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- Description:
- Checks whether position is inside given polygon. The polygon is only checked in 2 dimensions, i.e. the value of Z is ignored.
- Groups:
- Positions
- Syntax:
- position inPolygon polygon
- Parameters:
- position: Array format Position3D,
2.14 Object or Group
- polygon: Array of Position3D - positions in format: [position1, position2...., positionN]
- Return Value:
- Boolean
- Example 1:
- Example 2:
- Copyprivate _markerName = "_USER_DEFINED #0/0/1"; private _xy2DPositions = markerPolyline _markerName; private _positions = []; // let's convert these x,y coordinates to "normal" position arrays for "_i" from 0 to count _xy2DPositions - 1 step 2 do { _positions pushBack [_xy2DPositions select _i, _xy2DPositions select (_i + 1), 0]; }; player inPolygon _positions; // true if in the drawn shape, false if not
Additional Information
- See also:
- in inArea inAreaArray drawPolygon
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