Animation Editor: Human Variables – Arma Reforger

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Revision as of 15:57, 14 February 2024 by Reyhard (talk | contribs)
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Variable Name Type Min Max Usage Used In
MovementSpeed float 0 3 0 is not moving, 1 is walking, 2 is running, 3 is sprinting
MovementSpeedReal float 0 10 Animation variable which keeps the current speed of the character in meters per second
MovementDirection float -180 180 Movement direction in degrees, 0 is forward, -90 is left, etc
HasLocomotionInput bool Has locomotion input for animators to be able to read if there is any input or if the character should stop - used for inertia
Stance Int 0 2 0 is standing, 1 is crouching, 2 is prone
Look bool True = looking dir is used, false = looking dir is not used
LookX float -180 180 Used for look at
LookY float -90 90 Used for look at
WaterLevel float 0.0 1.0 This causes the character to act as if he is walking in water (only with rifles so far)
TriggerPulled bool If true, the finger on the character's weapon hand will be pulled Weapon
WeaponObstruction bool If true, the weapon will be pointing upwards to avoid the obstacle in front of them
ADSAdjust float 0.0 1.0 If 0.0, the character will be almost crouched down and if 1.0, the character will be standing up normally. Used to adjust for obstacles.
ADS bool This makes the character aim down sights
AimX float -180 180 Used for aiming Weapon
AimY float -90 90 Used for aiming Weapon
LeanForward float 0.0 90 This leans the character forward while in melee combat
TurnAmount float -2.0 2.0 Use with command CMD_Turn. -2 is turning left 180, -1 is turning left 90, 1 is turning right 90, 2 is turning right 180
Lean float -1.0 1.0 This leans the character to the left and right
Low bool
ArmIK int 0 7 Used by character controller
AimIKX float -180 180 Used by character controller
DamageDirection float -180 180 This is used with CMD_Combat_DamageLight and CMD_Combat_DamageHeavy to determine the direction of the hit
AimIKZ float -180 180 Used by character controller
AimTransX float -100 100 Used by character controller
AimTransY float -100 100 Used by character controller
AimTransZ float -100 100 Used by character controller
VehicleType int -1 10 This sets the current vehicle that you're going to enter
VehicleSteering float -1.0 1.0 -1 is steering 100% left, and 1 is turning 100% right Vehicle
VehicleThrottle float 0.0 1.0 This controls how much the throttle foot is pushing down Vehicle
VehicleClutch float 0.0 1.0 This controls how much the clutch foot is pushing down Vehicle
VehicleBrake bool This makes the character brake, which overrides the VehicleClutch variable Vehicle
VehicleAccelerationFB float -1 1 Vehicle acceleration force (front/back)
VehicleAccelerationLR float -1 1 Vehicle acceleration force (left/right)
Recoil float 0 1
LadderMovement int -2 2
Look bool
Firing bool True when weapon is being fired Weapon
SeatPositionType int 0 15 See Vehicle Actions Commands
DebugNewAimTurns bool
AimTurnX float -90 90
Horn bool True when vehicle horn is active Vehicle
LeftHandGadget int 0 9
SightElevation float 0 1 State of sight adjustment (like ironsights) on the weapon.
Bipod bool True when bipod is deployed on weapon Weapon
LastBullet bool Was the last bullet being fired? Can be used for weapons which holds bolt back after last round Weapon
Empty bool True when weapon is empty Weapon
Cocked bool True when weapon (pistol) is cocked Weapon
Focused bool True when gadget (like compass or binoculars) is focused Gadget
State int -1 2 Used for fire mode switch. -1 safe, 0 semi, 1 burst, 2 full auto Weapon
WeaponType int 0 20
BandageSelf bool True when character is supposed to bandage himself (instead of i.e. other character)
FreeLook bool True when freelook is activated
ObstacleHeight float 0 210
ObstructionTEST float 0 2
BodyPart int 1 8 Controls which body part should be bandaged
BankAmount float -1 1
NewTurns bool
IsDriver bool True when character is driver of the vehicle Vehicle
WeaponObstructionFloat float 0 1
FloorAngle float -90 90
UGL bool
ADSTime float 0 2
IdlesOff bool When true, idle animations on given character are disabled
TargetYOffset float -180 180
SpineAccelerationFB float -1 1
SpineAccelerationLR float -1 1 Vehicle
CrankX float 0 1
CrankY float 0 1
WeaponHeight float 50 120
StepSize float 0 1
WeaponDeployed bool True when weapon is deployed Weapon
IsSimulatedIK bool
WeaponInspectionState int -2 2 State of weapon inspection Weapon
ItemInspectionState int 0 1 State of item inspection Gadget
Vehicle_Wobble float 0 1 Character wobble factor in vehicles. Depends on the roughness of terrain vehicle is ridding on Vehicle
GetInNoBlending bool Helicopter
CyclicAside float -1 1 Rotor mast machinery (or rotor) animations based on cyclic controls Helicopter
Collective float -1 1 Helicopter collective source Helicopter
CyclicForward float -1 1 Rotor mast machinery (or rotor) animations based on cyclic controls Helicopter
AntiTorque float -1 1 Helicopter anti torque variable Helicopter
GearFB float 0 0.09 Used in conjunction with Depth Front/Back parameter located in BaseLoadoutClothComponent. Controls Z forward offset of held weapon
GearLR float 0 0.08 Used in conjunction with Depth Left/Right parameter located in BaseLoadoutClothComponent. Controls left X offset of elbows when cloth is equipped
Facial float 0 1 Controls unconscious facial animation
UnconsciousPose int 1 5 Controls which unconscious pose will character end up
VehicleSpeed float 0 100 Vehicle speed in m/s Vehicle
ADSOffsetHorizontal float -10 10
ADSOffsetVertical float -10 10
Stamina float 0 1
IsControlledByPlayer bool True if character is controlled by player. Currently it is used to disable idle animations on player controlled characters