P3D File Format - ODOLV7
see Generic FileFormat Data Types
ODOL7 uses (potentially) compressed arrays.
This obviously slows the engine down during loading. At the time of CWC development, game file sizes were important.
(potentially) compressed arrays are contained in a CompressedStruct
CompressedStructs are endemic to most blocks contained in the p3d.
CompressedStruct { ulong Count; <type> Array[Count]; };
if Count * sizeof(<type>) exceeds 1023 bytes the array is compressed. The resulting array will be expanded using lzh compression exactly as found in pbo's (for instance)
After de-compression, the Count remains the same because it is a count of the arraytype.
For uncompressed arrays (byte count < 1024) the Count and data are treated 'as is'.
Thus for various Array <types>
*ulong Array: > 255 // 1024 / sizeof(ulong) *float thing[2]: > 127 // 1024 / 2*sizeof(float) *SomeStructure: > // count * sizeof (SomeStructure) > 1023
Note that potentially compressed arrays in these structures only have an known output length.
the decompressor therefore must work on infinite input length.
see example decompression at end of document
ODOLV7 { StandardP3DHeader Header; LodStruct Lods[Header.LodCount]; struct ModelInfo; //see P3D Model Info };
StandardP3DHeader { char Signature[4]; //"ODOL" ulong Version; // 7 ulong LodCount; // at least one }
LodStruct { VertexTable VertexTable; UVPair UnknownUV; // just a guess XYZTriplet MinPos; XYZTriplet MaxPos; XYZTriplet AutoCenterPos; float UnknownFloat; Textures Textures; VertexIndices VertexIndices; ulong NoOfFaces; ulong OffsetToLodSections; LodFace LodFaces[NoOfFaces]; // ie polygons see P3D Lod Faces ulong nSections; LODSection LODSections[nSections]; // see P3D Lod Sections ulong nNamedSelections; NamedSelection NamedSelections[nNamedSelections]; // see P3D Named Selections ulong nTokens; NamedProperty NamedProperties[nTokens]; ulong nFrames; Frame Frames[nFrames]; // see P3D Lod Frames ulong IconColor; ulong SelectedColor; ulong Unknown; ulong nProxies; LodProxy LodProxies[nProxies]; // see [[[P3D Lod Proxies]] };
struct { ulong Count; ulong PointFlags[Count]; // compressed. see P3D Point Flags ulong Count; UVPair UV1[Count]; // compressed ulong Count; XYZTriplet Points[Count]; // UNcompressed ulong Count; XYZTriplet Normals[Count]; // UNcompressed }
- Count is the same value for all four tables.
struct { float U,V; }
struct { ulong Count; asciiz Textures[...]; // "data/1.paa\0data/2.paa\0"... }
Count corresponds to the number of concatenated strings. It is required, since, architecturally at least, one of more of the asciiz strings could be null.
struct { ulong Count; ushort MlodIndex[Count]; //Compressed ulong nVerticesStructs; //same value as any of the VerticesStruct.Counts ushort VerticesStructNum[nVerticesStructs];//Compressed }
For each of the VerticesStructs (0..Count-1) there is a lookup into the MlodIndex
MLODvertexindex = MlodIndex[ VerticesStructNum[Count] ];
Tables are used to join vertices. Each face has got 3 or 4 vertices that are unique for each face Eg. Every vertex is owned only by 1 face.
struct { Asciiz Property;// "noshadow" = "1" eg Asciiz Value; }