Floaters Finder Plugin – Arma Reforger

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Floaters Finder

World Editor plugin

Ctrl + Alt + ↡ PgDown

File: SCR_SnapAndOrientToTerrainPlugin.c

Floaters Finder is a plugin that detects possibly misplaced entities:



  • Active Layer Only: only search in the currently active layer
  • Search For Entities Below Terrain: check for entities entirely below terrain by bounding box vertices' altitude
  • Search For Vegetation: look for misplaced vegetation (trees and bushes) floating above or below normal level


  • Use Prefab Angles: use the Prefab's random angles as acceptable margin, otherwise use Max Tree Angle below
  • Max Tree Angle: maximum allowed angle within which a tree is not considered "fallen"

Vertical Offset

  • Check Above Entities Surface: check entity's altitude from entities below it (twice slower)
  • Use Prefab Vertical Offset: use the Prefab's vertical offset range, otherwise use Min/Max Vertical Offset below
  • Min Vertical Offset: minimum (included) vertical offset
  • Max Vertical Offset: maximum (included) vertical offset
  • Check Below Water: check for items being below water level (water = ocean only for now); the entity is selected if under water, no matter the offset


  • Camera Search Radius: search radius around the camera in metres - 0 = all entities
  • Show Search Radius Sphere: show a sphere indicating the search radius
  • Max Selected Entities: maximum number of selected entities in World Editor
  • Trace Vegetation Precisely: trace only checks for the vegetation bounding box's full height, allowing it to be under a bridge but maybe missing a small tree being in a big rock (need Search/Search For Vegetation)
  • Trace Origin Distance: trace origin's distance in metres from above the entity to determine if it is below another entity AND Trace Vegetation Precisely above is unchecked


  • Output Findings To File: write a file with links to all findings
  • Use Web Prefix: prefix file links with the https prefix

See Also