Server configuration – ArmA: Armed Assault

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Setting up a server is not easy and is not that obvious to do.

Basically, the server configuration consists of four elements:

Example Setups


Let's assume that ArmA is installed to "D:\Arma" and the Start in: property of the Windows shortcut is set to: "D:\Arma".

  • Command line / link target:
D:\ArmA\arma_server.exe -cfg=basic.cfg -config=server.cfg -profile=D:\ArmA\Users\server -name=server -mod=@mod1;@mod2

Note: The parameter


is correct when running the dedicated server, arma_server.exe

Using -profiles= will fail to set the dedicated server options. Can someone clarify the use of -profiles (non-dedicated server?)

The parameter requires the explicit path to the directory containing the "server.armaprofile" file and the default location for this is "Drive:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\ArmA Other Profiles". You may find the required command is longer than that permissible in the Windows Shortcut Target: option. If so, simply create a batch command file to start ArmA_Server and point the Shortcut to it:-

Shortcut properties (following the convention above where ArmA is installed to "D:\Arma", but this time the server profile is in the default "D:\Documents and Settings\%UserName%\My Documents\Arma" location): Target: D:\Batch\ArmA_Server.cmd Start in: "D:\ArmA"

Note the batch file name can be anything you wish, "ArmA_Server.cmd" is used in this example (the .cmd extension should be maintained). Batch file: ArmA_Server.cmd


D:\ArmA\arma_server.exe -cfg=basic.cfg -config=server.cfg -profile="D:\Documents and Settings\%UserName%\My Documents\ArmA" -mod=@mod1;@mod2

Tip: If you are running a public server, it is probably a good idea to enable logging using the parameter:


This will record to a net.log file in the ArmA program directory, IP Address, Player name, mod's they are loading, net traffic and the Player ID - very useful for dealing with troublemakers.

Be aware, the logs can grow large as they are not rotated, I would suggest doing this manually when the server is shutdown, or you could automate this in your startup batch file as follows:

@if exist net.log goto rotatelog else end

set str=%date%
set tme=%time%
rem echo."%str%" "%tme%"
for /f "tokens=1,2,3* delims=." %%i in ("%str%") do set str=%%k%%j%%i
for /f "tokens=1,2,3* delims=:." %%i in ("%tme%") do set tme=%%i%%j%%k
rem echo."%str%" "%tme%"
move net.log .\NetLogs\%str%_%tme%_net.log
set str=
set tme=

"D:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\arma_server.exe" -cfg=server_basic.cfg -config=server.cfg -mod=beta;DBE1;@mod1;@mod2 -profile="%HomeDrive%%HomePath%\My Documents\ArmA Other Profiles\public_server" -netlog -ranking=public_ranking.txt -maxmem=1024

A directory named .\ArmA\NetLogs is required. Change the delims specified for %str% to match your regional date settings, the example above uses the "." as the date separator.

--Protegimus 01:50, 29 December 2007 (CET)


Let's assume that ArmA is installed to "/usr/home/arma-server".

  • Command line / link target:
/usr/home/arma-server/server -cfg=basic.cfg -config=server.cfg -name=server -mod=@mod1\;@mod2\;@mod3

NOTE: this line is only for debugging. When you want to run the server permanently, edit and use the provided script "armaserver" that comes with the linux server files.

NOTE 2: the ';' denotes a line-end in Linux. So you have to put a backslash '\' in front of it to use multiple mods. Same if you use spaces in your directories: write 'my\ files'


Example Setups at sir_hC

See Also


Server Basic Config file

Server Config File

Server Difficulty Settings File

Multiplayer Server Commands

ArmA Community Tools

See also: ArmA:_Version_History