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- Description:
- Set the current terrain's altitude on provided location(s).
- Groups:
- Diagnostic
- Syntax:
- setTerrainHeight [positionAndAltitudeArray, adjustObjects]
- Parameters:
- positionAndAltitudeArray: Array of Array in format PositionASL - [[x1, y1, newASLHeight1], [x2, y2, newASLHeight2], ...]
- adjustObjects: Boolean - (Optional, default true) if true then objects on modified points are moved up/down to keep the same ATL height
- Return Value:
- Nothing
- Example 1:
- Copyprivate _fnc_flattenTerrain = { params ["_start", "_a", "_b", "_h"]; private _newPositions = []; for "_xStep" from 0 to _a do { for "_yStep" from 0 to _b do { private _newHeight = _start vectorAdd [_xStep, _yStep, 0]; _newHeight set [2, _h]; _newPositions pushBack _newHeight; }; }; _newPositions; }; private _desiredTerrainHeight = 150; private _positionsAndHeights = [getPosWorld player, 50, 50, _desiredTerrainHeight] call _fnc_flattenTerrain; setTerrainHeight [_positionsAndHeights, true];
- Example 2:
- Bad example:
CopyGood example:// first update setTerrainHeight [[[1000, 1000, 25], [1005, 1000, 25], [1000, 1005, 25], [1005, 1005, 25]]]; // second update - this will make the JIP queue keep both messages setTerrainHeight [[[1005, 1000, 50]]];Copy// first update setTerrainHeight [[[1000, 1000, 25], [1005, 1000, 25], [1000, 1005, 25], [1005, 1005, 25]]]; // second update - this will update the JIP queue properly setTerrainHeight [[[1000, 1000, 25], [1005, 1000, 50], [1000, 1005, 25], [1005, 1005, 25]]];
Additional Information
- See also:
- getTerrainInfo getTerrainHeight
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