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Revision as of 16:59, 8 August 2019 by Killzone Kid (talk | contribs) (bad example)
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An SQF version of C++ strtok. Splits given string str into an array of tokens according to given delimiters. In addition, if empty string "" is used for delimiters, str is split by each character.


str splitString delimiters
str: String - A string to split
delimiters: String - one or more characters, each used as a separate delimiter.
Return Value:


Example 1:
_str = "- This, is a sample string." splitString "-,. "; // ["This","is","a","sample","string"] _str joinString " "; // "This is a sample string"
Example 2:
"\A3\ui_f\data\map\vehicleicons\iconLogic_ca.paa" splitString "\."; // ["A3","ui_f","data","map","vehicleicons","iconLogic_ca","paa"]
Example 3:
"1:2:3" splitString ":"; // ["1","2","3"]
Example 4:
"Japa is the best!" splitString "" joinString " "; // "J a p a i s t h e b e s t !"
Example 5:
_cmd = currentMagazineDetail player; //"9mm 16Rnd Mag(13/16)[id/cr:10000011/0]" _cmd splitString "([ ]/:)"; //["9mm","16Rnd","Mag","13","16","id","cr","10000011","0"]
Example 7:
Remove all \r\n from file:loadFile "somefile.txt" splitString toString [13,10] joinString " "

Additional Information

See also:
joinStringsetresizereverseselectinfindtoArrayforEachcountdeleteAtdeleteRangeappendsortparamparamsarrayIntersecttoStringendlUnicode Character Table


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Posted on May 17, 2016 - 14:18 (UTC)
This command is unreliable/broken when it comes to some non-ASCII characters (as of Arma 3 1.58): "Mörser" splitString "" -> ["M"," "," ","r","s","e","r"] "Mörser" splitString "ö" -> ["M","rser"] "Mörser" splitString "ä" -> ["M"," rser"]
Posted on October 17, 2016 - 14:03 (UTC)
Killzone Kid
This commands works only with ASCII chars, any chars with codes > 127, also used in different languages, will be converted to [" ", " "]. Use toArray to preserve special characters: _spaced = toArray "Mörser" apply {toString [_x]} joinString " "; // M ö r s e r
Posted on July 19, 2019 - 11:17 (UTC)
When working with string which contain linebreaks... "stringWith" + endl + "Linebreak" splitString ",; "; //Result ["someStringWith Linebreak"] ...one can remove those by adding endl as delimiter "stringWith" + endl + "Linebreak" splitString ",; " + endl //Result ["someStringWith","Linebreak"]