Features of the Description.ext
The Description.ext is a text file which will allow you to define many things in your mission. This is a list of definitions with description of what they do. Each example must be given a new line in the Description.ext.
OnLoadMission et al This displays a message whilst the mission is loading. Note that a mission that takes very little time to load will only display the message for a short time. Care should be taken to see whether your message is readable in that timeframe.
Example: OnLoadMission = "YourMessage" OnLoadIntro = "YourMessage"
OnLoadIntroTime et al This allows you to define whether you will see the time and date displayed whilst the mission loads. Variables are True or False.
Example: OnLoadIntroTime = False; OnLoadMissionTime = False;
Score This feature allows you to set scores for your mission. Score is related to the star display in the debriefing screen.
Example: MinScore = 0; AvgScore = 1800; MaxScore = 7500; ShowGPS = 0