Studio MAF

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Template:Infobox mod

Studio MAF.jpg

The studio MAF (French : Mod Armée Française, English : French Army Mod) is a French studio design series of addons for Operation Flashpoint, Armed Assault and ArmA 2 ! It was created from the release of their first mini mod on the Afghan air force (on ArmA) and their main mod: French Army Mod.

The various mods and addons

Mod Armée Française

MAF Logo.png

Mod containing the vehicles, aircraft, weapons, military of French Army and some firefighters, gendarmes and ambulance attendants. Being the main mod of the studio, the latter chose to keep the designation "MAF". The current version is 2.0 but the 2.1 update, which should contain many new features, is under construction. A version for ArmA 2 (MAF2Ext) has also been created in cooperation with HEXAgon to complete it

Afghan National Army

First mod "made in MAF" to be released, it currently contains the Afghan air force, but should, within a short time, leaving various land vehicles and Afghan soldiers.

Belgian Army Mod

BeAM is a mod being built for games ArmA and ArmA 2, which should include vehicles, aircraft and soldiers of the Belgian army.

Released Addons

Here are the download links for the various addons of the studio
