AICarSteeringComponent – Arma 3

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class AICarSteeringComponent
	// controls working parameters of steering PID controller (Kp, Ki, Kd)
	steeringPIDWeights[] = { 1.2, 0.1, 0.2 };
	// controls working parameters of speed PID controller (Kp, Ki, Kd)
	speedPIDWeights[] = { 0.7, 0.2, 0.0 };

	// remapping of maxSpeed of vehicle, for fast vehicles we want to lower the used speed
	doRemapSpeed = true;
	remapSpeedRange[] = { 30.0, 70.0 };
	remapSpeedScalar[] = { 1.0, 0.35 };

	// prediction ahead is used for both steering and analysing of shape to modify the speed
	doPredictForward = true;
	predictForwardRange[] = { 1, 20 };
	// steer ahead is a point to steer to, saturated down to given range, in meters
	steerAheadSaturation[] = { 0.01, 0.4 };

	// set method of predicting safe speed
	speedPredictionMethod = 2;
	// 0 - three angles method
	// 1 - wheel direction method
	// 2 - combined method
	// three coef's to determine how much given angle should influence slowing down
	wheelAngleCoef = 0.7;
	forwardAngleCoef = 0.7;
	steeringAngleCoef = 1.0;
	differenceAngleCoef = 1.0;

	// for how long we allow to be not moving, before we consider us stuck
	stuckMaxTime = 3.0;
	// overtaking is part of collision avoidance
	allowOvertaking = true;
	allowCollisionAvoidance = true;
	// allow using movement vector as direction
	allowDrifting = false;

	// parameters of predictionMethod = 1
	maxWheelAngleDiff = 0.2616;
	minSpeedToKeep = 0.1;

	// how strong AI will turn when commanded left/right
	commandTurnFactor = 1.0;

Scripting commands

useAISteeringComponent true/false

  • enable or disable new ai driving across all vehicles driven locally on the machine.

vehicle forceFollowRoad true/false

  • forces AI driver to stick to immediate road, as long as the path is near the road

vehicle setConvoySeparation 20

  • sets distance between following vehicles, should be set for all vehicles in convoy with the same value.

vehicle setDriveOnPath [[1000,10,1000],[1100,10,1000]]

  • sets a custom path for a vehicle, behaves like Move command but with ability to send path through list of points. Accepts array of arrays (3 or 4 elements). Either (x,y,z) or (x,y,z,wantedSpeed)