Enfusion Script API
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Static Public Attributes | List of all members
UIWidgets Interface Reference

Static Public Attributes

static const string Auto = "auto"
 Widget is set automatically by script variable type.
static const string Hidden = ""
 Property is hidden when None is used. Same as UIWidgets.None.
static const string None = ""
 Property is hidden when None is used.
static const string ColorPicker = "colorPicker"
 Color wheel picker.
static const string ResourceNamePicker = "resourcePickerSimple"
 Registered resource picker.
static const string ResourcePickerThumbnail = "resourcePickerThumbnail"
 Registered resource picker with thumbnail support.
static const string FileNamePicker = "fileNamePicker"
 File name picker.
static const string ResourceAssignArray = "resourceAssignArray"
 Array of name-ResourceName pairs.
static const string Date = "date"
 Date picker.
static const string Graph = "graph"
 Graph, represented either by enf::DVT_VECTOR2ARRAY or enf::DVT_VECTOR4ARRAY, where the first value is fraction, and rest is value.
static const string Font = "font"
 Font picker. m_strParams has no usage. Type must be enf::DVT_STRING.
static const string SpinBox = "spinbox"
static const string ComboBox = "combobox"
static const string EditComboBox = "editcombobox"
static const string SearchComboBox = "searchcombobox"
static const string LocaleEditBox = "localeeditbox"
 Editbox for picking up IDs from localization table.
static const string EditBox = "editbox"
static const string CheckBox = "checkbox"
 Checkbox. m_strParams has no usage. Type must be enf::DVT_BOOLEAN.
static const string Slider = "slider"
static const string Flags = "flags"
 Array of bit flags represented by checkboxes.
static const string Button = "button"
 Generic ".." button without default functionality.
static const string Script = "script"
 Small script preview and button which opens ScriptEditor to edit script property.
static const string EditBoxWithButton = "editboxWithButton"
 Edit box with a generic ".." button which is without default functionality.
static const string EditBoxMultiline = "editboxMultiline"
 Edit box with a generic ".." button which is used to open separate window with text editor.
static const string LODFactorsEdit = "lodFactorsEdit"
 Dedicated to edit LOD factors. Type must be enf::DVT_SCALAR_ARRAY.
static const string Object = "object"
 Single object or an array of objects (depends on variable definition).
static const string Coords = "coords"
 3-element vector type in X/Y/Z form. Type must be enf::DVT_VECTOR3.
static const string Range = "range"
 2-element vector type in min-max form. Type must be enf::DVT_VECTOR2.
static const string Callback = "callback"
 Array of CallbackClass objects.
static const string TopLevelObject = "topLevelObject"
 Single object or an array of objects (depends on variable definition).
static const string GraphDialog = "graphDialog"
 Editor for splines which opens a dialog where the curve can be edited.
static const string BoundingVolumeEditor = "boundingVolume"
 Editor which displays min and max bounds, also allows using the BoundingVolumeEditor.

Member Data Documentation

◆ Auto

const string UIWidgets.Auto = "auto"

Widget is set automatically by script variable type.

◆ BoundingVolumeEditor

const string UIWidgets.BoundingVolumeEditor = "boundingVolume"

Editor which displays min and max bounds, also allows using the BoundingVolumeEditor.

Type must be enf::DVT_OBJECT.

◆ Button

const string UIWidgets.Button = "button"

Generic ".." button without default functionality.

It's for custom GUI implementation only. Type must be enf::DVT_STRING or enf::DVT_INTEGER or enf::DVT_SCALAR.

◆ Callback

const string UIWidgets.Callback = "callback"

Array of CallbackClass objects.

Type must be enf::DVT_OBJECTARRAY with objects inherited from Callback class.

◆ CheckBox

const string UIWidgets.CheckBox = "checkbox"

Checkbox. m_strParams has no usage. Type must be enf::DVT_BOOLEAN.

◆ ColorPicker

const string UIWidgets.ColorPicker = "colorPicker"

Color wheel picker.

m_strParams has no usage. Type must be enf::DVT_COLOR or enf::DVT_VECTOR3.

◆ ComboBox

const string UIWidgets.ComboBox = "combobox"


m_strParams has usage for numeric values, where there may be min and max value separated by space. Enums may contain selectable values. Type must be enf::DVT_STRING, or enf::DVT_INTEGER or enf::DVT_SCALAR.

◆ Coords

const string UIWidgets.Coords = "coords"

3-element vector type in X/Y/Z form. Type must be enf::DVT_VECTOR3.

◆ Date

const string UIWidgets.Date = "date"

Date picker.

m_strParams has no usage. Type must be enf::DVT_INTEGER. Format is provided by enf::DateTimeAsInt.

◆ EditBox

const string UIWidgets.EditBox = "editbox"


m_strParams has usage for numeric values, where there may be min and max value separated by space. Type must be enf::DVT_STRING, or enf::DVT_INTEGER or enf::DVT_SCALAR.

◆ EditBoxMultiline

const string UIWidgets.EditBoxMultiline = "editboxMultiline"

Edit box with a generic ".." button which is used to open separate window with text editor.

Type must be enf::DVT_STRING.

◆ EditBoxWithButton

const string UIWidgets.EditBoxWithButton = "editboxWithButton"

Edit box with a generic ".." button which is without default functionality.

It's for custom GUI implementation only. Type must be enf::DVT_STRING or enf::DVT_INTEGER or enf::DVT_SCALAR.

◆ EditComboBox

const string UIWidgets.EditComboBox = "editcombobox"

◆ FileNamePicker

const string UIWidgets.FileNamePicker = "fileNamePicker"

File name picker.

m_strParams contains file extensions separated by whitespace. For folders there are reserved virtual extensions "folders".

Returned path is exact path (in format "$filesystemName:path"). For absolute path use FileNameFormat=absolute e.g. "emat FileNameFormat=absolute".

Only for editor stuff. All game paths must use ResourceName + ResourcePicker.

Type must be enf::DVT_STRING.

◆ Flags

const string UIWidgets.Flags = "flags"

Array of bit flags represented by checkboxes.

m_strParams has no usage. Enums must contain bit definitions. Type must be enf::DVT_INTEGER.

◆ Font

const string UIWidgets.Font = "font"

Font picker. m_strParams has no usage. Type must be enf::DVT_STRING.

◆ Graph

const string UIWidgets.Graph = "graph"

Graph, represented either by enf::DVT_VECTOR2ARRAY or enf::DVT_VECTOR4ARRAY, where the first value is fraction, and rest is value.

m_strParams has no usage.

◆ GraphDialog

const string UIWidgets.GraphDialog = "graphDialog"

Editor for splines which opens a dialog where the curve can be edited.

Type must be CurvePoints or CurvePointsMulti. rangescale in attribute may specify "xScale yScale xOffset yOffset".

◆ Hidden

const string UIWidgets.Hidden = ""

Property is hidden when None is used. Same as UIWidgets.None.

◆ LocaleEditBox

const string UIWidgets.LocaleEditBox = "localeeditbox"

Editbox for picking up IDs from localization table.

Type must be enf::DVT_STRING.

◆ LODFactorsEdit

const string UIWidgets.LODFactorsEdit = "lodFactorsEdit"

Dedicated to edit LOD factors. Type must be enf::DVT_SCALAR_ARRAY.

◆ None

const string UIWidgets.None = ""

Property is hidden when None is used.

◆ Object

const string UIWidgets.Object = "object"

Single object or an array of objects (depends on variable definition).

Type must be enf::DVT_OBJECT or enf::DVT_OBJECTARRAY with objects. Use "noDetails" parameter with it to remove extra information from GUI (ClassName + goto Prefab button).

◆ Range

const string UIWidgets.Range = "range"

2-element vector type in min-max form. Type must be enf::DVT_VECTOR2.

◆ ResourceAssignArray

const string UIWidgets.ResourceAssignArray = "resourceAssignArray"

Array of name-ResourceName pairs.

Uses resource picker. m_strParams contains file extensions separated by whitespace

Type must be enf::DVT_OBJECTARRAY with objects of type enf::BaseContainer of MaterialAssignClass class.

◆ ResourceNamePicker

const string UIWidgets.ResourceNamePicker = "resourcePickerSimple"

Registered resource picker.

m_strParams contains file extensions separated by whitespace. For folders there are reserved virtual extensions "folders" and "unregFolders" that can be mixed with other file extensions. "unregFolders" allows to choose also unregistered folders which is good when property will not be saved to game data (scripted tools for example).

You can also specify param that will filter config files of specific class. Use "class=MyClassName" param for that. By default the filter passes also all classes that are being inherited from MyClassName. If you don't want to allow it then you can use extra param "inheritedClasses=false"

Type must be enf::DVT_RESOURCENAME.

◆ ResourcePickerThumbnail

const string UIWidgets.ResourcePickerThumbnail = "resourcePickerThumbnail"

Registered resource picker with thumbnail support.

m_strParams contains file extensions separated by whitespace. For folders there are reserved virtual extensions "folders" and "unregFolders" that can be mixed with other file extensions. "unregFolders" allows to choose also unregistered folders what is good when property will not be saved to game data (scripted tools for example)

You can also specify param that will filter config files of specific class. Use "class=MyClassName" param for that. By default the filter passes also all classes that are being inherited from MyClassName. If you don't want to allow it then you can use extra param "inheritedClasses=false"

Type must be enf::DVT_RESOURCENAME

◆ Script

const string UIWidgets.Script = "script"

Small script preview and button which opens ScriptEditor to edit script property.

Type must be enf::DVT_STRING.

◆ SearchComboBox

const string UIWidgets.SearchComboBox = "searchcombobox"

◆ Slider

const string UIWidgets.Slider = "slider"


m_strParams may contain min, max and step values separated by space. Type must be enf::DVT_INTEGER of enf::DVT_SCALAR.

◆ SpinBox

const string UIWidgets.SpinBox = "spinbox"


m_strParams may contain min and max value separated by space. Type must be enf::DVT_INTEGER or enf::DVT_SCALAR.

◆ TopLevelObject

const string UIWidgets.TopLevelObject = "topLevelObject"

Single object or an array of objects (depends on variable definition).

Type must be enf::DVT_OBJECT or enf::DVT_OBJECTARRAY with objects. When type is enf::DVT_OBJECTARRAY, there is no GUI of the array variable visible, but GUI of the array members will be placed on the top level of hierarchy. All ancestors and descendant objects (depends by context) will be editable.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: