Bug List – ArmA: Armed Assault Talk

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== Installation issues ==
==Bug Tracking System==

*I don't really know where to put this,people with the German version on a Win XP64 system have the sara.pbo missing after patching v1.02
As there is now "unofficial" bug tracking system running, containing all bugs from this page imported, I think we should consider closing this page and redirecting users to that system (check it at http://bugs.armed-assault.net/view_all_bug_page.php). An alternative could be to having some volunteers doing synchronization for those who prefer reporting bugs here, but I doubt anyone would be willing do that. (Off course, another alternative is the majority of the community may prefer bug tracking being done solely here, which I doubt, but if it is the case, we can reopen the page again and continue as it is now). Please, voice your opinion here. Until we decide, this Wiki bug list is protected and user cannot change it. --[[User:Suma|Suma]] 11:10, 14 February 2007 (CET)
: I think the tracking system has a stronger implication that an official response will be given to each bug. As it stands, the wiki page is just a list. An official word stating the intention of the public listing/tracking of bugs could help (eg, BI have an internal bug reporting system and this is just a secondary). --[[User:Ceeeb|Ceeeb]] 14:15, 14 February 2007 (CET)
::As this is a community tracking system, there is no guaranteed response from us (yes, we do have other system we use internally). Its primary purpose is for the community to have a list of known issues, workarounds for them... However, as you can see in the bug history in the tracker, chance of getting response from us are quite high, esp. for fatal or major issues. --[[User:Suma|Suma]] 14:27, 14 February 2007 (CET)
::: Too bad there seems to be no edit feature for bugreports on boeckler.org. thus it's imposible to fix errors (wrong Category etc )  --[[User:Bdfy|bdfy]]
:::: Oh it's there, It's just the access matrix, what prevents that (an Updater can do that). This could  be discussed in the notes of the issue. IMHO it's in the responsibility of the assigned person whether the category fits. --[[User:Boecko|Boecko]]
:::: On the other hand, we can discuss the initial access right of users. --[[User:Boecko|Boecko]]
::I find the new list a lot more confusing especially the priories. But I can live with it. Should I lock the Biki bug list then? [[User:Hoz|hoz]]
::: I tried to map the priorities to the BTS-priorities  AND to severities. One (with manager access) can changethis on the fly (Filter given priority, "Update Priority" at the bottom of the page. --[[User:Boecko|Boecko]]
::: Hoz, Boecko is trying to express that both priorities AND to severities can be configured to ones preferences - the priority descriptions are the defaults values of the mantis. also i think both priorities and severities should only be possible to get changed by the BTS admins - i think one can configure mantis that way.--[[User:WGL.Q|WGL.Q]] 20:28, 14 February 2007 (CET)
:::Now i see - after several reports i became and updater and got edit option.--[[User:Bdfy|bdfy]]
:: Please, provide repro steps. They may be obvious to you from the bug description, but they often are not. Example of issue I would like to have repro steps for is http://www.boeckler.org/mantis/view.php?id=1914 --[[User:Suma|Suma]] 22:10, 14 February 2007 (CET)
:OK. So what now? Shall we close the list here, and replace current content of the page with a link to the bug tracker and instructions page {other options are returning to using the Wiki page, or using both) --[[User:Suma|Suma]] 11:08, 21 February 2007 (CET)
:: My biased opinion ;) .. keep the BTS (close this list). There about 20 new registered people in the last week and people seem to have adoped it. There are 49 active users. --[[User:Boecko|Boecko]] 11:24, 21 February 2007 (CET)
:: Question is whom do you ask? The community is pretty tiny atm. I personally can only work with a BTS, I had even problems to find your question in this looooooong list. What I can see is that more & more guys with scripting knowledge dropping TTs in the BTS so it seems to be accepted.--[[User:INNOCENT&CLUELESS|INNOCENT&CLUELESS]] 12:01, 21 February 2007 (CET)
::: I confirm - bug-tracker is much more comfortable then biki --[[User:Bdfy|bdfy]]
:::: Same for me. I saw some comments on how complicated it was, but for me it's way easier to find what has already been reported, and to report something. Has well has having comments and dev feedback. --[[User:Whisper|Whisper]] 14:22, 21 February 2007 (CET)
::::: Definitely '''for''' closing the Wiki page, and forwarding any bug reports to the BTS. We seem to have just as many contributors/reporters there as we did on the Wiki. So it seems that people are already getting the hang of it.
::::: What about the "wishlist" and the "bug or feature" page though? Should they be integrated into the BTS as well? --[[User:Kronzky|Kronzky]] 17:04, 21 February 2007 (CET)
Feature requests/change requests are in, but hoz closed TT with the reason "more a wish". Hence boecko created a new project called "ArmA features" and I moved the related TT there. The project was private to avoid confusion, I made it now public. The problem is that until now we did not discussed really the TT flow and responsibilities nor agreed on. So if we could agree that the SEVERITY "feature" means that it is not a bug we could use the project "Armed Assault" as usual and I could move the TTs back. We have anyway time since I guess that BI is so busy that they are not really open for resource consuming feature requests for the next weeks. I opened a TT in the project "mantis bts" where we could discuss the treatment of feature requests and close it if we come to an agreement http://bugs.armed-assault.net/view.php?id=1992 .--[[User:INNOCENT&CLUELESS|INNOCENT&CLUELESS]] 10:28, 22 February 2007 (CET)
:Since it seems that we're way past the "point of no return" regarding the BTS system, I've updated the bug page now.
:Once we've decided on how to handle requests and bug/feature determinations we should update that paragraph as well. --[[User:Kronzky|Kronzky]] 17:13, 22 February 2007 (CET)

:Temp fix 1:
Rightclick the file, then Run as... select the administrator account in the bottom and type in the correct password. Then hit Enter

:Temp fix 2:
=== Voices against ===
If you have a software life Virtual PC or VM Ware or a second PC with a 32 bit OS installed...Install Arma on it, patch it, put the whole Arma folder on an external storage device or a DVD or whatever an copy it over the original Arma folder on your 64-bit OS PC. --[[User:SniperAndy|SniperAndy]]
This is a little late, but I was not able to participate in the discussion up until this point.  I was in the process of preparing a comprehensive argument against. I see that this has gone forward, but I would like to post my unfinished argument for the record (chiefly because I have already spent a lot of time on it). --[[User:Plaintiff1|Plaintiff1]] 01:38, 15 February 2007 (CET)

==Subsonic (Silenced) Ammunition==
:I'm not completely sure what this bug tracking system is hoping to achieve beyond an increased level of automation.  I'm not entirely convinced that a list for bugs requires such an automation or the resulting increase in complexity and diffusion of community resources.  Such a programme would be no more useful than any other list.--[[User:Plaintiff1|Plaintiff1]] 01:52, 15 February 2007 (CET)

Currently, silenced ammo, that is presumed to be subsonic, generates supersonic cracks. Maybe it's a bug, maybe it's a engine limitation. I suggest adding a wish list entry for config [[boolean]] isSupersonic, or something like that. Opinions? --[[User:Sniperwolf572|Sniperwolf572]] 22:43, 15 December 2006 (CET)
:We are not tracking bugs for BIS, but rather, listing what the community perceives as bugs.  If I am not mistaken, the discressionary priority we assign the bugs is more or less a way of sorting the information beyond the pragmatic categorical sorting.  Without BIS staffers minding the list, these methods of sorting the information is largely arbitrary and are the result of a educated guessing game. This list isn't even usable as a list of bugs:  It is more like a collection of reports from beta testers, not a collection of bugs for them to act on.  They need processing to actually turn them into bug reports they can use.  We are simply throwing down some information that we hope will be useful for BIS and for other community members in their troubleshooting efforts (i.e. to confirm the responsibility of a known bug for a certain problem behaviour).--[[User:Plaintiff1|Plaintiff1]] 01:52, 15 February 2007 (CET)
:Add it to the audio bugs list, and possibly your wish to the wishlist. then clean this up. :) [[User:Hoz|hoz]]

:Supersonic crack is generated only when ammo is moving at supersonic speed. There is no need for any flag. Some silenced weapons really do fire supersonic rounds. Which weapon / ammo do you think the behaviour is currently wrong? --[[User:Suma|Suma]] 13:05, 18 December 2006 (CET)
:As for the community's interests, I think that adding another superfluous protocol to learn in another system on yet another page is like whimisically adding a fifth, suspended, steerable wheel to a concept car- however shiny and feature-laden it is, there isn't a community side need for it.  It would just add bulk and complexity to a larger community resource that is only yet finding its legs.  The current resource is easy to use, easy to find, easy to interact with, easy to discuss, and easily policed. I think that if this bug list is moved into a bug tracker format that it should be clearly stated that this move is for BIS's benefit and why, as I cannot see any end-of-the-day benefit for the community. We are not trouble shooting, solving or interacting with the bugs in any way other than finding them and listing them.--[[User:Plaintiff1|Plaintiff1]] 01:52, 15 February 2007 (CET)

::I've looked trough the config, and noticed that you can assign different sounds to cracks too, so my wish is already there. Since we have two types of ammo for the M4, and weapon sounds are assigned to weapons now instead of ROF and magazines, SD ammo would be a logical choice to have subsonic ammo for M4. SD ammo for M4 currently generates cracks. I also believe that MP5SD6 uses subsonic ammo (currently generates supersonic crack), and there are also two magazine types for it (MP5 mags are not "named", small bug which I will submit), so I'm assuming one is SD, and could be made subsonic. I'm not sure about other weapons, but, since weapons now determine sounds and not magazines, I would suggest making all magazines that have their SD variant subsonic. And we can still use the non SD variants as non-subsonic ammo. --[[User:Sniperwolf572|Sniperwolf572]] 14:54, 18 December 2006 (CET)
=== Ease of use ===
:The voices of the proponents for a community bug tracker seem by-and-large programmers.  These are people who are already familiar with the concept of a bug tracker.  Some people express a hesitation to learn the Biki based on their fear of the alien protocol.  Let us not lump another level of complexity onto the pile.  To use another automotive metaphor, using a tracking program for the bug list is like having a 600 horsepower car. What do you need it for?  Only enthusiasts would want such a thing and a small percentage of those would even be able to make use of it. There are features within the bugtracker that simply aren't of any use to the person that this list was designed for- the average community member seeking to share his or her knowledge and experience with BIS.--[[User:Plaintiff1|Plaintiff1]] 01:38, 15 February 2007 (CET)
:: As I am programmer, I cannot be unbias on this. However, submitting bugs to Mantis seems much easier that writing them to Wiki. There is plenty of people you never edit Wiki, only browse it. I suppose for them filling web forms (which is what Mantis does) is much easier than getting familiar with the Wiki template syntax to be able to fill in the record. The Wiki Edit feature is far from easy to use, esp. on long pages. --[[User:Suma|Suma]] 09:11, 15 February 2007 (CET)
::: I switched on the simple bug report in mantis (i disabled it before).  Try it --[[User:Boecko|Boecko]]

:::To make clear my point - if a config-side fix it is much cleaner to really make the ammo speed subsonic than to disable supersonic crack for ammo to pretend it is subsonic. --[[User:Suma|Suma]] 14:59, 18 December 2006 (CET)
Out of Plaintiff1 comments I read the fears that 1.) the biggest part of the community would not be able to use mantis and hence would not report bugs because of this and 2.) the maintenance and management of the bugs would cost more time then it safes.
To 1.): Someone who is able to speak/write english (if not his mother toungue) is usually able to assemble a telling TT in mantis. For those which are not able to write english it is possible to write the description of the TT in his language, the mantis managers will try to translate into english without loosing the sense of the original TT (we might have problems with mandarin :-) ).
Like we did it for WGL there is always the need for the managers to browse the forum as Q created it here for WGL bug reporting: http://ofpc.de/wargames/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewforum.php?7
to pick up some bug reports out of some discussions. But to keep track if/how/when the bug is fixed - there I do not see any other option then a BTS.
So Plaintiff1 is right if he says mainly BI & experienced developers/scripters/addonmakers taking the most benefit in the 1st line - but what is wrong with that, usually they can deliver already a very good pre-analysis of the issue and if they are served all other community members would participate from the more reliable engine and more excellent content in the 2nd line.
Btw from experience also weekend gamers where able to drop telling tickets in the WGL BTS bugzilla we used there initially and later in trac and those two are not as user friendly as mantis in my opinion.
To 2.) A TT system safes time in the long run by ensuring that no issue is forgotten, several TTs with the same root cause could be mapped together by the developer, developer could send the TT creator a request for further information...Let's try and see what happens during the regression testing of 1.04/1.05 --[[User:INNOCENT&CLUELESS|INNOCENT&CLUELESS]] 10:17, 15 February 2007 (CET)

::::Yes, I understand what you were saying, I was just another making a counter-point to my wish. ;) Ammo speed is indeed a cleaner fix. Hence, I suggest making all ammo that has SD counterpart subsonic. For example, 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD (B_556x45_SD) to be subsonic, but 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag (B_556x45_Ball) supersonic. --[[User:Sniperwolf572|Sniperwolf572]] 15:14, 18 December 2006 (CET)
:To clarify 1, my point is not that people will be unable to learn, it is that they will be [i]unwilling[/i] to learn.  Reference [http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard311/ikonboard.cgi?s{{=}}d97916afb30e88124d4105382c57c642;act{{=}}ST;f=71;t=57886;st=15 this topic] for examples of people who are hesitant to learn how to contribute to the biki.  The point there is that people are already having to learn very rudimentary wiki markup in order to contribute to the biki.  Fastening on this other appendage adds complexity and more learning, and in my experience, community members can be quite lazy. Moreover, we have a number of people who are already learning wiki markup in order to contribute on other pages. They could use that knowledge to contribute here, and the people who learn some wiki markup in order to contribute on the buglist then have the skills to make other contributions to other areas of the biki.

==Tracked vehicles turning on the spot==
:To clarify 2, I'm not saying that programmers will see an added benefit to the BTS.  I simply do not see what benefit there could possibly be.  You find a bug that has been solved, you mark it as solved no matter what you are using to track them.  This could be accomplished quite adequately with a word processor.  I'm not saying that the BTS itself is too complicated for people to use, it is that it adds too much complexity to what is essentially a list of items, NOT a dynamic bug tracking environment.  Programmers who are familiar with a BTS will undoubtedly see them as useful tools- indespensible tools for tracking bugs between multiple programmers seeking to ameliorate those problems.  This is not what we are doing here, though.  We are maintaining a list of problems for someone to glance at now and again.  Noone here is fixing anything.  I've been maintaining the list for some weeks and I must say that I find the wiki perfectly adequate.  --[[User:Plaintiff1|Plaintiff1]] 11:20, 15 February 2007 (CET)

Does anyone else have a feeling they are turning too fast on the spot, while not moving? Only tracked vehicles that feels right is M1A1, others just feel too fast, especially T72. --[[User:Sniperwolf572|Sniperwolf572]] 14:14, 16 December 2006 (CET)
::1 seems to me to be a dead-end argument.
:More for the BIForums discussion. Please tidy it up. [[User:Hoz|hoz]]
Actually, the ability to use the BT builds upon knowledge that has been built through regular websurfing, and little else. In other words, i can't see this as an argument to keep the biki page.

::Point 2 - the BT will allow automatically mailing the creator of the TT, as well as any others who has set themselves as interested in a bug, to say that we need more information, to say that this has been solved, etc. We have the ability to pretty much discuss the entire bug. "Adding ones 2c worth" is easier than with a wiki.

::One last detail - It's true that the BT can easily take some more manpower than the wiki, but we're on it already. The wiki may be ''adequate''... But this is probably better. --[[User:MaHuJa|MaHuJa]] 15:46, 6 March 2007 (CET)

==Items to be Removed==
== Defining Priority ==

* No MP network connection after upgrade to 1.02 1.01 was (and is) fine. ''[1.02]'' <br>Link to [http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard311/ikonboard.cgi?s=8cac1929848de9549424dde60616b053;act=ST;f=68;t=55944 Forum Post]. - [[User:Iron_Eddie|Iron Eddie]] - update your firewall settings --[[User:SniperAndy|SniperAndy]]
{{Feature|important| '''Bug priorities'''

* When swimming a long distance weapons fall off, except pistol happens with squads too [1.0.1. CZ] -[[user:MISTA | MISTA]]
To make it easier for BI people to see important bugs, we introduced bug priority templates. Add new bugs with priority 0. Only [[User:BigDawgKS|BigDawgKS]], [[User:Plaintiff1|Plaintiff1]], the BI staff, and the [[Bohemia_Interactive_Community:Administrators|wiki sysops]] are allowed to set priorities to values higher than 0.}}

:Not a bug, but a feature. --[[User:Sniperwolf572|Sniperwolf572]] 18:29, 16 December 2006 (CET)
{{Feature|important| '''BTS - Definitions'''

* AI can see trough the smoke generated by smoke grenades. Doesn't matter if AI has any prior knowledge of player or other unit behind the smoke. ''[1.02]'' -[[User:Sniperwolf572|Sniperwolf572]]
We need to adjust these levels to the severity options in the new BTS!}}

: Not a bug but something BIS commented on in the past. It's a performance issue and same as in OFP. Solution would be  creating a addon that spawns a invisible object witz a view geo --[[User:SniperAndy|SniperAndy]]

* Nearly every helicopter is able to do loops. Its a urbane legend that only "some" helicopters can performan them. But it is very material intense and very dangerous (the helicopter can "fall" in its own rotor system...). Even a CH-53 can do loopings. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VC2E8RJE3Jo [[User:Arbaal|[KSK-D]Arbaal]] 10:31, 16 December 2006 (CET)
How does one define a '''priority'''?  

: Not a bug but a replay regarding choppers being able to do loops now. --[[User:SniperAndy|SniperAndy]]
'''Priority immediate'''
*Any issue that causes a CTD (crash to desktop) during a normal gameplay. CTD using mission or content creation are not considered priority 1, esp. when caused by scripting and it is possible to avoid the CTD by not using the construct triggering it.
* <strike>Confirming performance drop with v1.02 compared to v1.01 here! v1.02 seems to relinquish some more "task priority" to windows than v1.01 (f.e notepad performance in parallel task on my system is MUCH better now than in 1.01). However I'd like to have the power back in ArmA rather than in Notepad though :-\</strike> cant longer confirm for my system; made a fresh install&patch and looks even better performaing than 1.01. [v1.02] - [[user:wiper|wiper]] 17.Dec.06, 00:20 CET
*Any issue that prevents the game from loading.
*Any issue that prevents installation of a patch
: "striked" by user --[[User:SniperAndy|SniperAndy]]
*Any issue that decreases performance significantly, up to the point of making the game unplayable. (especially if this was working better in previous ver)

* Missing punch animation. Not a big deal to most, but it is to me!! [1.02] [[User:Zombie Mod|Zombie Mod]]
:Then add to the wish list. [[User:Hoz|hoz]]

* No firing sound and firing visuals (muzzleflash, tracer) with MP5 in Multiplayer as spectator.
'''Priority urgent'''
: Not signed. More information would be good like (what does the reporter mean as spectator? As a seagul, using keygetys spectate script?) [[User:Hoz|hoz]]
* Placing Unit-Empty-Sounds-Music produces error message "Cannot Load Texture - ca\data\data\vlajka.paa --[[User:Taggart|Taggart]]
: Already reported, no need to include it in the talk page. [[User:Hoz|hoz]]
* AI units which follow over bridges (if so, most don't!) tend to fall off the bridge. They constantly look for different paths sideways off the bridge and occasionally move through the balustrade/bridge wall (see also AI bug reports) [v1.02] - [[user:wiper|wiper]]16.Dec.06, 18:10 (edit 19:24) CET
: Already in AI bugs, fits better there. --[[User:Sniperwolf572|Sniperwolf572]] 16:18, 18 December 2006 (CET)
* Bullets are not going where they should. I am using the M4 Aimpoint, am prone, and when I use single fire, the bullets do not go to the "dot" most times. If this is FADE then let me know, the only thing I have installed is the Czech->English lang pack. [1.02] -- [[User:Zombie Mod|Zombie Mod]]
: Could not reproduce on two systems. If talking about bullet drop over longer distance, that's more of a feature. --[[User:Sniperwolf572|Sniperwolf572]] 16:18, 18 December 2006 (CET)
* Sometimes during a game I have to push and hold a key on the keyboard 1-2 seconds to stand up / lay down / reload /etc. Mouse is uneffected. Even the Game is closed I have to push and hold a key to see any effect, normalizing 15-20min after ArmA is closed. Witnessed in 1.01 and 1.02. [[User:Mantelmann|Mantelmann]] 19:23, 17 December 2006 (CET)
: Never happened on two systems in over a week of playing. Maybe not caused by the game. --[[User:Sniperwolf572|Sniperwolf572]] 16:18, 18 December 2006 (CET)
{{Bug priority|3|
Overall decreased performance compared to v1.01  ''[1.02 (german)]'' [[User:Burns|burns]] 01:59, 16 December 2006 (CET)
:Removed this item as, no one else has complained about a performance decrease, there is no images or details as to what the performance decrease is. Is it a blocky LOD problem? or Textures aren't loading? [[User:Hoz|hoz]]
* No MP network connection after upgrade to 1.02 1.01 was (and is) fine. [1.02] <br> Link to [http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard311/ikonboard.cgi?s=8cac1929848de9549424dde60616b053;act=ST;f=68;t=55944 Forum Post]. -[[User:Iron_Eddie|Iron Eddie]]- this is posted in the [http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Talk:Armed_Assault:_Bugs_List discussions section] already --[[User:SniperAndy|SniperAndy]]
:User issue, Eddie solved it, check forum topic. --[[User:Sniperwolf572|Sniperwolf572]] 16:55, 18 December 2006 (CET)
* Auto-hover in choppers seems to make the chopper rotate left, right on its own accord if you take your hands off the controls (ie: don't move the mouse). It's weird. Wind effects?  ''[1.02]'' [[User:Zombie Mod|Zombie Mod]]
:: It's the tail rotor, if you're damaged it slows down a bit. Taking your hands off the controls might also stop it from automatically compensating for the counter-torque. --[[User:BigDawgKS|Big Dawg KS]]
:::Not replicable without damaging the helo. Also noted that this behavior, on my machine, is less notable on auto-hover than just plain hovering helo without auto-hover on. --[[User:Sniperwolf572|Sniperwolf572]] 16:55, 18 December 2006 (CET)
* Weapons magically stick to dead units ''[1.02]'' [[User:Burns|burns]] 01:50, 16 December 2006 (CET)
:: Would this be more appropriate in the wish list? IMO it's not a bug, but a non-feature (that feature being the bodies dropping their weapons). --[[User:BigDawgKS|Big Dawg KS]]
::: Same opinion as Kyle. --[[User:Sniperwolf572|Sniperwolf572]] 16:55, 18 December 2006 (CET)
* First Unit placed in a Helicopter still is placed on the co-pilots seat instead of being placed in the back (or the side of an MH-6). [1.02]  -- [[User:W0lle|W0lle]] 04:10, 16 December 2006 (CET)
: I think this is working as designed and not a bug. Its the same way with trucks the cargo position 1 starts in the front seat. [[User:Hoz|hoz]]
::: Same opinion as Hoz. --[[User:Sniperwolf572|Sniperwolf572]] 16:55, 18 December 2006 (CET)
==Defining Priority==--[[User:Sniperwolf572|Sniperwolf572]] 16:58, 18 December 2006 (CET)
How does one define a priority? Perhaps too many priorities.
'''Priority 1'''
*Any issue that causes a CTD (crash to desktop)
*Any issue that causes the game from loading.
*Any issue that prevents installation of a patch
*Any issue that decreases performance significantly. (especially if this was working better in previous ver)
'''Priority 2'''
*Issues that prevent MP game play
*Issues that prevent MP game play
*Any other issue that causes a CTD, including mission scripting.
*Any issue that prohibits game play as per design
*Any issue that prohibits game play as per design
*Issue that prevent the operation of a vehicle/unit/object as designed. (can't get in vehicle, helo moves incorrectly)
*Issue that prevent the operation of a vehicle/unit/object as designed. (can't get in vehicle, helicopter moves incorrectly)
*Issues that allow cheating. (example: sniper sites allows a person to see through walls)
*Significant performance issues (low fps in situation where decent fps would be expected)

'''Priority 3'''
'''Priority high'''
*Annoying behavior, such as Repeated voice command.
*Annoying behavior, such as Repeated voice command.
*Sounds that aren't working as they were designed.
*Sounds that aren't working as they were designed.
Line 113: Line 93:
*AI not doing as they should/designed. (stuck, not running for cover, etc)
*AI not doing as they should/designed. (stuck, not running for cover, etc)
*Mission issues that prevent the completion or playability.
*Mission issues that prevent the completion or playability.
*Scripting commands that do not work as intended and/or at all

'''Priority 4'''
'''Priority normal'''
*Any issue that causes an in game error (missing paa, missing name)
*Any issue that causes an in game error (missing paa, missing name)
*Graphical Nuisances (missing textures)
*Graphical Nuisances (missing textures)
Line 121: Line 102:

'''Priority 5'''
'''Priority low'''
*Missing sounds which maybe were never intended.
*Missing sounds which maybe were never intended.
*Spelling errors
*Spelling errors
*Minor mission issues that don't affect the game play
*Minor mission issues that don't affect the game play
Please help to add to this list. [[User:Hoz|hoz]]
:Here is a short info on why I labeled what priority for the General part
::* This is only issue with only one patch, a patch for patcher is kind of impossible, and if fixed, it won't change engine version no. Only affecting 64bit XP versions.
::* Icon in the editor is not visible, can be hard to remove the item placed, but doesn't actually affect gameplay.
::* Wings not moving on a seagull is only visual, author does not state if seagull can actually move. And issue does is not reproduceable on other machines
::* This can be a security issue, since admin can mistype command and reveal passwords. It also makes it hard to chat.
::* Problem is an big issue to realism freaks, while others do not deem it as a nuisance. Makes the option in the difficulty setting useless.
::* Command menu can be open in critical situations, and nothing is physically stopping you from pressing your reload key while it's open. Can cause very irritating deaths.
::* Dropping clients in MP can be a big issue. Affects some game modes, and does not appear on regular basis. I might have given this too low priority.
: --[[User:Sniperwolf572|Sniperwolf572]] 15:57, 18 December 2006 (CET)
:: I used the general section to develop this list. IMO you have to be careful in the definition of Priority 1. This should be reserved for  CTD, not being able to load the game as you should, big performance problems. [[User:Hoz|hoz]]
::: Agreed. Will do that in the future. --[[User:Sniperwolf572|Sniperwolf572]] 16:58, 18 December 2006 (CET)

Latest revision as of 18:27, 28 April 2023

Bug Tracking System

As there is now "unofficial" bug tracking system running, containing all bugs from this page imported, I think we should consider closing this page and redirecting users to that system (check it at http://bugs.armed-assault.net/view_all_bug_page.php). An alternative could be to having some volunteers doing synchronization for those who prefer reporting bugs here, but I doubt anyone would be willing do that. (Off course, another alternative is the majority of the community may prefer bug tracking being done solely here, which I doubt, but if it is the case, we can reopen the page again and continue as it is now). Please, voice your opinion here. Until we decide, this Wiki bug list is protected and user cannot change it. --Suma 11:10, 14 February 2007 (CET)

I think the tracking system has a stronger implication that an official response will be given to each bug. As it stands, the wiki page is just a list. An official word stating the intention of the public listing/tracking of bugs could help (eg, BI have an internal bug reporting system and this is just a secondary). --Ceeeb 14:15, 14 February 2007 (CET)
As this is a community tracking system, there is no guaranteed response from us (yes, we do have other system we use internally). Its primary purpose is for the community to have a list of known issues, workarounds for them... However, as you can see in the bug history in the tracker, chance of getting response from us are quite high, esp. for fatal or major issues. --Suma 14:27, 14 February 2007 (CET)
Too bad there seems to be no edit feature for bugreports on boeckler.org. thus it's imposible to fix errors (wrong Category etc ) --bdfy
Oh it's there, It's just the access matrix, what prevents that (an Updater can do that). This could be discussed in the notes of the issue. IMHO it's in the responsibility of the assigned person whether the category fits. --Boecko
On the other hand, we can discuss the initial access right of users. --Boecko
I find the new list a lot more confusing especially the priories. But I can live with it. Should I lock the Biki bug list then? hoz
I tried to map the priorities to the BTS-priorities AND to severities. One (with manager access) can changethis on the fly (Filter given priority, "Update Priority" at the bottom of the page. --Boecko
Hoz, Boecko is trying to express that both priorities AND to severities can be configured to ones preferences - the priority descriptions are the defaults values of the mantis. also i think both priorities and severities should only be possible to get changed by the BTS admins - i think one can configure mantis that way.--WGL.Q 20:28, 14 February 2007 (CET)
Now i see - after several reports i became and updater and got edit option.--bdfy
Please, provide repro steps. They may be obvious to you from the bug description, but they often are not. Example of issue I would like to have repro steps for is http://www.boeckler.org/mantis/view.php?id=1914 --Suma 22:10, 14 February 2007 (CET)
OK. So what now? Shall we close the list here, and replace current content of the page with a link to the bug tracker and instructions page {other options are returning to using the Wiki page, or using both) --Suma 11:08, 21 February 2007 (CET)
My biased opinion ;) .. keep the BTS (close this list). There about 20 new registered people in the last week and people seem to have adoped it. There are 49 active users. --Boecko 11:24, 21 February 2007 (CET)
Question is whom do you ask? The community is pretty tiny atm. I personally can only work with a BTS, I had even problems to find your question in this looooooong list. What I can see is that more & more guys with scripting knowledge dropping TTs in the BTS so it seems to be accepted.--INNOCENT&CLUELESS 12:01, 21 February 2007 (CET)
I confirm - bug-tracker is much more comfortable then biki --bdfy
Same for me. I saw some comments on how complicated it was, but for me it's way easier to find what has already been reported, and to report something. Has well has having comments and dev feedback. --Whisper 14:22, 21 February 2007 (CET)
Definitely for closing the Wiki page, and forwarding any bug reports to the BTS. We seem to have just as many contributors/reporters there as we did on the Wiki. So it seems that people are already getting the hang of it.
What about the "wishlist" and the "bug or feature" page though? Should they be integrated into the BTS as well? --Kronzky 17:04, 21 February 2007 (CET)

Feature requests/change requests are in, but hoz closed TT with the reason "more a wish". Hence boecko created a new project called "ArmA features" and I moved the related TT there. The project was private to avoid confusion, I made it now public. The problem is that until now we did not discussed really the TT flow and responsibilities nor agreed on. So if we could agree that the SEVERITY "feature" means that it is not a bug we could use the project "Armed Assault" as usual and I could move the TTs back. We have anyway time since I guess that BI is so busy that they are not really open for resource consuming feature requests for the next weeks. I opened a TT in the project "mantis bts" where we could discuss the treatment of feature requests and close it if we come to an agreement http://bugs.armed-assault.net/view.php?id=1992 .--INNOCENT&CLUELESS 10:28, 22 February 2007 (CET)

Since it seems that we're way past the "point of no return" regarding the BTS system, I've updated the bug page now.
Once we've decided on how to handle requests and bug/feature determinations we should update that paragraph as well. --Kronzky 17:13, 22 February 2007 (CET)

Voices against

This is a little late, but I was not able to participate in the discussion up until this point. I was in the process of preparing a comprehensive argument against. I see that this has gone forward, but I would like to post my unfinished argument for the record (chiefly because I have already spent a lot of time on it). --Plaintiff1 01:38, 15 February 2007 (CET)

I'm not completely sure what this bug tracking system is hoping to achieve beyond an increased level of automation. I'm not entirely convinced that a list for bugs requires such an automation or the resulting increase in complexity and diffusion of community resources. Such a programme would be no more useful than any other list.--Plaintiff1 01:52, 15 February 2007 (CET)
We are not tracking bugs for BIS, but rather, listing what the community perceives as bugs. If I am not mistaken, the discressionary priority we assign the bugs is more or less a way of sorting the information beyond the pragmatic categorical sorting. Without BIS staffers minding the list, these methods of sorting the information is largely arbitrary and are the result of a educated guessing game. This list isn't even usable as a list of bugs: It is more like a collection of reports from beta testers, not a collection of bugs for them to act on. They need processing to actually turn them into bug reports they can use. We are simply throwing down some information that we hope will be useful for BIS and for other community members in their troubleshooting efforts (i.e. to confirm the responsibility of a known bug for a certain problem behaviour).--Plaintiff1 01:52, 15 February 2007 (CET)
As for the community's interests, I think that adding another superfluous protocol to learn in another system on yet another page is like whimisically adding a fifth, suspended, steerable wheel to a concept car- however shiny and feature-laden it is, there isn't a community side need for it. It would just add bulk and complexity to a larger community resource that is only yet finding its legs. The current resource is easy to use, easy to find, easy to interact with, easy to discuss, and easily policed. I think that if this bug list is moved into a bug tracker format that it should be clearly stated that this move is for BIS's benefit and why, as I cannot see any end-of-the-day benefit for the community. We are not trouble shooting, solving or interacting with the bugs in any way other than finding them and listing them.--Plaintiff1 01:52, 15 February 2007 (CET)

Ease of use

The voices of the proponents for a community bug tracker seem by-and-large programmers. These are people who are already familiar with the concept of a bug tracker. Some people express a hesitation to learn the Biki based on their fear of the alien protocol. Let us not lump another level of complexity onto the pile. To use another automotive metaphor, using a tracking program for the bug list is like having a 600 horsepower car. What do you need it for? Only enthusiasts would want such a thing and a small percentage of those would even be able to make use of it. There are features within the bugtracker that simply aren't of any use to the person that this list was designed for- the average community member seeking to share his or her knowledge and experience with BIS.--Plaintiff1 01:38, 15 February 2007 (CET)
As I am programmer, I cannot be unbias on this. However, submitting bugs to Mantis seems much easier that writing them to Wiki. There is plenty of people you never edit Wiki, only browse it. I suppose for them filling web forms (which is what Mantis does) is much easier than getting familiar with the Wiki template syntax to be able to fill in the record. The Wiki Edit feature is far from easy to use, esp. on long pages. --Suma 09:11, 15 February 2007 (CET)
I switched on the simple bug report in mantis (i disabled it before). Try it --Boecko

Out of Plaintiff1 comments I read the fears that 1.) the biggest part of the community would not be able to use mantis and hence would not report bugs because of this and 2.) the maintenance and management of the bugs would cost more time then it safes. To 1.): Someone who is able to speak/write english (if not his mother toungue) is usually able to assemble a telling TT in mantis. For those which are not able to write english it is possible to write the description of the TT in his language, the mantis managers will try to translate into english without loosing the sense of the original TT (we might have problems with mandarin :-) ). Like we did it for WGL there is always the need for the managers to browse the forum as Q created it here for WGL bug reporting: http://ofpc.de/wargames/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewforum.php?7 to pick up some bug reports out of some discussions. But to keep track if/how/when the bug is fixed - there I do not see any other option then a BTS. So Plaintiff1 is right if he says mainly BI & experienced developers/scripters/addonmakers taking the most benefit in the 1st line - but what is wrong with that, usually they can deliver already a very good pre-analysis of the issue and if they are served all other community members would participate from the more reliable engine and more excellent content in the 2nd line. Btw from experience also weekend gamers where able to drop telling tickets in the WGL BTS bugzilla we used there initially and later in trac and those two are not as user friendly as mantis in my opinion. To 2.) A TT system safes time in the long run by ensuring that no issue is forgotten, several TTs with the same root cause could be mapped together by the developer, developer could send the TT creator a request for further information...Let's try and see what happens during the regression testing of 1.04/1.05 --INNOCENT&CLUELESS 10:17, 15 February 2007 (CET)

To clarify 1, my point is not that people will be unable to learn, it is that they will be [i]unwilling[/i] to learn. Reference this topic for examples of people who are hesitant to learn how to contribute to the biki. The point there is that people are already having to learn very rudimentary wiki markup in order to contribute to the biki. Fastening on this other appendage adds complexity and more learning, and in my experience, community members can be quite lazy. Moreover, we have a number of people who are already learning wiki markup in order to contribute on other pages. They could use that knowledge to contribute here, and the people who learn some wiki markup in order to contribute on the buglist then have the skills to make other contributions to other areas of the biki.
To clarify 2, I'm not saying that programmers will see an added benefit to the BTS. I simply do not see what benefit there could possibly be. You find a bug that has been solved, you mark it as solved no matter what you are using to track them. This could be accomplished quite adequately with a word processor. I'm not saying that the BTS itself is too complicated for people to use, it is that it adds too much complexity to what is essentially a list of items, NOT a dynamic bug tracking environment. Programmers who are familiar with a BTS will undoubtedly see them as useful tools- indespensible tools for tracking bugs between multiple programmers seeking to ameliorate those problems. This is not what we are doing here, though. We are maintaining a list of problems for someone to glance at now and again. Noone here is fixing anything. I've been maintaining the list for some weeks and I must say that I find the wiki perfectly adequate. --Plaintiff1 11:20, 15 February 2007 (CET)
1 seems to me to be a dead-end argument.

Actually, the ability to use the BT builds upon knowledge that has been built through regular websurfing, and little else. In other words, i can't see this as an argument to keep the biki page.

Point 2 - the BT will allow automatically mailing the creator of the TT, as well as any others who has set themselves as interested in a bug, to say that we need more information, to say that this has been solved, etc. We have the ability to pretty much discuss the entire bug. "Adding ones 2c worth" is easier than with a wiki.
One last detail - It's true that the BT can easily take some more manpower than the wiki, but we're on it already. The wiki may be adequate... But this is probably better. --MaHuJa 15:46, 6 March 2007 (CET)

Defining Priority

Bug priorities To make it easier for BI people to see important bugs, we introduced bug priority templates. Add new bugs with priority 0. Only BigDawgKS, Plaintiff1, the BI staff, and the wiki sysops are allowed to set priorities to values higher than 0.
BTS - Definitions We need to adjust these levels to the severity options in the new BTS!

How does one define a priority?

Priority immediate

  • Any issue that causes a CTD (crash to desktop) during a normal gameplay. CTD using mission or content creation are not considered priority 1, esp. when caused by scripting and it is possible to avoid the CTD by not using the construct triggering it.
  • Any issue that prevents the game from loading.
  • Any issue that prevents installation of a patch
  • Any issue that decreases performance significantly, up to the point of making the game unplayable. (especially if this was working better in previous ver)

Priority urgent

  • Issues that prevent MP game play
  • Any other issue that causes a CTD, including mission scripting.
  • Any issue that prohibits game play as per design
  • Issue that prevent the operation of a vehicle/unit/object as designed. (can't get in vehicle, helicopter moves incorrectly)
  • Issues that allow cheating. (example: sniper sites allows a person to see through walls)
  • Significant performance issues (low fps in situation where decent fps would be expected)

Priority high

  • Annoying behavior, such as Repeated voice command.
  • Sounds that aren't working as they were designed.
  • Collisions in models which affect game play. (such as doors which prevent entry, invisible wall)
  • AI not doing as they should/designed. (stuck, not running for cover, etc)
  • Mission issues that prevent the completion or playability.
  • Scripting commands that do not work as intended and/or at all

Priority normal

  • Any issue that causes an in game error (missing paa, missing name)
  • Graphical Nuisances (missing textures)
  • Annoying collision issues.

Priority low

  • Missing sounds which maybe were never intended.
  • Spelling errors
  • Minor mission issues that don't affect the game play