Procedural Textures
Procedural textures are textures generated by the engine on the basis of their text description.
They can be used anywhere instead of normal textures.
Text description of procedural texture is set in standard place of texture path and filename.
To identify that a procedural texture is used, the character "#" is set at the beginning of the string.
Usually the string consists of procedural texture type name and arguments on both sides enclosed in brackets, in format #(leftArgs)TypeName(rightArgs).
Textures may be generated procedurally and they take nearly no space on HDD but they still use space in video memory. Yet, if two materials use the exact same procedural texture string, the texture already existing in video memory is used and not duplicated - thus it may be important to try and avoid creating unnecessary similar textures.
Procedural Texture Types
Note that all texture types have in common the left-hand parameters list:
- format - texture color format (can be rgb, argb, ai, a, i)
- width - number of pixels in X, in power of two (e.g 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 etc)
- height - number of pixels in Y, in power of two (e.g 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 etc)
- mipmapsAmount - number of mipmaps to generate
- r, g, b, a - texture channels (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha)
- textureType - texture type which match texture name ending without "_" (optional)
#(rgb,8,8,3)color(1,0,0,1) #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1) // empty 1×1 detail map #(rgb,1,1,1)color(0.5,0.5,1,1) // empty 1×1 normal map #(rgb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,dt) #(rgb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,1,1,no)
Render To Texture
- surface - The name that will later be used as reference in the camera script
- aspect - Aspect ratio of the image
#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(rtt,1.0) #(argb,512,512,1)r2t(rendersurface,1.333)
Perlin Noise
- xScale - horizontal noise scale (typically a multiple of 256)
- yScale - horizontal noise scale (typically a multiple of 256)
- min - minimum value
- max - minimum value
- specularPower - specular strength
It is a values table that is used with per-pixel lighting. Modern shaders are not using this type of texture anymore.
- N - refractive index
- K - absorption coefficient
Fresnel Glass
Water Irradiance
- specularPower - specular strength
This texture main value is solely with special pixel shaders for water.
Tree Crown
for ambient lighting.
- density - defines how much light passes thought tree-top via the longest line segment
This texture is used only for diffuse lighting actually it just counts exponential function (v PS2 can be done easily w/o texture).
Parameter defines how much surrounding light passes into the defined point. It uses an exponential function of distance from circle boundary.
#(ai,32,32,1)treeCrown(0.2) #(ai,32,32,1)treeCrownAmb(0.5)
Create a white dot on a transparent background.
- min - minimum value
- max - minimum value
The format has to be ai.
Creates a text texture.
- valign - from 0(top), 1(center), 2(bottom)
- halign - from 0(left), 1(center), 2(right)
- fontName - Available fonts
- fontSize - Number
- backgroundColor - in format #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA
- textColor - in format #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA
- text - the text to display
UI On Texture
Generates an UI Display and renders the result into a texture.
- displayClassName - From Description.ext (Mission Config File) or config.cpp (Mod Config). Case sensitive.
- uniqueName - A string to declare the display's unique name. Naming is the same as classnames (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _)
- texType - (Optional) default "ca"? See Texture Map Types
#(rgb,1024,1024,1)ui("RscDisplayRenderTest","abc") #(rgb,1024,1024,1)ui(RscDisplayMain,abc)
Related commands: displayUpdate, displayUniqueName
UI On Texture Advanced
Same as #UI_On_Texture but has a different way of providing arguments and supports more advanced arguments. String values can be quoted in " or '. If no whitespace is in the string, quotes are not required.
#(rgb,Width,Height,MipCount)uiEx(argumentName:argumentValue, otherArgumentName:otherArgumentValue, ...)
Current supported arguments
- display String - The displays class name. From Description.ext (Mission Config File) or config.cpp (Mod Config). Case sensitive. This entry is required.
- uniqueName String - A string to declare the display's unique name. Naming is the same as classnames (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _) This entry is required.
- texType String - (Optional, default "ca"?) See Texture Map Types
- viewportX Scalar - Horizontal offset for rendering viewport. Can be used to only render specific section of the Display. Default 0
- viewportY Scalar - Vertical offset. Default 0
- viewportW Scalar - Width Multiplier in percent. Default 1
- viewportH Scalar - Height multiplier Default 1
- bgColor String - of format #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA. Default transparent #00000000
#(rgb,2048,4096,1)uiEx(display:"RscDisplayFieldManual", uniqueName:"testName") #(rgb,2048,4096,1)uiEx(display:RscDisplayFieldManual, uniqueName:testName, viewportX:-0.5, viewportW:2, bgColor:#ff000000)