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TokenNames common to most controls, such as x, y, w, h, text, idc... are not listed here.

Buttons are one way to add interactivity to your dialogs. Their corresponding type property is CT_BUTTON.

Button States

The same button four times in different states
State Description
Enabled The button has not been disabled, it currently doesn't have any mouse or keyboard related focus.
Disabled The button has been explicitly disabled. It will not be clickable.
Enabled + Focused As enabled; additionally it will have a small border of the color defined in the colorFocused property. This occurs when the button currently has focus (ie. is the default button or has been selected via the Tab key).
Enabled + Active As enabled; additionally it will have a different background as specified in the colorBackgroundActive background. This occurs when the mouse is currently hovering over an unfocused button.
Enabled + Active + Focused The combined result of the above two states. The mouse is currently hovering over the button in question and it has input focus.

Reserved IDCs

The engine reserves:

  • IDC = 1 for (contextually) OK, or CONTINUE
  • IDC = 2 for (contextually) CANCEL, ESCAPE, ABORT
If you use these idc values, no action, no script, no event handler will operate on them.


Name Type Required Remark Script
type Integer Yes Control type: 1 (or CT_BUTTON, if using constants) N/A
style Integer Yes Display options:
  • 0 (ST_LEFT): Text is left-aligned.
  • 1 (ST_RIGHT) : Text is right-aligned.
  • 2 (ST_CENTER): Text is centered.
action String No Script command(s) to execute when button is pressed.
Must use double quotes; single quotes or curly brackets will not work.

The variable "this" is available, and contains the unit that pressed the button, but unlike User Interface Event Handlers no "_this" information about the current control is passed.

borderSize Float Yes If > 0 then a background (in the color defined in 'colorBorder') is drawn behind the button.

It extends to the left by the distance defined here, its height is slightly less than that of the button, and it is vertically centered. The width extends to the right, to where the drop shadow starts. Stays static when button is pressed.

colorBackground Color Yes Button's background color if not "active" (i.e. the mouse pointer is not over it). ctrlSetBackgroundColor
colorBackgroundActive Color Yes Background color if "active" (i.e. mouse pointer is over it). ctrlSetActiveColor
colorBackgroundDisabled Color Yes Background color if control is disabled N/A
colorBorder Color Yes Color of left border, defined in 'borderSize' N/A
colorDisabled Color Yes Text color if control is disabled (via ctrlEnable) N/A
colorFocused Color Yes Alternating background color.

While the control has focus (but without the mouse pointer being over it) the background will cycle between 'colorFocused' and 'colorBackground'. If both are the same, then the color will be steady.

colorShadow Color Yes Color of drop shadow behind button (not visible if button disabled) N/A
colorText Color Yes Color of text. ctrlSetTextColor
default Boolean No Whether the button will have focus upon loading the dialog. ctrlSetFocus
Float Yes The button's text & background will move by this distance when pressed.

(If a shadow is defined, it will stay in place.)

Float Yes Horizontal and vertical offset of drop shadow.

If 0, then shadow will be placed directly behind button

url String No URL which will be opened with default web browser. If tooltip is empty, URL will also be set as that. N/A
soundClick Sound No Sound to play when button is released after a click. N/A
soundEnter Sound No Sound to play when the mouse cursor is moved over the button. N/A
soundEscape Sound No Sound to play when the button was clicked via the mouse, and then released outside the button area. N/A
soundPush Sound No Sound to play when button is clicked. N/A
text String No Text to display. Will be vertically centered. ctrlSetText
toolTip String No Text that is shown in a little popup box when the mouse pointer is hovering over the button. ctrlSetTooltip

Attributes class

Name Type Remark
font string
shadow Integer
align String "center"
color Color Array "#000000"

  • Example Config:
class RscButton
	access = 0;
	type = CT_BUTTON;
	style = ST_LEFT;
	x = 0; y = 0; w = 0.3; h = 0.1;
	text = "";
	font = "TahomaB";
	sizeEx = 0.04;
	colorText[] = {0,0,0,1};
	colorDisabled[] = {0.3,0.3,0.3,1};
	colorBackground[] = {0.6,0.6,0.6,1};
	colorBackgroundDisabled[] = {0.6,0.6,0.6,1};
	colorBackgroundActive[] = {1,0.5,0,1};
	offsetX = 0.004;
	offsetY = 0.004;
	offsetPressedX = 0.002;
	offsetPressedY = 0.002;
	colorFocused[] = {0,0,0,1};
	colorShadow[] = {0,0,0,1};
	shadow = 0;
	colorBorder[] = {0,0,0,1};
	borderSize = 0.008;
	soundEnter[] = {"",0.1,1};
	soundPush[] = {"",0.1,1};
	soundClick[] = {"",0.1,1};
	soundEscape[] = {"",0.1,1};
class Dialog
	class Controls
		class OK: RscButton
			idc=1;// fixed engine constant
		class Cancel
			idc=2; // fixed engine constant
			x=y=somewhere else

The following example uses almost the same code as the buttons shown in the example screenshot.

  • Example Config:
class MyButton 
  idc = -1;
  type = CT_BUTTON;
  style = ST_LEFT;
  default = false;
  font = FontM;
  sizeEx = 0.03;
  colorText[] = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
  colorFocused[] = { 1, 0, 0, 1 };		// border color for focused state
  colorDisabled[] = { 0, 0, 1, 0.7 };		// text color for disabled state
  colorBackground[] = { 1, 1, 1, 0.8 };
  colorBackgroundDisabled[] = { 1, 1, 1, 0.5 };	// background color for disabled state
  colorBackgroundActive[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };		// background color for active state
  offsetX = 0.003;
  offsetY = 0.003;
  offsetPressedX = 0.002;
  offsetPressedY = 0.002;
  colorShadow[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0.5 };
  colorBorder[] = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
  borderSize = 0;
  soundEnter[] = { "", 0, 1 };	// no sound
  soundPush[] = { "buttonpushed.ogg", 0.1, 1 };
  soundClick[] = { "", 0, 1 };	// no sound
  soundEscape[] = { "", 0, 1 };	// no sound
  x = 0.4; y = 0.475;
  w = 0.2; h = 0.05;
  text = "Close";
  action = "closeDialog 0; hint ""Dialog closed. You are good to go now!""";


Name Type Remark
action String Code executed when button is clicked.
Attributes Class see Dialog Control General
AttributesImage Class see Dialog Control General
animTextureNormal Texture
animTextureDisabled Texture
animTextureOver Texture
animTextureFocused Texture
animTexturePressed Texture
animTextureDefault Texture
textureNoShortcut Texture A custom Texture to be displayed alongside text. Position can be set in the ShortcutPos (Texture) and TextPos (text) class.
color Color Array
color2 Color Array
colorActiveBackground Color Array
colorBackground Color Array
colorBackground2 Color Array
colorDisabled Color Array
default Boolean If set to true, this control is focused when the GUI is opened
HitZone Class
period Float Blinking period
periodFocus Float Blinking period when focused
periodOver Float Blinking period when mouse is hovering over the button
ShortcutPos Class
Shadow Integer 0,1 or 2
shortcuts array key short cuts. often over-ridden/ignored by engine
Size Float possibly a typo, used in conjunction with sizeEx
soundEnter Sound Array
soundPush Sound Array
soundClick Sound Array
soundEscape Sound Array
TextPos Class


Name Type Remark
Left Float
Top Float
Right Float
Bottom Float


Name Type Remark
Left Float
Top Float
w Float clearly an inconsistency with 'right'
h Float clearly an inconsistency with 'bottom'

  • Example Config:
class RscShortcutButton
  type = 16;

  class HitZone
    left = 0.0;
    top = 0.0;
    right = 1.0;
    bottom = 1.0;
  class ShortcutPos
    left = 0.005;
    top = 0.005;
    w = 0.0225;
    h = 0.03;
  class TextPos
    left = 0.02;
    top = 0.005;
    right = 0.005;
    bottom = 0.005;
  animTextureNormal = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";
  animTextureDisabled = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.3,0.3,0.3,1)";
  animTextureOver = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.8,0.3,0,1)";
  animTextureFocused = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,0.5,0,1)";
  animTexturePressed = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,0,0,1)";
  animTextureDefault = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,1,0,1)";
  period = 0.1;
  periodFocus = 0.4;
  periodOver = 0.4;
  shortcuts[] = {};
  textureNoShortcut = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0)";
  color[] = {0,0,0,0.6};
  color2[] = {0,0,0,1};
  colorDisabled[] = {0,0,0,0.3};
  colorBackground[] = {1,1,1,1};
  colorBackground2[] = {1,1,1,0.5};
  text = "";
  size = 0.04;
  class Attributes
    font = "TahomaB";
    color = "#000000";
    align = "left";
    shadow = 0;


The active text control behaves very similar to buttons. It shows up as regular text with the additional functionality that you can click and select it. The dialog's currently selected Active Text control will be underlined to indicate it's status. By default, the first Active Text control is selected. When the mouse cursor hovers over an instance of this control, it will show up in the color defined in the colorActive property.

Notice: This control doesn't render the usually common colorBackground property and colorText is replaced with color.

  • For Arrowhead, this is not true. The properties are there, and it might be an attempt to standardise, or to account for pictures
Name Type Remark
action String a statement that is executed when the control has been clicked
candrag Boolean
blinkingPeriod Float (Seconds) Makes the text start transparent, go to full opacity and back to full transparent in the amount of time specified.
color Color Array replaces colorText, standard text and underline color
colorActive Color Array text and underline color whenever the mouse hovers over the control
colorShade Color Array
colorFocused Color Array
colorDisabled Color Array
colorShade Color Array
colorText Color Array
colorBackground Color Array not applicable
colorBackground2 Color Array
default Boolean Whether or not this control is the dialog's initially selected active text
pictureWidth/Height Float
sideDisabled argb
picture Texture
sideToggle argb
textHeight Float
soundEnter Sound Array the sound to play, when the cursor enters the button's bounds
soundDoubleClick Sound Array the sound to play, when the cursor enters the button's bounds
soundPush Sound Array the sound to play, when the button has been pushed
soundClick Sound Array the sound to play, when the button is being released
soundEscape Sound Array the sound to play, when the button has been pushed and the mouse button is released when not over the control.

The following example uses almost the same code as the controls shown in the example screenshot.

Simple dialog with three Active Text controls
  • Example Config:
class MyActiveText
  idc = -1;
  style = ST_LEFT;
  x = 0.75; y = 0.5;
  w = 0.2; h = 0.035;
  font = FontM;
  sizeEx = 0.024;
  color[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
  colorActive[] = { 1, 0.2, 0.2, 1 };
  soundEnter[] = { "", 0, 1 };	// no sound
  soundPush[] = { "", 0, 1 };
  soundClick[] = { "", 0, 1 };
  soundEscape[] = { "", 0, 1 };
  action = "hint ""Good choice!""";
  text = "Text";
  default = true;