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CanvasWidget Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for CanvasWidget:

Public Member Functions

proto external void SetDrawCommands (array< ref CanvasWidgetCommand > drawCommands)
 Commands in the array will be used to draw from now on The caller needs to keep the array alive - the callee takes just a pointer to it.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CanvasWidgetBase
proto external float PixelPerUnit ()
 How many pixels are currently drawn per one virtual unit.
proto external float ScaleByZoom (float originalSize)
 Scales given scalar by current zoom value.
proto external float GetZoom ()
 Gets the current zoom level.
proto external void SetZoom (float zoomLevel)
 Sets the current zoom level.
proto external vector PosToPixels (vector posUnits)
 Transforms given position to pixel position which can used for drawing.
proto external vector SizeToPixels (vector sizeUnits)
 Transforms given size to pixel size which can be used for drawing.
proto external void ZoomAt (vector posUnits, float zoomLevel)
 Performs zooming to zoomLevel and keeps the posUnits constant E.g.
proto external vector GetOffsetPx ()
 Gets the current offset in pixels.
proto external void SetOffsetPx (vector offsetPx)
 Sets the current offset in pixels.
proto external vector GetSizeInUnits ()
proto external void SetSizeInUnits (vector newSize)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Widget
proto external void Update ()
proto external Widget GetParent ()
 Returns parent in hierarchy, or NULL.
proto external Widget GetChildren ()
 Returns children in hierarchy, or NULL.
proto external Widget GetSibling ()
 Returns next sibling in hierarchy, or NULL.
proto external void RemoveChild (notnull Widget child)
proto external void SetName (string name)
proto external string GetName ()
proto external void SetUserID (int id)
 Sets user ID.
proto external int GetUserID ()
 Gets user ID.
proto external bool IsFocusable ()
proto external void AddChild (notnull Widget child)
 Adds given widget as a child. Possible only if this widget accepts more children.
proto external void AddHandler (ScriptedWidgetEventHandler eventHandler)
 Add (hook) handler to widget. Adds reference to the handler.
proto external void RemoveHandler (ScriptedWidgetEventHandler eventHandler)
 Unhook handler from widget. Release reference to the handler.
proto external int GetNumHandlers ()
 Return number of all handlers attached to widget (C++ & scripted)
proto external ScriptedWidgetEventHandler GetHandler (int index)
 return widget event handler on given index, when the event handler is not inherited from ScriptedWidgetEventHandler, null is returned
proto external ScriptedWidgetEventHandler FindHandler (TypeName type)
 return first widget event handler of given type, when none of event handlers has the type null is returned
proto external void SetVisible (bool show)
 Sets visibility of this widget (VISIBLE flag)
proto external void SetEnabled (bool enable)
 Sets enabled state of this widget (DISABLED flag)
proto external bool IsVisible ()
 Returns whether is this widget visible (VISIBLE flag is set)
proto external bool IsVisibleInHierarchy ()
 Returns whether are this widget and all its ancesstors visible (VISIBLE flag is set)
proto external bool IsEnabled ()
 Returns whether is this widget enabled (DISABLED flag is not set)
proto external bool IsEnabledInHierarchy ()
 Returns whether are this widget and all its ancesstors enabled (DISABLED flag is not set)
proto external bool IsClippingChildren ()
 Returns wheter this widget clips its children.
proto external bool GetIsColorInherited ()
proto external void SetIsColorInherited (bool isColorInherited)
 Sets whether this widget inherits color from its parent.
proto external void SetColor (notnull Color color)
 Sets color of this widget.
proto external void SetColorInt (int color)
 Set ARGB color.
proto external int GetColorInt ()
proto external void SetOpacity (float alpha)
 Sets opacity which applies to this widget and all its descendants.
proto external float GetOpacity ()
proto external void SetZOrder (int zOrder)
 Changes z-order value.
proto external int GetZOrder ()
 Higher values mean more in front.
proto external void RemoveFromHierarchy ()
 Removes this widget from its parent and from the WidgetManager.
proto external Widget FindWidget (string pathname)
 Find Widget by path. e.g FindWidget("widget1.widget2.widget3.mywidget")
proto external Widget FindAnyWidget (string pathname)
 Looks for a widget with given name in this widget's children.
proto external Widget FindAnyWidgetById (int user_id)
 Find Widget by userID.
proto external string GetStyleName ()
proto external bool RemoveCallback (int eventId, int callbackId)
proto external bool RemoveCallbackByOwner (int eventId, Class owner)
proto external bool EmitCallback (int eventId)
proto external WorkspaceWidget GetWorkspace ()
proto ref Color GetColor ()
 Returns color of this widget.
proto string GetNavigation (WidgetNavigationDirection direction, out WidgetNavigationRuleType rule)
 Gets navigation rule for given direction.
proto external void SetNavigation (WidgetNavigationDirection direction, WidgetNavigationRuleType rule, string explicitTarget=string.Empty)
 Sets navigation rule for given direction.
proto external string GetTypeName ()
proto external int GetFlags ()
proto external int SetFlags (int flags)
 Sets given WidgetFlags for this widget.
proto external int ClearFlags (int flags)
 Removes all flags.
proto external WidgetType GetTypeID ()
proto void GetScreenPos (out float x, out float y)
 Returns position of this widget's top left corner in DPI scaled resolution.
proto void GetScreenSize (out float width, out float height)
 Returns size of this widget in DPI scaled resolution.
proto int AddCallback (int eventId, WidgetEventCallback fn)
 Add callback for given event id and returns callback id.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Managed
proto external ref Managed Clone ()
 Return shallow copy of object, or null if it is not allowed (not public constructor)

Static Public Member Functions

static proto SharedItemRef LoadTexture (ResourceName resource)
 Loads a texture which can be then used in draw commands.

Member Function Documentation

◆ LoadTexture()

static proto SharedItemRef CanvasWidget.LoadTexture ( ResourceName  resource)

Loads a texture which can be then used in draw commands.

◆ SetDrawCommands()

proto external void CanvasWidget.SetDrawCommands ( array< ref CanvasWidgetCommand drawCommands)

Commands in the array will be used to draw from now on The caller needs to keep the array alive - the callee takes just a pointer to it.

Commands in the array are batched by the widget if possible. However, to allow batching some rules need to be followed. Consecutive commands of different type always start a new batch. For consecutive commands of the same type, using a different texture starts a new batch. ImageDrawCommand is not batched. TextDrawCommands with different rotations start a new batch.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: