Tile - YGameSession - Get Reserved Game Id – Ylands
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File:Tile - YGameSession - Get Reserved Game Id.png
- Instruction allowing to transfer a player to a game within same Game set.
- Player will be added to Matchmaker queue. If there will enough players queuing for the same game, they will be then transferred to newly spawned server of that game.
- The Matchmaker will always spawn new server instance if enough players are available.
- The Matchmaker will not transfer player to already running instances.
Start Matchmaking
- Player will be added to Matchmaker queue for listed games.
- Guids - list (Array) of Game ID obtained via Game set manager which the player will be matched to.
- Player - player to be added to Matchmaker queue.
- Priority - Matchmaker request priority.
- Player requests with higher priority are prioritized over the other.
- If there are players matchmaking for same game(s), but with lower priority, they will be added to the players with higher priority.
- If the reservation will be successful, the instruction will return a Session object.
- Session object - contains target server and player to be dispatched.
- If the reservation will fail, the instruction will return a Fail reason.
Cancel matchmaking
- This instruction will cancel current Matchmaker request.
Dispatch session
- This instruction will dispatch selected player using the Session object.
Fail reason
- Reason why the reservation has failed.
- Can be compared with corresponding enumerator.
Get reserved Game Id
- Returns the Game ID of game where the player can be dispatched to.
- Guid is determined from the Session object.