Startup Parameters – ArmA: Armed Assault

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Revision as of 07:22, 2 June 2009 by WGL.Q (talk | contribs) (Added info about loading a mission directly in the editor via startup params.)
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These parameters can be configured by creating a new shortcut on your desktop and then adding the appropriate option.


"C:\...\some path\ArmedAssault.exe" -nosplash -mod=@winter

Available parameters

Display Options

-x=            Numeric, used to set resolution width
-y=            Numeric, used to set resolution height
-window        Displays ArmA windowed instead of full screen
               (can be used in conjunction with -x/-y: -window -x=800 -y=600)
-nosplash      Disables intro and splash screens
-benchmark     Intended for automated benchmarking, but was never
               finished and is not working.


-maxmem=               Limit memory allocation (in MB)
-init=                 Run scripting command once in the main menu (useful to start a certain 
                       (test) mission of choice automatically. Add to command line: 
                       -init=playMission["","M04Saboteur.Sara"] (see also playMission)
                       (Mission has to reside in the gamedir\Missions folder, NOT the user directory.)
-world=                Select a world loaded by default, e.g. -world=Sara
                       -world=empty (for faster game loading.. no island and no menu animation loaded (1.05))
-world can also be used to load a mission directly in the editor:
-world=intro "d:\games\arma\users\myUser\missions\myMission.intro\mission.sqm"
-noland                Starts ArmA with no world. (Used for Bulldozer)
-buldozer              Start ArmA in Buldozer mode.
-generateshaders       Use unknown. (Possibly for use with Buldozer)
-download              Use unknown. (Possibly set auto download of missing Mod pbo's from
-disableProgramDrawing Use unknown. (Possibly for use with Buldozer)
-useProgramDrawing     Use unknown. (Possibly for use with Buldozer)
-gamertag=             Use unknown.
-dsound                Use DirectX sound.
-openal                Use OpenAl sound.
-nosound               No sound output.
-vm108                 (1.09)Mimic the 1.08 version virtual address space handling
                       (Uses more virtual space, but can be handy if you know 1.08 was stable
                       for you, and 1.09 for some reason is not)
-noPause               (1.09)Allow the game running even when its window does not have a focus.
-noFilePatching        Ensures that only PBOs are loaded - and NO unpacked data. For more info see CMA:DevelopmentSetup.


-mod=        Allows the use of sub-folders for different mods, separated by semi-colons.
             Under Linux multiple folders arguments need the following separation syntax: -mod=mod1\;mod2\;mod3
-cfg=        Selects a config file like the Server Basic Config file. Prcessed at startup.
-config=     Selects a config file like the Server Config File. Processed after startup.
             Config file for server specific settings like admin password and mission selection.
-profiles=   Location of user-profile folder.
-BEpath=     Set BattlEye path (see [1]) Default is C:\Documents and Settings\[User Name]\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA\BattlEye

Network Options

-port=         Port to host dedicated server on.
-password=     Password to join dedicated server.
-ranking=      Used to generate a ranking file. -ranking=<filename>
-host          Start a non-dedicated host.
-server        Start a dedicated server (not needed for a special dedicated server exe).
-pid=          File to write the server's PID (process ID) to. The file is removed automatically when the exe is
               stopped. Only works when started as a dedicated server.
-connect=      Client-side, server to connect to.
-name=         Client-side, User name.
-netlog        Enables ArmA multiplayer network traffic logging

Closer Description


The option -config allows you to specify a specific server.cfg file.


-profiles is a startup option allowing you to choose an alternate location for the user profile files, such as downloaded missions and .cfg files.

The windows user account would need permissions to write to the folder of choice.

An example might be like this:

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\ArmA.exe" -profiles=C:\ArmA\Profiles


"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\ArmA.exe" -profiles=Profiles

would store all your profiles/configs/downloaded content into your ROOT ArmA folder under the folder name "Profiles"


-ranking is a startup option allowing you to output ranking info or othewise know as player stats.

The windows user account would need permissions to write to the folder of choice.

An example might be like this:

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\ArmA.exe" -ranking=C:\ArmA\ranking.log


-nosplash is a startup option that allows you to bypass the splash screens on startup of Operation Flashpoint and Armed Assault.

Note: Real speed-up gained with this is likely to be negligible with Armed Assault, as the loading screens are handled in parallel with the game data being loaded, and the loading itself takes quite long thanks to the amount of data needed.