Moves – Arma 2

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|CivilSitting1..3||-||Sitting with hands behind back, idle animations
|CivilSitting1..3||-||Sitting with hands behind back, idle animations
|animviewcontrol||-||Standing with rifle lowered, turns to left, places weapon on ground, leans down and places hands on desk/table
|C5efe_alex||-||Leaning/slouched against desk/rail in front
|c5efe_AlexDeath||-||Leaning/slouched against desk/rail in front... then dying
|c5efe_AlexLoopInGame||-||Leaning/slouched against desk/rail in front
|c7a_bravo_ErcTOdovadeni1..7||-||Transition from arms at side to one of the below
|c7a_bravo_dovadeni1||-||Clapping with both hands above head
|c7a_bravo_dovadeni1TOerc||-||Returning hands to sides from above
|c7a_bravo_dovadeni2||-||Pumping right fist above head
|c7a_bravo_dovadeni2TOerc||-||Returning hands to sides from above
|c7a_bravo_dovadeni3||-||Pumping left fist above head
|c7a_bravo_dovadeni3TOerc||-||Returning hands to sides from above
|c7a_bravo_dovadeni4||-||Pumping both fists out in front
|c7a_bravo_dovadeni4TOerc||-||Returning hands to sides from above
|c7a_bravo_dovadeni5||-||Pumping left fist out in front
|c7a_bravo_dovadeni5TOerc||-||Returning hands to sides from above
|c7a_bravoErcTOknl||-||Going to kneel from hands to sides
|c7a_bravoKnl_idle||-||Just stands back up from the kneel
|c7a_bravoKnl_idle1..3||-||Clapping etc. while kneeling
|c7a_bravoTleskani_idle1..5||-||Clapping while standing
|c7a_bravoTleskaniTOerc||-||Transition from above moves
|c7a_bravoTOerc_idle1..28||-||Various standing applause type animations (short)
|C7A_longWalk||-||A straight walk of about 50m, repositions character
|C7A_man1s..4s||-||A straight walk of about 50m, salutes at end

Revision as of 11:14, 30 December 2009


unit switchMove move (Table code: "Usage:s")
unit playMove move (Table code: "Usage:p")
  • unit = Object: unit that perform this move
  • move = String: name of move to be performed
  • this switchmove "NameOfAnimation"

List of Moves for ArmA2


Name Usage Description
AcinPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon - Standing still while dragging another unit
AcinPknlMwlkSrasWrflbd - Walking backwards while dragging another unit


Name Usage Description
ActsPsitMstpSnonWunaDnon_sceneNikitinDisloyalty_Sykes - Tied up sitting against wall (Sykes)
ActsPsitMstpSnonWunaDnon_sceneNikitinDisloyalty_Ohara - Tied up sitting against wall (O'Hara)
ActsPsitMstpSnonWunaDnon_sceneNikitinDisloyalty_Cooper - Tied up sitting against wall (Cooper)
ActsPsitMstpSnonWunaDnon_sceneNikitinDisloyalty_Rodriguez - Tied up sitting against wall (Rodriguez)
ActsPercMstpSnonWunaDnon_sceneNikitinDisloyalty_Miles - (delayed beginning) Standing with hands bound, then moving
ActsPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_sceneNikitinDisloyalty_Homeless - Pacing with rifle in on hand, walking in the air, then falling dead
ActsPercMstpSnonWunaDnon_sceneNikitinDisloyalty_Nikitin - Rifle resting on top of shoulder, hand over the stock, then giving a talk, and orders
ActsPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_sceneNikitinDisloyalty_Kostey - Holding rifle, checking over shoulder at prisoners, then talking to them, then being shot
ActsPercMstpSnonWunaDnon_sceneNikitinDisloyalty_Lopotev1 - Standing and talking, then moving to ActsPercMstpSlowWpstDnon_sceneNikitinDisloyalty_Lopotev2
ActsPercMstpSlowWpstDnon_sceneNikitinDisloyalty_Lopotev2 - Executing a prisoners, giving orders, then walking off
ActsPercMstpSnonWunaDnon_sceneNikitinDisloyalty_Bardak - Talking with hands together, then moving away
ActsPercMstpSgthWmagDnon_sceneNikitinDisloyalty_USflashbang1 - (delayed beginning) Disoriented by a flashbang
ActsPercMstpSgthWmagDnon_sceneNikitinDisloyalty_USflashbang2 - (delayed beginning) Disoriented by a flashbang
ActsPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_sceneNikitinDisloyalty_Adamson - (delayed beginning) Entering a building and clearing it
ActsPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_sceneNikitinDisloyalty_Simms - - ' '
ActsPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_sceneNikitinDisloyalty_Steve - - ' '
ActsPercMstpSnonWpstDnon_sceneBardak01 - Standing with arms by sides, then raising hands above head in surrender, crouching, then moving to ActsPercMstpSnonWpstDnon_sceneBardak02
ActsPercMstpSnonWpstDnon_sceneBardak02 - Crouched, falling backwards after being hit, writhing in pain
ActsPercMstpSnonWpstDnon_sceneBardakPistol01 - Scene with pistol drawn, talking, moves to ... 02
ActsPercMstpSnonWpstDnon_sceneBardakPistol02 - Executing prisoners, talking on radio
ActsPercMstpSnonWpstDnon_sceneBardakRifle01 - Scene with rifle drawn, talking, moves to ... 02
ActsPercMstpSnonWpstDnon_sceneBardakRifle02 - Executing prisoners, talking on radio


Name Usage Description
acrgpknlmstpsnonwnondnon_amovpercmstpsraswrfldnon_getouthigh - Disembark from drivers position of APC


Name Usage Description
AdthPercMstpSlowWrf_beating - Standing with weapon lowered, falls back dead
AdthPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_NikitinDead - Standing with rifle raised, falls back dead


Name Usage Description
aidlpercmstpsraswrfldnon_idlesteady01n - Standing idle, weapon lowered at waist
aidlpercmstpsraswrfldnon_idlesteady02n -
aidlpercmstpsraswrfldnon_idlesteady03n -
aidlpercmstpsraswrfldnon_idlesteady04n -
aidlpknlmstpslowwrfldnon_idlesteady02 - Kneeling idle, weapon lowered
aidlpknlmstpslowwrfldnon_idlesteady03 -
aidlpknlmstpslowwrfldnon_idlesteady04 -
aidlppnemstpsraswrfldnon0s - Lying on the ground, sighting along weapon
AidlPercSnonWnonDnon_talk1 - Speaking (no weapons)


Name Usage Description
ainjpfalmstpsnonwrfldnon_carried_down - Injured unit being returned to ground after being carried on shoulder
ainjpfalmstpsnonwrfldnon_carried_up - Injured unit being picked up and put on shoulder
ainjpfalmstpsnonwrfldnon_carried_still - Injured unit lying still while being carried on shoulder
ainjppnemstpsnonwrfldb_grab - Injured unit being grabbed as part of drag animation
ainjppnemstpsnonwrfldb_release - Injured unit placed back on ground after being dragged
ainjppnemstpsnonwrfldb_still - Injured unit lying still while being dragged
ainjppnemstpsnonwrfldnon - Roll around on back injured twitching and gasping
ainjppnemstpsnonwrfldnon_rolltoback - Roll onto back injured
ainjppnemstpsnonwrfldnon_rolltofront - Roll onto front injured


Name Usage Description
amovpercmevasraswrfldf - Sprinting
amovpercmrunsraswrfldf - Running
amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_acrgpknlmstpsnonwnondnon_getinhigh - Mount APC as driver
amovpercmstpslowwrfldnon_acinpknlmwlkslowwrfldb_1 - Transition to dragging another unit
amovpercmstpslowwrfldnon_amovpsitmstpsraswrfldnon - Transition from standing to sitting
amovpercmstpsraswrfldnon_amovpknlmstpslowwrfldnon - Transition from standing to kneeling - gun lowered
amovpknlmstpslowwrfldnon_amovpercmstpsraswrfldnon - Transition from kneeling to standing - gun lowered
amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon_amovppnemstpsraswrfldnon - Transition from lying to kneeling
amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon_turnl - Turn left while kneeling
amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon_turnr - Turn right while kneeling
amovppnemstpsraswrfldnon_amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon - Transition from kneeling to lying
amovpsitmstpsraswrfldnon_amovpercmstpslowwrfldnon - Transition from sitting to standing
amovpsitmstpsraswrfldnon_smoking - Sitting smoking
amovpsitmstpsraswrfldnon_weaponcheck1 - Sitting checking weapon
amovpercmstpsraswrfldnon_gear - Getting gear from standing
amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon_gear - Getting gear from kneeling


Name Usage Description
aav_driver - Driver APC
aav_cargo01 - Ride on top of APC
aav_gunner - APC gunner
aav_gunner_out - APC gunner turned out
stryker_cargo01 - Cargo APC
AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_idle72lehSedy - Situps
AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_idle71kliky - Pushups + getting tierd
AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_idle56kliky - Full workout
AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_idle69drepy - Squat ,jump ,stretch,kick only
sitUnarm_L_idleLoop_inUH1Y - Sitting like the officer in manhatan FOB (thats where i got the last 5)
AmovPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_Salute - salute
ActsPercSnonWnonDnon_carFixing2 - fixing animation (downwards)
RepairingKneel - fixing animation (forwards)
otockaErcRflLow_180leva - 180 degree turn with rifle lowered
LHD_hiDeck - Patrolling on raised surface, looking over rails
LHD_krajPaluby - Walking back and forth, looking into distance while shielding eyes from sun, looking down over railing
LHD_midDeck - Walking back and forth, mostly looking at something below and to his right
UnaErcPoslechVelitele1 - hands behind back (no weapons)
i0_player - Combat animation sequence.
i0_s2 - Combat animation sequence.
i0_s3 - Combat animation sequence.
i0_seargent - Giving orders, runs to position, fighting, gets shot and falls over dead.
i0_seargentDeath - Lying on ground, dead.
CtsDoktor_Doktor_death - Sitting on chair, hands tied behind back, die
CtsDoktor_Doktor_idleni1 - Sitting on chair, hands tied behind back, idle anims
CtsDoktor_Doktor_idleni2 .. 6 - Sitting on chair, hands tied, then standing with hands freed (also ...idleni0)
CtsDoktor_Doktor_uder1 .. 3 - As above
CtsDoktor_Doktor_uder4 .. 5 - Sitting on chair, hands tied, being hit in face
CtsDoktor_Vojak_hulakani1 .. 2 - Standing with weapon lowered
CtsDoktor_Vojak_uder1 .. 3 - Hitting sitting victim with rifle
CtsDoktor_Vojak_unaerc2vyslechStand - Standing with weapon lowered, some forward/back movement
CtsDoktor_Vojak_vyslechStand2unaerc - Standing with weapon lowered, some forward/back movement
CtsDoktor_Vojak_vyslechStand2unaerc_reverse - Standing with weapon lowered, some forward/back movement
c1galkina_svazanyMuzDeath - Sitting with hands tied behind back, dies
CivilDead01 - Non-animated, lying sprawled on back, weapon in front of feet
CivilLying01 - Lying on face with hands behind back (not animated)
CivilSitting - Sitting with hands behind back (not animated)
CivilSitting1..3 - Sitting with hands behind back, idle animations
animviewcontrol - Standing with rifle lowered, turns to left, places weapon on ground, leans down and places hands on desk/table
C5efe_alex - Leaning/slouched against desk/rail in front
c5efe_AlexDeath - Leaning/slouched against desk/rail in front... then dying
c5efe_AlexLoopInGame - Leaning/slouched against desk/rail in front
c7a_bravo_ErcTOdovadeni1..7 - Transition from arms at side to one of the below
c7a_bravo_dovadeni1 - Clapping with both hands above head
c7a_bravo_dovadeni1TOerc - Returning hands to sides from above
c7a_bravo_dovadeni2 - Pumping right fist above head
c7a_bravo_dovadeni2TOerc - Returning hands to sides from above
c7a_bravo_dovadeni3 - Pumping left fist above head
c7a_bravo_dovadeni3TOerc - Returning hands to sides from above
c7a_bravo_dovadeni4 - Pumping both fists out in front
c7a_bravo_dovadeni4TOerc - Returning hands to sides from above
c7a_bravo_dovadeni5 - Pumping left fist out in front
c7a_bravo_dovadeni5TOerc - Returning hands to sides from above
c7a_bravo_dovadeni6 - -
c7a_bravo_dovadeni7 - -
c7a_bravoErcTOknl - Going to kneel from hands to sides
c7a_bravoKnl_idle - Just stands back up from the kneel
c7a_bravoKnl_idle1..3 - Clapping etc. while kneeling
c7a_bravoTleskani_idle1..5 - Clapping while standing
c7a_bravoTleskaniTOerc - Transition from above moves
c7a_bravoTOerc_idle1..28 - Various standing applause type animations (short)
C7A_longWalk - A straight walk of about 50m, repositions character
C7A_man1s..4s - A straight walk of about 50m, salutes at end


Name Usage Description
cooper_c0briefing - Sitting in chair, hands between knees in lap, some idle animations
cooper_c0briefing_loop0 - ???
cooper_c0briefing_loop1..8 - Standing up from sitting position (all the same?)
miles_c0briefing - Sitting in chair, hands between knees in lap, some idle animations
miles_c0briefing_odpovedel - ???
miles_c0briefing_odpovedel_loop - Sitting in chair, legs apart (no anims?)
miles_c0briefing_odpovedel_loop0 - ???
miles_c0briefing_odpovedel_loop1..5 - Short idle animations, no looping
miles_c0briefing_odpovedel_loop6 - Short idle animation, different sitting posture
miles_c0briefing_odpovedelSada - From standing: nods, gestures with hands, turns and sits (in chair), another hand gesture
miles_c0briefing_otazky_loop0 - ???
miles_c0briefing_otazky_loop1..3 - Idle anim, standing, weapon on back
miles_c0briefing_otazky_loop4 - Idle anim, standing, weapon on back (different direction to above)
miles_c0briefing_uvodniRec - Standing with weapon on back, many gestures (talking?), sits down for a bit, stands up
ohara_c0briefing - Sitting in chair, hands between knees in lap, some idle animations, then standing
ohara_c0briefing_loop0..5 - All seem to be standing up from sitting in a chair
ohara_c0briefing_vztyk - Standing up from sitting.
promitac_c0briefing_odpovedel_loop0..3 - Sitting, hands on knees, idle anims (tapping left foot)
promitac_c0briefing_odpovedelSeda - Standing, reaches to turn something on(?), turns left 90' and sits in chair, idle anims
promitac_c0briefing_otazky - Similar to above.
promitac_c0briefing_otazky_loop0..6 - All seem same as above.
promitac_c0briefing_uvodniProslov - Turns radio off (?), leaning on table, turns back on, sits down
rodriguez_c0briefing - Sitting in chair, one hand on knee other between legs, idle anims, then stands
rodriguez_c0briefing_loop0 - ???
rodriguez_c0briefing_loop1..7 - Idle anims while sitting.
rodriguez_c0briefing_vztyk - Standing up from sitting.
shaftoe_c0briefing_odpovedel_loop - Sitting in chair, leaning back
shaftoe_c0briefing_odpovedelSeda - Standing, gestures, walks to left and sits in chair
shaftoe_c0briefing_otazky - ???
shaftoe_c0briefing_otazky_loop - Similar to odpovedelSeda
shaftoe_c0briefing_otazky_loop0 - ???
shaftoe_c0briefing_otazky_loop1..5 - Similar to otazky_loop, slightly different starts?
shaftoe_c0briefing_otazky_loop6 - Standing with arms crossed.
shaftoe_c0briefing_uvodniRec - Standing, points to right, waves, sits down on chair, idles, stands up and moves a bit, sits down in same chair
sykes_c0briefing - Sitting in chair, leaning back, hands on thighs, idle anims, standing
sykes_c0briefing_loop0 - ???
sykes_c0briefing_loop1..7 - Idle anims while sitting.
sykes_c0briefing_vztyk - Standing up from sitting.
armstrong_c0start - Standing, weapon on back, lots of gestures - long speech/briefing? - ends with salute.
cooper1_c0start - Standing, hands by side, weapon on back, idle anims, ends with salute
miles1_c0start - Standing, hands clasped in front, weapon on back, idle anims, turns and looks behind, sits on ground, stands, salutes and nods a few times
ohara_c0start - Standing, immediately sits on ground, idle anims, stands with hands clasped behind back, nods, hands to sides
rodriguez1_c0start - Standing, leaning on table behind him, hoists self onto table, gets back down, salutes
sykes1_c0start - Standing, hands by side, squats, stands, salutes a few times
zevl1_c0start - Standing, hands by side, weapon on back, some movement to the left
zevl2_c0start - Standing, arms crossed, pumps right fist then re-crosses arms, pumps both hands
zevl3bedna_c0start - Standing with rifle lowered, long idle anim sequence
zevl4_c0start - Standing with weapon on back, arms behind back, idle anim sequence including brief salute and fist pumps
zevl5_c0start - Standing with weapon on back, left hand on hip, idle anim sequence including fist pumps
zevl6_c0start - Similar to other zevl...c0start animations.
zevl7_c0start - Similar to other zevl...c0start animations.
cooper1_c1briefing - Walking with weapon lowered, turns 180 and crouches, scans area, turns again, stays kneeled (briefing?), stands
miles2_c1briefing - Similar to above.
ohara1_c1briefing - Similar to above.
rodriguez1_c1briefing - Similar to above.
sykes1_c1briefing - Similar to above.
C4_briefing_cooper - Standing with rifle lowered, then sitting in chair
C4_briefing_ohara - Sitting in chair.
C4_briefing_rodriguez - Sitting in chair.
C4_briefing_sykes - Leaning on table in front of him