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SCR_BaseTask Interface Reference

A base class for tasks. More...

Inheritance diagram for SCR_BaseTask:

Public Member Functions

void OnDelete ()
bool NotifyAssignment ()
bool NotifyUnassign ()
void DoNotifyAssignment (int assigneeID)
void DoNotifyUnassign (int assigneeID)
SCR_ERadioMsg GetAssignMessage ()
SCR_ERadioMsg GetUnassignMessage ()
ResourceName GetMapUIElementResourceName ()
string GetMapDescriptorText ()
void OnMapOpen (MapConfiguration config)
void OnHoverItem (MapItem item)
string GetTaskMapIconName ()
string GetTaskListIconName ()
string GetTaskListTaskTitle ()
string GetMajorModifier ()
string GetTaskListTaskText ()
Widget GetParentWidget (notnull Widget rootWidget)
ResourceName GetIconImageset ()
void SetHUDIcon ()
void SetWidgetIcon (ImageWidget image)
void ClearWidgetIcon ()
 Remove icon assigned to this task.
void UpdateMapTaskIcon ()
void UpdatePriorityMapTaskIcon ()
bool AssignTaskToAI (AIAgent agent)
string GetIconName ()
ResourceName GetImageSetName ()
string GetIconSuffix ()
string GetTitleIconString ()
void SetTitleWidgetText (notnull TextWidget textWidget, string taskText)
string GetTitleText ()
void SetDescriptionWidgetText (notnull TextWidget textWidget, string taskText)
Widget GenerateTaskDescriptionUI (notnull Widget rootWidget, array< Widget > widgets)
void UpdateTaskListAssignee ()
void OnAssigneeKilled ()
void CreateMapUIIcon ()
Faction GetTargetFaction ()
 Returns the faction that should complete this task.
void SetTargetFaction (Faction targetFaction)
 Sets the faction that should complete this task.
string GetFinishText ()
 Returns a text informing about the task being finished.
bool IsAssigned ()
 Returns whether the task is assigned to someone or not.
string GetAllAssigneeNamesString ()
 Returns a string with all the assignees on this task in following format: "PlayerA, PlayerB, ..., PlayerN".
void CheckAssigneeTimeout ()
 Checks all the assignees for timeout, if their time is up, they get unassigned.
void SetLastAssigneeAddedTimestamp (float timestamp)
void SetIndividual (bool individual)
 Set this task as task for an individual.
bool IsIndividual ()
 Returns whether this task is for an individual or not.
void SetIsPriority (bool isPrio)
bool IsPriority ()
bool IsAssignable ()
bool CanBeAssigned (out SCR_ECannotAssignReasons reason, int playerID=-1)
 Returns whether this task can be assigned to the player with the given player ID If playerID == -1, the local player is used as the target.
float GetLastAssigneeAddedTimestamp ()
 Returns the timestamp of last add assignee event.
float GetAssigneeTimeLeft ()
 Returns time left the assignee of this task has to finish it, after that they get automatically unassigned.
void SetTaskID (int taskID)
 Sets an ID of this task.
int GetTaskID ()
 Returns an ID of this task.
SCR_TaskState GetTaskState ()
 Returns the state of this task.
void SetTitle (string title)
string GetTitle ()
 Return the title of this task.
void SetDescription (string description)
string GetDescription ()
 Return the description of this task.
SCR_BaseTaskExecutor GetAssignee ()
 Returns the first assignee of this task.
int GetAssignees (out array< SCR_BaseTaskExecutor > assignees)
 Returns assignees of this task.
int GetAssigneeCount ()
void Cancel (bool showMsg=true)
void Remove ()
 Marks the task as removed.
void Create (bool showMsg=true)
 When the task is created.
void Finish (bool showMsg=true)
 Marks the task as finished.
void Fail (bool showMsg=true)
 Fails the task.
void RemoveAllAssignees ()
 Removes every assignee from this task.
void RemoveAssignee (SCR_BaseTaskExecutor assignee, SCR_EUnassignReason reason)
 Removes an assignee, specified as a parameter, from this task.
void AddAssignee (SCR_BaseTaskExecutor assignee, float timestamp)
 Adds a new assignee, specified as a parameter, to this task.
void InitOnSpawn (int pid, IEntity ent)
void ToggleHUDIcon (bool show, bool fade=true)
void UpdateHUDIcon ()
Widget GetTaskIconkWidget ()
void SetTaskIconWidget (Widget w)
void SetState (SCR_TaskState state)
 Changes the state of this task to the parameter.
void RegisterTaskUpdate (SCR_ETaskEventMask TaskEventMask)
 Registers task event mask for OnTaskUpdate.
void Serialize (ScriptBitWriter writer)
void Deserialize (ScriptBitReader reader)
override void EOnInit (IEntity owner)
void SCR_BaseTask (IEntitySource src, IEntity parent)
void ~SCR_BaseTask ()

Static Public Attributes

static const string TASK_AMOUNT_COMPLETED_TEXT = "#AR-Tasks_AmountCompleted"
static const string TASK_PROGRESS_TEXT = "#AR-Tasks_StatusProgress-UC"
static const string TASK_FINISHED_TEXT = "#AR-Tasks_StatusFinished-UC"
static const string TASK_AVAILABLE_TEXT = "#AR-Tasks_StatusNew-UC"
static const string TASK_HINT_TEXT = "#AR-Tasks_Hint"
static const string TASK_CANCELLED_TEXT = "#AR-Tasks_StatusCancelled-UC"
static const string TASK_COMPLETED_TEXT = "#AR-Tasks_StatusCompleted-UC"
static const string TASK_FAILED_TEXT = "#AR-Tasks_StatusFailed-UC"
static const float DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE_TIME_LIMIT = 1800
static const float DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE_TIMEOUT_TIME = 60
static const int INVALID_TIMESTAMP = -1
static const int INVALID_TASK_ID = -1
static int s_iCurrentTaskID = 0
const string TASK_BG_M = "Icon_M_Task_BG"
const string TASK_O_M = "Icon_M_Task_Outline"
const string TASK_BG = "Icon_Task_BG"
const string TASK_O = "Icon_Task_Outline"
const string TASK_H = "Icon_M_Task_Hover"
const string Task_S = "TaskIconSymbol"

Protected Member Functions

void ShowPopUpNotification (string subtitle)
void UpdateMapInfo ()
bool DoneByAssignee ()
void ShowTaskProgress (bool showMsg=true)
void ShowAvailableTask (bool afterAssigneeRemoved=false)
 Shows a message informing about this task being available.
bool IsAssignedToLocalPlayer ()
 Returns whether this task is assigned to the local player.
void OnAssigneeRemoved (SCR_BaseTaskExecutor oldAssignee)
 An event called when an assignee has been removed from this task.
void OnAssigneeAdded (SCR_BaseTaskExecutor newAssignee)
 An event called when a new assignee has been added to this task.
void OnStateChanged (SCR_TaskState previousState, SCR_TaskState newState)
 An event called when the state of this task has been changed.

Protected Attributes

string m_sName
string m_sDescription
bool m_bAssignable
bool m_bIndividualTask
string m_sMapIconName
string m_sTaskListIconName
string m_sMajorModifier
ResourceName m_sMapUIElementResourceName
ResourceName m_sIconImageset
SCR_ERadioMsg m_eAssignMessage
bool m_bNotifyAssignment
SCR_ERadioMsg m_eUnassignMessage
bool m_bNotifyUnassign
ResourceName m_sHUDIcon
Faction m_TargetFaction = null
float m_fAssigneeTimeLimit = DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE_TIME_LIMIT
float m_fLastAssigneeAddedTimestamp = INVALID_TIMESTAMP
ref array< SCR_BaseTaskExecutorm_aAssignees = new array<SCR_BaseTaskExecutor>()
SCR_TaskState m_eState
SCR_BaseTaskExecutor m_TimedOutAssignee = null
float m_fAssigneeTimeoutTimestamp = INVALID_TIMESTAMP
SCR_MapDescriptorComponent m_MapDescriptor
ImageWidget m_wHUDIcon
Widget m_wMapTaskIcon
Widget m_wTaskListDescription
bool m_bIsPriority
SCR_PlayerFactionAffiliationComponent m_sPlyFactionAffilComp
float m_fMajorSize = 80

Detailed Description

A base class for tasks.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SCR_BaseTask()

void SCR_BaseTask.SCR_BaseTask ( IEntitySource  src,
IEntity  parent 

◆ ~SCR_BaseTask()

void SCR_BaseTask.~SCR_BaseTask ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddAssignee()

void SCR_BaseTask.AddAssignee ( SCR_BaseTaskExecutor  assignee,
float  timestamp 

Adds a new assignee, specified as a parameter, to this task.

◆ AssignTaskToAI()

bool SCR_BaseTask.AssignTaskToAI ( AIAgent  agent)

◆ CanBeAssigned()

bool SCR_BaseTask.CanBeAssigned ( out SCR_ECannotAssignReasons  reason,
int  playerID = -1 

Returns whether this task can be assigned to the player with the given player ID If playerID == -1, the local player is used as the target.

Implemented in SCR_RequestedTask.

◆ Cancel()

void SCR_BaseTask.Cancel ( bool  showMsg = true)

Implemented in SCR_EditorTask, and SCR_RequestedTask.

◆ CheckAssigneeTimeout()

void SCR_BaseTask.CheckAssigneeTimeout ( )

Checks all the assignees for timeout, if their time is up, they get unassigned.

◆ ClearWidgetIcon()

void SCR_BaseTask.ClearWidgetIcon ( )

Remove icon assigned to this task.

◆ Create()

void SCR_BaseTask.Create ( bool  showMsg = true)

When the task is created.

Implemented in SCR_EditorTask.

◆ CreateMapUIIcon()

void SCR_BaseTask.CreateMapUIIcon ( )

◆ Deserialize()

void SCR_BaseTask.Deserialize ( ScriptBitReader  reader)

◆ DoneByAssignee()

bool SCR_BaseTask.DoneByAssignee ( )

Implemented in SCR_CampaignTask.

◆ DoNotifyAssignment()

void SCR_BaseTask.DoNotifyAssignment ( int  assigneeID)

Implemented in SCR_CampaignTask, and SCR_RequestedTask.

◆ DoNotifyUnassign()

void SCR_BaseTask.DoNotifyUnassign ( int  assigneeID)

Implemented in SCR_RequestedTask.

◆ EOnInit()

override void SCR_BaseTask.EOnInit ( IEntity  owner)

◆ Fail()

void SCR_BaseTask.Fail ( bool  showMsg = true)

◆ Finish()

void SCR_BaseTask.Finish ( bool  showMsg = true)

◆ GenerateTaskDescriptionUI()

Widget SCR_BaseTask.GenerateTaskDescriptionUI ( notnull Widget  rootWidget,
array< Widget >  widgets 

Implemented in SCR_RequestedTask.

◆ GetAllAssigneeNamesString()

string SCR_BaseTask.GetAllAssigneeNamesString ( )

Returns a string with all the assignees on this task in following format: "PlayerA, PlayerB, ..., PlayerN".

◆ GetAssignee()

SCR_BaseTaskExecutor SCR_BaseTask.GetAssignee ( )

Returns the first assignee of this task.

◆ GetAssigneeCount()

int SCR_BaseTask.GetAssigneeCount ( )

◆ GetAssignees()

int SCR_BaseTask.GetAssignees ( out array< SCR_BaseTaskExecutor assignees)

Returns assignees of this task.

◆ GetAssigneeTimeLeft()

float SCR_BaseTask.GetAssigneeTimeLeft ( )

Returns time left the assignee of this task has to finish it, after that they get automatically unassigned.

◆ GetAssignMessage()

SCR_ERadioMsg SCR_BaseTask.GetAssignMessage ( )

◆ GetDescription()

string SCR_BaseTask.GetDescription ( )

Return the description of this task.

Implemented in SCR_CampaignTask.

◆ GetFinishText()

string SCR_BaseTask.GetFinishText ( )

Returns a text informing about the task being finished.

Implemented in SCR_CampaignTask.

◆ GetIconImageset()

ResourceName SCR_BaseTask.GetIconImageset ( )

◆ GetIconName()

string SCR_BaseTask.GetIconName ( )

◆ GetIconSuffix()

string SCR_BaseTask.GetIconSuffix ( )

Implemented in SCR_CampaignTask.

◆ GetImageSetName()

ResourceName SCR_BaseTask.GetImageSetName ( )

◆ GetLastAssigneeAddedTimestamp()

float SCR_BaseTask.GetLastAssigneeAddedTimestamp ( )

Returns the timestamp of last add assignee event.

◆ GetMajorModifier()

string SCR_BaseTask.GetMajorModifier ( )

◆ GetMapDescriptorText()

string SCR_BaseTask.GetMapDescriptorText ( )

◆ GetMapUIElementResourceName()

ResourceName SCR_BaseTask.GetMapUIElementResourceName ( )

◆ GetParentWidget()

Widget SCR_BaseTask.GetParentWidget ( notnull Widget  rootWidget)

◆ GetTargetFaction()

Faction SCR_BaseTask.GetTargetFaction ( )

Returns the faction that should complete this task.

◆ GetTaskIconkWidget()

Widget SCR_BaseTask.GetTaskIconkWidget ( )

◆ GetTaskID()

int SCR_BaseTask.GetTaskID ( )

Returns an ID of this task.

◆ GetTaskListIconName()

string SCR_BaseTask.GetTaskListIconName ( )

◆ GetTaskListTaskText()

string SCR_BaseTask.GetTaskListTaskText ( )

◆ GetTaskListTaskTitle()

string SCR_BaseTask.GetTaskListTaskTitle ( )

◆ GetTaskMapIconName()

string SCR_BaseTask.GetTaskMapIconName ( )

◆ GetTaskState()

SCR_TaskState SCR_BaseTask.GetTaskState ( )

Returns the state of this task.

◆ GetTitle()

string SCR_BaseTask.GetTitle ( )

Return the title of this task.

Implemented in SCR_CampaignTask, and SCR_EditorTask.

◆ GetTitleIconString()

string SCR_BaseTask.GetTitleIconString ( )

◆ GetTitleText()

string SCR_BaseTask.GetTitleText ( )

Implemented in SCR_CampaignTask, and SCR_RequestedTask.

◆ GetUnassignMessage()

SCR_ERadioMsg SCR_BaseTask.GetUnassignMessage ( )

◆ InitOnSpawn()

void SCR_BaseTask.InitOnSpawn ( int  pid,
IEntity  ent 

◆ IsAssignable()

bool SCR_BaseTask.IsAssignable ( )

◆ IsAssigned()

bool SCR_BaseTask.IsAssigned ( )

Returns whether the task is assigned to someone or not.

◆ IsAssignedToLocalPlayer()

bool SCR_BaseTask.IsAssignedToLocalPlayer ( )

Returns whether this task is assigned to the local player.

◆ IsIndividual()

bool SCR_BaseTask.IsIndividual ( )

Returns whether this task is for an individual or not.

◆ IsPriority()

bool SCR_BaseTask.IsPriority ( )

◆ NotifyAssignment()

bool SCR_BaseTask.NotifyAssignment ( )

◆ NotifyUnassign()

bool SCR_BaseTask.NotifyUnassign ( )

◆ OnAssigneeAdded()

void SCR_BaseTask.OnAssigneeAdded ( SCR_BaseTaskExecutor  newAssignee)

An event called when a new assignee has been added to this task.

◆ OnAssigneeKilled()

void SCR_BaseTask.OnAssigneeKilled ( )

Implemented in SCR_TransportTask.

◆ OnAssigneeRemoved()

void SCR_BaseTask.OnAssigneeRemoved ( SCR_BaseTaskExecutor  oldAssignee)

An event called when an assignee has been removed from this task.

◆ OnDelete()

void SCR_BaseTask.OnDelete ( )

◆ OnHoverItem()

void SCR_BaseTask.OnHoverItem ( MapItem  item)

◆ OnMapOpen()

void SCR_BaseTask.OnMapOpen ( MapConfiguration  config)

◆ OnStateChanged()

void SCR_BaseTask.OnStateChanged ( SCR_TaskState  previousState,
SCR_TaskState  newState 

An event called when the state of this task has been changed.

Implemented in SCR_ScenarioFrameworkTask, and SCR_EditorTask.

◆ RegisterTaskUpdate()

void SCR_BaseTask.RegisterTaskUpdate ( SCR_ETaskEventMask  TaskEventMask)

Registers task event mask for OnTaskUpdate.

◆ Remove()

void SCR_BaseTask.Remove ( )

Marks the task as removed.

◆ RemoveAllAssignees()

void SCR_BaseTask.RemoveAllAssignees ( )

Removes every assignee from this task.

◆ RemoveAssignee()

void SCR_BaseTask.RemoveAssignee ( SCR_BaseTaskExecutor  assignee,
SCR_EUnassignReason  reason 

Removes an assignee, specified as a parameter, from this task.

◆ Serialize()

void SCR_BaseTask.Serialize ( ScriptBitWriter  writer)

◆ SetDescription()

void SCR_BaseTask.SetDescription ( string  description)

◆ SetDescriptionWidgetText()

void SCR_BaseTask.SetDescriptionWidgetText ( notnull TextWidget  textWidget,
string  taskText 

◆ SetHUDIcon()

void SCR_BaseTask.SetHUDIcon ( )

◆ SetIndividual()

void SCR_BaseTask.SetIndividual ( bool  individual)

Set this task as task for an individual.

◆ SetIsPriority()

void SCR_BaseTask.SetIsPriority ( bool  isPrio)

Implemented in SCR_CampaignTask.

◆ SetLastAssigneeAddedTimestamp()

void SCR_BaseTask.SetLastAssigneeAddedTimestamp ( float  timestamp)

◆ SetState()

void SCR_BaseTask.SetState ( SCR_TaskState  state)

Changes the state of this task to the parameter.

Don't use this directly, use the following methods instead: SCR_BaseTaskManager.FinishTask/CancelTask/FailTask

◆ SetTargetFaction()

void SCR_BaseTask.SetTargetFaction ( Faction  targetFaction)

Sets the faction that should complete this task.

Implemented in SCR_TriggerTask.

◆ SetTaskIconWidget()

void SCR_BaseTask.SetTaskIconWidget ( Widget  w)

◆ SetTaskID()

void SCR_BaseTask.SetTaskID ( int  taskID)

Sets an ID of this task.

◆ SetTitle()

void SCR_BaseTask.SetTitle ( string  title)

◆ SetTitleWidgetText()

void SCR_BaseTask.SetTitleWidgetText ( notnull TextWidget  textWidget,
string  taskText 

◆ SetWidgetIcon()

void SCR_BaseTask.SetWidgetIcon ( ImageWidget  image)

◆ ShowAvailableTask()

void SCR_BaseTask.ShowAvailableTask ( bool  afterAssigneeRemoved = false)

Shows a message informing about this task being available.

Implemented in SCR_CampaignDefendTask, SCR_CampaignTask, and SCR_RequestedTask.

◆ ShowPopUpNotification()

void SCR_BaseTask.ShowPopUpNotification ( string  subtitle)

Implemented in SCR_EditorTask.

◆ ShowTaskProgress()

void SCR_BaseTask.ShowTaskProgress ( bool  showMsg = true)

◆ ToggleHUDIcon()

void SCR_BaseTask.ToggleHUDIcon ( bool  show,
bool  fade = true 

◆ UpdateHUDIcon()

void SCR_BaseTask.UpdateHUDIcon ( )

◆ UpdateMapInfo()

void SCR_BaseTask.UpdateMapInfo ( )

◆ UpdateMapTaskIcon()

void SCR_BaseTask.UpdateMapTaskIcon ( )

Implemented in SCR_TaskDeliver.

◆ UpdatePriorityMapTaskIcon()

void SCR_BaseTask.UpdatePriorityMapTaskIcon ( )

◆ UpdateTaskListAssignee()

void SCR_BaseTask.UpdateTaskListAssignee ( )

Member Data Documentation


const float SCR_BaseTask.DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE_TIME_LIMIT = 1800




const int SCR_BaseTask.INVALID_TASK_ID = -1


const int SCR_BaseTask.INVALID_TIMESTAMP = -1

◆ m_aAssignees

ref array<SCR_BaseTaskExecutor> SCR_BaseTask.m_aAssignees = new array<SCR_BaseTaskExecutor>()

◆ m_bAssignable

bool SCR_BaseTask.m_bAssignable

◆ m_bIndividualTask

bool SCR_BaseTask.m_bIndividualTask

◆ m_bIsPriority

bool SCR_BaseTask.m_bIsPriority

◆ m_bNotifyAssignment

bool SCR_BaseTask.m_bNotifyAssignment

◆ m_bNotifyUnassign

bool SCR_BaseTask.m_bNotifyUnassign

◆ m_eAssignMessage

SCR_ERadioMsg SCR_BaseTask.m_eAssignMessage

◆ m_eState

SCR_TaskState SCR_BaseTask.m_eState

◆ m_eUnassignMessage

SCR_ERadioMsg SCR_BaseTask.m_eUnassignMessage

◆ m_fAssigneeTimeLimit

float SCR_BaseTask.m_fAssigneeTimeLimit = DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE_TIME_LIMIT

◆ m_fAssigneeTimeoutTimestamp

float SCR_BaseTask.m_fAssigneeTimeoutTimestamp = INVALID_TIMESTAMP

◆ m_fLastAssigneeAddedTimestamp

float SCR_BaseTask.m_fLastAssigneeAddedTimestamp = INVALID_TIMESTAMP

◆ m_fMajorSize

float SCR_BaseTask.m_fMajorSize = 80

◆ m_iTaskID

int SCR_BaseTask.m_iTaskID = INVALID_TASK_ID

◆ m_MapDescriptor

SCR_MapDescriptorComponent SCR_BaseTask.m_MapDescriptor

◆ m_sDescription

string SCR_BaseTask.m_sDescription

◆ m_sHUDIcon

ResourceName SCR_BaseTask.m_sHUDIcon

◆ m_sIconImageset

ResourceName SCR_BaseTask.m_sIconImageset

◆ m_sMajorModifier

string SCR_BaseTask.m_sMajorModifier

◆ m_sMapIconName

string SCR_BaseTask.m_sMapIconName

◆ m_sMapUIElementResourceName

ResourceName SCR_BaseTask.m_sMapUIElementResourceName

◆ m_sName

string SCR_BaseTask.m_sName

◆ m_sPlyFactionAffilComp

SCR_PlayerFactionAffiliationComponent SCR_BaseTask.m_sPlyFactionAffilComp

◆ m_sTaskListIconName

string SCR_BaseTask.m_sTaskListIconName

◆ m_TargetFaction

Faction SCR_BaseTask.m_TargetFaction = null

◆ m_TimedOutAssignee

SCR_BaseTaskExecutor SCR_BaseTask.m_TimedOutAssignee = null

◆ m_wHUDIcon

ImageWidget SCR_BaseTask.m_wHUDIcon

◆ m_wMapTaskIcon

Widget SCR_BaseTask.m_wMapTaskIcon

◆ m_wTaskListDescription

Widget SCR_BaseTask.m_wTaskListDescription

◆ s_iCurrentTaskID

int SCR_BaseTask.s_iCurrentTaskID = 0


const string SCR_BaseTask.TASK_AMOUNT_COMPLETED_TEXT = "#AR-Tasks_AmountCompleted"


const string SCR_BaseTask.TASK_AVAILABLE_TEXT = "#AR-Tasks_StatusNew-UC"


const string SCR_BaseTask.TASK_BG = "Icon_Task_BG"


const string SCR_BaseTask.TASK_BG_M = "Icon_M_Task_BG"


const string SCR_BaseTask.TASK_CANCELLED_TEXT = "#AR-Tasks_StatusCancelled-UC"


const string SCR_BaseTask.TASK_COMPLETED_TEXT = "#AR-Tasks_StatusCompleted-UC"


const string SCR_BaseTask.TASK_FAILED_TEXT = "#AR-Tasks_StatusFailed-UC"


const string SCR_BaseTask.TASK_FINISHED_TEXT = "#AR-Tasks_StatusFinished-UC"


const string SCR_BaseTask.TASK_H = "Icon_M_Task_Hover"


const string SCR_BaseTask.TASK_HINT_TEXT = "#AR-Tasks_Hint"


const string SCR_BaseTask.TASK_O = "Icon_Task_Outline"


const string SCR_BaseTask.TASK_O_M = "Icon_M_Task_Outline"


const string SCR_BaseTask.TASK_PROGRESS_TEXT = "#AR-Tasks_StatusProgress-UC"

◆ Task_S

const string SCR_BaseTask.Task_S = "TaskIconSymbol"

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: