for both friendly and enemy sides.UnlimitedSaves=1;// Enables saving permanently. For single player missions. But you then can only load the last save state.DeathMessages=1;// (1.09 and later) Displays "XXX was killed by YYY" messages in multiplayerNetStats=1;// (1.09 and later) Enables the scoreboard functionality in MPVonID=1;// (1.09 and later) When using VoN, display the name of the player speaking.};// These are the skills. Value may range from 0.000000 to 1.000000skillFriendly=0.350000;// Friendly tactics skillskillEnemy=0.350000;// Enemy tactics skillprecisionFriendly=0.350000;// Friendly shooting precisionprecisionEnemy=0.350000;// Enemy shooting precision};classveteran// Most of the options from above are not available, because they're off by default.{// Also soldiers/vehicles die sooner upon damage (have no armor or body armor).classFlags{HUD=1;// Shows you leaders location and your position in formationHUDWp=1;// Shows Waypoints right after they're ordered to you HUDWpPerm=0;// Shows Waypoints permanentlyWeaponCursor=1;// Shows the crosshair for your weaponClockIndicator=1;// Displays the clock indicator on the left of your screen when giving/receiving orders like "At 11 o'clock, enemy man at 200 meters"3rdPersonView=1;// This turns 3rd(third) person view and group leader view on or off. Please never talk of this as "3D view" - ArmA is not an arcade game !Tracers=1;// Displays tracers even of small arms that in real life would not have tracersUltraAI=0;// Enables some kind of super AI that hears and sees more and has better tactics. This is for both friendly and enemy sides.DeathMessages=1;// (1.09 and later) Displays "XXX was killed by YYY" messages in multiplayerNetStats=1;// (1.09 and later) Enables the scoreboard functionality in MPVonID=0;// (1.09 and later) When using VoN, display the name of the player speaking.};// These are the skills. Value may range from 0.000000 to 1.000000skillFriendly=0.850000;skillEnemy=0.850000;precisionFriendly=0.850000;precisionEnemy=0.850000;};};
This is how the default difficulty settings part of the server's .arma2profile file would look:
classDifficulties{classRecruit{classFlags{3rdPersonView=1;armor=1;autoAim=0;autoGuideAT=1;autoSpot=1;clockIndicator=1;deathMessages=1;enemyTag=0;friendlyTag=1;hud=1;hudGroupInfo=1;hudPerm=1;hudWp=1;hudWpPerm=1;map=1;netStats=1;tracers=1;ultraAI=0;unlimitedSaves=1;vonID=1;weaponCursor=1;};skillFriendly=1;precisionFriendly=1;skillEnemy=0.55;precisionEnemy=0.3;};classRegular{classFlags{3rdPersonView=1;armor=1;autoAim=0;autoGuideAT=1;autoSpot=1;clockIndicator=1;deathMessages=1;enemyTag=0;friendlyTag=1;hud=1;hudGroupInfo=1;hudPerm=1;hudWp=1;hudWpPerm=1;map=1;netStats=1;tracers=1;ultraAI=0;unlimitedSaves=1;vonId=1;weaponCursor=1;};skillFriendly=1;precisionFriendly=1;skillEnemy=0.7;precisionEnemy=0.5;};classVeteran{classFlags{3rdPersonView=1;armor=0;// Cannot be changedautoAim=0;// Cannot be changedautoGuideAT=0;// Cannot be changedautoSpot=0;// Cannot be changedclockIndicator=0;// Cannot be changeddeathMessages=1;enemyTag=0;// Cannot be changedfriendlyTag=0;// Cannot be changedhud=1;hudGroupInfo=0;hudPerm=0;// Cannot be changedhudWp=0;// Cannot be changedhudWpPerm=0;// Cannot be changedmap=0;// Cannot be changednetStats=1;tracers=0;// Cannot be changedultraAI=0;unlimitedSaves=0;// Cannot be changedvonId=0;weaponCursor=1;};skillFriendly=1;precisionFriendly=1;skillEnemy=0.9;precisionEnemy=0.75;};classMercenary{classFlags{3rdPersonView=0;// Cannot be changedarmor=0;// Cannot be changedautoAim=0;// Cannot be changedautoGuideAT=0;// Cannot be changedautoSpot=0;// Cannot be changedclockIndicator=0;// Cannot be changeddeathMessages=0;enemyTag=0;// Cannot be changedfriendlyTag=0;// Cannot be changedhud=0;// Cannot be changedhudGroupInfo=0;// Cannot be changedhudPerm=0;// Cannot be changedhudWp=0;// Cannot be changedhudWpPerm=0;// Cannot be changedmap=0;// Cannot be changednetStats=0;tracers=0;// Cannot be changedultraAI=0;unlimitedSaves=0;// Cannot be changedvonID=0;weaponCursor=0;// Cannot be changed};skillFriendly=1;precisionFriendly=1;skillEnemy=1;precisionEnemy=1;};};
classDifficulties{classRecruit{classFlags{3rdPersonView=1;armor=1;autoAim=0;autoGuideAT=1;autoSpot=1;cameraShake=0;clockIndicator=1;deathMessages=1;enemyTag=0;friendlyTag=1;hud=1;hudGroupInfo=1;hudPerm=1;hudWp=1;hudWpPerm=1;map=1;netStats=1;tracers=1;ultraAI=0;unlimitedSaves=1;vonID=1;weaponCursor=1;};skillFriendly=1;precisionFriendly=1;skillEnemy=0.55;precisionEnemy=0.3;};classRegular{classFlags{3rdPersonView=1;armor=1;autoAim=0;autoGuideAT=1;autoSpot=1;cameraShake=1;clockIndicator=1;deathMessages=1;enemyTag=0;friendlyTag=1;hud=1;hudGroupInfo=1;hudPerm=1;hudWp=1;hudWpPerm=1;map=1;netStats=1;tracers=1;ultraAI=0;unlimitedSaves=1;vonId=1;weaponCursor=1;};skillFriendly=1;precisionFriendly=1;skillEnemy=0.7;precisionEnemy=0.5;};classVeteran{classFlags{3rdPersonView=1;armor=0;// Cannot be changedautoAim=0;// Cannot be changedautoGuideAT=0;// Cannot be changedautoSpot=0;// Cannot be changedcameraShake=1;clockIndicator=0;deathMessages=1;enemyTag=0;// Cannot be changedfriendlyTag=0;// Cannot be changedhud=1;hudGroupInfo=0;hudPerm=0;// Cannot be changedhudWp=1;hudWpPerm=0;// Cannot be changedmap=0;netStats=1;tracers=0;// Cannot be changedultraAI=0;unlimitedSaves=0;vonId=0;weaponCursor=1;};skillFriendly=1;precisionFriendly=1;skillEnemy=0.9;precisionEnemy=0.75;};classMercenary{classFlags{3rdPersonView=0;// Cannot be changedarmor=0;// Cannot be changedautoAim=0;// Cannot be changedautoGuideAT=0;// Cannot be changedautoSpot=0;// Cannot be changedcameraShake=1;// Cannot be changedclockIndicator=0;// Cannot be changeddeathMessages=0;enemyTag=0;// Cannot be changedfriendlyTag=0;// Cannot be changedhud=0;// Cannot be changedhudGroupInfo=0;// Cannot be changedhudPerm=0;// Cannot be changedhudWp=0;// Cannot be changedhudWpPerm=0;// Cannot be changedmap=0;// Cannot be changednetStats=0;tracers=0;// Cannot be changedultraAI=0;unlimitedSaves=0;// Cannot be changedvonID=0;weaponCursor=0;// Cannot be changed};skillFriendly=1;precisionFriendly=1;skillEnemy=1;precisionEnemy=1;};};
Since 1.58:
One of the main changes that came with 1.58 is that the difficulty levels were transformed to true presets (Recruit, Regular, Veteran).
Each preset has exactly defined value for each difficulty option. If any of the options doesn't match the preset, the preset is changed to Custom. The particular flags stored in profile are only for the Custom preset, since Recruit, Regular and Veteran are fixed ones and predefined in game's data in CfgDifficultyPresets config class.