Capture & Hold Setup – Arma Reforger

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Revision as of 15:15, 18 May 2022 by Reyhard (talk | contribs)
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Setting up a new Capture & Hold scenario based on Eden is easy, thanks to the Prefab system and already existing base world available as part of the Capture & Hold mod.


Not much is needed besides the access to the following:

  • Arma Reforger's Workbench
  • Capture & Hold Mod subscription

Let's start with creating a mod with Capture & Hold as its dependency. For this please refer to the modding guide.

Prepare your mod, open it in the Workbench and follow the guide below.

Creation Steps

Initial Setup

Start by opening the mod in Workbench and launch the World Editor from either the Quick Launch screen or Editors context menu.

  1. Opening the base world
    Open the CAH_BaseWorld.ent world file by double clicking the file in CaptureAndHold/Worlds/CaptureAndHold directory.
  2. New World option
    In the File context menu, select the New World option.
  3. The sub-scene option
    Make sure that the Sub-scene (of current world) option is selected in the dialog.
  4. In our case we select the root directory
    We chose St Philippe
    In the File context menu select the Save World As option and pick the scenario's save destination.
  5. In our example we chose St Philippe
    Find a suitable scenario location.

Scenario Setup

  1. Placing the prefab into the world
    In the Resource Browser window navigate to CaptureAndHold/Prefabs/MP/Modes/CaptureAndHold and drag the prefab into the world.
  2. Or simply search for "USxUSSR"
    In the Resource Browser window navigate to Prefabs/MP/Managers/Factions and drag the prefab into the world.
  3. In the Resource Browser window navigate to Prefabs/MP/Managers/Loadouts and drag the prefab into the world.
  4. For automatic deletion of dead bodies and destroyed vehicles, the CaptureAndHold/Prefabs/MP/Managers/Garbage/ or similar can be added into the world.
  5. Adding a capture area is a matter of one prefab
    In the Resource Browser window navigate to CaptureAndHoldPrefabs/MP/Modes/CaptureAndHold/Areas and drag the prefab into the world.
  6. We chose a large sphere here
    While the SCR_CaptureAndHoldArea entity is still selected, adjust the shape as desired.
  7. Adding spawn points for both factions
    In the Resource Browser window navigate to Core*/Prefabs/MP/Spawning and drag the prefab into the world.
    *Core is Arma Reforger core data
  8. In the Resource Browser window navigate to Core*/Prefabs/MP/Spawning and drag the prefab into the world.
    *Core is Arma Reforger core data
  9. Now save the scenario and proceed.

System Test

  1. armareforger-cah 12 play.jpg
    Make sure that the Play from camera position option is disabled and press the Play button.
  2. Drawing of the area trigger can help visualising its coverage
    Verify that the scenario is working as intended - capture points, respawn, etc.
  3. Uncheck the Draw Shape checkbox
    Press Escape to return to the Edit mode. Select the SCR_CaptureAndHoldArea entity and uncheck Draw Shape.
  4. Once done, save your changes once more and close the World Editor.
It is highly recommended to use BohemiaInteractive-prepared scenarios for inspiration and usage examples of individual features and components available in Arma Reforger and the Capture & Hold mod.

Scenario Header

To launch the scenario in-game a Scenario header (named MissionHeader) config must be created.

  1. Exit the World Editor and return to the Resource Browser.
  2. In the Resource Browser find your mod root directory and create a "Missions" directory inside.
  3. Mission directory and contextual menu
    Right click in your directory and select Create Resource → Config File in the context menu.
  4. Make sure to pick SCR_MissionHeader
    Pick a name for your Mission Header and then select the SCR_MissionHeader class from the list.
  5. Open the newly created Mission Header config.
  6. In the World field, navigate to and select the world file. In our example it is the MyScenario.ent in the mod's root directory.
  7. Example with filled-in data
    Fill in remaining fields as desired then save the file.

In-Game Test

Launching Arma Reforger with this newly created mod enabled should allow you to see the and launch the scenario directly:

  1. Launch Arma Reforger
  2. Scenarios in the main menu
    Navigate to Scenarios
  3. Scenarios list
    Verify that your scenario is working as intended.

Ship It

Now that the scenario can be launched from the game, only a few things remain. Testing the scenario in multiplayer is important, making sure that there are enough spawn points and other gameplay details.

Last, but not least is to publish the mod in the Bohemia Interactive Workshop for other people to see and play!