Enforce Script Highlighter – Extension

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Enforce Script Highlighter
Description Highlights Enforce Script code.
Author Lou Montana
Project Start 2022-07-30: Project start
Release Date
  • 2022-07-30: "v0" (0.00a), first upload, Syntaxhighlight's C# syntax wrapper
  • 2023-06-15: v0.95, first custom lexer with Script Editor's theme
  • 2023-11-02: v0.96, allow some wiki formatting in comments
Version 0.96

This extension highlights Enforce Script Syntax using Script Editor's theme.

#ifdef WORKBENCH //! A demonstration full of class - see also SQF Syntax class SCR_EnforceScriptDemonstration { static void SendMessage(string message = "Hello there") { Print(message, LogLevel.NORMAL); } } #endif


  • Enforce Script Syntax support
    • Links to game classes using enfusion:// link
    • Auto-detects class/enum declarations in script snippet e.g cclass ABC {} ABC.MyMethod();
    • Slight styling for m_/s_ variables, ALL_CAPS constants
  • "Copy code to clipboard" button on hover
  • Partial wiki formatting in comments: ''italic'', '''bold''', <s>striked</s>, <u>underlined</u>, [[links|even styled ones]], {{templates}}
  • Enforce Script tag button in the wiki edit toolbar (next to B and I)
  • Options:
    • inline for inline code
    • notrim to remove the auto trim (lines themselves will always be right-trimmed)
    • game="armaR" (default per wiki namespace, case-insensitive) used to force which game links should be used - can be one of dayz, armaR, arma4
    • classes="SCR_ClassA SCR_ClassB" (case-sensitive) additional classes to be declared (if outside the example)
    • methods="Rpc_MyMethod AnotherMethod_S" (case-sensitive) additional methods to be declared (if unclear)
    • noGuess to disable guessing unknown token as classes as false positives can happen - use classes in that case
      Class guess regex: ^([A-Z][A-Z0-9]{1,7}_)?E?[A-Z][a-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*$ as per script tag guidelines
    • noLinks to disable class-linking
    • support for class and style HTML attributes


  • Unzip the directory to wiki/extensions/EnforceScriptHighlighter
  • Add wfLoadExtension( 'EnforceScriptHighlighter' ); to LocalSettings.php
  • Settings can be found in extension.json:
    • Game-Namespace relationship
    • Game class-link pairs
    • keywords, native types, preprocessor commands, etc.


Using <enforce> tags will auto-generate syntax highlighting.

Code Result
Copy-no code provided-
Copy-no code provided-
<enforce> </enforce>
Copy-no code provided-
<enforce>int i = 3;</enforce>
int i = 3;
class ABC

class DEF : ABC
	// unreachable
	protected static void Print(string text)
		Print(text + 42, LogLevel.NORMAL);
#ifdef WORKBENCH class ABC { } class DEF : ABC { // unreachable protected static void Print(string text) { Print(text + 42, LogLevel.NORMAL); } } #endif
This is <enforce inline>int i = 0; i++;</enforce> absolutely inline.<br>
And here comes another one <enforce inline>float value = 0.001;</enforce> inline text.<br>
And another one <enforce inline>array<string> = {};</enforce>

This is cint i = 0; i++; absolutely inline.
And here comes another one cfloat value = 0.001; inline text.
And another one carray<string> = {};

<enforce notrim>

	Print("Hello there");

Print("Hello there");
<enforce game="ofp" noGuess>string s = "ok"; int a = 42; PlayerBase pb; RplComponent comp;</enforce>
<enforce game="dayz" noGuess>string s = "ok"; int a = 42; PlayerBase pb; RplComponent comp;</enforce>
<enforce game="armaR" noGuess>string s = "ok"; int a = 42; PlayerBase pb; RplComponent comp;</enforce>
<enforce game="arma4" noGuess>string s = "ok"; int a = 42; PlayerBase pb; RplComponent comp;</enforce>
string s = "ok"; int a = 42; PlayerBase pb; RplComponent comp;

string s = "ok"; int a = 42; PlayerBase pb; RplComponent comp;
string s = "ok"; int a = 42; PlayerBase pb; RplComponent comp;
string s = "ok"; int a = 42; PlayerBase pb; RplComponent comp;

<enforce classes="SCR_abc SCR_jkl v2">
SCR_abc v1;
SCR_def v2;
SCR_ghi v3;
SCR_jkl v4;
SCR_abc v1; SCR_def v2; SCR_ghi v3; SCR_jkl v4;
<enforce>Rpc(Rpc_MyMethod, parameter1, parameter2);</enforce>
<enforce noGuess>Rpc(Rpc_MyMethod, parameter1, parameter2);</enforce>
<enforce methods="Rpc_MyMethod">Rpc(Rpc_MyMethod, parameter1, parameter2);</enforce>
Rpc(Rpc_MyMethod, parameter1, parameter2);

Rpc(Rpc_MyMethod, parameter1, parameter2);
Rpc(Rpc_MyMethod, parameter1, parameter2);

<enforce noGuess>MyClass.MyMethod()</enforce>


<enforce noLinks>RplComponent</enforce>


<enforce class="float-right" style="border: 0.5em dashed #CDF">Print("OK");</enforce>
	I like ''{{dayz}}'', <u>{{armaR}}</u> and '''{{GameCategory|arma4|link= y}}'''! (not <s>OFP</s>DR)
	[[Enfusion]] [https://enfusionengine.com EnfusionEngine.com]
	https://google.com [https://google.com Google.com] {{Link|https://google.com|template link}}
/* I like DayZ, Arma Reforger and Arma 4! (not OFPDR) Enfusion EnfusionEngine.com https://google.com Google.com template link */

Known Issues

Version Issue Report Date Fix Date
0.00a N/A
0.95 N/A
0.96 N/A
Report issues on Discord, in the #community_wiki channel!