Splendid Camera – Arma 3

From Bohemia Interactive Community
Revision as of 15:46, 23 February 2016 by Talkingtoaj (talk | contribs)
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Screenshot simulator included as part of Eden editor.

Useful to find good camera positions for movie scenes you wish to shoot. How to actually take a screenshot seems unclear. The PC screenshot button produces only a black image.

LMB: Camera Movement

RMB: Camera rotation

Ctrl + RMB: Camera banking

space: teleport player under crosshairs

H: Toggle overlay (useful for screenshots)

M: Toggle map (shows all existing units)

N: Toggle vision mode

- , + : Increase, decrease FOV

Ctrl + X: export camera params

copies into the clipboard in the following format:

["Paste",["Stratis",[6111.09,4434.62,32.4268],242.722,0.7,[-35.7576,0],0,0,721.084,0.3,0,1,0,1]] call bis_fnc_camera;

which when executed in-game will initiate Splendid Camera and move the camera to that position

Ctrl + C: copy camera params

copies into the clipboard in the following format:


Ctrl + V: paste camera params

moves camera to params currently in the clipboard.