a hash b

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Selects an element from an Array, same as select command for arrays, but has higher precedence.
# has higher precedence than all binary operators, but it has lower precedence than unary operators (see Example 3).


array # index
array: Array
index: Number
Return Value:


Example 1:
[1, 2, 3, 4] # 2; // result is 3
Example 2:
getPosASL player # 2; // result is Z component of player's position
Example 3:
//'getPosASL' is unary; '#' and '+' are binary; precedence is: 'getPosASL' > '#' > '+' getPosASL player # 2 + 1; // equivalent to (getPosASL player # 2) + 1, not (getPosASL player)#(2+1)

Additional Information

See also:
select selectRandom selectRandomWeighted set resize reverse in find toArray toString forEach count deleteAt deleteRange append sort param params splitString joinString pushBack pushBackUnique apply


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Only post proven facts here! Add Note
KC Grimes - c
Posted on Apr 25, 2018 - 00:51 (UTC)
Although not alternative syntax, the below notations work as expected:
["A", "B", "C"] # 1; // B ["A", "B", "C"] #1; // B ["A", "B", "C"]#1; // B ["A", "B", ["C", "D"]]#2#0; // C
7erra - c
Posted on May 03, 2019 - 15:41 (UTC)
Here is an example of what higher precedence means:
[1, 2, 3, 4] select 2 / 2; // divides 2 with 2, therefore selects the second element at index 1, result = 2 [1, 2, 3, 4] select (2 / 2); // same result with brackets [1, 2, 3, 4] # 2 / 2; // selects third element, then divides by 2 = 1.5 ([1, 2, 3, 4] # 2) / 2; // same result with brackets

This operator can not be used in conjunction with the #define preprocessor.
#define SEL_ERR [0,1,2]#0; // error #define SEL_NOERR [0,1,2] select 0; // works
Fett_li - c
Posted on Apr 02, 2021 - 16:18 (UTC)
Beware new-lines when using this operator. I suspect the preprocessor to fail. The following code will not compile without throwing an error:
[0] # 0;