Enfusion Script API
This is the complete list of members for CrossroadEntity, including all inherited members.
_WB_AfterWorldUpdate(float timeSlice) | GenericEntity | |
_WB_CanAnchorSnap(IEntitySource thisSrc, int thisAnchor, IEntitySource otherSrc, int otherAnchor, bool isReceiver) | CrossroadEntity | |
_WB_CanCopy(IEntitySource src) | GenericEntity | |
_WB_CanDelete(IEntitySource src) | GenericEntity | |
_WB_CanRename(IEntitySource src) | GenericEntity | |
_WB_CanSelect(IEntitySource src) | GenericEntity | |
_WB_EnablePhysics(IEntitySource src, bool physics) | GenericEntity | |
_WB_GetAnchor(inout vector position, IEntitySource src, int index) | CrossroadEntity | |
_WB_GetAnchorCount(IEntitySource src) | CrossroadEntity | |
_WB_GetBoundBox(inout vector min, inout vector max, IEntitySource src) | GenericEntity | |
_WB_GetContextMenuItems() | GenericEntity | |
_WB_GetEditableOwner() | GenericEntity | |
_WB_GetEditorAPI() | GenericEntity | |
_WB_GetUserEnums(string varName, IEntitySource src) | GenericEntity | |
_WB_MakeVisible(IEntitySource src, bool visible) | GenericEntity | |
_WB_OnAnchorSnapped(IEntitySource thisSrc, int thisAnchor, IEntitySource otherSrc, int otherAnchor, bool isReceiver) | CrossroadEntity | |
_WB_OnContextMenu(int id) | GenericEntity | |
_WB_OnCreate(IEntitySource src) | GenericEntity | |
_WB_OnDelete(IEntitySource src) | GenericEntity | |
_WB_OnInit(inout vector mat[4], IEntitySource src) | GenericEntity | |
_WB_OnKeyChanged(BaseContainer src, string key, BaseContainerList ownerContainers, IEntity parent) | CrossroadEntity | |
_WB_OnKeyDown(int keyCode) | GenericEntity | |
_WB_OnParentChange(IEntitySource src, IEntitySource prevParentSrc) | GenericEntity | |
_WB_OnPhysSimulPlacementBegin(IEntitySource src) | GenericEntity | |
_WB_OnRename(IEntitySource src, string oldName) | GenericEntity | |
_WB_SetExtraVisualiser(EntityVisualizerType type, IEntitySource src) | GenericEntity | |
_WB_SetTransform(inout vector mat[4], IEntitySource src) | GenericEntity | |
_WB_ShouldShowBoundBox(IEntitySource src) | GenericEntity | |
Activate() | GenericEntity | |
AddChild(notnull IEntity child, TNodeId pivot, EAddChildFlags flags=EAddChildFlags.AUTO_TRANSFORM) | IEntity | |
Animate(float speed, int loop) | IEntity | |
AnimateEx(float speed, int loop, out vector lin, out vector ang) | IEntity | |
ClearEventMask(EntityEvent e) | IEntity | |
ClearFlags(EntityFlags flags, bool recursively=false) | IEntity | |
Clone() | Managed | |
ConnectToDiagSystem() | GenericEntity | protected |
CoordToLocal(vector coord) | IEntity | |
CoordToParent(vector coord) | IEntity | |
CrossroadEntity(IEntitySource src, IEntity parent) | CrossroadEntity | protected |
Deactivate() | GenericEntity | |
DisconnectFromDiagSystem() | GenericEntity | protected |
EOnActivate(IEntity owner) | GenericEntity | protected |
EOnAnimEvent(IEntity owner, int type, int slot) | IEntity | protected |
EOnContact(IEntity owner, IEntity other, Contact contact) | IEntity | protected |
EOnDeactivate(IEntity owner) | GenericEntity | protected |
EOnDiag(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) | GenericEntity | protected |
EOnFixedFrame(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) | IEntity | protected |
EOnFixedPostFrame(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) | IEntity | protected |
EOnFrame(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) | IEntity | protected |
EOnInit(IEntity owner) | CrossroadEntity | protected |
EOnJointBreak(IEntity owner, IEntity other) | IEntity | protected |
EOnPhysicsActive(IEntity owner, bool activeState) | IEntity | protected |
EOnPhysicsMove(IEntity owner) | IEntity | protected |
EOnPostFrame(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) | IEntity | protected |
EOnPostSimulate(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) | IEntity | protected |
EOnSimulate(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) | IEntity | protected |
EOnTouch(IEntity owner, IEntity other, int touchTypesMask) | IEntity | protected |
EOnUser0(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | protected |
EOnUser1(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | protected |
EOnUser2(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | protected |
EOnUser3(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | protected |
EOnUser4(IEntity other, int extra) | IEntity | protected |
EOnVisible(IEntity owner, int frameNumber) | IEntity | protected |
FindComponent(TypeName typeName) | IEntity | |
FindComponentData(TypeName typeName) | IEntity | |
FindComponents(TypeName typeName, notnull array< Managed > outComponents) | IEntity | |
GetAngles() | IEntity | |
GetAnimation() | IEntity | |
GetBoneIndex(string boneName) | IEntity | |
GetBoneLocalMatrix(TNodeId bone, out vector mat[4]) | IEntity | |
GetBoneMatrix(TNodeId bone, out vector mat[4]) | IEntity | |
GetBoneNames(out notnull array< string > boneNames) | IEntity | |
GetBounds(out vector mins, out vector maxs) | IEntity | |
GetChildren() | IEntity | |
GetEventMask() | IEntity | |
GetFlags() | IEntity | |
GetID() | IEntity | |
GetLocalAngles() | IEntity | |
GetLocalTransform(out vector mat[]) | IEntity | |
GetLocalTransformAxis(int axis) | IEntity | |
GetLocalYawPitchRoll() | IEntity | |
GetMatrixFromSource(BaseWorld world, IEntitySource src, bool withScale, out vector mat[4]) | GenericEntity | static |
GetName() | IEntity | |
GetOrigin() | IEntity | |
GetParent() | IEntity | |
GetParticles() | IEntity | |
GetPhysics() | IEntity | |
GetPivot() | IEntity | |
GetPrefabData() | IEntity | |
GetRootParent() | IEntity | |
GetScale() | IEntity | |
GetSibling() | IEntity | |
GetTangent(ShapeEntity shape, int pIdx) | CrossroadEntity | |
GetTransform(out vector mat[]) | IEntity | |
GetTransformAxis(int axis) | IEntity | |
GetVObject() | IEntity | |
GetWorld() | IEntity | |
GetWorldBounds(out vector mins, out vector maxs) | IEntity | |
GetWorldTransform(out vector mat[]) | IEntity | |
GetWorldTransformAxis(int axis) | IEntity | |
GetYawPitchRoll() | IEntity | |
IEntity(IEntitySource src, IEntity parent) | IEntity | protected |
Init() | CrossroadEntity | |
IsDeleted() | IEntity | |
IsLoaded() | IEntity | |
IsRemoved() | IEntity | |
m_Bones | CrossroadEntity | |
OnTransformReset(bool isCorrection=false, vector newVelocity=vector.Zero) | GenericEntity | |
OnTransformResetImpl(TransformResetParams params) | GenericEntity | protected |
Preload(IEntitySource src) | GenericEntity | static |
RemoveChild(notnull IEntity child, bool keepTransform=false) | IEntity | |
Rpc(func method, void p0=NULL, void p1=NULL, void p2=NULL, void p3=NULL, void p4=NULL, void p5=NULL, void p6=NULL, void p7=NULL) | GenericEntity | |
RplLoad(ScriptBitReader reader) | GenericEntity | protected |
RplSave(ScriptBitWriter writer) | GenericEntity | protected |
SendEvent(notnull IEntity actor, EntityEvent e, void extra) | IEntity | |
SetAngles(vector angles) | IEntity | |
SetBone(TNodeId bone, vector angles, vector trans, float scale) | IEntity | |
SetBoneMatrix(TNodeId bone, vector mat[4]) | IEntity | |
SetCameraMask(int mask) | IEntity | |
SetEventMask(EntityEvent e) | IEntity | |
SetFixedLOD(int lod) | IEntity | |
SetFlags(EntityFlags flags, bool recursively=false) | IEntity | |
SetLocalTransform(vector mat[4]) | IEntity | |
SetName(string name) | IEntity | |
SetObject(VObject object, string options) | IEntity | |
SetOrigin(vector orig) | IEntity | |
SetScale(float scale) | IEntity | |
SetTransform(vector mat[4]) | IEntity | |
SetVComponentFlags(VCFlags flags) | IEntity | |
SetWorldTransform(vector mat[4]) | IEntity | |
SetYawPitchRoll(vector angles) | IEntity | |
Show(bool show) | GenericEntity | |
Update() | IEntity | |
UpdateTerrain() | CrossroadEntity | |
VectorToLocal(vector vec) | IEntity | |
VectorToParent(vector vec) | IEntity | |
~CrossroadEntity() | CrossroadEntity | protected |