Biki Export Scripts

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This page contains all export scripts used to generate data on various pages on this wiki.

In order to quickly link to the export script used to generate data on a specific page use {{Wiki|extractionScript}} on that specific page.
The functions from this page (and more) are also available in this mod.

Arma: Airport IDs

Author: POLPOX

Arma 3: CfgFunctions

Author: R3vo

Arma 3: CfgIdentities

Author: Lou Montana and POLPOX

Arma 3: CfgMarkers

Author: R3vo

Arma 3: CfgMarkerColors

Author: R3vo

Arma 3: CfgMusic

Author: Killzone_Kid

Arma 3: CfgVehicles

Author: BIS_fnc_exportCfgVehiclesAssetDB updated by R3vo

Arma 3: Difficulty Settings

Author: Killzone_Kid

Arma 3: Display3DEN IDCs

Author: R3vo

Arma 3: Hitpoints

Author: R3vo

Arma 3: Moves

Author: Lou Montana

Arma 3: createSimpleObject/objects

Author: Lou Montana

Arma 3: createVehicle/vehicles

light version (without hitpoints)
Author: Lou Montana

heavy version (with hitpoints)
Author: Killzone_Kid

heavy version (with hidden hitpoints)
Author: Lou Montana from the above one

Arma 3: DLC Restrictions

Author: POLPOX

Arma 3: Shooting Targets

Author: R3vo

Arma 3: Sound Files

Author: Lou Montana


Author: Lou Montana


Author: Lou Montana


Author: Killzone_Kid


Author: POLPOX

Mission Parameters

Author: Lou Montana


Author: R3vo


Author: R3vo

Side Relations

Author: Lou Montana