proto external void | SetDrawCommands (array< ref CanvasWidgetCommand > drawCommands) |
| Commands in the array will be used to draw from now on The caller needs to keep the array alive - the callee takes just a pointer to it.
proto external float | PixelPerUnit () |
| How many pixels are currently drawn per one virtual unit.
proto external float | ScaleByZoom (float originalSize) |
| Scales given scalar by current zoom value.
proto external float | GetZoom () |
| Gets the current zoom level.
proto external void | SetZoom (float zoomLevel) |
| Sets the current zoom level.
proto external vector | PosToPixels (vector posUnits) |
| Transforms given position to pixel position which can used for drawing.
proto external vector | SizeToPixels (vector sizeUnits) |
| Transforms given size to pixel size which can be used for drawing.
proto external void | ZoomAt (vector posUnits, float zoomLevel) |
| Performs zooming to zoomLevel and keeps the posUnits constant E.g.
proto external vector | GetOffsetPx () |
| Gets the current offset in pixels.
proto external void | SetOffsetPx (vector offsetPx) |
| Sets the current offset in pixels.
proto external vector | GetSizeInUnits () |
proto external void | SetSizeInUnits (vector newSize) |
proto external void | Update () |
proto external Widget | GetParent () |
| Returns parent in hierarchy, or NULL.
proto external Widget | GetChildren () |
| Returns children in hierarchy, or NULL.
proto external Widget | GetSibling () |
| Returns next sibling in hierarchy, or NULL.
proto external void | RemoveChild (notnull Widget child) |
proto external void | SetName (string name) |
proto external string | GetName () |
proto external void | SetUserID (int id) |
| Sets user ID.
proto external int | GetUserID () |
| Gets user ID.
proto external bool | IsFocusable () |
proto external void | AddChild (notnull Widget child) |
| Adds given widget as a child. Possible only if this widget accepts more children.
proto external void | AddHandler (ScriptedWidgetEventHandler eventHandler) |
| Add (hook) handler to widget. Adds reference to the handler.
proto external void | RemoveHandler (ScriptedWidgetEventHandler eventHandler) |
| Unhook handler from widget. Release reference to the handler.
proto external int | GetNumHandlers () |
| Return number of all handlers attached to widget (C++ & scripted)
proto external ScriptedWidgetEventHandler | GetHandler (int index) |
| return widget event handler on given index, when the event handler is not inherited from ScriptedWidgetEventHandler, null is returned
proto external ScriptedWidgetEventHandler | FindHandler (TypeName type) |
| return first widget event handler of given type, when none of event handlers has the type null is returned
proto external void | SetVisible (bool show) |
| Sets visibility of this widget (VISIBLE flag)
proto external void | SetEnabled (bool enable) |
| Sets enabled state of this widget (DISABLED flag)
proto external bool | IsVisible () |
| Returns whether is this widget visible (VISIBLE flag is set)
proto external bool | IsVisibleInHierarchy () |
| Returns whether are this widget and all its ancesstors visible (VISIBLE flag is set)
proto external bool | IsEnabled () |
| Returns whether is this widget enabled (DISABLED flag is not set)
proto external bool | IsEnabledInHierarchy () |
| Returns whether are this widget and all its ancesstors enabled (DISABLED flag is not set)
proto external bool | IsClippingChildren () |
| Returns wheter this widget clips its children.
proto external bool | GetIsColorInherited () |
proto external void | SetIsColorInherited (bool isColorInherited) |
| Sets whether this widget inherits color from its parent.
proto external void | SetColor (notnull Color color) |
| Sets color of this widget.
proto external void | SetColorInt (int color) |
| Set ARGB color.
proto external int | GetColorInt () |
proto external void | SetOpacity (float alpha) |
| Sets opacity which applies to this widget and all its descendants.
proto external float | GetOpacity () |
proto external void | SetZOrder (int zOrder) |
| Changes z-order value.
proto external int | GetZOrder () |
| Higher values mean more in front.
proto external void | RemoveFromHierarchy () |
| Removes this widget from its parent and from the WidgetManager.
proto external Widget | FindWidget (string pathname) |
| Find Widget by path. e.g FindWidget("widget1.widget2.widget3.mywidget")
proto external Widget | FindAnyWidget (string pathname) |
| Looks for a widget with given name in this widget's children.
proto external Widget | FindAnyWidgetById (int user_id) |
| Find Widget by userID.
proto external string | GetStyleName () |
proto external bool | RemoveCallback (int eventId, int callbackId) |
proto external bool | RemoveCallbackByOwner (int eventId, Class owner) |
proto external bool | EmitCallback (int eventId) |
proto external WorkspaceWidget | GetWorkspace () |
proto ref Color | GetColor () |
| Returns color of this widget.
proto string | GetNavigation (WidgetNavigationDirection direction, out WidgetNavigationRuleType rule) |
| Gets navigation rule for given direction.
proto external void | SetNavigation (WidgetNavigationDirection direction, WidgetNavigationRuleType rule, string explicitTarget=string.Empty) |
| Sets navigation rule for given direction.
proto external string | GetTypeName () |
proto external int | GetFlags () |
proto external int | SetFlags (int flags) |
| Sets given WidgetFlags for this widget.
proto external int | ClearFlags (int flags) |
| Removes all flags.
proto external WidgetType | GetTypeID () |
proto void | GetScreenPos (out float x, out float y) |
| Returns position of this widget's top left corner in DPI scaled resolution.
proto void | GetScreenSize (out float width, out float height) |
| Returns size of this widget in DPI scaled resolution.
proto int | AddCallback (int eventId, WidgetEventCallback fn) |
| Add callback for given event id and returns callback id.
proto external ref Managed | Clone () |
| Return shallow copy of object, or null if it is not allowed (not public constructor)