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Curve Interface Reference

Represents a single 2D curve, where in each vector only the x and y coordinates are used. More...

Inheritance diagram for Curve:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from array< vector >
proto native int Count ()
 O(1) complexity.
proto native bool IsEmpty ()
proto native void Clear ()
 Destroys all elements of the array and sets the Count to 0.
proto native void Compact ()
 Frees any underlying memory which is not used.
proto void Set (int n, T value)
 Sets n-th element to given value.
proto int Find (T value)
 Tries to find the first occurrence of value in the array.
proto bool Contains (T value)
 Returns whether value is in array or not.
proto T Get (int n)
proto int Insert (T value)
 Inserts element at the end of array.
proto int InsertAt (T value, int index)
 Inserts element at certain position and moves all elements behind this position by one.
void InsertAll (notnull array< T > from)
 Inserts all elements from array.
proto native void Remove (int index)
 Removes element from array.
proto native void RemoveOrdered (int index)
 Removes element from array, but retains all elements ordered.
proto native void Resize (int newSize)
 Resizes the array to given size.
proto native void Reserve (int newSize)
 Reserve memory for given number of elements.
proto native void Swap (notnull array< T > other)
 Swaps the contents of this and other arrays.
proto native void Sort (bool reverse=false)
 Sorts elements of array, depends on underlying type.
proto native bool IsIndexValid (int index)
 Returns whether provided element index of array is valid.
proto int Copy (notnull array< T > from)
 Copies contents of from array to this array.
proto int Init (T init[])
proto bool RemoveItem (T value)
 Removes element from array.
proto bool RemoveItemOrdered (T value)
 Removes element from array, but retain all elements ordered.
void Debug ()
 Print all elements in array.
int GetRandomIndex ()
 Returns a random index of array.
GetRandomElement ()
 Returns a random element of array.
void SwapItems (int item1_index, int item2_index)

Detailed Description

Represents a single 2D curve, where in each vector only the x and y coordinates are used.

It is intended to be used as a property in following way:

Curve m_Curve;
Definition: attributes.c:259
Represents a single 2D curve, where in each vector only the x and y coordinates are used.
Definition: Math.c:73
Definition: attributes.c:38
static const string GraphDialog
Editor for splines which opens a dialog where the curve can be edited.
Definition: attributes.c:235

It may then be evaluated with:

Math3D.Curve(ECurveType.CatmullRom, t, m_Curve);
Definition: ECurveType.c:13
Definition: Math3D.c:13
static proto vector Curve(ECurveType type, float param, notnull array< vector > points, array< float > knots=null)
Computes curve.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: