Biki Export Scripts
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- 1 Arma: Airport IDs
- 2 Arma 3: CfgFunctions
- 3 Arma 3: CfgIdentities
- 4 Arma 3: CfgMarkers
- 5 Arma 3: CfgMarkerColors
- 6 Arma 3: CfgMusic
- 7 Arma 3: CfgVehicles
- 8 Arma 3: Difficulty Settings
- 9 Arma 3: Display3DEN IDCs
- 10 Arma 3: Hitpoints
- 11 Arma 3: Moves
- 12 Arma 3: createSimpleObject/objects
- 13 Arma 3: createVehicle/vehicles
- 14 Arma 3: DLC Restrictions
- 15 Arma 3: Shooting Targets
- 16 Arma 3: Sound Files
- 17 BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd
- 18 CfgGroups
- 19 CfgWorlds/Group*
- 20 inputAction/actions
- 21 Mission Parameters
- 22 Modules
- 23 nearestTerrainObjects
- 24 Side Relations
This page contains all export scripts used to generate data on various pages on this wiki.
In order to quickly link to the export script used to generate data on a specific page use {{Wiki|extractionScript}} on that specific page.
The functions from this page (and more) are also available in this mod.
Arma: Airport IDs
Author: POLPOX
↑ Back to spoiler's top_world = "Enoch";
_cfg = (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> _world);
_r = [
'{| class="wikitable"',
"! ID !! Coordinates !! Description !! AI approach",
_id = 0;
_addAirportInfo = {
_dir = asin ((getArray (_cfg >> "ilsDirection")) # 0);
if (_dir < 0) then
_dir = -_dir;
_compassDir = call {
_dir45 = round (_dir/45);
if (_dir45 == 1) exitWith { "NE" };
if (_dir45 == 2) exitWith { "E" };
if (_dir45 == 3) exitWith { "SE" };
if (_dir45 == 4) exitWith { "S" };
if (_dir45 == 5) exitWith { "SW" };
if (_dir45 == 6) exitWith { "W" };
if (_dir45 == 7) exitWith { "NW" };
_r pushBack "| " + str _id;
_r pushBack "| " + mapGridPosition (getArray (_cfg >> "ilsPosition"));
_r pushBack "| -";
_r pushBack "| " + str round _dir + " (" + _compassDir + ")";
_r pushBack "|-";
_id = _id + 1;
if (count getArray (_cfg >> "ilsPosition") != 0) exitWith
call _addAirportInfo;
_cfg = _x;
call _addAirportInfo;
} forEach ("true" configClasses (_cfg >> "SecondaryAirports"));
_r pushBack "|}";
copyToClipboard (_r joinString endl);
Arma 3: CfgFunctions
Author: R3vo
private _export = format ["Last updated: {{GVI|arma3|%1}}", (productVersion # 2 / 100) toFixed 2] + endl + "{| class=""wikitable sortable"" cellpadding=""0.5em""
! Group
! Category
! Functions";
{ // Config
private _indexConfig = _forEachIndex;
private _nameConfig = _x # 0;
{ // Tags
private _nameTAG = configName _x;
private _valueTAG = getText (_x >> "tag");
if (_valueTAG == "") then { _valueTag = configName _x };
{ // Categories
private _nameCategory = configName _x;
_export = _export + endl + "|-" + endl + "! " + _nameTAG + endl + "! " + _nameCategory + endl + "|";
private _pathCategory = getText (_x >> "file");
{ // Functions
private _prefix = ["BIS_fnc_", "BIN_fnc_"] select (_nameTAG in ["A3_Enoch", "A3_Contact"]);
_export = _export + endl + ": [[" + _prefix + (configName _x) + "]]";
} forEach ((_nameConfig >> "CfgFunctions" >> _nameTAG >> _nameCategory) call BIS_fnc_returnChildren);
} forEach ((_nameConfig >> "CfgFunctions" >> configName _x) call BIS_fnc_returnChildren);
} forEach ((_nameConfig >> "CfgFunctions") call BIS_fnc_returnChildren);
} forEach [[configFile, "configFile"]];
_export = _export + endl + "|}";
copyToClipboard _export;
Arma 3: CfgIdentities
Author: Lou Montana and POLPOX
private _result = [
'{| class="sortable wikitable"',
'! className !! Name !! Note'
_result pushBack "|-";
_note = ["", "Hidden"] select (getNumber (_x >> "disabled") == 1);
_result pushBack format ["| {{hl|%1}} || %2 || %3", configName _x, getText (_x >> "displayName"), _note];
} forEach ("true" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgFaces" >> "Man_A3"));
_result pushBack "|}";
_result joinString endl;
Arma 3: CfgMarkers
Author: R3vo
// Marker data to biki table
_classes = ("true" configClasses (ConfigFile >> "CfgMarkers"));
_classes = [_classes, [], {configName _x}, "ASCEND"] call BIS_fnc_sortBy;
_export = "{| class=""wikitable - sortable""
! No. !! Class !! Name !! Icon Path !! Shadow !! Scope !! Added with
_addon = _x call ENH_fnc_getConfigSourceAddon params [["_addonClass", ""]];
if (_addonClass isNotEqualTo "") then { _addonClass = format ["{{Icon|%1|24}}", _addonClass] };
_shadow = ["{{Icon|checked}}", "{{Icon|unchecked}}"] select (getNumber (_x >> "shadow"));
_export = _export + endl + "| " + str (_forEachIndex + 1) + "." + " || " + "{{hl|" + configName _x + "}}" + " || " + getText (_x >> "name") + " || " + "{{hl|" + getText (_x >> "icon") + "}}" + " || " + _shadow + " || " + str getNumber (_x >> "scope") + " || " + _addonClass + endl + "|-"
} forEach _classes;
copyToClipboard ((_export trim ["|-", 2]) + "|}");
// Marker icons screenshot
//Create a solid, grey area marker in the editor first. Set its size to 100000x100000
_startPos = [-33000, 20000, 0];
_classes = ("true" configClasses (ConfigFile >> "CfgMarkers"));
_classes = [_classes, [], {configName _x}, "ASCEND"] call BIS_fnc_sortBy;
if (_startPos # 0 > 30000) then
_startPos set [0, -33000];
_startPos = _startPos vectorAdd [0, -1600, 0];
_marker = createMarker [configName _x , _startPos];
_marker setMarkerType configName _x;
_marker setMarkerText format [" %1.", _forEachIndex + 1];
_startPos = _startPos vectorAdd [3500, 0, 0];
} forEach _classes;
Arma 3: CfgMarkerColors
Author: R3vo
↑ Back to spoiler's toptoFixed 2;
private _markers = "true" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgMarkerColors");
private _export = "";
_export = "{| class=""wikitable sortable""" + endl;
_export = _export + "! style= ""min-width: 100px"" | Preview !! Class Name !! Display Name !! RGBA (0..1) !! RGB (0..255) !! HTML" + endl;
private _classname = configName _x;
private _name = getText (_x >> "name");
private _colorRGBArma = getArray (_x >> "color");
_colorRGBArma = _colorRGBArma apply
if (_x isEqualType "") then
call compile _x;
private _colorRGB255 = _colorRGBArma apply {_x * 255};
_export = _export + "|-" + endl + format [
"| style=""background-color: %10"" | || %1 || ''%2'' || [%3, %4, %5, %6] || [%7, %8, %9] || %10",
_colorRGBArma # 0, _colorRGBArma # 1, _colorRGBArma # 2, _colorRGBArma # 3,
_colorRGB255 # 0, _colorRGB255 # 1, _colorRGB255 # 2,
_colorRGBArma call BIS_fnc_colorRGBtoHTML
] + endl;
} forEach _markers;
_export = _export + "|}" + endl + endl;
copyToClipboard _export;
Arma 3: CfgMusic
Author: Killzone_Kid
↑ Back to spoiler's topprivate _cfgMusic = [];
_cfgMusic pushBack format ["Last updated: {{GVI|arma3|%1}}", ((productVersion select 2) / 100) toFixed 2];
_cfgMusic pushBack "{| class=""wikitable sortable"" width=""100%1""", "%";
_cfgMusic pushBack "! width=""5%"" | No.";
_cfgMusic pushBack "! width=""35%"" | Title";
_cfgMusic pushBack "! width=""30%"" | Class Name";
_cfgMusic pushBack "! width=""15%"" | Duration";
_cfgMusic pushBack "! width=""15%"" | DLC";
_cfgMusic pushBack "";
private _name = getText (_x >> "name");
private _duration = getNumber (_x >> "duration");
_duration = round _duration;
private _minutes = floor (_duration / 60);
private _mod = _duration mod 60;
private _seconds = _mod / 1;
_minutesStr = if (_minutes < 10) then { format ["0%1", _minutes] } else { format ["%1", _minutes] };
_secondsStr = if (_seconds < 10) then { format ["0%1", _seconds] } else { format ["%1", _seconds] };
_duration = format ["%1:%2", _minutesStr, _secondsStr];
private _dlc = if (configSourceMod _x == "") then
"Arma 3";
format ["%1", (modParams [configSourceMod _x, ["name"]]) select 0];
//Some work around to make wiki link work
if (_dlc isEqualTo "[[Arma 3 Contact (Platform)]]") then
_dlc = "Arma 3 Contact";
if (_dlc isEqualTo "[[Arma 3 Tac-Ops]]") then
_dlc = "[[Arma 3 Tac-Ops Mission Pack]]";
_cfgMusic pushBack "|-";
_cfgMusic pushBack format ["| %1", _forEachIndex + 1];
_cfgMusic pushBack format ["| %1", if (_name == "") then { "N/A" } else { _name }];
_cfgMusic pushBack format ["| %1", configName _x];
_cfgMusic pushBack format ["| %1", if (_duration == "00:00") then { "N/A" } else { _duration }];
_cfgMusic pushBack format ["| %1", _dlc];
_cfgMusic pushBack "";
} forEach ("isClass _x" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgMusic"));
_cfgMusic pushBack "|}";
copyToClipboard (_cfgMusic joinString toString[10]);
Arma 3: CfgVehicles
Author: BIS_fnc_exportCfgVehiclesAssetDB updated by R3vo
↑ Back to spoiler's top/*
AUTHOR: Asheara, updated by R3vo
0 = [0] spawn BIS_fnc_exportCfgVehiclesAssetDB; -> OPFOR / CSAT
0 = [1] spawn BIS_fnc_exportCfgVehiclesAssetDB; -> BLUFOR / NATO
0 = [2] spawn BIS_fnc_exportCfgVehiclesAssetDB; -> Independent / Guerrilla
0 = [3, 0] spawn BIS_fnc_exportCfgVehiclesAssetDB; -> Civilian side, Civilian
0 = [3, 1] spawn BIS_fnc_exportCfgVehiclesAssetDB; -> Civilian side, Structures
0 = [3, 2] spawn BIS_fnc_exportCfgVehiclesAssetDB; -> Civilian side, Ruins & Wrecks
0 = [3, 3] spawn BIS_fnc_exportCfgVehiclesAssetDB; -> Civilian side, Equipment
0 = [3, 4] spawn BIS_fnc_exportCfgVehiclesAssetDB; -> Civilian side, Objects
0 = [3, 5] spawn BIS_fnc_exportCfgVehiclesAssetDB; -> Civilian side, VR Objects
0 = [3, 6] spawn BIS_fnc_exportCfgVehiclesAssetDB; -> Civilian side, Animals
0 = [] spawn BIS_fnc_exportCfgVehiclesAssetDB; -> Other - Unknown, Enemy, Friendly, Modules, Empty, Ambient Life
private _sides_param = param [0, [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [0, []]]; // first parameter, default value is "other" -> sides bigger than three, accepts array and numbers
private _categories_param = param [1, 0, [0]]; // second parameter, default value is 0 - representing "Civilians" category as first field of array, accepts numbers
if !(_sides_param isEqualType []) then // if _side is not array, make it array
_sides_param = [_sides_param];
if (count(_sides_param) > 1) then
_categories_param = 1;
startLoadingScreen [""];
_cfgVehicles = (configFile >> "cfgvehicles") call BIS_fnc_returnChildren; // gets all subclasses of cfgVehicles
_text = ""; // initialising the text variable
_product = productVersion select 0; // version of the product for purposes of the wiki links
_productShort = productVersion select 1; // version of the product for purposes of the wiki images
_scopes = ["Private", "Protected", "Public"]; // list of strings for scopes
_sides = ["OPFOR", "BLUFOR", "Independent", "Civilian", "Unknown", "Enemy", "Friendly", "Modules", "Empty", "Ambient Life"]; // list of strings for sides
_scopecolor = ["#E1C2C2", "#FFF3B2", "#C2E1C2"]; // list of colors for scopes
_sidecolor = ["#E1C2C2", "#C2D4E7", "#C2E1C2", "#DAC2E1", "#FFF3B2", "E1C2C2", "#C2E1C2", "#FDD3A6", "#DAC2E1", "#CCCCCC"]; // list of colors for sides
// listed subcategories for "civilian" side
_civilian = ["Civilians"];
_structures = ["Structures", "Structures (Altis)", "Structures (Tanoa)", "Walls", "Fences"];
_ruins_wrecks = ["Ruins", "Ruins (Altis)", "Ruins (Tanoa)", "Wrecks"];
_equipment = ["Equipment", "Weapons", "Weapon Attachements", "Supplies"];
_objects = ["Furniture", "Signs", "Things", "Other"];
_vr = ["VR Objects"];
_animals = ["Animals"];
_categories = [_civilian, _structures, _ruins_wrecks, _equipment, _objects, _vr, _animals];
_cfg_DLC = ["Curator", "Expansion", "Heli", "Kart", "Mark", "Orange", "Argo", "Tank"]; // list of values for DLCs from config
_icons_DLC = [
"Kart", "karts_icon_ca",
"Heli", "heli_icon_ca",
"Mark", "mark_icon_ca",
"Expansion", "apex_icon_ca",
"Jets", "jets_icon_ca",
"Orange", "orange_icon_ca",
"Argo", "malden_icon_ca",
"Tank", "tank_icon_ca"
_exclude_list = [];
// function returning appropriate string for the purpose of wiki links based on the item type passed as an argument
_fnc_getItemPage = {
switch (_this) do {
case "Weapon": { "CfgWeapons Weapons" };
case "VehicleWeapon": { "CfgWeapons Vehicle Weapons" };
case "Item": { "CfgWeapons Items" };
case "Equipment": { "CfgWeapons Equipment" };
default { "CfgWeapons" };
_text = format ["{{Navbox/A3Assets}}", _product] + endl;
// creating the wiki table header
_text = _text + "{| class=""wikitable sortable"" style=""font-size: 80%; margin: auto""" + endl;
_text = _text + "! Preview" + endl;
_text = _text + "! Class Name" + endl;
_text = _text + "! Display Name" + endl;
_text = _text + "! Side" + endl;
_text = _text + "! Category" + endl;
_text = _text + "! Subcategory" + endl;
_text = _text + "! Scope" + endl;
_text = _text + "! DLC" + endl;
// Props do not need to have these parameters listed
if (_categories_param == 0) then
_text = _text + "! Weapons" + endl;
_text = _text + "! Magazines" + endl;
_text = _text + "! Items" + endl;
_text = _text + "! Addons" + endl;
_text = _text + "! Features" + endl;
_parsed = []; // initialising array for filtering the assets
// Applies only for "civilian" side - too many assets, had to be split into several categories
if (3 in _sides_param) then
{ // getting side and editor category text to ve verified for every asset
_side = getNumber (_x >> "side");
_editorcategory = getText (configFile >> "cfgEditorCategories" >> getText (_x >> "editorCategory") >> "displayName");
if (_editorcategory == "") then
_editorcategory = getText (configFile >> "cfgFactionClasses" >> getText (_x >> "faction") >> "displayName");
// excluding classes starting as "Supply"
if ((configName _x select [0, 6]) == "Supply") then
_exclude_list pushBack _x;
// excluding carrier parts which are hidden from editor
if (((configName _x select [0, 15]) == "Land_Carrier_01") && { getNumber (_x >> "scope") != 2 }) then
_exclude_list pushBack _x;
// Verifying allegiance of an asset into chosen category
if (_side == 3 && { _editorcategory in (_categories select _categories_param) } && { !(_x in _exclude_list) }) then
_parsed pushBack _x;
} forEach _cfgVehicles;
_cfgVehicles = _parsed;
_cfgVehiclesCount = count _cfgVehicles; // count of the subclasses for purpose of the loading screen progress
_scope = getNumber (_x >> "scope"); // getting the scope parameter of the asset
_side = getNumber (_x >> "side"); // getting the side parameter of the asset
if (_scope > 0 && _side in _sides_param) then // chooses only the classes with public or private scope (1 or 2)
_weapons = []; // initialising the array for the weapons
_magazines = []; // initialising the array for the magazines
_textSide = _sides select _side; // getting the display name of side - number from config is used as array index
_textScope = _scopes select _scope; // getting the display name of scope - number from config is used as array index
_textDLC = ""; // initialising the variable for DLC
_iconDLC = ""; // initialising the variable for the icon file
_textWeapons = ""; // initialising the text variable for weapons
_textMagazines = ""; // initialising the text variable for magazines
_textItems = ""; // initialising the text variable for items
_textAddons = ""; // initialising the text variable for addons
_textFeatures = ""; // initialising the text variable for features
/* features attribute variables */
_tmp_features_int = 0;
_tmp_features_array = [];
_count_textures = 0;
_count_animations = 0;
_count_hiddensel = 0;
_count_vehcapacity = 0;
_count_turrets = 0;
_array_turrets = [];
_count_slingload = 0;
_count_sling_ropes = 0;
_can_float = 0;
/* vehicle capacity details*/
_driver = 0;
_copilot = 0;
_commanders = 0;
_ffv_positions = 0;
_gunners = 0;
_cargo = 0;
/* vehicle roles details */
_veh_medic = 0;
_veh_repair = 0;
_veh_ammo = 0;
_veh_fuel = 0;
/* vehicle in vehicle tranport */
_veh_carrier = 0;
_veh_cargo = 0;
/* men roles details */
_men_medic = 0;
_men_repair = 0;
_men_mines = 0;
_men_uav = 0;
_classname = configName _x; // getting the class name of the object
_displayname = getText (_x >> "displayName"); // getting the display name of the object
_editorcategory = getText (configFile >> "cfgEditorCategories" >> getText (_x >> "editorCategory") >> "displayName"); // getting editorcategory display name
_editorsubcategory = getText (configFile >> "cfgEditorSubcategories" >> getText (_x >> "editorSubcategory") >> "displayName"); // getting editor subcategory display name
_items = ([getText (_x >> "uniformClass")] + getArray (_x >> "linkedItems") + getArray (_x >> "items")) - [""]; // getting the list of the items
_addons = unitAddons _classname; // getting a list of addons required for the object
// if editorCategory is empty, variable is filled with faction instead
if (_editorcategory == "") then
_editorcategory = getText (configFile >> "cfgFactionClasses" >> getText (_x >> "faction") >> "displayName");
// if editorsubcategory is empty, variable is filled with vehicleclass instead
if (_editorsubcategory == "") then
_editorsubcategory = getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicleClasses" >> getText (_x >> "vehicleClass") >> "displayName");
// if the asset was released as part of DLC, there will be selected text for name of the expansion
_textDLC = getText (_x >> "DLC");
if ((_icons_DLC find _textDLC) != -1) then
_iconDLC = _icons_DLC select ((_icons_DLC find _textDLC)+1);
// Props do not need to have these parameters listed
if (_categories_param == 0) then
// loop for adding the turret weapons and magazines to the variables for current object
_weapons = _weapons + getArray (_x >> "weapons");
_magazines = _magazines + getArray (_x >> "magazines");
} forEach (_classname call bis_fnc_getTurrets);
// formatting of the _weapons array to fit to the wiki table, adding links
_type = _x call BIS_fnc_itemType; // getting the type of the weapon
_page = (_type select 0) call _fnc_getItemPage; // getting and appropriate
_textWeapons = _textWeapons + endl + format [": [[%1: %3#%2|%2]]", _product, _x, _page];
} forEach _weapons;
// formatting of the magazines - aggregating the duplicite magazines, adding links
while { _magazines isNotEqualTo [] } do {
_mag = _magazines select 0;
_textMagazines = _textMagazines + endl + format [":%1x [[%3: CfgMagazines#%2|%2]]", { _x == _mag } count _magazines, _mag, _product];
_magazines = _magazines - [_mag];
// formatting of the items
while { _items isNotEqualTo [] } do {
_item = _items select 0;
_type = _item call BIS_fnc_itemType;
_page = (_type select 0) call _fnc_getItemPage;
_textItems = _textItems + endl + format [": [[%4: %3#%2|%2]]", { _x == _item } count _items, _item, _page, _product];
_items = _items - [_item];
// formatting the addons list, adding links
{ // Addons starting with CuratorOnly shouldn't appear in the list
if ((_x find "CuratorOnly") == -1) then
_textAddons = _textAddons + endl + format [": [[%1: CfgPatches CfgVehicles#%2|%2]]", _product, _x];
} forEach _addons;
// Randomisation has two parts - textures and components
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + endl + "* '''Randomisation:''' ";
// parsing amount of skins, which have non-zero value
_tmp_features_array = getArray(_x >> "TextureList");
for "_i" from 0 to (count _tmp_features_array - 1) step 2 do
if (_tmp_features_array select (_i + 1) > 0) then
_count_textures = _count_textures + 1;
// parsing amount of components, which have probability to be random - values between 0 and 1
_tmp_features_array = getArray(_x >> "animationList");
for "_i" from 0 to (count _tmp_features_array - 1) step 2 do
if (_tmp_features_array select (_i + 1) > 0 && _tmp_features_array select (_i + 1) < 1) then
_count_animations = _count_animations + 1;
// creating the final text for randomisation, based on the values obtained from before
if (_count_textures > 1 || { _count_animations > 0 }) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "Yes";
// writing the amount of skins
if (_count_textures > 1) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + ", " + str _count_textures + " skins";
// writing the amount of components
if (_count_animations > 0) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + ", " + str _count_animations + " component";
if (_count_animations > 1) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "s";
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + endl;
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "No" + endl;
// getting the amount of hidden selections used for camouflage
_count_hiddensel = count getArray(_x >> "hiddenSelections");
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "* ''' Camo selections:''' " + str _count_hiddensel + endl;
if (configName _x isKindOf "Air" || { configName _x isKindOf "Car" } || { configName _x isKindOf "Tank" } || { configName _x isKindOf "Ship" }) then
// function to iterate through turrets, to get their count and list
_get_count_turrets =
private _config = _this select 0;
_count_turrets = _count_turrets + count("true" configClasses (_config >> "Turrets"));
_array_turrets pushBack _x; // creates array of configs for the turrets, so they can be sorted out
[_x] call _get_count_turrets; // checks if the turret has any other turrets as children
} forEach ("true" configClasses(_config >> "Turrets"));
[_x] call _get_count_turrets; // call the function to count and list the turrets
_driver = getNumber (_x >> "hasDriver"); // getting value to determine whether there is a driver (but always should be)
_cargo = getNumber (_x >> "transportSoldier"); // getting value to determine amount of cargo positions
// iterating through the array of configs for turrets to determine their types
{ // whether the turret is a commander
if (getText (_x >> "ProxyType") == "CPCommander") then
_commanders = _commanders + 1;
{ // whether the turret is a copilot
if ((getNumber (_x >> "isCopilot") == 1) && { count(getArray(_x >> "weapons")) == 0 || count(getArray(_x >> "magazines")) == 0 }) then
_copilot = _copilot + 1;
{ // whether the turret is a firing from the vehicle
if (getNumber (_x >> "isPersonTurret") == 1 && {count(getArray(_x >> "weapons")) == 0 || {count(getArray(_x >> "magazines")) == 0} || {getText (_x >> "ProxyType") == "CPCargo"}}) then
_ffv_positions = _ffv_positions + 1;
} else
{ // anything else is a gunner
_gunners = _gunners + 1;
} forEach _array_turrets;
_count_vehcapacity = _driver + _cargo + _count_turrets; // capacity of vehicle is driver, amount of cargo positions and amount of turrets
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "* '''Vehicle capacity:''' ";
// vehicles with parameter isUav have are remotely controlled
if (getNumber (_x >> "isUav") == 1) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "Remotely controlled, ";
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + str _count_vehcapacity;
// if capacity is more than a zero, we'll write more elaborate description
if (_count_vehcapacity > 0) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures;
// "amount" of drivers (always just one)
if (_driver > 0) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + endl + "** " + str _driver + " driver";
// "amount" of copilots
if (_copilot > 0) then
if (_driver > 0) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures;
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + endl + "** " + str _copilot + " copilot";
if (_copilot > 1) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "s";
// amount of commanders
if (_commanders > 0) then
if (_driver > 0 || { _copilot > 0 }) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures;
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + endl + "** " + str _commanders + " commander";
if (_commanders > 1) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "s";
// amount of gunners
if (_gunners > 0) then
if (_driver > 0 || { _copilot > 0 } || { _commanders > 0 }) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures;
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + endl + "** " + str _gunners + " gunner";
if (_gunners > 1) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "s";
// amount of positions for firing from vehicle
if (_ffv_positions > 0) then
if ((_driver > 0) || { _copilot > 0 } || { _commanders > 0 } || { _gunners > 0 }) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures;
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + endl + "** " + str _ffv_positions + " firing position";
if (_ffv_positions > 1) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "s";
// amount of cargo positions
if (_cargo > 0) then
if ((_driver > 0) || { _copilot > 0 } || { _commanders > 0 } || { _gunners > 0 } || { _ffv_positions > 0 }) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures;
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + endl + "** " + str _cargo + " cargo position";
if (_cargo > 1) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "s";
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + endl;
/* ROLES */
_veh_medic = getNumber (_x >> "attendant");
_veh_ammo = getNumber (_x >> "transportAmmo");
_veh_fuel = getNumber (_x >> "transportFuel");
_veh_repair = getNumber (_x >> "transportRepair");
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "* '''Roles:''' ";
// vehicle can heal, medic role
if (_veh_medic > 0) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + endl + "** can heal";
// vehicle can repair
if (_veh_repair > 0) then
if (_veh_medic > 0) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + ", " + endl;
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + endl + "** can repair";
// vehicle transports ammo, can replenish
if (_veh_ammo > 0) then
if (_veh_medic > 0 || { _veh_repair > 0 }) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + ", ";
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + endl + "** can replenish ammo";
// vehicle transports fuel, can replenish
if (_veh_fuel > 0) then
if (_veh_medic > 0 || { _veh_repair > 0 } || { _veh_ammo > 0 }) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + ", " + endl;
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + endl + "** can replenish fuel";
// no roles
if (!(_veh_fuel > 0) && {!(_veh_medic > 0)} && {!(_veh_repair > 0)} && {!(_veh_ammo > 0)}) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + endl + "** None";
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + endl;
_can_float = getNumber (_x >> "canFloat");
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "* '''Can float:''' ";
if (_can_float == 1) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "Yes" + endl;
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "No" + endl;
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "* '''Vehicle in vehicle transport:''' ";
if (isClass (_x >> "VehicleTransport")) then
_veh_carrier = getNumber (_x >> "VehicleTransport" >> "Carrier" >> "maxLoadMass");
_veh_cargo = getNumber (_x >> "VehicleTransport" >> "Cargo" >> "canBeTransported");
{ // specific vehicles can be blacklisted and therefore can't be loaded, done with config parameter
// therefore if config parameter is missing, vehicle can be loaded
_veh_cargo = 1;
if (_veh_carrier > 0) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "Can transport, up to " + str _veh_carrier + " kg. ";
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "Cannot transport. ";
if (_veh_cargo > 0) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "Can be transported." + endl;
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "Cannot be transported." + endl;
_count_slingload = getNumber (_x >> "slingLoadMaxCargoMass");
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "* '''Slingload:''' ";
if (_count_slingload > 0) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "Yes, up to " + str _count_slingload + " kg" + endl;
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "No" + endl;
if (configName _x isKindOf "Man" && { !(configName _x isKindOf "Animal") }) then
/* ROLES */
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "* '''Roles:''' ";
_men_medic = getNumber (_x >> "attendant");
_men_repair = getNumber (_x >> "engineer");
_men_mines = getNumber (_x >> "canDeactivateMines");
_men_uav = getNumber (_x >> "uavHacker");
// man can heal, medic role
if (_men_medic > 0) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "can heal";
// man can repair, engineer role
if (_men_repair > 0) then
if (_men_medic > 0) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + ", ";
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "can repair";
// man can deactivate mines
if (_men_mines > 0) then
if (_men_medic > 0 || { _men_repair > 0 }) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + ", ";
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "can deactivate mines";
// vehicle transports fuel, can replenish
if (_men_uav > 0) then
if (_men_medic > 0 || { _men_repair > 0 } || { _men_mines > 0 }) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + ", ";
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "can replenish fuel";
// no roles
if (!(_men_medic > 0) && { !(_men_repair > 0) } && { !(_men_mines > 0) } && { !(_men_uav > 0) }) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "None";
if !(configName _x isKindOf "Man") then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "* '''Slingloadable:''' ";
_count_sling_ropes = count getArray(_x >> "slingLoadCargoMemoryPoints");
if (_count_sling_ropes > 0) then
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "Yes";
_textFeatures = _textFeatures + "No";
// Get editor preview
private _image = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "editorPreview");
if (_image != "") then
_image = (_image splitString "\");
reverse _image;
_image = _image param [0, ""];
if (_image != "") then
_image = format ["[[File:%1|150px]]", "arma3-" + toLowerANSI _image];
diag_log _image;
_text = _text + "|-" + endl;
_text = _text + "|" + (["", " " + _image] select (_image != "") + endl; // preview
_text = _text + "| " + format ["<span id=""%1"">'''%1'''</span>", _classname] + endl; // class name
_text = _text + "| " + (if (_displayName != "") then { "''" + _displayname + "''" } else { "" }) + endl; // display name
_text = _text + "| " + format ["style=""background-color: %2"" | %1", _textSide, _sideColor select _side] + endl; // side
_text = _text + "| " + _editorcategory + endl; // category
_text = _text + "| " + _editorsubcategory + endl; // subcategory
_text = _text + "| " + format ["style=""background-color: %2"" | %1", _textScope, _scopeColor select _scope] + endl; // scope
if (_iconDLC != "") then // DLC
_text = _text + "| " + format ["[[File:%1.png|50px]]", _iconDLC] + endl;
_text = _text + "| " + _textDLC + endl;
// Props do not need to have these parameters listed
if (_categories_param == 0) then
_text = _text + "| " + _textWeapons + endl; // weapons
_text = _text + "| " + _textMagazines + endl; // magazines
_text = _text + "| " + _textItems + endl + endl; // items
_text = _text + "| " + _textAddons + endl + endl; // addons
_text = _text + "| " + _textFeatures + endl; // features
progressLoadingScreen (_foreachindex / _cfgVehiclesCount);
} forEach _cfgVehicles;
_text = _text + "|}" + endl; // wiki table ending
_text = _text + format [
"<div style=""color: grey; font-size: 0.9em; padding: 0.5em; text-align: center"">Generated in {{GVI|%1|%2|size= 0.75}} by ~~~~</div>",
toLowerANSI (productVersion select 0),
(productVersion select 2) * 0.01
] + endl;
_text = _text + "{{Navbox/A3Assets}}";
copyToClipboard _text; // copying the contents to the clipboard
Arma 3: Difficulty Settings
Author: Killzone_Kid
↑ Back to spoiler's top"debug_console" callExtension format ["class Difficulties"];
"debug_console" callExtension format ["{"];
_cfg = configFile >> "CfgDifficulties";
_class = configName _x;
"debug_console" callExtension format [" class %1", _class];
"debug_console" callExtension format [" {"];
"debug_console" callExtension format [" class Flags"];
"debug_console" callExtension format [" {"];
_flags = _cfg >> _class >> "Flags";
_flagNames = [];
for "_i" from 0 to count _flags - 1 do {
_flag = _flags select _i;
_flagNames pushBack configName _flag;
_flagNames sort true;
getArray (_flags >> _x) params ["_current", "_canChange"];
if (_canChange == 1) then
"debug_console" callExtension format [
" %1 = %2;",
_x, _current];
} else {
"debug_console" callExtension format [
" /* %1 = %2; - cannot be changed */",
_x, _current];
} forEach _flagNames;
"debug_console" callExtension format [" };"];
"debug_console" callExtension format [
" %1 = %2;",
_x, getNumber(_cfg >> _class >> _x)];
} forEach [
"debug_console" callExtension format [" };"];
} forEach ("true" configClasses _cfg);
"debug_console" callExtension format ["};"];
Arma 3: Display3DEN IDCs
Author: R3vo
private _sqfTag = "sqf";
private _controls = "{| class=""wikitable sortable""
! Config Name !! IDC !! Config Path" + endl;
private _fnc_scanConfig =
params ["_config"];
"true" configClasses _config apply
_idc = getNumber (_x >> "idc");
if (_idc > 0) then
_controls = _controls + "|-" + endl + "| " + "{{hl|" + configName _x + "}}" + " || " + str _idc + " || " + "<" + _sqfTag + ">" + ([_x, ""] call BIS_fnc_configPath) + "</" + _sqfTag + ">" + endl;
_x call _fnc_scanConfig;
[configFile >> "display3DEN"] call _fnc_scanConfig;
copyToClipboard (_controls + endl + "|}");
Arma 3: Hitpoints
Author: R3vo
//If 3den Enhanced is installed, the script will also fill the "Name" column with available translations
[] spawn
startLoadingScreen ["Loading"];
private _hitPoints = [];
_veh = configName _x createVehicle [0, 0, 0];
_hitpoints pushBackUnique _x;
} forEach (getAllHitPointsDamage _veh # 0);
deleteVehicle _veh;
} forEach ("isClass (_x >> 'HitPoints') && getNumber (_x >> 'Scope') >= 1" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles"));
_hitpoints sort true;
private _text = "{| class=""wikitable sortable""" + endl +"|-" + endl + "! No. !! Hit Point !! Name";
_text = _text + endl + "|-" + endl + "| " + str (_forEachIndex + 1) + " || " + _x + " || " + localize ("STR_ENH_DAMAGE_" + _x);
} forEach _hitpoints;
copyToClipboard (_text + endl + "|}");
systemChat "Data copied!";
Arma 3: Moves
Author: Lou Montana
↑ Back to spoiler's topprivate _allAnimConfigs = toString { private _name = configName _x; count _name > 7 && { toLowerANSI (_name select [0, 8]) == "cfgmoves" } } configClasses configFile;
private _humanAnimConfigs = _allAnimConfigs select {
private _name = configName _x;
count _name > 11 && { toLowerANSI (_name select [0, 12]) == "cfgmovesmale" }
|| { count _name > 12 && { toLowerANSI (_name select [0, 13]) == "cfgmoveswomen" } }
private _humanActions = [];
private _humanStates = [];
_humanActions append ("true" configClasses (_x >> "Actions") apply { "* " + configName _x });
_humanStates append ("true" configClasses (_x >> "States") apply { "* " + configName _x });
} forEach _humanAnimConfigs;
private _result = "{{TOC|side||3}}" + endl
+ "== All Human Animations ==" + endl + endl
+ "=== Actions ===" + endl + endl + "{{Columns|2|" + endl + ((_humanActions call BIS_fnc_sortAlphabetically) joinString endl) + endl + "}}" + endl + endl
+ "=== States ===" + endl + endl + "{{Columns|2|" + endl + ((_humanStates call BIS_fnc_sortAlphabetically) joinString endl) + endl + "}}" + endl + endl;
_result = _result + endl + "== All Animations ==" + endl + endl;
if (count (_x >> "Actions") + count (_x >> "States") < 1) then { continue };
_result = _result + format ["=== %1 ===", configName _x];
if (count (_x >> "Actions") > 0) then
_result = _result + endl + endl + "==== Actions ====" + endl + "{{Columns|2|" + endl + ("true" configClasses (_x >> "Actions") apply { "* " + configName _x } call BIS_fnc_sortAlphabetically joinString endl) + endl + "}}";
if (count (_x >> "States") > 0) then
_result = _result + endl + endl + "==== States ====" + endl + "{{Columns|2|" + endl + ("true" configClasses (_x >> "States") apply { "* " + configName _x } call BIS_fnc_sortAlphabetically joinString endl) + endl + "}}";
_result = _result + endl + endl;
} forEach _allAnimConfigs;
_result = _result + endl + "{{Wiki|extractionScript}}" + endl + endl + "[[Category:Moves]]" + endl + "{{GameCategory|arma3|Reference Lists}}"; // categories
copyToClipboard _result;
Arma 3: createSimpleObject/objects
Author: Lou Montana
private _result = [];
{ _result append addonFiles [_x select 0, ".p3d"] } forEach allAddonsInfo;
copyToClipboard str _result;
Arma 3: createVehicle/vehicles
light version (without hitpoints)
Author: Lou Montana
private _result = "";
"if (getNumber (_x >> 'scope') > 0) then
_result = format ['%1* %2\n', _result, configName _x];
}" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles");
copyToClipboard _result;
heavy version (with hitpoints)
Author: Killzone_Kid
private _result = "";
toString {
if (getNumber (_x >> "scope") > 0) then
_result = _result + "* " + configName _x + "\n";
for "_i" from 0 to count (_x >> "AnimationSources") - 1 do
_animSource = (_x >> "AnimationSources") select _i;
_source = getText (_animSource >> "source");
if (_source == "hit") then { _source = "hit [" + getText (_animSource >> "hitpoint") + "]" };
if (_source != "") then { _source = " => " + _source };
_result = _result + ("*# " + configName _animSource + _source) + "\n";
} configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles");
copyToClipboard _result;
heavy version (with hidden hitpoints)
Author: Lou Montana from the above one
↑ Back to spoiler's topprivate _result = "";
private _tagName = "spoiler"; // cannot write the whole tag
private _classes = "getNumber (_x >> 'scope') > 0" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles");
_classes = [_classes, [], { configName _x }, "ASCEND"] call BIS_fnc_sortBy;
private _currentLetter = "";
private ["_configName", "_letter", "_config", "_animsCount", "_animSource", "_source"];
_configName = configName _x;
_letter = toUpperANSI (_configName select [0, 1]);
if (_letter != _currentLetter) then
_result = _result + endl + "=== " + _letter + " ===" + endl + endl;
_currentLetter = _letter;
_result = _result + "* " + _configName;
_config = (_x >> "AnimationSources");
_animsCount = count _config;
if (_animsCount > 0) then
_result = _result + " <" + _tagName + " text= ""Show AnimationSources"">";
for "_i" from 0 to _animsCount - 1 do
_animSource = _config select _i;
_source = getText (_animSource >> "source");
if (_source == "hit") then { _source = "hit [" + getText (_animSource >> "hitpoint") + "]" };
if (_source != "") then { _source = " => " + _source };
_result = _result + endl + ("# " + configName _animSource + _source);
_result = _result + endl + "</" + _tagName + ">";
_result = _result + endl;
} forEach _classes;
_result = trim _result;
copyToClipboard _result;
Arma 3: DLC Restrictions
Author: POLPOX
↑ Back to spoiler's top// use unicode to prevent export error
forceUnicode 0;
// 0: personal equipments 1: vehicles
private _mode = 0;
// create hashmap to check looked models
private _lookedModels = createHashMap;
// get classes
private "_classes";
if (_mode == 0) then
// get weapons, equipments, glasses, bags (in CfgVehicles)
_classes = (
toString {
getNumber (_x >> 'scope') == 2 &&
(([configName _x] call BIS_fnc_baseWeapon) == configName _x) &&
getNumber (_x >> 'type') != 65536 &&
!('UnknownEquipment' in (configName _x call BIS_fnc_itemType))
} configClasses (configFile >> "CfgWeapons")
) +
("getNumber (_x >> 'scope') == 2" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgGlasses")) +
("getNumber (_x >> 'scope') == 2 && configName _x isKindOf 'Bag_Base'" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles"));
if (_mode == 1) then
// get vehicles, except Men
_classes = ("
getNumber (_x >> 'scope') == 2 &&
(configName _x isKindOf 'AllVehicles' &&
!(configName _x isKindOf 'Man'))
" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles"));
private _data = _classes apply {
private _class = configName _x;
private _model = toLower (call {
// check if the thing is a uniform
if ((getNumber (_x >> "itemInfo" >> "type")) == 801) exitWith
getText (_x >> "itemInfo" >> "uniformClass")
// normalize model path to prevent errors
private _split = (getText (_x >> "model") splitString "\");
if ((count _split >= 2) && { !(".p3d" in toLower (_split # (count _split-1))) }) then
_split set [count _split -1, (_split # (count _split-1)) + ".p3d"];
(_split joinString "\")
// get DLC info per items
if (isNil { _lookedModels get _model }) then
systemChat _class;
// create a simple object and check the DLC via getObjectDLC
private _obj = createSimpleObject [_model, [0, 0, 0]];
private _dlc = getObjectDLC _obj;
// and remove the object. bye-bye
deleteVehicle _obj;
// if it is a part of the base game, -1, otherwise DLC id
if (isNil "_dlc") then
_lookedModels set [_model, -1];
[_x, -1]
} else {
_lookedModels set [_model, _dlc];
[_x, _dlc]
} else {
// Skip the generation if the model is already checked
systemChat ("simple object generate skipped: " + _class);
[_x, _lookedModels get _model]
// return value preparation
private _return = [
'{| class="wikitable sortable"',
if (_mode == 0) then
_return pushBack '! Type'
} else {
_return pushBack '! Faction'
_return append [
'! classname',
'! displayName',
'! Icon',
'! Restricted?'
// code to convert things to things
private _IDtoDLC = {
switch _this do {
case 275700: { "arma3zeus" };
case 288520: { "arma3karts" };
case 304380: { "arma3helicopters" };
case 332350: { "arma3marksmen" };
case 395180: { "arma3apex" };
case 571710: { "arma3lawsofwar" };
case 601670: { "arma3jets" };
case 612480: { "arma3malden" };
case 744950: { "arma3tacops" };
case 798390: { "arma3tanks" };
case 1021790: { "arma3contact" };
case 1325500: { "arma3artofwar" };
default { "" };
private _DLCToName = {
switch _this do {
case "arma3zeus": { "Zeus" };
case "arma3karts": { "Karts" };
case "arma3helicopters": { "Helicopters" };
case "arma3marksmen": { "Marksmen" };
case "arma3apex": { "Apex" };
case "arma3lawsofwar": { "Laws of War" };
case "arma3jets": { "Jets" };
case "arma3malden": { "Malden" };
case "arma3tacops": { "Tac-Ops" };
case "arma3tanks": { "Tanks" };
case "arma3contact": { "Contact" };
case "arma3artofwar": { "Art of War" };
default { "" };
private _MODtoDLC = {
switch toLower _this do {
case "curator": { "arma3zeus" };
case "kart": { "arma3karts" };
case "heli": { "arma3helicopters" };
case "mark": { "arma3marksmen" };
case "expansion": { "arma3apex" };
case "orange": { "arma3lawsofwar" };
case "jets": { "arma3jets" };
case "argo": { "arma3malden" };
case "tacops": { "arma3tacops" };
case "tank": { "arma3tanks" };
case "enoch": { "arma3contact" };
case "aow": { "arma3artofwar" };
default { "" };
_x params ["_class", "_dlc"];
private _dlcName = _dlc call _IDtoDLC;
// Make the BG red when is restricted
_return pushBack ("|-" + (["", " style=""background: #EDD; color: #333"""] select (_dlcName != "")));
// Categorize personal equipments
if (_mode == 0) then
_return pushBack ("| " + call {
if ((configHierarchy (_x # 0)) # 1 == (configFile >> "CfgWeapons")) exitWith
_type = (configName (_x # 0)) call BIS_fnc_itemType;
if (configName (_x select 0) isKindOf ["Rifle", configFile >> "CfgWeapons"]) exitWith { "Rifle" };
if (configName (_x select 0) isKindOf ["Pistol", configFile >> "CfgWeapons"]) exitWith { "Pistol" };
if (configName (_x select 0) isKindOf ["Launcher", configFile >> "CfgWeapons"]) exitWith { "Launcher" };
if (_type # 1 == "GPS") exitWith { "Terminal" };
if (_type # 1 == "UAVTerminal") exitWith { "Terminal" };
if (_type # 1 == "AccessoryMuzzle") exitWith { "Muzzle Attachment" };
if (_type # 1 == "AccessorySights") exitWith { "Sight" };
if (_type # 1 == "AccessoryPointer") exitWith { "Rail Attachment" };
if (_type # 1 == "AccessoryBipod") exitWith { "Bipod" };
if (_type # 1 == "LaserDesignator") exitWith { "Binocular" };
if (_type # 1 == "NVGoggles") exitWith { "NVGs" };
if (_type # 1 == "Radio") exitWith { "Communication" };
if (
_type # 1 == "FirstAidKit" ||
_type # 1 == "Medikit" ||
_type # 1 == "Toolkit" ||
_type # 1 == "MineDetector"
) exitWith { "Item" };
_type # 1
if ((configHierarchy (_x # 0)) # 1 == (configFile >> "CfgGlasses")) exitWith
if ((configHierarchy (_x # 0)) # 1 == (configFile >> "CfgVehicles") && configName (_x # 0) isKindOf "Bag_Base") exitWith
} else {
_return pushBack ("| " + getText (configfile >> "CfgFactionClasses" >> (getText (_class >> "faction")) >> "displayName"));
_return append [
("| " + configName _class),
("| " + getText (_class >> "displayName"))
// DLC Icons
private _MOD = call {
private _return = "";
// emulate Arsenal icons
if (_mode == 0) then
private _addon = configSourceAddonList (_x # 0);
private _MOD = configSourceMODList (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> _addon # 0);
if (count _MOD > 0) then
_MOD = _MOD # 0
} else {
_MOD = ""
_return = _MOD;
// emulate Eden Editor icons
if (_mode == 1) then
private _MOD = configSourceMODList (_x # 0);
if (count _MOD > 0) then
_MOD = _MOD # 0
} else {
_MOD = ""
_return = _MOD;
_return pushBack ("| " + (["", format ["{{Icon|%1|25}}", _MOD call _MODtoDLC]] select (_MOD != "")));
if (_dlcName == "") then
_return pushBack ("| No");
} else {
_return pushBack ("| " + (_dlcName call _DLCToName));
} forEach _data;
_return pushBack "|}";
// and finally done, use joinString to make line breaks and copy
copyToClipboard (_return joinString endl);
Arma 3: Shooting Targets
Author: R3vo
popUpTargets = "{| class=""wikitable""
! Display Name !! Class !! Animation Sources"
private _anims = "true" configClasses (_x >> "AnimationSources");
if (_anims isNotEqualTo []) then
private _animsStr = "";
_animsStr = _animsStr + "{{hl|" + configName _x + "}}" + "<br>" + endl;
} forEach _anims;
popUpTargets = popUpTargets + endl + "|-" + endl + "| " + getText (_x >> "displayName") + " || " + "{{hl|" + configName _x + "}}" + " || " + endl + _animsStr;
} forEach ("getNumber (_x >> 'scope') > 1 && getText (_x >> 'editorSubcategory') == 'EdSubcat_Targets'" configClasses (configfile >> "CfgVehicles"));
copyToClipboard (popUpTargets + endl + "|}");
Arma 3: Sound Files
Author: Lou Montana
↑ Back to spoiler's top0 spawn {
private _exts = [".wav", ".wss", ".ogg"];
private _spoilerTagThreshold = 30;
private _extractRadioDubbing = false;
private _addonPaths = allAddonsInfo apply { _x select 0 };
if (!_extractRadioDubbing) then
_addonPaths = _addonPaths select { !("dubbing_radio" in _x) };
_addonPaths sort true;
private _addonPath = _x;
private _files = [];
_files append addonFiles [_addonPath, _x];
} forEach _exts;
if (_files isEqualTo []) then { continue };
private _showSpoiler = count _files > _spoilerTagThreshold;
diag_log text "";
diag_log text ("=== " + (_addonPath select [3, count _addonPath - 4]) + " ===");
diag_log text "";
if (_showSpoiler) then { diag_log text ("<" + "spoiler>") };
_files sort true;
diag_log text (" """ + _x + """");
} forEach _files;
if (_showSpoiler) then { diag_log text ("</" + "spoiler>") };
} forEach _addonPaths;
Author: Lou Montana
private _result = [];
private _foundPaas = [];
private _splits = [];
_foundPaas = addonFiles [_x select 0, ".paa"] select {
_x = toLower _x;
_x = _x splitString "\";
if (count _x > 5 && { _x select 2 == "data" && _x select 3 == "igui" && _x select 5 in ["actions", "holdactions"] }) then
_x = _x select (count _x - 1);
"action" in _x && { !("faction" in _x) && { !("interaction" in _x) } };
_result append _foundPaas;
} forEach allAddonsInfo;
copyToClipboard str _result;
Author: Lou Montana
- Arma 2: CfgGroupsCopy↑ Back to spoiler's toplocal _result = ""; local _addLine = { _result = _result + _this + (toString [10]); }; local _maxGroupWidth = 5; local _cfgGroups = configFile >> "CfgGroups"; "{{TOC|horizontal}}" call _addLine; for "_sideindex" from 0 to (count _cfgGroups -1) do { // side level local _sideConfig = _cfgGroups select _sideindex; if (isClass _sideConfig) then { if (_sideindex > 0) then { "" call _addLine; }; "" call _addLine; "== " + getText (_sideConfig >> "name") + " ==" call _addLine; "" call _addLine; "config: " + configName _sideConfig call _addLine; "" call _addLine; for "_factionindex" from 0 to count _sideConfig -1 do { // faction level local _factionConfig = _sideConfig select _factionindex; if (isClass _factionConfig) then { "=== " + getText (_factionConfig >> "name") + " ===" call _addLine; "" call _addLine; "config: " + configName _factionConfig call _addLine; "" call _addLine; "{| class=""wikitable""" call _addLine; for "_grouptypeindex" from 0 to count _factionConfig -1 do { // groupType level local _groupTypeConfig = _factionConfig select _grouptypeindex; if (isClass _groupTypeConfig) then { local _count = 0; for "_cnt" from 0 to count _groupTypeConfig -1 do { if (isClass (_groupTypeConfig select _cnt)) then { _count = _count + 1; }; }; local _groupLines = ceil (_count / _maxGroupWidth); "|- style=""vertical-align: top""" call _addLine; "! style=""vertical-align: middle; white-space: pre""" + (["", format [" rowspan=""%1""", _groupLines]] select (_groupLines > 1)) + " | " + getText (_groupTypeConfig >> "name") call _addLine; "<div style=""font-weight: normal"">config: " + configName _groupTypeConfig + "</div>" call _addLine; local _groupRow = 1; for "_groupindex" from 0 to count _groupTypeConfig -1 do { // group level local _groupConfig = _groupTypeConfig select _groupindex; if (isClass _groupConfig) then { "| <div style=""white-space: pre"">'''" + getText (_groupConfig >> "name") + "'''<br>config: " + configName _groupConfig + "</div>" call _addLine; "Composition:<div style=""" + (["", "columns: 2; "] select (count _groupConfig > 600 /* if needed */)) + "font-size: small"" class=""mw-collapsible mw-collapsed""><div style=""margin-right: 5em; padding-top: 1em"">" call _addLine; for "_unitindex" from 0 to count _groupConfig -1 do { local _unitClass = _groupConfig select _unitindex; if (isClass _unitClass) then { ("# " + getText (_unitClass >> "vehicle")) call _addLine; }; }; "</div></div>" call _addLine; _groupRow = _groupRow + 1; if (_groupRow > _maxGroupWidth) then { "|-" call _addLine; _groupRow = 1; }; }; }; "|-" call _addLine; }; }; "|}" call _addLine; }; }; }; }; "" call _addLine; "" call _addLine; "[[Category: CfgGroups]]" call _addLine; "" call _addLine; copyToClipboard _result; _result;
- Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead: CfgGroupsCopy↑ Back to spoiler's toplocal _result = ""; local _addLine = { _result = _result + _this + (toString [10]); }; local _maxGroupWidth = 5; local _cfgGroups = configFile >> "CfgGroups"; "{{TOC|horizontal|||y}}" call _addLine; for "_sideindex" from 0 to (count _cfgGroups -1) do { // side level local _sideConfig = _cfgGroups select _sideindex; if (isClass _sideConfig) then { if (_sideindex > 0) then { "" call _addLine; }; "" call _addLine; "== " + getText (_sideConfig >> "name") + " ==" call _addLine; "" call _addLine; "config: " + configName _sideConfig call _addLine; "" call _addLine; for "_factionindex" from 0 to count _sideConfig -1 do { // faction level local _factionConfig = _sideConfig select _factionindex; if (isClass _factionConfig) then { "=== " + getText (_factionConfig >> "name") + " ===" call _addLine; "" call _addLine; "config: " + configName _factionConfig call _addLine; "" call _addLine; "{| class=""wikitable""" call _addLine; for "_grouptypeindex" from 0 to count _factionConfig -1 do { // groupType level local _groupTypeConfig = _factionConfig select _grouptypeindex; if (isClass _groupTypeConfig) then { local _count = 0; for "_cnt" from 0 to count _groupTypeConfig -1 do { if (isClass (_groupTypeConfig select _cnt)) then { _count = _count + 1; }; }; local _groupLines = ceil (_count / _maxGroupWidth); "|- style=""vertical-align: top""" call _addLine; "! style=""vertical-align: middle; white-space: pre""" + (["", format [" rowspan=""%1""", _groupLines]] select (_groupLines > 1)) + " | " + getText (_groupTypeConfig >> "name") call _addLine; "<div style=""font-weight: normal"">config: " + configName _groupTypeConfig + "</div>" call _addLine; local _groupRow = 1; for "_groupindex" from 0 to count _groupTypeConfig -1 do { // group level local _groupConfig = _groupTypeConfig select _groupindex; if (isClass _groupConfig) then { "| <div style=""white-space: pre"">'''" + getText (_groupConfig >> "name") + "'''<br>config: " + configName _groupConfig + "</div>" call _addLine; "Composition:<div style=""" + (["", "columns: 2; "] select (count _groupConfig > 600 /* if needed */)) + "font-size: small"" class=""mw-collapsible mw-collapsed""><div style=""margin-right: 5em; padding-top: 1em"">" call _addLine; for "_unitindex" from 0 to count _groupConfig -1 do { local _unitClass = _groupConfig select _unitindex; if (isClass _unitClass) then { ("# " + getText (_unitClass >> "vehicle")) call _addLine; }; }; "</div></div>" call _addLine; _groupRow = _groupRow + 1; if (_groupRow > _maxGroupWidth) then { "|-" call _addLine; _groupRow = 1; }; }; }; "|-" call _addLine; }; }; "|}" call _addLine; }; }; }; }; "" call _addLine; "" call _addLine; "[[Category: CfgGroups]]" call _addLine; "" call _addLine; copyToClipboard _result; _result;
- Arma 3: CfgGroupsCopy↑ Back to spoiler's topprivate _lines = []; private _maxGroupWidth = 5; private _groupSides = "true" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgGroups"); // _lines pushBack "" + (_groupSides apply { format ["%1", getText (_x >> "name")] } joinString "") + ""; _lines pushBack "{{TOC|horizontal|||y}}"; { // side level if (_forEachIndex > 0) then { _lines pushBack ""; }; _lines pushBack ""; _lines pushBack "== " + getText (_x >> "name") + " =="; _lines pushBack ""; _lines pushBack "config: " + configName _x; _lines pushBack ""; private _factions = "true" configClasses _x; { // faction level _lines pushBack "=== " + getText (_x >> "name") + " ==="; _lines pushBack ""; _lines pushBack "config: " + configName _x; _lines pushBack ""; _lines pushBack "{| class=""wikitable"""; private _groupTypes = "true" configClasses _x; { // groupType level private _groups = "true" configClasses _x; private _groupLines = ceil (count _groups / _maxGroupWidth); _lines pushBack "|- style=""vertical-align: top"""; _lines pushBack "! style=""vertical-align: middle; white-space: pre""" + (["", format [" rowspan=""%1""", _groupLines]] select (_groupLines > 1)) + " | " + getText (_x >> "name"); _lines pushBack "<div style=""font-weight: normal"">config: " + configName _x + "</div>"; private _groupRow = 1; { // group level _lines pushBack "| <div style=""white-space: pre"">'''" + getText (_x >> "name") + "'''<br>config: " + configName _x + "</div>"; private _units = "true" configClasses _x; _lines pushBack "Composition:<div style=""" + (["", "columns: 2; "] select (count _units > 600 /* if needed */)) + "font-size: small"" class=""mw-collapsible mw-collapsed""><div style=""margin-right: 5em; padding-top: 1em"">"; { _lines pushBack ("# " + getText (_x >> "vehicle")); } forEach _units; _lines pushBack "</div></div>"; _groupRow = _groupRow + 1; if (_groupRow > _maxGroupWidth) then { _lines pushBack "|-"; _groupRow = 1; } } forEach _groups; _lines pushBack "|-"; } forEach _groupTypes; _lines pushBack "|}"; } forEach _factions; } forEach _groupSides; _lines pushBack ""; _lines pushBack ""; _lines pushBack "[[Category: CfgGroups]]"; _lines pushBack ""; private _result = _lines joinString endl; copyToClipboard _result; _result;
Author: Killzone_Kid
"if ((configName _x) select [0, 5] == 'group') then
diag_log ('%' + configName _x);
for '_i' from 0 to count _x - 1 do {
diag_log ('* ""' + configName (_x select _i) + '"" &rarr; ' + getText ((_x select _i) >> "name"));
}; false" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgWorlds");
Author: POLPOX
↑ Back to spoiler's top_r = [];
_r pushBack [getText (_x >> "name"), []];
_index = _forEachIndex;
private _actionName = actionName _x;
(_r # _index # 1) pushBack [_x, _actionName];
} forEach getArray (_x >> "group");
} forEach ("true" configClasses (configFile >> "UserActionGroups"));
_rFinal = [
'{| class="sortable wikitable"'
_presets = ("configName _x != 'Empty'" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgDefaultKeysPresets"));
_str = '! Type !! actionName !! Name';
_str = _str + " !! " + getText (_x >> "displayName");
if (getNumber (_x >> "default") == 1) then
_str = _str + "<br/>(Default)";
} forEach _presets;
_rFinal pushBack format ['! colspan="3" | Action information !! colspan="%1" | Presets', count _presets];
_rFinal pushBack "|-";
_rFinal pushBack _str;
_type = _x # 0;
_rFinal pushBack "|-";
_x params ["_actionName", "_name"/*, "_tooltip"*/];
if (_name isEqualTo "") then
_name = "{{n/a}}";
_str = format ["| %1 || {{hl|%2}} || %3 ", _type, _actionName, _name];
_keys = getArray (_x >> "Mappings" >> _actionName);
if (count _keys != 0) then
_keys = _keys apply {
call {
if (typeName _x == "STRING") exitWith
keyName call compile _x;
if (typeName _x == "ARRAY") exitWith
_r = [];
if (typeName _x == "STRING") then
_r pushBack ((keyName call compile _x) splitString """") # 0;
_r pushBack ((keyName _x) splitString """") # 0;
} forEach _x;
_r = (_r joinString "+");
keyName _x
_str = _str + format ["|| %1 ", (_keys joinString ", " splitString """") # 0];
} else {
_str = _str + "|| ";
} forEach _presets;
_rFinal pushBack _str;
} forEach (_x # 1);
} forEach _r;
_rFinal pushBack "|}";
copyToClipboard (_rFinal joinString endl);
Mission Parameters
Author: Lou Montana
↑ Back to spoiler's topprivate _addLine = { _result = _result + _this + endl; };
private _result = "";
if (not isNull getMissionConfig "titleParam1") then
("titleParam1 = """ + getText getMissionConfig "titleParam1" + """; // " + getTextRaw (getMissionConfig "titleParam1")) call _addLine;
("textsParam1[] = { """ + (getArray (getMissionConfig "textsParam1") joinString """, """) + """ };") call _addLine;
("valuesParam1[] = { " + (getArray (getMissionConfig "valuesParam1") joinString ", ") + " };") call _addLine;
("defValueParam1 = " + str getNumber getMissionConfig "defValueParam1" + ";") call _addLine;
if (not isNull getMissionConfig "titleParam2") then
("titleParam2 = """ + getText getMissionConfig "titleParam2" + """; // " + getTextRaw (getMissionConfig "titleParam2")) call _addLine;
("textsParam2[] = { """ + (getArray (getMissionConfig "textsParam2") joinString """, """) + """ };") call _addLine;
("valuesParam2[] = { " + (getArray (getMissionConfig "valuesParam2") joinString ", ") + " };") call _addLine;
("defValueParam2 = " + str getNumber getMissionConfig "defValueParam2" + ";") call _addLine;
if (not isNull getMissionConfig "Params") then
("class " + configName _x) call _addLine;
"{" call _addLine;
(" title = """ + getText (_x >> "title") + """; // " + getTextRaw (_x >> "title")) call _addLine;
(" texts[] = { """ + (getArray (_x >> "texts") joinString """, """) + """ };") call _addLine;
(" values[] = { " + (getArray (_x >> "values") joinString ", ") + " };") call _addLine;
(" default = " + str getNumber (_x >> "default") + ";") call _addLine;
"};" call _addLine;
} forEach ("true" configClasses getMissionConfig "Params");
copyToClipboard _result;
systemChat "Mission Params copied to clipboard";
Author: R3vo
↑ Back to spoiler's topprivate _version = format ["Last updated: {{GVI|arma3|%1}}", (productVersion # 2 / 100) toFixed 2];
private _counter = 0;
private _export = _version + endl + "{| class=""wikitable""" + endl + "! Module Name !! Category !! Addon !! Function !! Description" + endl + "|-" + endl;
private _modules = "(configName inheritsFrom _x) == 'Module_F'" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles");
if ((getNumber (_x >> "scope") > 1)) then
private _name = getText (_x >> "displayName");
private _cat = getText (_x >> "category");
private _mod = configSourceMod _x;
private _fnc = getText (_x >> "function");
if !(_fnc isEqualTo "") then
_fnc = _fnc select [7];
_fnc = "[[BIS_fnc" + _fnc + "]]";
private _desc = getText (_x >> "ModuleDescription" >> "Description");
if (_desc isEqualTo "") then { _desc = "" };
if (_mod == "") then { _mod = "A3" };
private _modName = modParams [_mod, ["name"]];
_modName = _modName select 0;
_cat = getText (configFile >> "CfgFactionClasses" >> _cat >> "displayName");
if (_cat isEqualTo "") then { _cat = "Others" };
_export = _export + "| " + _name + endl + "| " + _cat + endl + "| " + _modName + endl + "| " + _fnc + endl + "| " + _desc + endl + "|-" + endl;
_counter = _counter + 1;
} forEach _modules;
_export = _export + "|}" + endl + format ["Total number of modules: %1", _counter];
copyToClipboard _export;
Author: R3vo
↑ Back to spoiler's top[] spawn
_types sort true;
private _counts = [];
private _countTypes = count _types;
["R3vo_GetNearestTerrainObjects", ""] call BIS_fnc_startLoadingScreen;
private _terrainObjects = nearestTerrainObjects [
[worldSize / 2, worldSize / 2],
worldSize / 2 * sqrt 2,
if (count _terrainObjects > 0) then
_counts pushBack [_x, count _terrainObjects toFixed 0];
((_forEachIndex + 1) / _countTypes) call BIS_fnc_progressLoadingScreen;
} forEach _types;
"R3vo_GetNearestTerrainObjects" call BIS_fnc_endLoadingScreen;
private _export = "<big>[[" + getText (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "description") + "]]</big>" + endl + "{{Columns|5|";
_export = _export + endl + "* " + (_x # 0) + ": " + (_x # 1);
} forEach _counts;
_export = _export + endl + "}}";
copyToClipboard _export;
Side Relations
Author: Lou Montana
↑ Back to spoiler's topprivate _func = BIS_fnc_sideIsFriendly; // change here with BIS_fnc_sideIsEnemy for the other table
private _sidesAsString = ["east", "west", "resistance", "civilian", "sideAmbientLife", "sideUnknown", "sideEnemy", "sideFriendly", "sideEmpty", "sideLogic"];
private _sideResults = [];
private _sideAsString = _x;
private _side = call compile _sideAsString;
_sideResults pushBack ([_sideAsString] + (_sidesAsString apply { [_side, call compile _x] call _func }));
} forEach _sidesAsString;
private _result = "{| class=""wikitable align-center""\n|-\n";
_result = _result + "! [[" + _x +"]]\n";
} forEach _sidesAsString;
private _results = _x;
if (_x isEqualType true) then
if (_x) then
_result = _result + "| {{Icon|checked}}\n";
_result = _result + "| {{Icon|unchecked}}\n";
_result = _result + ("| [[" + _x + "]]\n");
} forEach _results;
_result = _result + "|-\n";
} forEach _sideResults;
_result = _result + "|}";