Time Trials – Arma 3
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This guide will describe how to design and implement a custom Time Trial Challenge as available in the vanilla game.
See also:
- Arma 3 Firing Drills (very similar setup and approach)
- Time Trial (TT) - a simple vehicle race against the clock
- Competitor - the actor running the trial
- Marshal - the actor observing the trial and providing feedback / guidance
- Checkpoint (CP) - a navigation point within a course which a competitor must follow in a fixed sequence (1 consecutive CP may be skipped for a time penalty)
- The first CP is the start.
- The last CP is the finish.
- Time - the time from the start it takes to complete a trial (raw)
- Time penalties are added to arrive at the final time.
- The fastest / lowest time is the best and wins.
- There are bronze, silver and gold medal times to beat.
- There may be one special time to beat (must be faster than gold).
- Open Eden Editor with the terrain of your choice loaded.
- Insert a player character named
// Fixed system name - Now is a good time to save your scenario a first time. Use a name that is safe to reference as config class, so no spaces - f.e.
// Referenced later - TODO: insert vehicle
- Insert a NPC Marshal character of type TODO named
// Fixed system name / place in a separate group - Insert a Time Trial module
- It's not exposed in Eden Editor, so place any other module. We may change this after this documentation is completed.
- Save the scenario (be sure binarization is disabled via the checkbox or preferences).
- Close Eden Editor to avoid auto-saves.
- Open the scenario SQM file in a text editor.
- Replace the module's class by ModuleTimeTrial_F.
- Save the SQM.
- Re-open the scenario in Eden Editor.
- Insert an ellipse trigger with default properties named f.e.
// Referenced later- Re-size the trigger to encompass your entire trial and a little extra buffer area (you'll likely re-size it later as you progress).
- For each CP (including start and finish), insert a trigger with default properties named f.e.
// Referenced later- Re-size the trigger to meet your CP activation expectations.
- Set up trial properties via description.ext (see below).
- Configure your drill via CfgTimeTrials and CfgMissions (see below).
Common Additions
#include "\A3\Missions_F_Kart\Challenges\description.hpp" // This will set up various system default settings, such as custom debriefings
onLoadName = "TT: My First Trial"; // Name of your trial (normally the same as defined in CfgMissions)
onLoadMission = "Can you beat my splendid trial?!"; // Overview text of your trial (normally the same as defined in CfgMissions)
loadScreen = "myfirsttimetrial_overview_CO.paa"; // Overview picture of your trial (normally the same as defined in CfgMissions)
briefingName = "TT: My First Trial"; // Same name as above
overviewPicture = "myfirsttimetrial_overview_CO.paa"; // Same picture as above
overviewText = "Can you beat my splendid trial?!"; // Same text as above
//author = "Marshal Henk"; // You! < this cannot work in the current version due to duplicate definition; fix coming in 2.02
doneKeys[] = {"MyFirstTimeTrial_done"}; // Registers having completed (achieved gold or special) your trial
class CfgTimeTrials
class MyFirstTimeTrial // This class name must correspond to the missionName(Source) (also CfgMissions class)
displayName = "TT: My First Trial"; // Vanilla trials use a format like this, but it's not enforced
// This color is used in many places
// It can be any color, but for best results pick a fully supported color (see section below)
color[] = {__EVAL(240/255), __EVAL(130/255), __EVAL(49/255), 1};
colorName = "orange"; // This version of the color is more restrictive and can only use specific supported colors (see section below)
objectTT = "BIS_TT"; // The trial area trigger referenced in the setup guide
looped = 1; // Whether the trial will loop when crossing the finish CP (undefined uses 0 - point-to-point race)
noDefaultGPS = 1; // Disables showing of the mini-map GPS (undefined uses 0 - showing)
//statistic = ""; // Steam stats are not supported for user-generated trials (used for Achievements)
//leaderboard = ""; // Steam Leaderboards are not supported for user-generated trials
onReset = "reset.sqf"; // This script is executed each time the trial resets (restarts)
// List any number of objects that you want to be re-colored to the trial color above (f.e. road cones, small flags, etc.)
recolor[] =
// Set up objects that should have special decal textures applied (this was more useful before Eden Editor - see vanilla decals below)
// This is not used a lot in vanilla trials
decals[] =
{ "BIS_TT_decal1", "A3\Missions_F_Beta\data\img\decals\decal_watch_out2_ca", 5 } // Object reference, texture path, hidden selection index
// Object references to the 2 special targets for drill mechanics, as defined in the setup guide
restartSelectors[] = {"BIS_TT_restartSelector1"};
quitSelectors[] = {"BIS_TT_quitSelector1"};
timesMedals[] = { 60, 45, 30 }; // Bronze, silver, gold medal times (be sure to follow this order or results may glitch)
timeSpecial = 15; // Optional special time that is faster than gold (when defining this, you do need to also provide the data below)
nameSpecial = "Nemesis"; // Optional special time label for the HUD
colorSpecial = "#ffa500"; // Optional special time color for the HUD
iconSpecial = "\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Ranks\colonel_gs"; // Optional special time icon for the HUD
// Legacy class used before Eden Editor to load precise object compositions (should not be needed anymore)
// class DynOs
// {
// script = "dyno_myfirsttimetrial.sqf"; // Valid DynO mapper output script
// positionAnchor[] = {500, 500}; // DynO mapper anchor position in the world
// };
// All of the trials's CPs
class CheckPoints
class CP1 // Start
object = "BIS_TT_CP1"; // The CP trigger referenced in the setup guide
class CP2 // CP #1
object = "BIS_TT_CP2";
class CP3 // CP #2
object = "BIS_TT_CP3";
class CP4 // Finish
object = "BIS_TT_CP4";
Run-Time Tools
Please see the Firing Drills documentation for this information.
Please see the Firing Drills documentation for this information.
- Balancing a trial can be quite hard, since there is a broad range of skills in the playerbase.
- You should set appropriate medal times.
- It's recommended to start harder / more difficult, rather than too easy. It's better to nerf later than to go the other way (since you cannot easily undo recorded times).
- Start by simply playtesting the trial a lot and determining your own best medal times (or invite other playtesters and record their runs / times - video recordings can also be helpful for spotting issues).
- Real balancing typically starts towards the end of development, because even slight changes can affect times a lot, let alone adding / removing CPs.
- Vanilla trials apply the following abstract goals per medal:
- Bronze: achievable by doing a clean race (perhaps 1 small collision) but not taking many risks. For a typical user it should take 1-3 attempts.
- Silver: achievable by doing a clean race and taking some risks (using maximum acceleration and cutting some corners). Might take 2-5 attempts for example.
- Gold: meant to be hard. This needs to be a perfectly clean race, at full speed and taking risks. It may take more than 5 attempts.
- Special: designed to be extremely hard. Some may never beat this.