ArmA: Armed Assault: New Scripting Commands – Category talk

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Why was this page created

Wikipedia doesn't allow to write some items in Category in bold, so Str's idea ("Can be new ArmA/Game2 commands written in bold?") can be realise only this way. --Djura 10:22, 22 July 200

Some ArmA commands are availible in OFP

I tkink that in some command descriptions are not correct versions. Following commads are described as new, but are also availible in OFP:

buttonAction control
buttonSetAction control
createUnit group
createVehicle array
ctrlEnable control
ctrlEnabled control
ctrlShow control
lbAdd text
lbClear control
lbColor index
lbCurSel control
lbData index
lbDelete index
lbPicture index
lbSetColor control
lbSetCurSel index
lbSetData index
lbSetValue index
lbSize control
lbText index
lbValue index

--Str 13:01, 30 July 2006 (CEST)

They're new. Controls did not exist in OFP. --raedor 14:03, 30 July 2006 (CEST)

Oops, I've overlooked that it's _control. But the other ones, like CreateVehicle or lbxxx are working (actually, I've used most ot hem in my missions).

--Str 15:20, 30 July 2006 (CEST)

But this commands have new parameters. CreateVehicle can have other parameters in ArmA as in OFP --T_D 15:24, 30 July 2006 (CEST)
Exactly. Eg lbSetData array does exist in OFP, but _control lbsetData index did not. --raedor 16:35, 30 July 2006 (CEST)

I'm not sure why this list was built this way, it seems to have been a lot of work that was not needed.

All that was needed was a link to this Category in each 'new' command for the list.

As it is now if someone gets to this category and clicks a link to view a new command, the only quick way back to this category is via the back button, there is no link to this category on the relevant commands.

Planck 03:33, 1 August 2006 (CEST)

That makes a lot of sense, Planck. And is probably easier to maintain in the long term. I just made this list a category so it would properly show up in the ArmA scripting page as a sub-category. Perhaps now, that it is a category in itself, it would be a good time to make it a list of pointers.--Kronzky 04:25, 1 August 2006 (CEST)