Global Mobilization Retexturing

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All playable assets in Global Mobilization are configured and textured using hiddenSelections-technology. This means you are able to replace the textures of the vehicle without having to edit the mesh data itself. Instead, a simple config or even script call using setObjectTexture is enough.

Vehicles follow a standard setup of available texture "slots". All GM vehicles have these, but are not necessarily using all slots. Usually only two or three texture "slots" are used.

A BMP1 textured with neutral grey
Index Selection Name
0 texWheel_01
1 tex_01
2 tex_02
3 tex_03
4 tex_04
5 tex_05
6 tex_06


Retexturing an asset traditionally poses one problem: How to keep the wear and tear of the texture while changing the base color and pattern?

The assets in Global Mobilization do not have this problem!

Any color or camo pattern that you apply to GM vehicles will automatically receive the appropriate wear and tear details without you having to worry about it.

Procedural Textures

Compare these examples:

To achieve the look of the vehicle in the second picture not a single texture file was created. This was done purely via script in runtime using Procedural Textures:

bmp1 setObjectTexture [0, "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(1,0.0,0.0,1,CO)"]; bmp1 setObjectTexture [1, "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0,0.5,0.0,1,CO)"]; bmp1 setObjectTexture [2, "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0,0.2,0.5,1,CO)"];

This means you can pick any uniform color you wish and assign it to any vehicle in GM without any issues.

Bitmap Textures

The same of course works with texture files instead of scripted textures:

The result of applying these two textures to indices 1 and 2 looks like this:

gm retex bmp1 funky2.png

Note how the pattern textures themselves are very basic and contain no masking, wear or any other irregularities.

Template Textures

Please note that not all characters support the automatic "wear and tear". For those assets we provided the wear and tear as a separate layer.

These template images are not meant to be used directly as textures. Instead they are intended only for reference if you wish to paint more detailed patterns. The ambient shadow effect was added to these masks to provide you further orientation and guidance when working on a template.

Configuration Templates and Ingame Examples

We have prepared two factions that extensively make use of this concept:

These are unencrypted pbo archives that provide you with useable config templates and textures.

They are meant to help you get an understanding of how to re-use existing GM content with new custom textures, loadouts, display names and further detail. All of this is supported by a solid config file foundation that is prepared in a way so that it does not confuse with unnecessary clutter. We encourage everyone to download, unpack and start their modding journey with these addons their guiding samples.

Download Reference Templates

Find the zip archive that contains all necessary template textures for GM's vehicles and characters here:

(If clicking the link does not automatically start a download: Right-Click it and then use "Save As...".)


  • 13th November 2019: Added Templates for Hats, Helmets and Vests.
  • 28th November 2019: Added Templates for M113A1DK, M92 PNMK, T-55A, T-55AM2, OT-64/SKOT, PT-76B, Leopard 1A5, New Danish and Polish infantry gear
  • 18th March 2020: Added GE BGS uniform template
  • 8th October 2020: Added 1.2 Vehicle and Character Templates (VBH/PAH-1, Do-28D2, CH-53G, Mi-2, L-410; BDU, Pilot suits, Pilot Vest, Combat Vest, new helmets, hats and berets)
  • 18th October 2020: Added a skinning_template.p3d that can help with creating custom vests to match the GM uniforms, especially the belt/hip and shoulder position
  • 22nd October 2020: Added the missing template for the boonie hat
  • 30th October 2020: Added the missing template for the Refueling Ural
  • 11th March 2021: Added 1.3 Vehicles and Character Templates (UAZ, Marder, Fire Truck, GE 90s uniforms, vests, helmets and backpack templates, new civilian clothing)
  • 27th August 2021: Added 1.4 vehicles (M109, LARS 2, 2S1, BM-21, 2P16, 7t Truck)
  • 3rd April 2023: Added 1.5 vehicles (Typ 2 and W123) and clothing
  • 3rd April 2023: Added 1.5 vehicles (Typ 2 and W123) and clothing
  • 11th May 2024: Added gm_sample_bo105_ext_02_co.png, Updated ZSU-23-4 Samples, Added GM Fire Geometry penetration material rvmats
  • 29th May 2024: Added DK M113 samples and Armband texture sample + rvmat, added book binder sample texture