SabreWolves Armed Forces

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SWAF was founded in early 2001 and still is active to this day. Currently SWAF is undergoing some changes to the homepage.

About SWAF

SWAF stands for SabreWolves Armed Forces and is a division within Sabrewolves Virtual Military Command dedicated to playing Operation Flashpoint Resistance made by Bohemia Interactive Studio.

The structure is modelled after the military with a chain of command of different levels of authority and responsibility to ensure efficient administration and command for the benefit of it's members.

Sabrewolves provide it's members a place to play their games online, those supported by the divisions, both within the division and against other Squads/clans online in leagues, tournaments and wars. Sabrewolves also provide training programs to improve the skills of it's members from entry initial/recruit training to highly advanced NCO and officer training.

SWAF has members from all over the world.

Public SWAF server


SWAF Theme Nights

SWAF has special theme nights:

Combined Arms Night (CAN): Which is a large combined coop, usuall consist out of infantry squads, tank crew, pilots and rangers, against the AI in a virtual war. A bit in the style of the CWC campaign. The damage you take is caried on in the next mission. If you for example get lost in a mission, your MIA in the next which makes CAN fun to play.

Tactical Engagement Night (TEN): This is a Player VS Players Night, you can see it as an A&D mode with all sort of objectives from destroying convoy and buildings. One team needs to defend and the other attack.

Requirements to join

Requirenments to Join

  • You must own a copy of Operation Flashpoint and the Addon: Resistance
  • You must have internet access and be able to play Operation Flashpoint online.
  • You must have a valid working email address.
  • You must have and use ICQ. (It is recommened that you have and use a seperate ICQ UIN for SWAF online play.)
  • You must complete Boot Camp within 2 weeks.
  • After you submit this form add PVT (Private) to the begining of your nickname.
  • The Download page is where all the missions and patches that are needed to play oline with SWAF


SWAF Homepage

Enlist now!

SWAF Forums